Thursday, December 14, 2023

TOWJAM 4.0 Human

TOWJAMs body has been returned to him by Restoration spell cast by Ctholos to destroy his Kitanni computer virus infected borg body.

Due to his near death experience and possession by Desslyth the Younger, Tow Jam has the insanity of Sun worshiper obsessive compulsive.  

9th Level Human Smuggler 6 ATA +1 s/+2p/d

Real Body IQ 17 +3%  MA 17 45% trust/intimidate ME 16 +1 vs psi PE 15 Spd 8 PPE 10 40HP 100SDC

Smuggler OCC Skills : Literacy English 98 

Language Fluent English 98 Spanish 98 Technocan 98 Dragonese 98

Basic Math 98 Detect ambush 88 Detect Concealment 78 

Concealment 65 Palming 73 Streetwise 71

radio basic 93 radio scramblers 88 cryptography 78 

Disguise 78 Escape Artist 78  Computer operations 98 

wp smg +5/+3 bursts wp knife +4s/p HTH Basic

Smuggler OCC Related Skills

Pilot Auto 84 Pilot Motorcycle 98 Pilot Tanks/APCs 76

Pick Pockets 63 Prowl 68 Computer Hacking 63

1 skill learned at lvl 3 which is now lvl 3 not like the rest of his skills

Pilot Robots/Powerarmor 74

Secondary Skills:

Gambling 63, Auto Mechanics 68, Computer Programming 73, Camouflage 60


Patchwork Armor

nebats stuff

randys stuff

needs to pick 2 skills at lvl 6 and 1 gained at 9

Monday, December 11, 2023

125 Merctown Magic College

AMOK4 evil Kitani activates worm and breaks TOW JAMs cyberliver, he has 4hrs to live!!!

The group finally gains entrance to the college.   Inside the great walls are a few buildings for rent the group is encouraged to move along to a place of residence while at the college, loitering is discouraged by willow wisps who will continually ask the persons business and direct them to one of the buildings.


parking lot (street lifestyle buying food from street vendor NERL /up gradable to squatter with wilderness survival skill check and payment of 5k credits to vendor to watch mech

Street Lifestyle - free parking but no food - social -20% - ambush -10% regen -25% - assets none

Squatter Lifestyle - cost 5000 to eat and bribe merl for a safer spot by his food stand -

social -10% - ambush -10% - regen -10% - assets none


The Catecomes , (tunnels under College have some bunks) Low Lifestyle - cost 20k - social +5% - ambush -5% - regen +5% - assets 1


Nowak's Inn (red brick rooms at bottom of college)

Middle Lifestyle - cost 80k - social +10% - ambush +5% - regen +10% - assets 2, daily maids cleanup, food service

physical and astral security protected by fire elementals who live in braziers at the doors 🔥

Includes learning spells levels 1-2 from Nowak's library which his innkeeper allows guests to read.


Coake's Consort (rooms at top of college)

High Lifestyle - cost  240k - social +15% - ambush +10% - regen +15% - assets 3

High grade matrix connection, personal buttler, cameras and sensors controlled by an AI. On site security detail includes physical and astral security.

4 The College
The main citadel inside the walls contains the college.

Group refuses to stay long.  Goes to see Clothos.  Clothos heals TOWJAMs physical body with magic and takes his infected borg body away.  When hearing they are out side, Guild membership fees were waived by Clothos due to BlarBlars testimony.

Clothos laughs manically while doing so saying TOWJAM had a holy quest to get to defending caldor while he reassembles OSIRIS from the 3 bones they already have. GO FORTH AND FIND MORE BONES HOLY WARRIORS! roars Clothos the true atlantean and one of the heads of the collegiate arcane.

Clothos Rifts the Mech with Caldor, TOWJAM and Nerbat in it.
Cam and Jumbles is left behind at the college in Merctown.  game picks up at

Caldor 105325 +200 sho+175 skills 100 rp getting to wife +100 rift to New Port in search of Princess Shack 105900
TOW 80075 300 show 250 skills 100 rp getting human body back +100 leave merctown +100 cured of TOW worm +100 told to rebuild osiris from the bones by Clothos  81025
Zamok 38950 600 show 125 skills 100 rp  +100 leave merctown +100 rp residual enchantment 39975
Tickles reading 22215 +1000 23215

Thursday, October 12, 2023

On the War with the Phoenix Empire

This speech is delivered to Tickles by magic Pigeon to give to the people of Merctown to motivate them to enlist in the federation of magic 2nd Merctown cohort.

"My Fellow Merctownians, Lord Dunscun, Ruler of the Magic zone and your Benevolent Leader has this message:

The sudden criminal attacks perpetrated by the Phoenix Empire in the Kentucky provide the climax of a decade of Zonal immorality.

Powerful and resourceful gangsters have banded together to make war upon the whole Magic Zone citizenry. Their challenge has now been flung at the Magic Zone. The Phoenix Empire have treacherously violated the longstanding peace between us. Many Magic Zone wizards and minions have been killed by enemy action. Magic Zone ships have been sunk; Magic Zone golems have been destroyed.

