Saturday, April 27, 2019

Zamok the unseen

Zaayr Crystal Dragon
Level 1 Level 4as of 12/7/2021 
level5 as of 2022
Origin Hungary
Horror or Awe Factor (Hatchling): 10
IQ 20 +6%
ME 17
MA 16
PS 22
PP 17
PE 20
PB 23
SPD 26 (52 flying)
P.P.E. (Hatchling): 600
12.6tons 30ft long

6. I.S.P.: 255
M.E. attributes number x15 plus 2D6+2 I.S.P. per level of experience

HTH (Hatchlings):
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +1 on all saving throws; all are in addition to attribute bonuses.  +1pp

4 attacks /melee +2 roll +1 pull punch
Bite /Punch/Tail Slap/Wing Attack: Basic = 2d6MD+7  
PowerPunch / Power Tail Swipe 4d6+14
Claw 4d6MD+7 PowerClaw 8d6MD+14
Bite and Grip roll over 11 to do no damage
Tail Sweep 1d6+7MD/3d6SDC+21 + Knockdown

Initiative 3
Parry 3
Dodge 3
Strike 3

1. Masters of Light. The Zaayr Crystal Dragon can use light in several ways.
• Can see all spectrums of light, including infrared and ultraviolet; night-vision 1000 feet (305 m). No I.S.P. cost.
• Can refract light in such a way as to turn invisible at will (indefinite duration). No I.S.P. cost.
• Can reflect light in such a way as to become a blinding, sparkling area of light like a thousand mirrors in the sunlight.
Those trying to attack the creature with guns and directed magical or energy attacks that require line of sight and/or aiming are -5 to strike, and those trying to engage in close combat/hand to hand are -7 to strike and parry, -4 to dodge. However; area-effect magic, psionics and explosives (missiles, grenades, etc.) are only -1 to strike. Note: High quality sunglasses or polarized vision (natural or bionic) reduces penalties by half.
I.S.P. Cost: 3
Range: Line of sight up to 3000 feet (910 m); looks like an area of flashing and blinding light, and the dragon's shape or exact position is impossible to see in the blinding glare and reflection.
Limitation: This power can only be used during daylight hours or in bright artificial light.
Problem: Blinds everybody, friend, or foe who looks in its direction or who catch the flickering light in their peripheral vision.
Each movement by the multifaceted crystalline dragon causes the light to flash and change.

• Reflect Lasers. The crystalline body of the Zaayr reflects lasers with no damage to the dragon. For the cost of 5 I.S.P. it can absorb laser fire (no damage) and harmlessly release it in some other light spectrum.
I.S.P. Cost: 5 to absorb none to reflect.
Range: Self
Duration: Two minutes per level of experience.

• Convert light to heat energy. This enables the Zaayr to radiate heat. The intensity of the heat can be comfortable warmth like a heat rock to mega-damage hot. In the latter case, anybody coming within 12 feet (3.6 m) will feel hot and uncomfortable and anybody touching the dragon suffers 1D6 M.D.; a super-heated dragon inflicts an extra 1D6 M.D. from its physical punches and attacks. Since this is a magic ability, the super-heated body does not set everything it touches on fire
I.S.P. Cost: 5 I.S.P. and one P.P.E.
Range: Self
Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience.

• Fire Laser Beams from the eyes. The Zaayr can convert and concentrate light to shoot laser beams from its eyes.
I.S.P. Cost: 5 per attack/blast.
Range: 1000 feet (305 m); double for adults.
Damage: 4D6 M.D. +1 per level of experience.
Limitations: Reduce range and damage by half during overcast daylight hours or in artificial light. Reduce to 1D6 M.D. and 100 feet (30.5 m; double for adults) at night or in darkness with some ambient light. Cannot use lasers in total darkness. Also reduce range by half and M.D. to Hit Point/S.D.C. damage in S.D.C. environments like the Palladium World.
Note: Each laser attack counts as one melee action.

2. Breathe Magic Flame. The Crystal Dragon can breathe light blue fire that is magical in nature. This fire can inflict damage to energy beings, Entities, Astral Beings, Spirits and the intangible from the physical or Astral planes.
I.S.P. Cost: One per melee round.
Range: 300 feet (183 m); double for adults.
Damage: 4D6 M.D. +1 per level of experience.
Note: Each breath attack counts as one melee action.

