Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Corn Rising

CORN RISING: 3rd age of Dragonwright RPG session

More Info The current players have broken out of Celestia, they are in frail bodies in a cornfield. Drago realizes from Astronomy they are back on earth somewhere far east of their original location. You hear rustling from the Corn in front of you. What do you do?

New players will get the exciting opportunity to play people of the corn.
We can convert almost any class into this Rifts game but your primary focus up until the adventure begins was the production, processing, and shipment of Corn to the Secret Unamed Buyer. All the corn farmers want to know who they work for but all thats unknown. When harvest comes, a sleek black limoseen rolls up, pays the farmers and then organizes pickup later by the same sleek black mysterious flying black cargo vehicles.

Who are these mysterious corn buyers, and what nefarious plot do they have for all of this corn?

Where in the hell are the old players? Will they ever see their old bodies again?

Who can tell the most corn related analogies in a single sitting?

All these and more will be revealed in:

CORN RISING: A 3rd age of Dragonwright RPG sessin

Come game 7pm friday night it will be fun

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