Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ohio Super-Nexus

After being stuck in ohio for awhile Drago remembers something from one of his classes at the Tolkeen school of magic.

Total Recalled List of Super Nexuses known to Tolkeen School of Magic

The Super Nexus worth noting is supposedly in Adams County, Ohio. From what a few of the Corn farmers say, a place of great power lies due west of Corn Row so it would seem to be in that direction.

“The usual available P.P.E. is doubled at super nexus points, but the chance of a rift opening at all peak periods is also increased to 94%.”
Its this high chance of rift activity that Drago knows could some how be manipulated into creating a portal home…

How will this nexus play into things?

The people of the corn find an unexpected group of adventurers. Will they unlock the dark secrets of the Unnamed Corn Buyers? Will they escape Ohio and return to their homeland in the Minneapolis region of Tolkeen? What strange effects will the new tentacled monster inside Kash’s head bring? Will one of the people of the corn leave his life behind and choose the path of adventure? And the question everyone wants answered, will they finally be able to return to their bodies?

This and more may be revealed in the next episode of the 3rd age of Dragonwright: PEOPLE OF THE CORN session 2

Friday, December 17, 2010

Kittani Warrior Template

Kittani Warrior

P52 Atlantis

  Green Regular Veteran Elite
IQ 18 +4% 20 +6% 22 +8% 26 +12%
MA 14 16 18 22
ME 18 20 22 26
PS 17(30) 22(46) 24(46) 34(60)
PP 15 18 20 22
PE 15 18 22 24
PB 8 9 10 11
Spd 9 12 15 18
HP/SDC/Armor 18/50/ K-Universal Light Power Armor 1100SDC 30/50/ Kittani Manling Power Armor 1875SDC 40/50/ Kitani Serpent Power Armor 1875SDC 72/50/ Kittani Equestrian Power Armor 1875 Pilot/2250 Horse
PPE/ISP 4/43


6/100 10/164
# Actions

Melee/*In Power Armor
4/5* 6/8* 8/13 8/13
Strike (with sword/PA)

+3 (+5/+6)


+6 (+9sword/+12)


+3w/guns/+5pa +1 weapon systems 66%


(+10 axe/+14)

+6w/guns/+8pa +1 ws83%


(+14 axe/+16)

+9w/guns/+11pa +1 ws98%

Parry (with sword & Sheild/PA)

(with Axe & Sheild /PA)

+3 (+5/+6)

+6 (+10/+13)

(+7/+10 with axe)

+11 (+18/+22)

+14/+18 with axe


+16/+19 with axe

Dodge/PA +4/+7 +6/+9 +12/+16/+3autod +13/+17
Initiative/In PA +1/+2 +2/+4 +4/+7 +5/+6
Vs. Magic/poison +0 +2 +4 +5

Kitani Plasma Sword 2d6MD 6d6+45SDC

K-4 Laser Pulse Rifle d6x10+6 30shots 4 clips

Body flips (KD used as parry or strike)


Kitani Plasma Sword

Plasma Axe 1d4x10MD, 3d4x10SDC +91 SDC

d4x10 blasts 200ft range

C1 Combat Shield -4 to parry energy blasts, 4 Plasma MMs 1000SDC


power x2 2ata,

Punch/Sheild strike 3d4MD +91



Tail strike 3d6MD 9d6+91 SDC

Plasma Sword, Axe

C1 Combat Shield

1 K-1000 Defense System

1 ABS-3 Drone


Tri-Barrel Super Rail Gun 6000ft 3d6x50SDC 120rds/burst, 33 full bursts can go 1 or 2 barrels only)

KL Twin-Barrel Pulse Cannon 4000ft 1d6x10

C2 Rocket Sheild 750SDC 3d4x100SDC warhead is +4s

6 Plasma MMs

+1d4 ABS-3 Drones with AP grenade loads

+1d4 K-1000 Defense Systems

Rear Kick 2d4x10 2ata

Sheildbutt 3d4MD

LeapKick/Slam 2d4x10MD 75%KD 2ata

Level 1st 3th 8th 12th

Tactics: Charge madly into battle axing anything that moves. Anywho who can actualy sword fight is greated with a warcry of respect and the drawing of their Kitani Plasma Sword for an expert duel of blades.

1 Tail Strike per mellee (or entangle!) After taking damage, Empty MMs into bigest target ASAP.

Vetrans and Elites wear a jetpack on their light body armor under their suit for an escape if the suit is destroyed or imobilized.

Psionics: Mind Block, Sixth Sense, Speed Reading, Total Recal,ObjectRead, Telemechanics

Green Cybernetics: Headjack & Radio

Normal Cybernetics: Headjack, Targeting Sight Eye (+1s)

Vet Cybernetics: Headjack, Multi-Optic Eye, Amp Hearing (+1s,+1p,+2d)

Elite Cybernetics: Headjack, MOEye, Amp Hearing, CyberArmor 200 SDC, Vat Grown Muscle Grafts (+8PS),

Equipment: d4/d6/2d6x10/2d6x20 K Splugorthian Credits. 2 wooden steaks, clothes, camping gear, 1 months freeze dried rations, canteen, 2 smoke grenades, 2 frag grenades.

OCCSkills: Speaks Dragonese, Gobblely, Basic&Advanced Math, Basic&Scrambler Radio, Surveillance Systems, Basic Electronics, Intel, Pick Locks, Pilot PA/Robots: 70/78/85/98, Robot Combat Basic, Pilot Hover, Pilot Jet Pack, Boxing Climbing Swimming

OCCRelSkills:IQBonus: 4/6/8/12 HTH Assassin, Fencing,Weapons Systems 54/66/83/98, Prowl
34/ 46/ 73/97

Regular Skills:: : HTH Robot Combat Elite (Ground-Based Power Armor)

Vetern/Elite Skills: Combat Driving(+2d)/Vehicle Armorer, Pilot Jet Aircraft (needed to fly supersonic speeds in the Dragon Dreadnought)

Secondary Skills:Horsemanship:Exotic(+1p/d +1d4sdc +1d6charge), Athletics,WP Axe, Gymnastics Backflip 74/80/92/98, Juggling

WPs : Blunt Sword Epistol, Erifle, Heavy energy, Sheild, Whip,Axe

Painful bonus calculating:

Strike Bonuses:+1rcc+2hth/ +1rcc+2hth+2pp+1cyb/+1rcc+2hth+3pp+1cyb/+4pp+4hth+1rcc+1cyb

Guns Strike: +1wp/+2wp/+4wp+1hth/+6wp+2hth +1weapon systems

Sword Strike +1/+2/+3/+5 +1fencing

Sword Parry +0/+1/+3/+4 +1fencing

Axe Strike: +0/+1/+3/+4

Axe Parry: +0/+1/+3/+4

Sheild Parry: +1/+2/+3/+4

Parry Bonus +3skills+1rcc/+3skills +2pp+1rcc/+3skills+3pp+3hth+1rcc/+3skills+4pp+3hth+1rcc

Dodge Bonus: +3skills+1rcc/+3skills+2pp+1rcc/+3skills+3pp+3hth+1rcc/+4pp+3hth+3skills+1rcc

Initiative Bonus: +1skill/+1skill+1hth/+2hth+1skill/+1skill +3hth

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Zee the Psymbiote

Zee the 8th 9th Level Psymbiote AWOL SLF + Absorbed Bluey Ley Line Walker's mind and skills. @ 58275 Level 8

Lieutenant in the Symbiote Liberation Army from whom he has supposedly defected.