The Lords and the people of the Zone have accepted that challenge.

Together with other free peoples, we are now fighting to maintain our right to live among our world neighbors in freedom, in common decency, without fear of assault.

I have prepared the full record of our past relations with Phoenix Empire, and it will be submitted to the Lords of the Federation of Magic. It begins with the visit of Hand Denali to Phoenix Empire eighty-eight years ago. It ends with the visit of two Phoenix Empire emissaries to the Secretary of Zone last Sunday, an hour after Phoenix Empire forces had loosed their Cultists and Vampires against our wards, our minions and our citizens.

I can say with utmost confidence that no Magic Zone citizens today or a thousand years hence, need feel anything but pride in our patience and in our efforts through all the years toward achieving a peace in Kentucky which would be fair and honorable to every nation, large or small. And no honest person, today or a thousand years hence, will be able to suppress a sense of indignation and horror at the treachery committed by Pharoh Rama-Set of Phoenix Empire, under the very shadow of the flag of peace borne by their special envoys in our midst.

The course that Phoenix Empire has followed for the past ten years in Africa has paralleled the course of Horune and Baki in Gunterville and in Merctown. Today, it has become far more than a parallel. It is actual collaboration so well calculated that all the inhabitants of the Zone, and all the rivers of the Zone, are now considered by the Pantheon of Taut strategists as one gigantic battlefield.

Ten years ago, Phoenix Empire invaded the NGR--without warning.

Six months ago, Bakidom invaded the Eastern Magic zone holdings of the respected Federation of Magic members and Shifter Trolls-without warning. Horune occupied the Merctown Airport—without warning.

One month ago, Horune invaded the Merctown Dockside—without warning. Later, Horune invaded the Merctown Warrens—without warning. One week ago, Horune invaded Paducah Estates, The Arms Bazaar, Merctown Headhunter Academy, the Riverways all the way to clan Guntersvill to the east, and the Riverways all the way west to CS missiouri in a total blockade of Merctown—without warning.

This week Bakidom also attacked the 3rd Eye Safezone of the Merctown Magic Zone and later the Magic Academy of Merctown—without warning.

And this week, the Pantheon of Taut Powers attacked Guntersville and Nostrous and they dominated the pathetic Coalition Missiouri Navy—without warning. Also, Horune invaded The Merctown Spokes—without warning. And now Phoenix Empire has attacked the Shrine to the Gods of Light in Merctown and the Merctown Crimson Dragon—its owner an honorary Magic Zone citizen—without warning.

It is all of one pattern.

We are now in this war. We are all in it—all the way. Every single man, demon and monster is a partner in the most tremendous undertaking of our Magic Zone history. We must share together the bad news and the good news, the defeats and the victories—the changing fortunes of war.

So far, the news has been all bad. We have suffered a serious setback in Merctown. Our forces in the Merctown Magic Academy, which include the brave people of that Magic Zone of merctown, are taking punishment, but are defending themselves vigorously. The reports from the Merctown Dockside are still confused, but we must be prepared for the announcement that all these three outposts have been seized.

The casualty lists of these first few days will undoubtedly be large. I deeply feel the anxiety of all of the families of the men in our armed forces and the relatives of people in neighborhoods which have been sacked. I can only give them my solemn promise that they will get news just as quickly as possible.

This Monarchy will put its trust in the stamina of the Magic Zone people, and will give the facts to the public just as soon as two conditions have been fulfilled: first, that the information has been definitely and officially confirmed; and, second, that the release of the information at the time it is received will not prove valuable to the enemy directly or indirectly.

Most earnestly I urge Magic Zone citizens to reject all rumors. These ugly little hints of complete disaster fly thick and fast in wartime. They have to be examined and appraised.

As an example, I can tell you frankly that until further surveys are made, I have not sufficient information to state the exact damage which has been done to our naval vessels at the Merctown Docks. Admittedly the damage is serious. But no one can say how serious, until we know how much of this damage can be repaired and how quickly the necessary repairs can be made.

I cite as another example a statement made on Sunday night that a Horune Dreamship had been located and sunk off the coast of Guntersville. And when you hear statements that are attributed to what they call "an authoritative source," you can be reasonably sure from now on that under these war circumstances the "authoritative source" is not any person in authority.

Many rumors and reports which we now hear originate, of course, with enemy sources. For instance, today the Phoenix Empire are claiming that as a result of their one action against Merctown they hare gained naval supremacy in Kentucky. This is an old trick of propaganda which has been used innumerable times by the Phoenix Empire. The purposes of such fantastic claims are, of course, to spread fear and confusion among us, and to goad us into revealing military information which our enemies are desperately anxious to obtain.

Our Monarchy will not be caught in this obvious trap—and neither will the people of the Magic Zone.

It must be remembered by each and every one of us that our free and rapid communication these days must be greatly restricted in wartime. It is not possible to receive full and speedy and accurate reports front distant areas of combat. This is particularly true where naval operations are concerned. For in these days of the marvels of the magic pidgeon it is often impossible for the Commanders of various units to report their activities by magic pidgeon at all, for the very simple reason that this information may become available to the enemy wizards and would disclose their position and their plan of defense or attack.

