Friday, January 22, 2016

Phoenix Empire Death Squad Air Jinn

Genie final. by vlda on DeviantArt air

Phoenix Empire Death Squad Jinn

Trained to serve the Phoenix Empire in one of the Demon Legions.

Green Air Jinn Regular Water Jinn Veteran Fire Jinn Elite Earth Jinn
IQ 10 12 13 14
MA 14 16 20 22
ME 10 16 20 22
PS 34 36 38 42
PP 16 17 18 20
PE 14 16 20 24
PB 4 6 10 12
Spd 40/140flying 60/160flying 100/200 flying 120/220 flying



PPE/ISP 100/40 220/50 570/60 710/70
# Actions
6 6 8 9
Strike  4/5 rod 5/6axe 8/11stave 10/15sword
Parry 4/5 rod 6/7axe 9/12 stave 10/15sword
Dodge 4/5 flying 6/7 flying 7/11 flying 8/14 flying/teleport  dodge
Initiative 4 4 4 4
Vs. Magic/
6/6/6 vs 12 7/7/7
Combat Actions Punch 3d6MD+12

K-30 Ion Pulse Rifle

Corrupt Rod punch+6d6MD

Blinding Flash

Crush 3d6+12 Wing Attack: Basic 6d6+24

K-4 Laser Pulse Rifle         Corrupt Executioner's Blade
punch+5d6MD save vs 14 death strike or take double damage

Punch 5d6MD+22

Wing Attack: Advanced Punch+70%KD
 Pin/incapacitate on nat 17+

Wing Gliding Sweep attack power punch to 15ft area +d4x10meter KD

Corrupt Serpent Slayer  Stave Punch+4d6MD double to dragons + stops teleporting K-500 Rail Gun
Crit 18+
Punch 6d6MD +30
Corrupt Millenium Slayer
Remote Controlled Phoenix Sand Crawler
` 1st 3th 8th 12th
Green Air Jinn Spells:
Defense: thunder clap +1s/p/d +5 init

Invis Wall 60ft 10ft/lvl 50/lvl

Phantom Footman 20ppe Phantom 30ppe

Air Jinn Offensive magic:

Wind Rush 120ft 10ppe
Northern Lights 60ft range 30ft area 12ppe
Electrical Field 200ft 10ft/lvl 35ppe 4d6+10md 2min/lvl
Wind Blast +6 s 2d4x10+30md 40ppe 1000ft+400/lvl
Tornado 60ppe 600ft range 100ft area 4d6x10md for 1d6melees
then hurled out for 2d6x10md

Natural Abilities:  
Magic: All spells of one elemental magic type.8th level at night 4th at day

Major Psionics: All sensitive and Physical 5th lvl

   Alter Aura (Self) (2)
   Death Trance (1)
   Ectoplasm (6, 12)
   Impervious to Cold (2)
   Impervious to Fire (4) 
   Impervious to Poison/Toxin (4)
   Levitation (2 (up to 2 lbs), 6 (up to 20lbs), 6+1 for every 10lbs over 20lbs)
   Mind Block (4)
   Nightvision (4)
   Resist Fatigue (4)
   Resist Hunger (2)
   Resist Thirst (6)
   Summon Inner Strength (4)
   Telekinesis (3, 8, 8+1 for every 10lbs over 20lbs)
   Astral Projection (8)
   Clairvoyance (4)
   Empathy (4)
   Mind Block (4)
   Object Read (Psychometry) (6)
   Presence Sense (4)
   See Aura (6)
   See the Invisible (4)
   Sense Evil (2)
   Sense Magic (3)
   Sixth Sense (2)
   Speed Reading (2)
   Telepathy (4)
   Total Recall (2)
 Intuitive Combat
Psychic Invisibility
Read Dimensional Portal

RCC Skills: 
HTH Demon(same as ultimate edition hth dragon minus bite/tail attacks)
Basic Math lit dragonese euro egyption streetwise intel track humans wilderness survival land nav lore demon faeries radio basic comp op basic elec locksmith pick locks pick pockets palming concealment wp sword wp energy rifle

RCC Related Skills (3wps)
WP Blunt WP Axe WP Heavy Energy

Green1d4x10000 in egyption gold coins of the ramaset 2 eclip

Normal 1d4x100000 in coins 3 eclips

Vet 2d4x100000 in coins 4 eclips 1 ppeclip deed to small house in Rama, Africa
Elite4d4x100000 in coins5 eclips 2 ppeclips deed to villa in Rama, Africa

Green Guns Strike Bonuses: +3 aimed
Normal Guns Strike Bonuses +4 aimed

Vet Guns Strike Bonuses 6 aimed
Elite Guns Strike Bonuses 8aimed

Green Strike Bonuses: +1pp +4 rcc
Normal Strike[4]+1pp +4 rcc
Vet Strike [7]+2pp+4 rcc +2 strike rcc hth
Elite Stike [8]+3pp+4 rcc +3 strike rcc hth

Green Parry Bonus: +1pp+3 rcc
Normal parry[6]+1pp +3 rcc +2 rcc hth
Vet parry [8]+2pp+3 rcc+4 rcc hth
Elite Parry [9]+3pp+3rcc+4 rcc hth

Green Dodge Bonus: +1pp  +3rcc
Normal: [7]  +3 rcc+1pp +2 rcc hth
Vet: [9] +2pp+3 rcc+2 rcc hth +3 to dodge in flight
Elite: [10]+3pp+3rcc+2 rcc hth +5 to dodge in flight

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