IQ 20 ME 20 MA 24 PS 1 PP 1 PE 5 PB 1 SPD 5/50 swimming

7inches long, 3 lbs

15MDC ( 30SDC 15HP )
bonuses w/o host +1d +2 roll +3 vs magic +3 vs psi +2 vs hf

PPE 35 +60ppe absorbed from bluey (95)

ISP 220
HOST get +30SDC +1ME +1ini +1vs magic +1 vs psi/illusions +2 vs hf +5 vs poisons


Bio Manipulation
Super Bio regeneration
tk super
hypnotic suggestion
psisword (host needed)
Improved Intuitive Combat: one with the worm style 
10isp 16 melee rounds, unable to use any other powers while active
requires relinquishing control of body(needs a host to use)
uses the worms martial arts training to its fullest
+1 attack +3 init +1 strike +1 parry +4 dodge +2 roll +2 disarm
Astral Golem 8 mile range 50 isp to create 10 to control hf 10 PS 18 spd 20 attacks = creators
1d6MD -2 ini -1p/d impervious to mind control, fear, energy projectile attacks do 1/2 damage 30MDC
Telemechanic Possession

psychic bodyfield armor ISP 30 90MDC/270SDC 16minutes
impervious to fire
psionic invisibility Line of site/100ft radius 8minutes 10 isp -2 to save
mind block group

deaden pain
death trance
mind block
group trance
healing touch
presence sense
psychic diagnosis (host needed
psychic surgery (host needed)
see aura
see the invisible
sixth sense
Restore PPE, Supress Fear
Ectoplasmic Disguise alter aura
Machine Ghost

Skills Absorbed from Bluey:
Coaltion Dogpack Training frozen at 3rd Level)
Intelligence 44
Radio Basic 65%
Pilot Hover 60%
Read Sensors 50%
Weapons System 60%
Land Nav 54
Wilderness Survival 55
Speaks American and Dragonese
Radio Scrambler 53
Demolitions 79
Lore Demons and Monsters 43
Pilot Jet Pack 58
Wp Knife
Wp Epistol
WP Erifle

Secondary Skills:
Cook 50
Pilot Auto 67
Literacy American 68
Prowl 40

Magic Knowledge Absorbed from Bluey
All Ley Line Walkers powers
Blinding Flash Globe of Daylight Sense Evil Mystic Alarm Breath without Air Float in Air Impervious to fire, Carpet of Adhesion, Energy field, shadow meld, Extinguish Fire

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Corn Fever

August 15th 106PA

Characters find themselves in a long row of Corn.

Immediately Kash and Sparticus come down with the CORN FEVER. They turn yellowish and Kash passes out.

it seems something inte corn dust causes corn fever… Drago also catches a less strong version of Corn Fever. Caldor is unaffected.

Drago senses a telepathic probe.. something called Zee says it needs another host. Zee a strange tentacled dbee emerges from a dead have eaten human Drago finds nearby in the corn. It telepaticaly says that Kash will die if they dont meld due to the Corn Fever. Drago allows Zee to meld with Kash and they both passout while melding for awhile. Sparticus watches over Kash but he is near passing out with the corn fever s well.

Above the corn stalks a weird demonic bird, it swoops down and eats some weird rat monster.

Drago digs down and finds that they are over a Dragonwright seal. Drago thinks the seal transported them from Celestia.

While digging, Caldor goes and scouts.

Caldor sees a Terrier dogpack hunting the weird birds, and managed to surprise and disarm him of his hunting rifle.

Taking Jack back to Drago, all three look over the half eaten human and tentacled dbee who is in the proces of merging with Kash.

Jack says the human is Jeb his old master, and now he doesnt know what to do. The humans of Corn row to the west wont hire dbees he says, Jeb was his only ticket to a new life after running away.

Jack leads Caldor, Drago, barely concious Sparticus and Unconcious Kash back to Corn Row.

Corn Row is a small corn farming community. All the farmers come out to stare at the outsiders.

Lucy introducers herself as the mayor of Corn Row. A youngish attractive corn yellow blond, she says that they make corn for the buyers. The buyers have all the corn put in sillows at each small comunity like theirs, and then the sillows are shipped into Corn Heights for the buyers to pick up. Once weighed all the farmers are payed in North American black market credits.

Lucy says everyone wants to know who the buyers are but noone can figure it out.

Lucy (thanks to Team Fortress 2 for this image and KNKL sorry I dont know your real name)

Drago creates water and stones part of the corn barricades of Corn Row to reinforce them. In return Lucy gives them healing. Bribing a local comes next, for 10gp they learn location of Bo, a driver who has trade goods and go back and forth between Corn Row and Corn Heights. She also refers them to Edna, the nurse who stablizes the corn fever. Note that everyone but Caldor has a yellowish tint, all the people in the town do as well as the 3 other pcs.
They go visit Bo, he has alot of stuff for trade. (all sdc items from Main Book 1 and SB1)

Bo has a semi trailor pulled by a fury beetle.

Trade Recipt from Bo’s Imports:
CS Issue Psi Dampner Helmet 60k
TW Revolver 20k
TW Sniper Rifle 50k
3x Corn Armors 75SDC AR14 5k each 15k
ATV plus 2 person trailer 2k
7 explosive frag arrows 6d6sdc 30′ radius PR7 1400cr
m16 + grenade launcher 1500cr + 60 rds and 1 grenade that does 1d4×100sdc
5 protein healing salves 500
portable tool kit 400 12lbs
portable computer 4500
x3 motion detectors 1200
x4 changes of corn people work overalls 200 total
1 pair of handcuffs 100
3 radios 3k
food rations are 50/day, drago wants to buy200 days worth of food

coming soon..what dnd loot in gp was traded for this, 1gp=1000cr (gold is rarer on rifts earth)


Drago the 7th Level dragon Hatching in human body (73430 needs 80k)

+3k 3rd lvl dnd character xp

+100 showin up +175 xp +200 pizzas +200 rp +50 contracting mild corn fever +200 saving Zee +100 discovering seal to learn bo’s location +100 good idea making shopping list
(77555 xp needs 80k)
Caldor the Kreegor in a lizardman body (28626 needs 34880)

+100 showin up +50 disarming Jack +200 rp +150 skills +3k dnd 3rd lvl character xp +100 scouting
+100 bribes

(32326 needs 34880)
Kash the 5th level Elven Mystic host to Zee (16701 needs 24600)

+1k 2nd lvl dnd character xp +200 saving Zee +500 other xp

(18401 needs 24600)
Sparticus: (40900 needs 49801)

+1k 2nd lvl dnd character xp

(41900 needs 49801)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Corn Rising

CORN RISING: 3rd age of Dragonwright RPG session

More Info The current players have broken out of Celestia, they are in frail bodies in a cornfield. Drago realizes from Astronomy they are back on earth somewhere far east of their original location. You hear rustling from the Corn in front of you. What do you do?