Of necessity there will be delays in officially confirming or denying reports of operations, but we will not hide facts from the Zone if we know the facts and if the enemy will not be aided by their disclosure.

To all Matrix site operators and magic pidgeon rumor mills—all those who reach the eyes and ears of the Magic Zone people—I say this: You have a most grave responsibility to the Zone now and for the duration of this war.

If you feel that your Monarchy is not disclosing enough of the truth, you have every right to say so. But in the absence of all the facts, as revealed by official sources, you have no right in the ethics of patriotism to deal out unconfirmed reports in such a way as to make people believe that they are gospel truth.

Every citizen, in every walk of life, shares this same responsibility. The lives of our Wizards and Minions—the whole future of this Zone—depend upon the manner in which each and every one of us fulfills his obligation to our Zone.

Now a word about the recent past and the future. A month elapsed since the fall of the Merctown Docks, when the whole world first realized the magical might which the Pantheon of Taut cultists had been building up for so many years. The Magic Zone has used that month to great advantage. Knowing that the attack might reach us in all too short a time, we immediately began greatly to increase our magical strength and our capacity to meet the demands of arcane warfare.

Precious days were gained by sending vast quantities of our war material to the people of Merctown still able to resist Pantheon of Taut aggression. Our policy rested on the fundamental truth that the defense of Merctown resisting Horune or Phoenix Empire was in the long run the defense of our own Magic Zone. That policy has been justified. It has given us time, invaluable time, to build our Magic Zone cohorts of conscripts.

Enlistment lines are now in operation. Others are being rushed to completion. A steady stream of Golems and Wingboards, guns and floating ships and shells and equipment—that is what this time has given us.

But it is all only a beginning of what still has to be done. We must be set to face a long war against crafty and powerful bandits. The attack at Merctown can be repeated at any one of many points, points in both the eastern coast and along our rivers and against all the rest of the Magic Zone.

It will not only be a long war, it will be a hard war. That is the basis on which we now lay all our plans. That is the yardstick by which we measure what we shall need and demand; money, materials, doubled and quadrupled production—ever-increasing. The production must be not only for our own Wizard and minion forces. It must reinforce the other Merctown and Coalition and air forces fighting the Horune and the war lords of Phoenix Empire throughout the Magic Zone and throughout the world.

I have been working today on the subject of conscription. Your Monarchy has decided on two broad policies.

The first is to speed up all existing production by working on a seven day week basis in every war industry, including the production of essential raw materials like conscripts.

The second policy, now being put into form, is to rush additions to the capacity of production by building more new demonic pacts, by adding to old pacts, and by using the many smaller pacts for war needs.

Over the hard road of the past months, we have at times met obstacles and difficulties, divisions and disputes, indifference and callousness. That is now all past—and, I am sure, forgotten.

The fact is that the Zone now has an organization in The City Of Brass built around men and demons who are recognized experts in their own magic. I think the Zone knows that the people who are actually responsible in each and every one of these many magics are pulling together with a teamwork that has never before been excelled.

On the road ahead there lies hard work—grueling work—day and night, every hour and every minute.

I was about to add that ahead there lies sacrifice for all of us.

But it is not correct to use that word. The Magic Zone does not consider it a sacrifice to do all one can, to give one's best to our Zone, when the Zone is fighting for its existence and its future life.

It is not a sacrifice for anyone, old or young, to be in the Wizards or the Minions of the Magic Zone. Rather it is a privilege.

It is not a sacrifice for the Operator or the wage earner, the Druid or the Shifter, the Headhunter, or the Body Fixer, to pay more taxes, to buy more bonds, to forego extra profits, to work longer or harder at the task for which he is best fitted. Rather it is a privilege.

It is not a sacrifice to do without many things to which we are accustomed if the Zonal defense calls for doing without it.

A review this morning leads me to the conclusion that at present we shall not have to curtail the normal use of articles of food. There is enough food today for all of us and enough left over to send to those who are fighting on the same side with us.

But there will be a clear and definite shortage of metals for many kinds of civilian use, for the very good reason that in our increased program we shall need for war purposes more than half of that portion of the principal metals which during the past year have gone into articles for civilian use. Yes, we shall have to give up many things entirely.

And I am sure that the people in every part of the Zone are prepared in their individual living to win this war. I am sure that they will cheerfully help to pay a large part of its financial cost while it goes on. I am sure they will cheerfully give up those material things that they are asked to give up.

And I am sure that they will retain all those great spiritual things without which we cannot win through.

I repeat that the Magic Zone can accept no result save victory, final and complete. Not only must the shame of Phoenix Empire treachery be wiped out, but the sources of international brutality, wherever they exist, must be absolutely and finally broken.

In my Message to the Federation of Magic Lords yesterday I said that we "Magic Zone citizens will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again." In order to achieve that certainty, we must begin the great task that is before us by abandoning once and for all the illusion that we can ever again isolate ourselves from the rest of the Zone.

