Tuesday, November 15, 2022

119 Fiend Steals Goretta

DOTA2-Shadow Fiend Published: Aug 12, 2015 by joseph1100

Goretta and The worm-possessing Tickles get engaged to be married.  The worm used Hypnotic suggestion on Goretta and she seems not as angry now...

The barn in the 3rd eye safe zone burns down after some shelling from tanks.  The tanks shells are quickly intercepted with the Dragon's advanced math once more targetging return fire from TOW jam which disables the tanks to the south...again.

Targtun's Fiend is sent through a mystic portal, it kidnapps goretta!  After taking one dessicte supernatural spell and many shots from the group, the heavily iunjured fiend is able to flee with goretta back through the mystic portal to its master.  The portal closes behind it.

Sandra and Tickles Psigoblin possessed by Zee, 2 naruni MDF drones stay back to defend the safe zone while the rest of the party leaves.  XP

Caldor 99476 +100 showing up 175 skills +100 fight fiend +100 wife rp +100 send wife msg through gabe +100 gcal +100 gspace +100 tries to use robot belly gun to burst fire (it cant) +100 pilots robot +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone +50 restraint not shooting goretta with railgun 100601

TOW +200 showing up 75skills +100 fight fiend +100 destiny rp +100 takes tank +500 saves safezone from radiation by removing tank +100 gcal +100 gspace +100 tries to use psi dampners  +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone +100 returns fire on tanks +100 charges fiend 73200

Camron 42315 +300 showing up 50 skills +100 fight fiend +100 gets orders from cyberknights to report if federation is invading merctown +100 gcal +100 gspace +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone +100 sends jumbles into burning barn +100 fights fiend with bolt pistol 43365 Jumbles the Horse gets 100 AI XP

Zamok 19875 +400 showing up skills 250 +200 fight fiend +50 +100 rp +100 change size +100 gcal +1000 saves randy by sense auraing that he was still alive and bringing him to mystic gabe for healing +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone +100 calculates return fire of tanks +100 firstin gmeet +100 create gmeet for 119 +100 create gmeet for 120  +100 clairvoyances shows alien crash and slain by Targtun +50 zaps fiend with lasers and breath 22775

Zamok levels to 5

Nerbat 5900 +500 showing up 75 skills +300 fight fiend +100 alows caldor to pilot robot away since Roy passes out +100 gcal +100 gspace +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone +100 returns fire on tanks +50 restraint not shooting goretta with railgun 7325

Roy 7625 +500 showing up 50 skills +300 fight fiend +100 passes out +1000 saves Nerbat +500 helps save safezone by making tank removable +100 gcal +100 leaves 3rd eye safe zone while asleep in robot 10225 

roy levels to 4

Sandra 4000 +700 showing up 75 skills +400 fight fiend +100 gcal +100 throws stones at vamps +100 drives off vamp +100 psi drains werewolf +100 sense aura's draon +100 remains to guard 3rd eye safe zone 5775

Sandra Levels to 3

The group starts driving NW following the aqueduct to the collegiate arcanus..

Strange eggs start falling into the aqueduct watersource through the crack in the ceiling of the magic zone caverns..

social XP rewards you can earn for 120:

100 respond to gcal x00 show up in gmeet (Depends on char level) 100 chat in google space

100 follow twitter 100 friend discord 100 friend steam 100 follow blog 100 follow github

Sunday, November 13, 2022

William Targturn the Shifter

William Targturn 9th Level Shifter


Former Captain in the Immaterial hand of Merctown, turned traitor.

He now serves Baki the Traitor king of the east of merctown magic zone.

Targtun turned in exchange for lordship titles and land in the newly conquered regions of merctown Baki has invaded.