3. Other Natural Dragon Abilities (Hatchling):

Keen color vision, hawk-like long-range vision (can see two miles/3.2 km away), see the invisible, bio-regeneration 3D6 M.D. (1D4x10 M.D.C. as an adult) per minute, impervious to lasers, resistant to heat and fire (does half damage, including M.D.C. magic fire and plasma energy) and magically understands and speaks all languages.

Teleport: (self) 14% +2% per level of experience (+12% as an adult).

Dimensional Teleport: (self) 10% +2% per level of experience (+30% as an adult).

Reduce size at will, as small as a dwarf (about 3 ft/0.9 m).

Metamorphosis into a glossy, white skinned humanoid (can have the features of a human or any humanoid).

Duration: One hour per level of experience (double for adults).

Magic Abilities:
Close Rift
Dimensional Portal
Globe Of Daylight
Blinding Flash
Lantern Light
Light Target

Shadow Meld
 Invisibility (Simple and Superior)

Special Abilities
Nightvision 300m / see all spectrums
Hawk Sight 3.2km
Bio-regeneration 3D6 M.D
Blinding Light 910m / daylight only 3 ISP
Reflect Lasers

5. All Sensitive Psionic Powers
Astral Projection
Clairvoyance (instinctively activates) 58+2/lvl
Commune with Spirits
Empathy Range 100 feet (30.5m) area. (lie detector)
Intuitive Combat 10isp +3 init +1s/p +4 dodge +4 pull punch +2 roll +2 disarm cannot be suprised +10 % balance related skills, cant use other psionics while active 8 melees
Machine Ghost 12 minuets 12 isp , read only hacking 98%
Mask ISP and Psionics Mask PPE
Meditation (also is a Healing and Physical psionic)
Mind Block
Presence Sense 120ft, supernatural beings, creatures of magic, monsters detected
Read Dimensional Portal
Remote Viewing

See Aura (instinctively activates when over 100isp remain)
Estimate the general level of experience: Low (1-3), Medium (4-7), High (8+).
The presence of magic (no indication of what, or power level)
The presence of psychic abilities: Low (Minor) or High (Major or Master).
High or Low base P.P.E.
The health: Sick, Injured, Completely Well.
The presence of a possessing entity (does not indicate Psychic Possession or Mind Control).
The presence of an unusual human aberration, which indicates a serious illness, non-human, or mutant, but does not specify which.

See the Invisible
Sense Dimensional Anomaly
Sense Evil 140ft
Sense Magic 120ft
Sense Time (detect temporal magic and anomaly and other dimension's time flow relative to rifts earth)
Sixth Sense 90ft +6 ini +2 parry +3 dodge cannot be suprised
Speed Reading 30 pages/min
Telepathy read thoughts 60ft communication 260ft
Total Recall

Astral Golem 4mi range, 50 make 10 control,  
PS 18 speed 20 ata = controller -2 ini -1 pd 30MDC 1d6MD strikes 1ISP=2MD

Empathic Transmission 60ft 6 ISP  2d6minutes Trust, Love, Hate Anger
Despair 50% change surrender, -2pd, Fear 66% chance flee -3spd confusion -3spd -ini

Hypnotic Suggestion 12 ft eye contact implant single idea

Dragonese American
Basic math Advanced math 98%

6 Skills some being learned instinctively
Wp Targeting (adds bonuses to breath/eye lasers)
WP Knife (lightblade/claws)
Lore Demon 51 Lore Magic 51
Skills learned at 3rd  eye safezone:
Concealment (learned from randy the superspy mage) 42
Masonry (learned from book of valen and watching 3rd eye safe zone wall construction) 66
computer operation taught by uncommon knowledge shopkeeper to use kerctown comlink  45

Zamok was looted as dust on the end of a magic item Drago took from the other side of a dimensional portal that was open to an evil entity trying to take over merctown.  After being brought away from the evil Zamoks dust self realized it was safe to "hatch" into a baby crystal dragon.  The item dragon stole was one of the legs of Osiris!  The leg had been used to kill the previous incarnation of the crystal dragon.