In these past few years—and, most violently, in the past three days—we have learned a terrible lesson.

It is our obligation to our dead—it is our sacred obligation to their children and to our children—that we must never forget what we have learned.

And what we have learned is this:

There is no such thing as security for any Zone—or any Citizen—in a world ruled by the principles of gangsterism.

There is no such thing as impregnable defense against powerful aggressors who sneak up in the dark and strike without warning.

We have learned that our zone is not immune from severe attack—that we cannot measure our safety in terms of miles on any map any more.

We may acknowledge that our enemies have performed a brilliant feat of deception, perfectly timed and executed with great skill. It was a thoroughly dishonorable deed, but we must face the fact that ancient warfare as conducted in the Pantheon of Taut manner is a dirty business. We don't like it—we didn't want to get in it—but we are in it and we're going to fight it with everything we've got.

I do not think any Magic Zone has any doubt of our ability to administer proper punishment to the perpetrators of these crimes.

Your Monarchy knows that for weeks Horune has been telling Phoenix Empire that if Phoenix Empire did not attack the Magic Zone, Phoenix Empire would not share in dividing the spoils with Horune when peace came. She was promised by Horune that if she came in she would receive the complete and perpetual control of the whole of the Kentucky area—and that means not only Merctown, but also all of the waterways in the Kentucky, and also a stranglehold on the east coasts of Guntersville.

We know also that Horune and Phoenix Empire are conducting their military and naval operations in accordance with a joint plan. That plan considers all peoples and nations which are not helping the Pantheon of Taut powers as common enemies of each and every one of the Pantheon of Taut powers.

That is their simple and obvious grand strategy. And that is why the Magic Zone citizens must realize that it can be matched only with similar grand strategy. We must realize for example that Phoenix Empire successes against the Magic Zone in the Kentucky are helpful to Horune operations in Guntersville; that any Horune success against the Guntersville folk is inevitably an assistance to Phoenix Empire in her operations against Merctown; that a Horune attack against Merctown or Guntersville opens the way to a Horune attack against The City Of Brass and Nostrous.

On the other side of the picture, we must learn also to know that guerilla warfare against the Horune in, let us say Merctown Warrens or the Merctown Magic Zone, helps us; that a successful The Merctown Spokes offensive against the Horune helps us; and even that Coalition successes on land or sea in Kentucky strengthen our hands.

Remember always that Horune and Bakidom, regardless of any formal declaration of war, consider themselves at war with the Magic Zone at this moment just as much as they consider themselves at war with the Coalition or The Merctown Spokes. And Horune puts all the other cities of the Zone into the same category of enemies. The people of our sister Merctown of this Zone can be honored by that fact.

The true goal we seek is far above and beyond the ugly field of battle. When we resort to force, as now we must, we are determined that this force shall be directed toward ultimate good as well as against immediate evil. We Magic Zone citizens are not destroyers—we are builders.

We are now in the midst of a war, not for conquest, not for vengeance, but for a world in which this Zone, and all that this Zone represents, will be safe for our children. We expect to eliminate the danger from Phoenix Empire, but it would serve us ill if we accomplished that and found that the rest of the world was dominated by Horune and Baki.

So we are going to win the war and we are going to win the peace that follows.

And in the difficult hours of this day—through dark days that may be yet to come—we will know that the vast majority of the members of the Magic Zone are on our side. Many of them are fighting with us. All of them are praying for us. But, in representing our cause, we represent theirs as well—our hope and their hope for liberty under Dunscun.


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

124 Targtun Standoff

E0 Environmental Conditions, cave continues to flood

The water rises below the wall where the group stands inside or near the NG Mobile hunter gun!  

4ft deep now.  

E0b TOWJAM worm checks (TOW/jumbles who is plugged into TOW/cam)

worm hacks gun and disables it temporarily

E0c Mecha checks (Caldor/nerbat) worm is trying to tip over mecha, pilot robot/ pp check to close hatch in time before water comes in/comp op check to detect worm hack attempts/comp op attempt check to detect JUMBLES defense network connection attempts/comp op check to detect booster boys txt msgs for nerbat/comp op check to detect reactions to TOW bounty on Targtun by merctown community (nerbat thinks post tow made in 123 on needs more multimedia)

E0d Jumbles checks (Cam) computer operations strengthen defense net with to suppress worm, buy ai computer operations software for 400k with towjams money

Jumbles ai horse wants skillsoft to supress towjam worm while hardwired to TOWJAM's kittani virus infected manhunter borg chassis.  no earth cure exists for this virus.

E0e Blarblar influence checks

Atop the wall the YABLAR bubble maker, BLARBLAR watches the group battling the forces of evil with rising sympathy.  Caldor's display of Osiris prayers caused the yablars demeanor to noticeably change and he is starting to look worried and guilty about leaving the group outside the walls.