Targton was sent to kidnap the daughter of the immaterial hand operative currently with Tickles in the 3rd eye safe zone

IQ 19 ME 20 (+3vs psi)MA 10 PS 25 PP 11 PE 13 PB 9 SPD 14 PPE 195 ISP 35

+7 vs HF +2 vs magic +4 total vs psi , 4ATA +1lvl 4 +1lvl9 +1 tentacles = 7ATA

+2 strike HTA /+3 wp sword / +5 total

+3 parry HTA +1 athletics +1 amp hearing /+2 superhuman speed  /+5 wp sword / +12 total

+3 dodge HTA +1 athletics +2 amp hearing /+6 from super human speed / +12 total

+1 Initiative HTA +3 amp hearing / +4 total

Alignment Diabolic (formerly scrupulous before failing battle of wills during demonic link)

Age 37 Sex Male Height 5'9" Weight 168lbs

Family Origin: Cardia, a small wilderness community in North america built out of a prerifts medical equipment warehouse facility:

Biowizardry implants gained from service to Baki:

2 Retractable Mini-tentacles, Increased Supernatural PS to 25, Left Eye Infrared Amplified Hearing Bat Ears

2 Antenna - heat detection 60ft, motion detection 1/2 blindness penalties

Mated pair of Tal Worms who are unhappy  with him +1 vs psi +2 vs poison +2% vs coma +32ISP

Sixth Sense, Bioregn Self, Psychic Purification, Resist Fatigue, Empathy, Mindblock AD, 

Summon Inner Strength 4ISP/10SDC +2 vs poison +10% vs coma

Demonic Link to Mephisto the Deceiver

OCC Skills: 

Astronomy 90 Math Basic 98 Lore Demon 90 Lore Faerie 90 Gobbley Dragonese

Landnav 83  Wilderness survival 80

OCC Related:

HTH Martial Arts body flip/throw; does 1D6 damage,  Critical Strike 18

Karate and any hand strike/punch, Karate-style kick (does 2D6 damage)

Leap Kick (3D8 damage, but counts as two melee attacks), and +2 to entangle.

W.P. Paired Weapons, Holds,+2 to disarm. Back flip

Prowl 72 Anthropology 70 Archaeology 70 Streetwise 53 Radio Basic 80

Pilot Hovercraft 85 Literacy English 55 Computer Operation 65 Art 45

Secondary Skills: WP Epistol Sword Erifle  Pilot Auto 81 Athletics Climbing

Shifter Apprenticeship lvl1

Call lightning 9d6MD/27d6SDC ,18D6MD/54d6 on leyline, Compulsion

Calling, Constrain Being, Dimensional Portal, Energy Bolt, Energy Field, Exorcism, Repel Animals, reopen gateway, sense evil sense magic trance shadow meld, summon and control canines, summon and control rodents , sustain, timeslip, turn dead, tongues

Shifter Travels lvl 2-9

Control Enslave Entity, Close Rift, Forcebonds, Teleport Superior, Summon Sea Serpent, Protection Circle Superior, Distant Voice, Ley Line Transmission

Baki Apprenticeship, gained him Baki's spells 1-9 from https://3rdageofdragonwright.blogspot.com/2021/11/baki-yoweri-traitor-king-of-east.html

Desiccate the Supernatural 50ft Instant 50 3D6x10 MDC to supernatural beings

Magic Net, Telekinesis

Armor Bizarre Self 4 melees PLE 15 +15 MDC PLE, Horror Factor of 9 

9x15=135MD/405SDC offleyline, 810SDC on leyline, 1215SDC on nexus

Dispell Magic Barriers 20, World bazaar 40 12melees 200ft

Cloud of Smoke, Sense Magic, Invisibility Simple 6 mask of deceit, 

Lvl4 Deflect 10ppe costs him 20, grants 12 parries +5pp+4 = +9 to parry with deflect 9melees

Superhuman Speed Touch 10 costs him 20, 12minutes Speed to 44, +2 Parry, + 6 Dodge

Learned from Jet Girl Mystic Portal


Kittani Hoverjet piloted by fiend, crew 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 4 passengers MB 225MD/750SDC 60mph

K500 Railgun 6d6MD burst w 390rd belt 13 blasts range 4000ft +1st laser sight

Linewalker Armor with TW Super Speed and TW Armor of Ithan +50MD/+150SDC /+300 on leyline

Survival Knife, Hand Ax, 9mm Uzi, KEP Ion Pilstol 5d6MD 200ft 20/long 6 long clips

Ceremonial silver dagger, Vibro Sword 2d6md/6d6sd plasma sword 2d6md plasmablast 4d6 50ft