New players will get the exciting opportunity to play people of the corn.
We can convert almost any class into this Rifts game but your primary focus up until the adventure begins was the production, processing, and shipment of Corn to the Secret Unamed Buyer. All the corn farmers want to know who they work for but all thats unknown. When harvest comes, a sleek black limoseen rolls up, pays the farmers and then organizes pickup later by the same sleek black mysterious flying black cargo vehicles.

Who are these mysterious corn buyers, and what nefarious plot do they have for all of this corn?

Where in the hell are the old players? Will they ever see their old bodies again?

Who can tell the most corn related analogies in a single sitting?

All these and more will be revealed in:

CORN RISING: A 3rd age of Dragonwright RPG sessin

Come game 7pm friday night it will be fun

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ivan the Monk holder of Sparticus’s soul

Ivan, male human Mnk2: CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 1 in. tall); HD
2d8+2; hp 18; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12; Attack +4 melee,
or -1/-1 monk, or +1 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; AL
LE; Str 16, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 10.
Skills and feats: Hide +4, Jump +5, Listen +4, Move
Silently +0, Search +2, Sense Motive +7, Spot +9, Tumble +2;
Alertness, [Deflect Arrows], [Evasion], [Improved Grapple],
[Improved Unarmed Strike], Run.

Maylinn Greene Wizard Rogue Body of Drago

Kymnarkmarks avatar of Drago, Maylinn green is awakened in Celestia by the chant taught to Kash while meditating in communication with Kymnarkmar’s essence.

Human 1 Rogue / 1 Sorcerer Dragon Disciple in training

STR 13

DEX 14

Con 12

INT 14

WIS 11

CHA 14

Skills Ranks:
Bluff 4

Concentraion 5

Decipher Script 4

Disable DEvice 4

Gather Information 1

Hide 4

Knowledge Arcana 5

Listen 4

Move Silently 4

Search 4

Spellcraft 5

Spot 4

Use Magic Device 4


Detect Magic, Daze, Message, Mage Hand

Charm Person

Enlarge Person

Short Sword

Sling 20 bullets

shortbow 23 arrows

Leather bag with 3 lapis lazuly nuggets 12gp each

well worn ivory knuckle bone 3gp

silver dolphin bracelent 75gp

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Fourth Age Of Dragonwright DND crossover

Temporal magic has been abused.
The characters lives are in jeopardy, time-locked in a sphere of time magic cast in a 1mile radius around the Fargo Seal.

Supposedly this was done by the abuse of time step magic by the confused Goddess Isis who had amnesia and thus didn’t know better.

Kymnarkmar is also time-locked in the same prison, he forsaw his champions misstep and came up with a solution..

the most faithful of his followers in the prison undergo ritual mummification as a sacrifice, they become vessels of Kymnarkmar upon their deaths and subsequent mummification.

Consciousness from the outside world is able to be translated into Kynarmkar’s prison when time magic is used on them in Rifts earth or another magic rich dimension. Kymnarkmar contacted Kash the Mystic while he communed with spirits, and convinced him to travel to the prison by way of mystic communiion, doing so Kash was taught the ritual of Kymnarkmars Avatar, through which a ch osen timelocked conciousness can be transported into a specialy prepared vessle.

What does all this mean?

Kash and Caldor are now trapped in the prison, dimensional rules turn them into:

Kash the Elven 2nd Level Sorceror
Caldor the 1nd Level Lizard Man Ranger

they travel the dungeon that is their new prison, looking for a way out. The fabeled timekey is said to lie in the dungoen, and with it the timelock on their bodies can be undone, allowing Caldor to return to his original body.

Kash Elf Sorceror

2nd Level


INT 16

CHA 16

WIS 10

DEX 15

STR 11

CON 13

+0 melee ab +2 ranged ab


Spellcraft 4

Concentration 5

Knowledge Arcana 4

Hide 5

Move Silently 5

Search 2


x6 0lvl / day

x4 1lvl/day

Known Spells:

Summon Monster I, True strike, Ray of Frost Resistance Read Magic Daze Detect Magic

Feats: Stealthy
Robe, Longbow 28 arrows, Core Light wounds icon w/ 10 charges

Caldor's Lizard Man Ranger Body

Kash has transferred the intelligence of the time-locked Caldor into this Avatar.
Caldor the 2nd Level Lizard Man Ranger (ECL1 counts a HD3)

HP 19
INT 13

CHA 11

STR 18

CON 14

WIS 15

DEX 17

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Sheilds, Multiattack

Abilities: Track, Wild Empathy, Favored Enemy Human

Skills Swim +2 Balance +4 Jump +5

Handle Animal 4 Bow MAking 4 Hide 5 Move Silently 5 Survival 2 Spot 4 Ride 1 Search 4 Listen 2


AB +7 melee +6 Ranged


Mighty +1 Longbow 23 arrows

Great Axe 1d12

Studded Leather Armor AC 17
AR 12 80SDC

Masterwork Javelin

Cerimonial Dagger
Gold Ring with 4 Carat Opal (250 GP aka

Playing Cards

7 Blood Stones (unknown cr)

1 coper peice (2cr)

10 kobold stamped gps (10000cr)

96+45+11 gold pieces

2 pouches of gems

26 polished gemstone gamepices + board
Dwarven drinking cup (100cr)
Kobold flute (5000cr)
moonstone orc ring 105 goldworth

*Healing wand* heals 1d4×10 SDC/HP has 7 charges

Mighty +1 Longbow 30 arrows

Heavy Fury beetle armor

150 SDC PR:7
-5% spd prowl

Troglodyte javelin (masterwork)

52 gold pieces

5 Neuro arrows reuse 1d6 times ea.
50 high explosive arrows (25x2) 3d6X3 SDC PV:7

26 polished gemstone gamepices + board
Dwarven drinking cup
Kobold flute

*Healing wand*

18 dragon head gold coins (10000 each)

Hughbot password: muktar

Amp hearing and multi-eye garrot wire

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Drago trapped, deep in the Fargo hive near Seal 11

Drago is trapped by magic being generated by neg energy generators around the seal.
The dragon set em up, it comes back and tortures him through the field using agony magic. When it leaves Drago desperately magic pidgones his friends to come rescue him..
There is some battling, the ship nukes alot more but one neg generator remains and the field keeps Drago trapped.