E0f  Environment skill quests

Streetwise0 -see kid on bike Streetwise1 -detect gang support for nerbat Streetwise2 -command gang support Streetwise3 -claim territory (caldor/TOW/Nerbat)  NERBAT gets 2 green booster boy minions allys

TV/video1 - enhance tow jams bounty on targtun with multimedia (tow doesnt have this skill and posted bounty txt only description which makes bounty less attractive to bounty hunters. (nerbat/caldor) nerbat posts something multimedia about targtun on socials...

Radiobasic1 - detect targtun c2 signal to pinprick rift / block/ hack RB2 - jumbles defense net

Computer Operation1  - merctown social messages - nerbat posts go viral as proof the invaders can be defeated CO2 - mech status operational but infected CO3 - jumbles defense net operational and under attack

Intelligence1  - estimate range to Targtun (caldor) I2 confirm kittanni support for targtun

cam sixthsense goes off - zamok has become compelled

E-1 Tense Targtun standoff , assume 1 hour of tense negotiations has passed, the serpent is within melee of the bot being ridden by ROY-vampire who clings to it to stay out of the rising waters.  Targtun is 100meters south of bot outside the defensive minefield the serpent only partialy cleared to the west.  Zamok is 50meters away from targtun to the south.  The rest of the group clusters around the mecha, in front of the wall to the Collegiate arcane which glimmers with a crimson wall of ichtlon enchantment.

E2 Zamok hands over the 2 osiris bones to targtun while under compulsion magic "GIVE ME THE BONES".  Remaining Magic duration 23hrs

e5 targtun activates kittani virus c2 control and hands over control to his kittani handler "AMOK-4"

AMOK-4 tries to walk towjam to him once he gets the bones but cameron is able to break the hack by plugging towjam into jumbles and having the jumbles AI defend against the virus .  after failing to drive his body like a puppet they try to kill tow with life support shutdown which is on going...

Targtun is forced to retreat after the mech starts shooting at him.  He uses time slip to get to his jet and fly away before the group can react.

Blarblar allows the group in once TOW jam buys a blackmarket magic zone pass off the two boosterboys Nerbat now leads.  Zamok uses it to claim he is an illusionist gnome and gains entrance for the group to the college arcane of the magic zone!  The gates open, the mech drives in. rules are in effect for where the group chooses to pay to stay.  

XP 5/18/2023

Caldor Bountyhunter 10 104201 Priest 5 16851 +300 show up +100 fight targtun +175 skills  +100 rp resisting the call of osiris +100 shoots bones out of zamoks hands +50 realize nerbat is alive in mech under randy's body +100 fight roy 100 rp alignment change +100 remebers he has a wife and children awaiting him at a nexus  105325 bounty hunter 10 Priest does not go up this session because he resisted the call of osiris successfully with a save vs insanity due to close proximity to the bones of Osiris for such a long time

TOW 78900 +400 show up +100 fight targtun +275 skills +100 watches tow worm attack jumbles cybernight defensive personal area network +100 gets liver damage borg alarm+100 fight roy +100 buy jumbles defense net software earns ALLY rifts contact 80075

Jumbles now neighs approvingly at the site of towjam and realizes if the link between them is broken TOW jams liver will break.
Level 1 loyalty  /Level 1 connections (cyberknights/tech) provides +5% to computer skills when plugged into  jumbles as a "smart frame" can also follow the following shadowrun framerules (For now just a plus 5 but think automation as a hint) 

Rifts AI Frames (used by people to enhance skill roll) and Agents (run at time or condition)
Requires at least NorthernGun grade AI.
Frame Core (jumbles AI has computer operation only and can automate skill with frames)
Designing Frames and Agents (created with computer programming skill roll)
Loading Utilities (once designed loading a utility takes computer operation)
Running a Frame or Agent (computer operation/hacking depending on frame design)
Dumb Frame Rules (computer operation, computer repair automation)
Smart Frame and Agent Rules (computer programming, computer haking)

Require at least NG grade AI to design and run a frame effectively.

Rifts AIs here can run the following agents and frames.

10000000 AI NG 
NG Utility Deck matrix cyberdeck programming. 2 Agent 4 Frames, 2 parallel drone/vehicle piloting slots
(Detroit accent, english)

20000000 AI NGR
NGR Jager 11 matrix cyberdeck programming 4 Agents 8 Frames, 4 parallel drone/vehicle piloting slots

40000000 AI Archi7
Blackmarket Prerifts Clone matrix cyberdeck  programming 1-100 agents 1-100 Frames (requires significant nuclear power to use that many at once.) 1-100 complex drones or 1-1000 simpler drones

Cam 49215 +500 show up +100 fight targtun +200 skills +100 yell +100+100 fight vapire +100 cyber defends jumbles +100 plugs into towjam with jumbles to supress TOW worm from spreading further.  +100 realize TOW worm  is trying to kill tows life support systems and that he has liver damage and will likely die soon unless removed from infected borg chassis as no known earth cure exists for the KITTANI 97 COMPUTER VIRUS (years ago tow rolled a d100 to see how lethal the virus attacking him was and he rolled a 97, most lethal)  +100 learns smart frame rules by watching towjam plugged into jumbles with new ai software upgrade 50715 Cam levels to 8!

