Sunday, March 31, 2019

Tickles Zee Bluey


First Lieutenant in Dunscon's Federation of Magic Psigoblin army.
Inherited Knightship in the outpost established at one of Drago's FoM nexus points when plasma died.

4th 6th 2.18.2023 Level Psigoblin is host to the worm Zee who contains the good memories of Bluey.
IQ12 MA 3 ME 14 PS 14 PP 18 PE 18 PB 5 SPD 25
100hp/150 sdc PV5
6 Attacks/melee
+6strike +9sword strike
+5parry +8 parry sword
+5 dodge
+2 vs magic/poison

When worm is in direct control of host gains Improved Intuitive Combat: one with the worm style
10isp 16 melee rounds, unable to use any other powers while active
requires relinquishing control of body(needs a host to use)
uses the worms martial arts training to its fullest
+1 attack +3 init +1 strike +1 parry +4 dodge +2 roll +2 disarm

Innate Goblin Magic 3x daily: Shadow Meld, Armor of Ithan, Fools
Gold, Repel Animals, Energy Bolt, Force Bonds, Frostblade 4d6MD/12d6SDC

Detect Psionics, Death Trance, See Invis, Sense Magic, Sense Evil,
Mind Block, Ectoplasm, Impervious to Fire, Summon Inner strength

RCCSkills: Swim 55% Climb 80%
Gobbley and Faerie Speak 98 American 70 Escape Artist 75 (adds +5 pick locks)
Interrogation 75 Intel 62 Streetwise 50 Land nav 66
Wildsurvival 70 WP Paired Weapons WP Targeting WP Sword WP Blunt
WP Heavy Energy WP Chain HTH Expert

RCCRelSkills: x1 more, Sniper,
Forgery Pick Pockets, Pick Locks Prowl Concealment, Literacy
American, Writing (reports), Carpentry

TW Arquebus +4single shot
2d6MD PV 7 500ft range 10 shots/20ppe
Captain's Breastplate 60SDCPV6

Easy to use Zee powers:
Zee Psisword 1d6x10MD/3d6x10SDC

Zee PSI Bodyarmor activates automatically when host is shot at. 90MDC/270SDC PV9Zee

Astral Golem "powerarmor" (its ecoplasm so you can wear it) or autonomous golem
30MDC/150SDC PS18 SPD 20 energy and projectile attacks do 1/2 damage +1d6MD to strikes
Astral Golem 8 mile range 50 isp to create 10 to control hf 10 PS 18 spd 20 attacks = creators
1d6MD -2 ini -1p/d impervious to mind control


Tickles uses the Normal Template for a Psigoblin stats upgraded to 4th level