Caldor nukes the tw teleportation jammers and Drago can again teleport, but not through the field.

Finaly Caldor Bounty hunters it up nam style goes in, drops a 12minimissle volley on a injured queen and warriors, and breaks the remaining neg energy generator.

They get Drago out… hit the other evil Dragon with a Nuke and drive it off..

While all this is happening, Mugabe has heard about the war with the Black Death makers from a bar called the Morgue. full of death worshipers, the morgue takes bets on when the end will come and has many dark practicioners of magic. Mugabe finds out his friends are in danger from the bars surveilance of the site of the black death. He goes on a fanbus to “stop” the adventurers. On the way he hijacks the bus and slaughters its inhabitants, taking it for his men. Once at the area they are hit with a missle volley. It seems coalition spies have painted the ship with missle targeting lasers! The bus is destroyed and Mugabe goes aboard the ship before any more missles come. Caldor missles one spy but another seems to have eluded capture, as someone must have still painted them with the laser again for a second strike of missles, which miss.
The ship is hovering over the heavily bombarded remains of the Fargo hive… all around it a scene of utter desolation, there is no living life for miles around.

But the energies of evil have stoped emenating across the land, the Black death seems stopped… For now.


Drago the 7th Level Great Horned Hatchling Dragon

Curiosity Jailed the Dragon
(69050 needs 80k)

+2750 for cleansing seal 11 with isis, and surviving until being jailed.
+100 goin astral +100 angel rp +100 sending msgs +200 skills +200 surviving

(73430 needs 80k)

Sparticus the 7th Level Energy Master

General of the Army of Thunder

(38075 needs 49801)

+150 train job +100 featherlite +100bringing flynn bro squad +100 fixing failed ship engin that was negate mechanicd by the evil dragon +100 driving off the evil dragon with grenades accelerated into it +100 buying grenades for men +50 giving flynns car

+500 witnessing Drago enter the hive +500 heroics +250 deliveries +100 skills +100 ? +375 skills
spends 11550 on plasma grenades +300 surviving

gives 132000tolkeen credits he got from caldor to mugabe in exchange for 2 stolen scarab officers cars

sparticus has 20 tw featherlight disks

(40900 needs 49801)

Caldor the 6th Level KReegor Bounty Hunter

Spaceship Pilot
(25551 needs 24880)

+100 killing coalition spy with laser pointer +100 goin nam rp +100 kill queen +75 warriors +150 train job +100 nuking the evil dragon +100 daring +200 save drago +100 meet Earl the TW whos gives them the train job, laying out where a train of cs loot goes in indiana betwee +200 skills +200 skills
+500 witnessing drago enter hive +500 nuking hive from near orbit +100 facing down orbital defense grid and surviving +150 skills +400 surviving
(28626 needs 34880)

Mugabi the 5th Level Spidertaur Necromancer
Sacrificer of Angels
(15150 needs 17921)

+500xp faerie fighting +100 eat magic pidegon +100 get bubbly magic wine+100 daring entry to cave even if he did flee later +100 refilling weapon eclips (this is a big deal for mugabi to even understand) +100 evil dragon fighting +50 looting spellbook +100 stealing bus +300 slaying bus inhabitants +100 learning location of the Morgue bar in Tolkeen+100 gets invis belt +100 uses invis belt to scout smart idea +175 skills+100 SACRAFICE ANGEL +500 surviving
17675 needs 17921




the dragon has been rescued. the seal has been cleansed. the black death no longer curses the lands of tolkeen and Minesota again can hold life

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Battle for Fargo

Drago, Caldor, Sparticus, and Mugabe Convene. Sparticus leaves his men behind, Mugabe brings his. Caldor flys the ship…

Mugabe is now afraid to enter the pilots compartment where his zombie seasamas stands guard, killing anyone not in the party who dares to enter. His phobia is aparent, something must have happend to him in that strangely overgrown forest outside of the Magic school… so called Mercer estate and place of odd Faerie folk.

Kueda the Grey gives the players a tip about a strange disturbance in the energy of the land to the west…

But first, sparticus discovers a strange barrel in his basement. Inside is a girl with amnesia and massive magical powers. She calls her self Katrina Sun.

When she wakes up she slings fireballs at people angrily until relaxing slightly…
She wanders about in a robe, looking at people. She casts Regrow Limb upon Mugabes Mauled stump of an arm, restoring it instantly. She cures Many of Mugabes men and Mugabe himself of painful warts.

They get a message to meet Kuedas men. Going there they see many Grey Seers and a strange viewing device.

On the device is a spike, covered in dark runes. Impaled along it are various humaniods. One writhes in agony and makes a great deal of noise, clammering to be rescued. This noise bothers everyone but especialy Katrina.

The man impaled seems to be a darkskinned man with bionic arms and pants, no shirt. HE is more awake than the others…

Finaly they get the coordinates of the place the viewer shows and head out in the ship.

Once there Sparticus and Caldor remain by the ship while Drago and Katrina dive into the depths. Caldor drops 6 proton torpedoes against the five surface holes of the hive and one cloud of warriors.

The entire first level of the cave is devastated by blasts but entries 1 and 3 are open and 5 is partialy open.

Drago and Katrina have an epic battle against Xiticix backed up by a few strange cultists and Necromancers.

It seems the bugs were enslaved to them until DRago reached the bottom room, seeing a huge queen on a spike near a giant dragonic seal glowing darkly with black energy. The energy pulsed into the Queen and made her eyes burn black with obvious control magic. She then tells her followers to attack.

After destroying her and the spike…the other Xiticix begin to flee.

Drago sits at the bottom of the Caves.

Caldor and Sparticus are up Topside in their ship.

Mugabi is camping out in the forest with his men.


Drago +2k for following Katrina Sun into the pit, slaying the queen and watching a binding spell be cast on the seal, stoping its use as a necromantic energy magnifier.

+750 for finaly towing that pos yellow truck


+500 witnessing Drago enter the hive +500 heroics +250 deliveries +100 skills

(38075 needs 49801)

Caldor +500 witnessing drago enter hive +500 nuking hive from near orbit +100 facing down orbital defense grid and surviving +150 skills

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mugabe History

A few things have taken place that need accounting…

Drago was given x3 perfect emeralds, where are they?

worth /1mil each

Mugabe lives in the faerie forest.

He looses many men from attrition, and insanity. He is down to the following men, some of which have random yet to be determined insanities.

There is also a purple moose following the men around. They claim it is one of their friends.

13 humans led by cy (african decent) vibro knife
commander bo, del daughter of cy, roc, bara
13 have crusader armor and 13 have plasma ejector
2 have war monger power armor w gernade launcher and plasma ejector



Dy age cinnamon sticks
+4men 1 of which has been horribly raped by a toadstool and now has a very bad case of anal warts. cannot wear armor there is a spare suit tied to the warmonger.


The warmongers have each shot their autocannon once.