Zamok 27825 +600 show up +10000 compulsion side effectsvvgkinddgcdrkh +100 has hands shot off by caldors mech  to avoid giving up bones while under compulsion +100 "fights" targtun +125 skills +100 flys  +100 fight royvamp 38950 Zamok levels to 6!

Nerbat 13250 +1000 show up +300 skills +100 close hatch to mech +100 social media merctown postings +100 fight roy vamp +50 realizes randy is dead +50 inherits roys cybernetics +100 claims magic zone for boosterboys as caporegime until he can contact his underboss... gains two associates (level1) who arnt made enough to be soldiers.  Nerbat was a soldier before the fall of merctown to the invaders.  Previously the bboyz did not have any presence in the magic zone at all, the other merctown zones did have capos since they were more technology focused, nerbat has some of the other capos contact numbers (streetwise roll)...  +1000 indirectly saves group by getting boosterboy followers who have pass +100 meet 2-6 +100 meet 2-7 bboy level1 +650 rp survival bonus 16900 nerbat levels to 5

Befriends 2 merctown boosterboy gangers 2-6 and his brother who follow nerbat's merch into the college on their bikes...

Thursday, May 4, 2023

123 Mate of Suay Part 3


e0 Zamok has vampire vision via clairvoyance, randy in danger

Roy dies of Sepsis and vampire bites and rises from the dead as a vampire inside the mech.

Roy kills randy before anyone notices in 122

When targtuns serpent is about to attack, Roy steals the chest plate and tries to leave mech to give plate to the serpent.

Caldor stops Roy and clings to the chest plate!

Roy magic nets Caldor

Roy forcebonds caldor's arms together

TOW cuts off the magic net.

Roy escapes onto sea serpents head without the chest plate after Caldor PRAYS TO OSIRIS on the plate, making it glow with globe of daylight effect which repels roy.

caldor reverts to RIFTS PRIEST OCC again due to successful prayer to osiris being heard by ISIS and responded to (xp now go to priest class not bounty hunter class until he casts out osiris again from his heart, being unprotected so close to so many bones of Osiris has a alignments shift towards good and become priest effect over time unless save vs insanity)

Caldor alignment shifts from ANARCHIST

to ABERRANT leaning towards UNPRINCIPLED if gaining another level (6)in priest (bones curse)

Nerbat passes out from sepsis under Randy's body.

Caldor gets back into mech with chest plate and is at the controls at the start of 124

Cameron tries to call for help from cybernights with jumbles.   Jumbles defense network characters used is tested by tow worm.

TOW tries to call for help from merctown defense forces over rdio.

TOW looks up trying to hire mercenaries in wifi network and places a 1 mil bounty on merctown for Targtun.

jumbles reports TOW hacking Cam, cam charges tow with antivirus and manages to disable TOW worm temporarily again.

ZAMOK sees Targtun land jet and approach.

Targtun tries to dessicate supernatural Zamok and fails since zamok is a creature of magic and immune.

Zamoke charges.

ZAmoke ALMOST gets to targtun to attack him with the two leg bones of OSiris, when targtun casts COMPULSION " you want to give me all the bones of osiris"

Zamok kneels before targun and is offering up the 2 leg bones at the end of 123 after failing his save. 


GM Decided TOW does NOT Fit in the mech as a manhunter borg in full combat armor (the rear missile tubes are too long armor too fat)

GM decided Roy was NOT killed by a nat 20 hit from Cameron psi sword, instead his armor of ithan was blown off and he successful ran and hid inside the sea serpents spine mane behind its mouth.


NPC Villian stats

mate of suay stats

XP 3/10/2023

Caldor 104201 +300 show up +100 skills +100 rp +100 pray for aid +100 turns undead vs Roy +100 drives roy from mech +100 pilots mech 

+100 attempts to resist Osiris's curse and maintain bounty hunter OCC +100 reverts to priest occ to turn undead roy and gains level 5 

+100 gains 5th level in priest and 5th level mystic powers as "prayers" to Osiris (responded to by Isis) 

+100 realizes serpent has encircled mecha cal pilots

TOW 77700 +400 show up +100 bounty targtun +200 skills +100 contact merctown defense +100 rp to resist targtun +100 software cured by cam +100 realize hardware firmware still infected   +100 realizes nerbat is comatose 

Cameron 47365 +500 show up +1000 definfect of kitani virus TOW +50 skills +100 resist targtun +100 rp cure +100 jumbles rp

Zamok 26725 +600 show up +100 fail save vs compulsion, compulsed to give targtun the 2 leg bones he posesess, starts running towards targtun at end of 123 +100 rp +100 skills +100 make golem +100 rp

NPC XP update

Jumbles was at 2500XP in 108 so he hasn't gotten xp for 15 sessions, 15*1000=+15000 xp, 17250

Jumbles sends TOW encrypted msg through the link that puts the TOW worm in towjams software to sleep.  