book of valen
merctown comlink
randy's merctown phone number

uncommon knowledge shoopkeeper merctown phone number

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Camron Case

Camron Case

Level Human 6 Psi warrior
Army Specialist (E4) in the Army of Thunder.
She was rescued from the slave pits of Atlantis by Drago and Sparticus.
Human 18 yr old Woman.  Looks more like 14-16, growth stunted from starvation in splugorth slave pits. 5' 3" 92lbs
IQ 10 ME 15 PS 14 PP 18 PE 12 PB 16 spd 25 HP 40 SDC 100
6 Attacks/Melee
+1init +2 entangle +3 roll/pullpunch
+2 s/p/d pp +3 s/p skills +2s +3p/d martial arts= +7strike/8parry/8dodge
Ground Based powerarmor Elite
8ATA +2 ini +2 strike long range
+10strike hth +10 parry +10 dodge +3 disarm +6pull punch/ +5roll

WP Sword+Fencing +3s/+4p= +10s/12p total out of armor
+13s/+14parry in armor
Sword w/intuitive combat
+14s/+15parry +14 dodge +5 disarm

Crit 18-20

Master Psionic 8 minor 2 super psi
PSI Sword 5d6MD / 15d6SDC
Hypnotic Suggestion
Telekinetic Force Field 150MDC / 450SDC

Sixth Sense +6init +2 parry +3 dodge cannot be surprised
Sense Evil
Mind Block
Intuitive Combat +3 ini +1 s +1 p +4 dodge +4 pull punch +2 roll +2 disarm +10% physical skills
Telekinetic Leap
Astral Projection
Psychic Healing
See Invisible

Literacy American +2
Anthropology +15
Body Building
Climbing 75
Land Nav +12
Lore Demons and Monsters +20
Paramedic +10
Swimming +10
WP Sword +3s/+2p
WP Whip
WP EPistol +5/+3 bursts
WP Heavy Energy +5/+3 bursts
HTH Martial Arts
WP Paired
WP Sheild +3 parry +2 strike

12 more skills 2 must be physical 3 wps
1 Boxing KO 20
2 Running
3 WP SMG +5/+3 bursts
4 WP Ranged/Targeting (bows) +4s 340ft range crossbow 2d4sdc 5xmelee
5 WP Polearm (lance) +3s/p
6 Demolitions 80
7 Demolitions Disposal 80
8 Trap/Mine Detection 50
9 Pilot Robots and Power Armor 71
10 Robot Combat Elite Chipwell ground powerarmor
11 Chemistry 55
12 Computer Hacking 45
at lvl 5 get 3 wps
1 WP Heavy +3/+1 bursts
2 wp Blunt +3s/p
3 wp Grappling hook +5 climb +2 strike or entangle
at 6 get 2 skills
1 Fencing +1s/parry swords
2 Weapons Systems 65 +1 strike vehicle or powerarmor weapons

Secondary Skills
1 Radio Basic
2 Computer Operation
3 Computer Programming
4 Pilot Hover 75
5 Prowl 50
6 Read Sensors 55
+2 at lvl 5

Cybernetics: Headjack, Cyber Armor 50MDC/100SDC

Original Highly Treasured AoT Equipment given to her by Sparticus

Rebuilt Chipwell assault power armor  150SDC/750SDC 11ft 500lbs ps 24 +9MD/+27sdc
integral machinegun 5d6md 2000ft  800rds 20 bursts
Integral Laser Unlimited payload off nuke reactor (1yr reamining) 2000ft 1d6x10MD pulse pv7

Vibro sword, 2d6md/6d6sd
NG-P7 rifle 4 eclips d4x10MD 10 shots
silver sword,
plasma grenade x2

New Items aquired since working in AoT up to level 6
2 radio tracking 2 ko drug 2 smoke 2 grappling hoook 10 heavy explosive d6x10sdc bolts for xbow
Heavy Armor Plate Shield 200MD/1000SDC
Kittani97 Antidote program on on a Wilks Megadeck computer.

Items gained since arriving at merctown @ lvl6
Lady Naya's Robot horse acts as NG Utility Deck cyberdeck  Robot AI 3 attacks/melee
Carpet with permanent fly spell given to her by Drago
TW Sonic Rifle                  640000 weight 15lbs
TW Storm Rifle                 560000 weight 20lbs
TK60 Light machine Gun 200000 weight 50lbs mounted on horse
TW Dragonfire Flamethrower 300000 weight 100lbs
-(3) Potions of healing 30000
-(3) All Purpose Remedy 12000