Mugabe +500xp

+1 bottle of bubbly wine

Mugabe ate a Faerie Pigeon.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mage Templates

Note to readers: We alow magic users pysical attacks to equal their magic
ones. If you don't, they are too weak. I know it's unrealistic, but no
other way seemed simple and easy enough. Also, we game with a hybrid SDC
only rifts system, so Necromancers now have some purpose again.
Also, mages tend to be cunning. Play them that way.

Ley Line Walker | 4rd level | 50MDC | 4APM/MPM | 112PPE
+3p/d | +4vs HF | +1vs magic | +2 to roll
NG57 3d6MD 500ft 10 shots | vibro knife 1d6MD
Magic (ss14):
Spell Set #1
Cloud of Smoke, Thunderclap, Globe of Daylight, climb, fear, befuddle
armor of ithan, float in air, magic sheild, magic net, fire bolt,
fingers of wind, see invisible, power bolt, life drain
Spell Set #2
Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Lantern Light, Concealment, Heavy Breathing,
levitation, armor of ithan, orb of cold, invisibility: simple,
Ricochet Strike, trance, multiple image, telekinesis, frost blade,
call lightning

Fire Warlock | 5th level | 90MDC Magic Armor | 4APM/MPM | 116PPE
+3p/d | +2 to roll | +1 vs magic
NG56 2d6MD, 400ft, 6shots
Fire does 1/2 damage
Magic: Cloud of smoke, Nightvision, Imp. to Fire, Swirling Lights, Flame Lick, Heat Object
Fire Ball, Circle of Flame, Wall of Flame, Flame Friend, Mini-Fireballs, Blue Flame,
Screaming Wall of Flame, Wall of Ice

Water Warlock | 6th Level | 40MDC+30TWarmor of ithan 4APM/MPM | 124PPE |
+1s +3p/d | +2 to roll | +1vs magic
TX-5 Pump Pistol 4d6MD 800ft 5 rounds, +15 in 3 speed loaders
Swim 98%, Hold Breath 5 min
Magic: Cloud of Steam, Create Fog, Purple Mist, Breath Underwater, Resist Fire, Ride the Waves
Circle of Rain, Command Fish, Sheet of Ice, Hail, Wall of Ice, Water Wisps,
Hurricane, Little Ice Monster, Summon Sharks/Whales

Earth Warlock | 7th Level | 70MDC Fury Beetle Plate | 4APM/MPM | 132PPE
TW "Rifter" Ion Rifle 5d6MD 1500ft 5 shots, recharge for 15 ppe | Neural Mace
Magic: Chameleon, Dust Storm, Rock to Mud, Hopping Stones, Wall of Clay, Throwing Stones
Animate Plants, Dig, Wall of Stone, Animate Object, Quicksand, Sand Storm, Little Mud Mound
Travel Through Walls, Clay to Stone, Clay/Stone to Iron, Travel Through Stone, Chasm
Petrification, Sculpt & Animate Clay Animals, Stone to Flesh
Clay Animal: 35MD | SPD 35 | +3s/p/d | 2APM | 40PPE | 42hours
Clay to Stone Animal 70MDC | SPD 70 | +6s/p/d | 4APM | 60PPE
Clay to Iron Animal 105MDC | SPD 105 | +9s/p/d | 6APM | 80PPE

Shifter w/ Supernatural Link | 6th Level | 45MDC | 4APM 4MPM | 158PPE
+1ini | +3p/d | +10vs HF | +3vs magic | +1vs psi |
Magic Dagger 1d6+2MD |
9mm Uzi w/ 3 30rd. clips of enchanted bullets (1d6MD each) 600ft
Magic (ss14): Sense PPE&Magic, Turn Dead, Trance, Chameleon, Concealment, Shadow Meld,
Time Slip, Call Lightning, Constrain Being, S&C Canines, S. Less Being, Armor Bizarre,
Mental Blast, Sustain, A & C Dead, Wind Rush, PC: Simple, C/E&S/C Entity, Aura of Death
Domination, Manipulate Objects, Carpet of Adhesion
Don't forget his many demonic and supernatural alies (heh)

Necromancer | 4th Level | 60MDC Patchwork | 4APM/MPM | 92PPE | HF 7 (grrrr)
+5p/d | |6vs HF | +1 vs magic | +4 to roll
Wilks 227 Laser Pistol 2d6/4d6MD, 900ft 12 double blasts, 3 sht. clips +6/+2
Useful Abilities: Animate and Control 16 corpses, 10PPE, 380ft, 40 min
Magic (ss13): Death Mask, Divining Toumbs & Graves, Strenth of the Dead
Summon Insect Swarm, Vampires, Worms of Taut, Trance, Fear, Shadow Meld
Mask of Deceit, Life Drain, Constrain Being, Sense Evil, Fireball
Animated Dead: 2APM, spd7, 1d6 damage, 50-100SDC, bullets 1/3, fire x2

Witch: Gift of Magic (minor)| 4th level | 20MDC patchwork | 4APM/MPM | 60PPE
+3p/d | +2roll | +1vs magic | +1vs HF
C-27 Heavy Plasma Cannon 6d6MD 10 shots 1600ft, 2 clips, +4/+2
Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Globe of Daylight, See Aura
See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Climb, Levitation, Heavy Breathing
Armor of Ithan, Fingers of Wind, Blind, Shadow Meld, Swim as Fish
Mental Blast, Escape, Compulsion, Mask of Deceit
Demon Familiar | 40MDC | HF 10 | Dog-sized | 140 ISP | 200 PPE
+1s/p | +2d | +2 vs magic | +4 vs HF
Punch/Claw 2d6MD | Ppunch/claw 4d6MD
2 way communications w/witch, can act as "remote camera"
can let witch use it's PPE as long as it's within 300'
Roll on table for psionics,
knows all witch's magic but must be told to use (or to speak)

Dinosaur Templates

Leatherwing | 200MDC | 3 APM | HF 14 | 60ft wingspan, 18ft long, 1000lbs
+2 ini/+5 flying w/prowl | +5s/+8 flying | +4d/+6 flying | +1 roll | +4 vs magic
leg talon 6d6MD | wing claw 3d6MD | bite 1d6x10MD | power dive (3 att) 4d6x10MD
Fly 40mph | prowl 70% | smell track 70% | hawk vision (2miles)

T-Rex | 600MDC | 4APM | HF 18 | 30ft tall, 50ft long, 5.5tons | PS 56!!! | 1 or 2-4
+3ini | +2s | +2 roll | +10 vs HF | +6vs magic
head butt 3d6Md | bite 2d4x10MD | hind leg claw 1d6x10MD | kick 6d6MD | tail 1d4x10MD
run 30mph for 15min | smell blood 1.5 miles away | scent track 80% |