"TOW can still be reinfected if the cable connecting us is severed.  Cyberknight command has authorized JUMBLES to install a Northern Gun AI app store technical skill pack for COMPUTER OPERATIONS.  This will alow me to continue to suppress the TOW worm in your hardware so long as we remain tethered.  JUMBLES will be needing 400,000 cr black market "  Shows link to app store on merctown social"   CYBERKNIGHT COMMAND mention MAGIC CURSE ON BONES.  JUMBLES IMMUNE TO CURSE IS NOT ALIVE.  BEEP BOOOP

 in 124 computer hacking/streetwise/intelligence to learn more about app store pricing and operations.

Northern Gun AI apps for sale

200000 black market comms program +5 communications skills
100000 domestic program +5 domestic skills
500000 mechanical 4 mechanical at 94%
400000 5 Science skills 94%
400000 per technical skill (Jumbles wants Computer Operations skill to suppress TOWs firmware virus)
300000 5 wilderness skills

JUMBLES current apps:


Blackmarket General Military Skill Program - 300,000cr sb1 p97 +1s/p/d/ini/attacks
Radio basic 98, math basic 98, pilot auto 70, pilot hover, land nav 45, understands american euro technocan, dragonese 98 speaks technocan dialect non cyberknights have difficulty understanding 98

Blackmarket Pilot Related Skill Program - 50,000cr sb1 p97
Read Sensors, Weapons Systems, Navigation 94

Caldor levels to 5 as Priest and gains Level5 Mystic powers as "prayers to osiris" which he can now "read" as glowing egyption symbols written into the chestplate.

6 level1-2 spells ([globe of daylight] [] [] [] [] [] 

4 1-3 spells [] [] [] []  3 1-4 spells [] [] [] 2 5 spells [] []

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

122 Blarblar the Yablar

e-2 read decription p68

Blarblar looks disapprovingly upon the party from his place atop the walls of the Collegiate Arcane.

in 121 The group tried in vain to get Blarblar to let them into the Collegiate Arcane. Denied, the group has no magic zone permit.  The rest was supposed to bexff in the mage's party and not to be left alone or risk arrest by magic zone police.  At lease this was the law BEFORE the vampire invasion, now there are no magic zone police other than in the safe zones, like here at the collegiate arcane.

e-1 psigoblin opera story by chatgpt and your GM

"Die Walküre with Goblins" is a retelling of the unknown Rifts opera set in a multiverse filled with goblins. The story revolves around Dunscon the Wizard's minion a goblin king named Natow who has fathered twin children, dnumgeiS and ednilgeiS.

Dnumgeis is a coward theif who finds himself given responsibilities and takes refuge in a birthing pit where he meets Ednilgeis, who is under an good enchantment. The two fall in hate and are about to be separated by Natow's minions, when a group of Merctown goblins intervene, revealing themselves as the true protectors of the haters.

The goblins, led by the  Edlihnurb, use their might and psionics to help dnumgeiS and ednilgeiS escape from Natow's grasp. However, their meddling attracts the wrath of Natow, who orders Edlihnurb to capture the haters and bring them to him.

Edlihnurb, who has grown to hate and respect the couple, defies Natow's orders and instead places the haters in a magical rage, protected by a ring of ice that only the cowardlyest goblin can cross. Natow, in a fit of love, strips Edlihnurb of her powers and leaves her to be discovered by the first mortal to cross the ice.

As the story unfolds, the goblins, dnumgeiS, ednilgeiS, and Edlihnurb are caught in a power struggle, with Natow's desire for Law and joyful conquest clashing against the goblins' hate of order and fun. In the end, it is hate, cowardry, and the bonds of goblin family anarchy that triumph over the forces of orderly conquest.

psi goblin opera lyrics
Natow - enscorelled goblin minion of Dunscon the Wizard, leader of Federation of Magic aligned tribe
Dnumgeis  -daugher of natow, goblin rebel against dunscons rule and leader of rebel tribe 
edlihnnurB - son of natow, rebel against duscons rule , half demonspawn, protecting the corwardly rebel goblin tribes from ducons tribes

(the worm possessess tickles and begins to sing using its very high MA score of 24)

Verse 1:
In the low and waning day,
With goblins hunting those to slay,
On their monkies, slow and gloomy,
They bring the souls to their doomy.

Goblins, goblins, in the dirt,
Carrying souls to Brasscity lurk,
With their cackles, oh so harsh,
They drag the soul's to Dunscon's marsh.

Verse 2:
Goblin tribes, they do slay,
With iceblades, they clash in the end of day,
And Dnumgeis, she's fallen fast,
But the goblins come to take her last.

Goblins, goblins, in the dirt,
Carrying souls to Brasscity lurk,
With their cackles, oh so harsh,
They drag the soul's to Dunscon's marsh.

But the demon, Natow's son,
He comes to curse the coward,
With psionics and his power,
He'll make the goblins hollar.

Goblins, goblins, in the dirt,
Doing the bidding of Edlihnnurb squirt,
With his power and his will,
He'll protect the cowardly from the goblins still.