Knapsack, Backpack 3 small sacks, pocket mirror, silver cross, 4 garlic cloves, 6 stakes, mallet, salt in pouch, canteen, binoculars, tinted goggles, pocket laser distancer, PPD player recorder, 5 laser disks, pc3000 computer, hooded brown robe, sharpened iron rod, bandoleer, 25 HE grenades 4d6MD

tw airmask break without air 400 set gp

Has 1 fiend fro Dyval bound to his will, p 222 conversion book, 

PS 22 PP 20 PE 20 PB 5 MDC 350/1050SDC PPE 240 NV 90ft, fire/cold 1/2  prowl 50

pilot hover, tankapc, Robots/powerarmor, motorcycle

4th Level Caster

Magic to Hide: Shadowmeld, chameleon, multiple image, mask of deceit, escape, cloud of smoke

Magic to Fight: Blinding Flash 4 melees 10ft, ThunderClap 30ft +1s/p/d +5int deafens others on fail

Fear 20ft hf16 5ppe, circle of flame 10ft radius 24melees 10ppe 6d6SDC

animate dead 400ft 20min 20ppe 5 corpses 50-150SDC each spd 7 1d6SDC 2ata

 5ata +3ini +6s/p/d +8s/p sword

WP Sword, Heavy Energy,  Equipment: Vibrosword 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Sandra the Mind Bleeder

Sandra is a Human 2nd Level Mind Bleeder from Morocco.  👩 4000xp

Sandra had a contract working for Renna as a private investigator in the 3rd Eye Safezone in the Magic zone of Merctown.  Now she has been fighting for her life against a vampire hoard.  She was part of the 4 hero's who completed the ritual of construction using Valen's stone magic to construct an aqueduct connecting the safe zone to the magic zone school.  

IQ 12 ME 18 MA 17 45% trust/intimidate PS 10 PP 14 PE 16 PB 10 SPD 30 HP 25 SDC 40 ISP 36

+2 init +4 vs hf +3 vs possession +5 vs illusions +5 vs magic or chemical mind control 

+3 vs psionics/insanity (10)   +1 all magic/poison +2 roll +5p/d 5 attacks/melee

Anarchist alignment

RCC Skills

Euro, Demongogian 96 Gobblely 70 Dragonese 70

Radio: Basic 60 Pilot Hover 65 Computer Operation 55 Climbing 50 Running

WP Epistol, ERifle, Sword HTH Basic

RCC Related

Boxing, Prowl 35, Computer Hacking 30 Intelligence 41 , Forgery 30, Disguise 35

Literacy Euro 60, Weapons Systems 50  

Secondary Skills

Land Nav, Pilot Auto 62, athletics, First Aid 50, Demon Lore 30, Computer Programming 35

Psionics: Sense psionics 60ft/lvl, Mindbleed 10ft/lvl 1/min 10isp/lvl store 20/lvl

bleed memory, bleed skills, bleed aura, neuro-strike, see aura, mind block, astral projection

SuperTK 1 item/level 10isp/100 lbs 1d4x10SDC /100 lbs +3s/+4p 


Robes over Huntsman armor 45MD/90SDC, sleeping bag, backpack, sack, utility belt, canteen, sunglasses

merctown cellphone, NG Comlink short range radio, 2 days food rations, knife

NGP7 Particle beam rifle 1d4x10MD 4 eclips, 6 wooden steaks, 3700 blackmarket credits

3rd Eye ID Card, 3rd EYE buisness cards, 3rd EYE keys, merctown citizenship papers, picture of fiance  "simon the techno wizard"

Keys to hovercar, notebook, pen, login "sandra" /password to renna's use computer written in notebook

7th lvl tw armor of ithan engagement ring given to her by TW Simon of 133 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

118 Call of the Princess

ENCOUNTER1 magic pidgeon sent to caldor

Princess Shack is 242ish miles to the east of Cincinnati / merctown in the city of New Port on the ohio river, which is downstream from the tenessea in huntsville, reachable by boat from the river near cincinnati. 

 "Husband!  A strange person Lord One Eye is here claiming I am in some sort of federation, that he was sent by Lord Dunscon, and wishing to be granted the right to settle his platoon of goblins who came in a magic boat pulled by a flying monkey.  They claim they need to build a mustering point to rift in more defenses for some war to free Merctown?