Ostrosaurus | 115MDC | 4APM | HF12 | 15ft tall, 13.5ft long, 6ft tail
+3ini | +6s | +4p | +5d/+10leapd | +3roll | +6vs HF | +3vs magic
climb 80% | scent track35% w/blood 60% |superior vision (rabbit at 1mi)
Run 60mph | leap 15ft hihg, 40ft across. at 40mph+30ft run for 6hours
fclaw 1d6MD | rclaw 3d6MD | bite 2d6MD | tail slap 6d6SD+70%KD (12ft)
Leap Claw 4d6MD (2att), under 10ft 80%KD, 40%pin

Silonar | 120MDC | 4APM | HF13 | 8.5ft tall, 600lbs
+1ini | +3s/p | +5d | +6vs psi/magic | +12 vs HF
run35mph, 10hours max | leap 20ft across, 10ft up | track blood 55%
bite 1d6MD | Foot Claw 2d6MD

Tiger Claw Raptor | 58male/78MDCfemale | 4APM | HF9, 12 4-8, 14 10+| 5.5ft, 140lbs
+4ini | +6s/p | +7d | +6vs HF, fearless in packs (up to 30)
bite 2d6MD | claw 2d6MD | poison spit 20ft, (mace)
terrified/hate magic (either attack or flee)

Tri-Tops | 400MDC | 3APM | 6ft tall, 27ft long, 4.5 tons | 30-80 in herd
+1ini | +3s/p | +2d +3roll | +5vs HF
Head Butt 1d6MD | Horn Stab 4d6MD | pstab 1d4x10MD+8
Horn Ram 2d4x10MD, KD 4d4yrds, save vs. coma or 5d6HP, 1d4 bkn ribs, KO 10-40min

Horune Pirate

Horune Pirate (elite

Green 1st

Regular 3rd

Veteran 9th

Elite 11th










































25 + 50MD Armor

46 +50 Armor + Horune Sea-Horse 669SDC provides partial

80 +1875 War Fish Power Armor







# Actions
Melee / Magic





Strike / Weapon / gun

+1 / +1 / +0

+5 / +7 trident / +1 sea horse weapon systems

+6 (+9 knife/fins)


Parry (with weapon)

+4 (+5)

+9 (+11 trident)

+10 (+14 knife/finblades)












Vs. Magic






Triax Vibro Knife 3d6SDC +12 +6d6Punch
Horune Harpoon Gun

10 6d4SDC Explosive spears
2 Electric TW Spear 6d6x3
2 Magic Net Spears

Horune Energy Trident 5d6x3SDC 1000ft range 30shots
Sea Horse Fwd Flamebolt 6d6x3MD 300ft

Kittani Warfish
p181 underseas

PS 30
Plasma Canon
1d6x10 1000ft

12 minitorpedos
x2 finblades

Harpoon Gun w/ 10
TW Harpoons

Kitani War Crab






S +1 rcc /+1rcc+2pp+2hth/+1rcc+3pp+2hth/+1rcc
P +1 rcc +2 boxing / +1rcc +3skills+2pp+3hth/+1rcc
+3skills+3pp+3hth/+1rcc+3skills +5pp+5hth
D +2boxing / +3skills+2pp+3hth/+3skills
+3pp+3hth/+3skills +5pp+5hth
+1s/p/d underwater
Swim, hold breath 3/6/9/12min, NV 500ft
hydrokinesis, object read, mind block, resist
fatigue hunger
basic math
pilot boats
navigation, salvage, survival
WP Knife
WP Harpoon Gun
WP Torpedo
WP Triden
WP Epistol
WP Blunt
WP Erifle
4 Pirate OCC Skills
Pick Pockets
Demon Lore
Weapons Systems
Normal Skills: Streetwise
Vet Skills: Pilot Power Armor Bot Combat Elite:
Flying Powerarmor
Elite Skills Pilot PA, Bot Combat Elite Heavy
Ground Robots WP Heavy Energy
Secondary Skills
Normal: Literacy Dragonese, Pilot Hover
Vet: Computer Operation, WP QuickDraw, Dance, Lore
Elite: Computer Programming, Kick Boxing
1d6x1000 in booty

HDN Liberation Army Fighter

Hawrk-duhk Nation Liberation Army Fighter

Hawrk-Duhk People were indigineous to the island of Atlantis before the splugorth conquored it. They have been fighting them ever since mostly living in the Preserves of Atlantis. The splugorth could whipe them out but prefer to let their rather stupid Gargoyle minions figure out the problem themselves. Thus a guerilla war has erupted between these vaiant ducklike dbees and the Gargoyle kingdome to the east of their nesting grounds. 300lbs They have a mysterious benefactor who outfits their leaders with at least some modern tech. The army is lead by an Elite, Red Eye. (he has an MO Eye). Typicaly they conduct raids into Splugorth territory to free their own enslaved people.

  Green Regular Veteran Elite
IQ 11 12 13 14
MA 1 2 4 6
ME 12 16 20 24
PS 15 17 18 24
PP 11 16 18 20
PE 11 16 18 20
PB 5 6 7 8
Spd 12/20swimming 14/40swimming 16/60swimming 18/80swimming
HP/SDC/ 60MDC aka 60HP/120SDC 80MDC / 80HP/160SDC 100MDC/100HP/200SDC 120MDC/120HP/240SDC/ 650SDCArmor+180SDC fields
PPE 2 4 6 12
# Actions

5 5 6 7
Strike +1 (+2bow/ trident)

+2 (+4bow/ trident)


+3 (+8 bow +7trident)

+5/+3 Rifle

+5 (+12bow/ +11trident)

+6/+4 Rifle

Parry (with weapon/max*) +3 /+4trident +4 (+6trident) +5 (+8 trident) +6 ( +11 trident)
Dodge +3 +4 +5 +14 (+16flying)
Initiative +2 +2 +2 +2
Vs. Magic/PSI +1/+1 /+1 /+1 /+1

punch 3d6md / 9d6sd+27

powerpunch x2

Hunting Trident 2d6+punch

3 Barbed Throwing Spears 3d6SDC +poison

Rope & Hooks

x3 Vibroknifes attached to robot vehicle part in trident formation 9d6SDC+punch +poison

Bow w/ Frag Tips 2d6x3SD (20)

1 in four has a War Canoe, 200SDC mounts a light balista 5d6SDC+poison shaft, may have explosive tips 6d6SDC+5d6Impact

Fan Jet Skimmer 300SDC 300mph forward Mounted K-4 PulseRifle 3d6+6 / 1d6x10+6


10 Heavy Explosive Arrows, 5d6x3

Stolen Splugorth Bio-PowerArmor

120PPE 650SDC

300SDC energy fields

+1p/+2dodge speed

WI-23 Missle Launcher +6 AP missles

Level 1st 3th 8th


p74 atlantis , Elite has an MO Cyber Eye

Psi Powers sens evil magic pres mind block det psi increase heal, psi pur, resist fatigue

RCC Warrior Skills: NV100ft See Invis, Track 40% climb 30% swim impervious to magic