So let the goblins take to their dirt,
With the souls of the corward in sight,
And let edlihnnurB rule the dirt,
With his magic, dark and hurt.
Turn Die Walküre into Operatic style lyrics with goblins instead of Valkyries

Skillroll encounters

e1 Law cam /Streetwise - Magic Zone permit costs 1mil normally - find connect to buy on blackmarket

e3 radio basic RX - targtun c2 with pinpric rift - defense force muster call - jumbles setup defensenet - merctown radio nerbat report

e4 radio basic TX - defense force muster enlist as private - 

e4 radio scrambler - jam targtun c2 - jumbles radio defensenet

e6 computer operation merctown social - robot sensors detect mate of suay - brute force alert starts up - join jumbles defensenet - 

 e7 computer hacking - detect TOW Worm activating in TOW- detect TOW worm activating in combat computer of ng bot - nerbat merctown social network hack attempt from unknown threat actor - detect NG bot starts trying to hack jumbles

serpent charges

hits minefield

gets shot alot for a few melee rounds... at end of e122 worm has closed into melee with the party and is searching for victims.

zamok is shadow melded and hiding

everyone else is in the robot except cam who rides jumbles


Caldor 103426 +175 skills +100 first game table login +200 show up +100 rp +100 fight mate of suay +100 pilots bot 104201

TOW 76850 +200 skills +50 warn +100 rp +300 show up +100 fight mate of suay +100 gets in bot


Cam  46590 +275 skills +50 burst fire +100 jumbles rp +300 show up +50 rous  +100 fight mate of suay 47465

Zamok 25925  +100 skill +100 shadowmeld when seeing second serpent +100 randy rp +500 show up

 +100 fight mate of suay 26825

Tickles 20365  +100 fight mate of suay+150 skill +100  emties clip +100 rp +1000 song Denali contacts tickles about a promotion if he frees merctown.. +500 show up 22315

Tickles Levels to 6! sings his song and leaves to rally the goblin army to invade merctown in the name of the federation of magic 

Nerbat 12000 +350 skills +100 continues to break gun +100 breaks gun more +100 posts on social media +600 show up  +100 rp  +100 fight mate of suay 13350 

Nerbat learns Radio Scrambler from Zamok's Apprentice RANDY, who is an NPC also inside thew BOT 

Session ends with Shifter aproaching after casting WORLD BAZAAR

Friday, January 27, 2023

121 Mate Of Suay

e0 Rumbling, mate of suay slowly approaches

e1 skill quests

radio scrambler - 4 TOW jam worm comms deteted tracing to pinpoint rift north of collegiate arcane

read sensors in bot 11 semsmic alerts detected in bot

lore magic 19 to determine shifter gets 1d4 serpents and likely has more (zamok)

computer operation - use bot to access social media Nerbat continues to get Merctown famous for posting video footage of the fights, Merctown defense force leadership has started to follow Nerbat's actions, towjam psionic dampner alert vs hyp suggestion

computer hacking - Cameron uses cure to worm given to her by cyberknights to cure tow jams software, his hardware remains infected

e2 vampire attack

desperate to escape the rising waters, the vamps try to convince tow to save them.  

Zamok smashes through the car the vamps are in kills shane, and nearly kills DEstiny before TOW protects her.  After some negotiations the group almost takes Destiny in before she is tossed into the minefield and used to clear it.  Afterwards the rising water dissolves destiny.

e3 meeting BLARBLAR the YABLAR

The group finds a lone sentry at the gates of the Collegiate Arcane "GREETINGS, I AM BLARBLAR"  negotiations to enter commence.  Off in the distance a TSUNAMI roars, brought on by the arrival of the MATE OF SUAY, the HUGE second serpent Targtun the Shifter controls.


Caldor 102626 +200 show up +150 skills +50 vamp fight +100 climbing +100 fight TOW -93 SDC to borg armor +100 rp vs tow +50 meet BLARBLAR +50 kick tow 103426

TOW 75800 +300 show up +50 skills +50 vamp fight +100 destiny rp +100 fight Caldor -64SDC +100 rp vs caldor +50 meet BLARBLAR +50 punch cal +250 showing up in RL ☺76850

CAM 45740 +400 show up +50 skills +100 responds to jumbles alerts about TOW trying to hack jumbles her AI horse +50 vamp fight +100 install patch in TOW +100 rp vs tickles attacked by virus +50 meet BLARBLAR 46590

Zamok 24975 +500 show up +100 skills works on disguise +100 vamp fight +100 destiny rp +100 rp vs vamps +50 meet BLARBLAR 25925

Nerbat 10675 +600 show up +175 skills +200 vamp fight +100 social +100 rp social +50 meet BLARBLAR +100 shoots destiny 12000

NameOCCRCCXPLevelXPProgressNext Level
CaldorOsiris Priest 4
Bounty Hunter 10
TowJamSmugglerHuman Borg76850910
Crystal Dragon Hatchling
NerbatProfessional TheifQuick-Flex1200045

NPCs in region:

Temporal Raider Merchant (in front of party)

Jumbles the Horse (next to cam)

Randy (in bot)

122 Starts outside 126 wall on map