Should I destroy them?  With our faithful beasts, I and the defense drone could easily slaughter them if it is your wish, but I thought i should ask first because I know not which lands you have conquered on this backwards planet.  One Eye claims to serve the needs of Knight Caldor's Lord Drago and want to discuss tribute terms for the right to settle.  Please come to New Port, I have a gift for you.  Another egg!  Your children honor you with their conquests."

wounded save vs sepsis poisoning from krulls bullets which were dipped in poo earlier
caldor fails save with a 2 and comes down with a light case of sepsis due to his super human PE

mary fails save with a 2 and comes with with a severe case of sepsis, 7 day estimated mortality without antibiotics.  mary recovers

randy fails save with a 12 and comes down with a moderate case of sepsis, 14 day estimated mortality unless condition improves to light or if it decreases to severe maybe sooner.  randy does not recover and dies of sepsis.

ENCOUNTER THREE: UFO GHOST astral projects to talk to dragon
"the captain has crashed my ufo and is about to get me, please save my body it is 1kilometer to the east"
"I Was sent to guide you to psyscape where you might learn of your kind, my body is weak and dying hurry dragon, before I pass on and with me the secrets to enter psyscape. dont let me fall into the hands of the captain!" 

Byorg is not saved and his ghost disappears... its plees go unanswered

ENCOUNTER FOUR worm possesses tickles to prevent his domination by trolls

so that leaves only a few PC left and the tw and cam to defend the zone
and the horse ai, and your AI drone
and tickles technically is there but he is possessed by the worm and dealing with..something else
(resisting the girl trolls domination magic is taking a toll but is is slowing over coming it)
(Tickles demenor chages noticably)
a domestic dispute beings btw tickles and troll girl
troll girls is confounded by tickles sense of worth and fending off her domination magic! the tickles-worm whispers something in her ear! you think you see.. a tear roll down her cheek?

caldor is not a wizard but even he can see she is enraged by tickles rebuffs and through tears begins to gather her magical power to unlease the fury of a woman scorned! 

ENCOUNTER FIVE orcs and ogre scan robot with distancer
caldor gets sepsis becomes rabid and runs off to steal ogres hoverpod after roy opens fire.  the orcs return fire badly missing.  one orc killed.  one orc and ogre choose to defect to safe zone in return for protection from Targtun. "The Captain is coming" says gorb fearfully...

world bazaar surrounds safezone.  the captain has come?!


Caldor 98501 +200 showing up +100 google cal response +100 trunk rp +100 gets magic pidgeon from wife +100 stays in the trunk of jeff's car +100 steals gorbs hoverpod +100 fight gorb/orcs +100 Gabe the Mystic offers to send a message for caldor after hearing the message from his wife.  Will Caldor respond? +75 skills 99476

Cameron 42315 +300 showing up +100 google cal response +100 ask jumbles to scan book of valen  +100 watch fight gorb/orcs +100 renna rp +100 rp  what will the cyberknights think of the bible? +100 skills
Zamok 18925 +400 showing up +100 rp with ghost of alien +100 completes aqeueduct  +100 watch fight gorb/orcs +100 cast 500ppe ritual learned from valen's bible to complete aqueduct +150 skills 
Roy 6150 +500 showing up +100 rp asking about nerbat +100 rp about what to do with cs agents +100 defeat orcs +100 realizes there is a werewolf chained up in the safe zone hospital +100 fixes tank reactor leak +275 skills +100 rp
+100 tries to befriend dragon What will Roy do with the Tank?  The water starts to move the radiation around...   7625

NPC XP of note
+200 Jumbles the AI scans Valen's bible and sends copy to cyberknight command
+200 Gorb of the Phoenix Empire turns traitor and allies with safe zone 
+200 Dorg the Orc (lvl3) follows Gorbs lead 

PCs out of commission 
TOW - recovering from vamp slow kill 1 night, takes 1 week to reset counter
Tickles -  possessed by NPC Zee to defeat dominatin magic cast by goretta, 
Nerbat - recovering from vamp slow kill 2 nights, takes 2 weeks 

Surviving NPCs
Mary, Renna, Gabe, Sonja, Jeff, and the MiBs who are barricaided in the top floor of Renna's office.
The MiBs are suspicious of Roy and the new comers.  Roy realizes again MiBs are undercover CS agents.