OCC Related: Hawrkin, Dragonese, WPBlunt, Basic Math, Land Nav, Wild Surv, Preserve Food

Whitling&Scupting , Horsemanship Exotic, Radio Basic, General Repair&Maintenance +5,

Streetwise +2/
noneextra3rdlvl/ +2skills 8th lvl Pilot Hover, WPEnergy Rifle/12th Holistic Medicine

Secondary Skills: WP Archery, Pilot Boat, Wp Trident, Literacy: Dragonese

Strike Bonuses:+1rcc/ +1pp+1rcc/+2pp+1rcc/+3pp+1rcc

Guns Strike: */*/+4wp/+6wp

Parry Bonus +3rcc/ +1pp+3rcc/+2pp+3rcc/+3pp+3rcc

Dodge Bonus: +3rcc/ +1pp+3rcc/+2pp+3rcc/+3pp+3rcc

All carry ornate wooden rods and steaks (religious fetishs, and anti-vamp weapons)

Friday, February 12, 2010

xp update

Drago the 7th Level Drago Hatchling(68075 needs 80k)+50xp notice homeless mob +50 kitani mechanic +50 destroy arm +50 xp see symbol +250 skills
+100 petrification incident +25 kills motorcycle rider+100xp see shit slipnslide+100 stoping fire +100 learn of ceneped in dells cliffs +100 meat job

(69050 needs 80k)

Sparticus the 7th Level Energy Master(37025 needs 49801) +50xp notice homeless mob +100 gives vibroclaws to the flynns +50 kitani mechanic +100xp see shit slipnslide +200 generaling +200 saving lives of kid whos missing arm due to dog bite +100 esrith extraction idea +50 xp see symbol +100 learn of ceneped in dells cliffs +100 meat job (38075 needs 49801)

Caldor the 5th Level Kreegor Bountyhunter (24651 needs 24880) +100 gets 5ton bronze statue of drago, +50xp notice homeless mob +100 takes ship to tw engineering school +50 fight kitani mechanic +100 defeat mob+100xp see shit slipnslide +200 skills +50 xp see symbol +100 learn of ceneped in dells cliffs +200 alien wanderings

(25551 needs 24880)
Mugabi the 4th level Necromancer (13600 needs 17921) +100 explore woods +100 meet faeries +50 skills +400 phobias +100 skills
+300 rp vs police +100 bribing lt bree +100 convo +50 sam +100xp see shit slipnslide +50 xp see symbol +100 learn of ceneped in dells cliffs
(15150 needs 17921)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Mugabe's Forest Lair

mugabe forest life, he is hiding out from the cops in the forest near the Tolkeen School of magic.
2 guys go missing in forest
finds spell on area around tree near ruins of estate
mugabe takes some draping leaves and take with them
see two guys nailed upside-down in tree
with strange blood symbols drawn on them
there is a weeping willow tree next to a strange mound covered in moss. a peaceful pond sits next to it, near the boarded up ruins of something marked “Mercer Estsate” in classy stone signs barely legible past the overgrown foiliage.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tolkeen TW Ship Race

For years Tolkeen has sponsored the largest international TW Race. Racers from all over the megaverse come here to test new designs and compete against other experimental craft.

Various neighborhoods of Tolkeen have their own racers and there is fierce rivalry between areas. Sometimes riots break out during especialy tense races.

There are no official rules but directly attacking and killing an opponent results in disqualification.

The winner becomes a celebrity and receives multiple sponsors.

Sponsored by Flyers World. Flyers World, the largest dealer of flying vehicles in all of Tolkeen. Come down to Flyers world today and see the new Flyer1000 Luxury Hover Yacht.

Current Racers:

1) Rez flying Caldors Ship for the Techno Wizard Institute of Engineering’s new experimental craft (North Quadrant)
2) Malik Savant of Tokeen’s Circle of Twelve. 3 time winner p92 (East Quadrant)

Flying a TW modified GAW-F14 Improved Super Tomcat

p92 coalition navy

mac 2.3, 1515mph

3) Prid Sigil of Freehold

Flying TW Pyramid Ship

Hatak Mothership

4) Ramone the flying Tiger sponsored by Atoms Power Plant (from #7 of Tolkeens North Quadrant) p110 sa
5) JB flying for JB Research (p182 #15 of Tolkeens Western Quadrant)

Flying TW Vulcan Wing p55 tolkeen seige 350mph
6) Lord Balgazar and the Graycoats

Riding his bike, cycles of existence.
7) MR Slithers of the Atlanteans p122 tolkeen final seige flying for Expedition Expediters Unlimited Naruni

Flying NE-SDSR-2000 Star Dragon Superiority Fighter p83 naruni +pods
mac 2.5
8) Dragon Bane of Stormspire

flying K’zaa’s Warhawk

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Wanderings of Caldor, Alien Tourist

Intern Roy at TW school of engineering
load steak into beetle
res friends with professor and interns
sets computer to slut mode
slaps computer and makes cry
hotel district too cheap for caldron
the shiraaz hotel,
dress fatigues
throws down 1 gold ingot 5000
penthouse on 10th floor room 1007
much water request
1pm gets room
sleeps for hours
till 6pm hungry

grabs ogre rogue
hes got black clothes

j shoot
gores out both eyes
listen you stupid idiotic fool
this is not the way to deal with that dragon
your goning to get me ion worse shape
whatever you think you can do to me that dragon can do worse
puts in hottube
gives tinted goggles to wear
throws out in street

scarecrow in lobby is intel
walks past it
+200 xp murder cleanup
lucky 7s mob casino in south

gets credstick with 4500 toluene creds
leaves no tip
caldron walks off
displeased to host
goes to mall

looks for leather outfit
deans leather love shop
no not that
riccos hats n more
finds leather trenchcoat for 250
goes into fitting room/bathroom
leaves riccos looking for second hand store
pawns paw shop
goes to back alley of riccos
takes off dress clothes, puts on dried bloodstained fatigues, throw on trench coat, weapons, knapsack, pack up drss fatigues, nvgoggles on head
pencil holes in visision from flash bang

goes back to hotel district, finds seedy hotel

checks in 50cr/nite
gets a small room
stashes sniper riffle undermattress
grenade and rope and rigs crude trap on front door
finds a bar named nannys
beeftechs bar and grill
mcmeaties with a big ham icon
air raid
sky changes color to milly white
zed mcmullen
wants dirt on the beeftechs
passes out in bed

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Drago Statue delivered to Caldor's Ship

caldor gets a delivery. while drago was petrified he had a cast made and got a statue of him. kittani workers get 20k in gold for bronze statue, weighs 5 tons. drago looks suprised and in terror

ships in docks

docks have lots of homeless +50xp notice homeless mob
but not so much

ship is being looked over by a gorilla man wearing labcoat

caldor wants to own goldenage after they badly repaired his ship

talking to kitani belnak of belnaks shop +50 xp meet belnak
meet rez, was traveling with peek…

see homeless mob growing, some now with pitchforks

rez says he knows some boys that can fix it

dragos 6th sense goes off

sees man on black cycle

carpets in front of cycle

man crashes +50xp killing mysterious man
man is rake shivers, no id 1 500gp dragonwright coin

thinks he sees nonhuman face

someone lights on fire in back of crowd

drago creates water and puts out fire +100 stoping fire
drago tries to track fire thrower

man runs away +50 frightening away troublemaker
drago gets motorcycle highwayman slightly damaged shocks -5

the dog looks well fed (it is now 3rd level)
sparticus removes vibro claws
and gives one to each of the flynn twins +100xp

caldor has 200mi of fuel left in ship

drago gives last comm badge from magic school dean to sparticus +100xp
max finds dappers tolkeen com badge, dapper dropped dappers comm badge +50xp
max gives dapper badge to caldor, has a horse symbol in red +100xp
rez says 500-700 k to outfit ship with tw hoverthrusters

sparticus sends kids back home to abandoned post office outside town to the south east rent is 100cr has water nothing else

caldor throws grenade to scare crowed of angry homeless throwing rocks at him for marshuk eating ppl +100 defeat mob
drago gets wedding band for old soldier
drago casts create water to clean ring +50 idea
it makes a water slide of shit

homeless guys covered in shit +100xp see shit slipnslide
energy field pod

sparticus sends 3 generals in armor home

sparticus sends them with apc

cop comes to investigate death of biker

caldor goes in ship

dog runs out

eats homeless

sparticus flies over and snatchs child +100 save life
sparticus uses rmkknitter on bleeding kid +100 again safe life
kid looses arm

sparticus radios esrith to return 36 +xp +100 good idea
esrith crew comes to extract esrith gets 100 for saving kid
darkness falls

6pm knitter is still working

1hr left

drops arm in ship, returns arm to dog. dog plays with arm like toy +100 rp with dog
caldor beats with arm +100 dog “traing” session
dog wants arm toy

drago destroys arm with breath +50 idea
esrith gets 18000 in gold from an orc from sparticus, sent to base and buy him new arm… +100 sparticus xp
make sure its a weapon arm he says

caldor skill xp xxxxxxxx

sees computer beeping

strange errors

system turned off

skelebots inactive

caldor shuts down ship with fuel leak

sparticus math advanced

notices rivets on ship missing

if engine going went out ship would list to the left

js going 20mph


july 20th 6am

kids killed a vampire

res says gotta wait till its open for school at 9am

drago leaves door c open

caldor goes to sleep

sparticus sleeping

drago wakes up and notices mark on ship interior

unknown symbol in red paint blood +50 xp see symbol
human blood 4ft tall

caldor thinks its golden age idiot prank

rez says his guys will look over ship, visit school gift shop and book museum

dudes with mohawks, the hawks tw mechanics look over ship while they visit school


res says meet at res dining hall at tw school

sparticus trains until noon

drago sees marshck poop out boot

students start staring sheild

drago covers dog with leantoo of wood so kids cant see it poop out boot

oone kid casting spell

drago sees its a ley line observation ball

drago incinerates boot and wood

keeds cheer

one kid goes in ship

marshuck kills him on way in

dude with hawk comes up

given cenepede

gives coordinates of dells cliffs

to fix ship have to get cenepede

drago asks if know any tws who can be invis

sparticus radios farmer bob, has friend who knows of meat shipments of coalition steaks +100xp meat job
gives clints freq

buy another thing of beats 2000 credits as bribe for bob to get clints freq

esrith will pay for beats
two cowboys take 5% of herd profits each

can have train in and out in no time

drago sends magic pidgeon saying we are going to get alot of meat can you help us with a small portal

butch and lutch the cowboys

butch spots flare trap

come to edge of clearing

with lots of cow pens

some are coverd in plastic clear for shade

they are in a circle

in middle is tower



drago gargoyle

invince armor
light activate

multiple image

energy sheild


drago finds farming lit

5 cases of 6 minimissles

sparticus replaces two of his from case #1 armor peircing
drago takes 5 cases in backpack

tw train takes them back with 400 cattle

to clints meat factory with the beef

each cowboy get 20k

train gets 20k

you get 340000k black market credits

sparticus gets huge delivery of meat to kids house for free for deal

Caldor (23551 needs 24880)

+500 telecommute bonus pts
+50xp notice homeless mob
+50 xp meet belnak
witness +50xp killing mysterious man
+50xp caldron gets toluene com badge
+100 defeat homeless mob
+200 dog rp
+100 dog training
+300 skills

(24651 needs 24880)
mug +100 skills
+300 rp vs police +100 bribing lt bree +100 convo +50 sam

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Drago and Mugabe use a Tolkeen application scroll

inside the Tolkeen School of Magic office of Admissions.

Various snotty kids tease them at their slowness. They get the form filled out and get into some adventures as follows:

drago buys juicer implants for 100k in gold in lobby. aparently the kids like to juice for finals

+200 rp xp filling out app

12 noon
skills drago xxxxxxxxxx
skills mugabe xxxx

drago wants to see beltrov, they go there
beltrov has office in artifact research center

meet secretary lisa

drago buys lizard mage tolkeen comms
mugabe gets tw com badge
and drago gets 1 spare, these are short range radios + tw magic pidgeon devices

drago msgs elf alara ”
drago has 500 and change?

mugabe flies over exotic stables
mug +200ic fear of white hospital magic

mugabe flies to hospital

drago calls to dean lizard mage:
immediate problem

mugabe gets imprisoned by tolkeen police

lt pree captuers mugabe and interogates about necromancy

mugabee pretrial bail
at west tolkeen jail

bail is 300k
drago tries tob ail out mugabee

bree wants bribe 30k +300k vs necro bribe

meets nate the naga in jail

drago tries to ask dean to get permission to brea out mugabe

dean busy with project X

mugabe trades prison for milotary service?
clear zone 2ab coalition squad 4 iar1s

mugabe signs contract for prisoncetence conversion

mugabe spelled to go to sector 8g to pactify
drago carpets
mugabe says he must fufil oblications

walk thru pile of skelebots on way SE

in slag of skelebot graveyard see
sees 2 human dead

drago invice armor
speed rings super human speed +6p/+2d 10ppe


drago drives off sama with ice wall

sector for mugabe is girant river with roc on either side

entering sector 8 after sama conflict
take 800 bmbardment from x2 barrel attack

XP totals coming soon!

Drago (67125 needs 80k)

Skills +250 rp +200 samas +50 +100 getting rings +50 bombardment +100 msg elf alara +100 get radios +100 buy juicer implants
(68075 needs 80k)


Samas +100 skills +200 rp +250 filling out app +200 +200 rp hospital magic dislike +100 signs contract for prison sentence negation to pacify sector 9g +50 bombardment
(13600 needs 17921)