Saturday, December 5, 2015

Toe Jam the Guntersville Smuggler

Cyborg by Odinoir on DeviantArt

Toe Jam is a Smuggler for Bandito Arms from Guntersville, Alabama.

When Bluey was "made" by Bo, Toe Jam was assigned to assist him in Bandito Arms business.  Toe Jam has orders to spy on Bluey and protect the company interests, up to and including neutralizing bluey if he puts the business in danger.

5th Level Smuggler Partial Borg Human

IQ 17 MA 17 ME 16 PS 20 PP 22 PE 15 PB 18 Spd 8 PPE 10
40HP 200SDC mainbody
180MDC Concealed Light borg armor overlay

Combat Stats:
6 Attacks +5 on initiative

Unarmed Melee Strike [+6]+1mo+1hth+4pp
Knife Strike+8

Ranged SMG Strike +5 aimed, +2 burst
Ranged Knife Throw +8
Ranged Bradly Cannon shot:  +0/+1 if able to hack multioptic eye into the targeting system
Ranged TOW Missile shot: +0/+1 same as cannon
Ranged Mini Missile shot +1 already integrated with Multi optic eye

Parry [+7]+1 amp hearing +2hth+4pp
Knife Parry +9
Dodge: [+9] +2hth+2amp+4pp + 1read people

Saving throws:
+1 vs Magic due to partial bionic reconstruction.

Smuggler OCC Skills:
Literacy English 93
Language Fluent English 98 Spanish 93 Technocan 93 Dragonese 93
Basic Math 88 Detect ambush 68 Detect Concealment 63 Palming 53 Streetwise 65 radio basic 83 radio scramblers 53 cryptography 43
Disguise 63 Escape Artist 61
Computer operations 78 wp smg wp knife HTH Basic

Smuggler OCC Related Skills:
x3 piloting:
Pilot Auto 81 Pilot Motorcycle 89 Pilot Tanks/APCs 65
x3 other skills
Pick Pockets 58 Prowl 68 Computer Hacking 48
1 skill learned at lvl 3 which is now lvl 3 not lvl 5 like the rest of his skills)
Pilot Robots/Powerarmor 65

Secondary Skills:
Gambling 53, Auto Mechanics 48, Computer Programming 53, Camouflage 40

Has "Veteran" physical stats from having more bionics than a Normal Level Smuggler since my template only shows lvl 3 and lvl 8 stats and Toe Jam is Lvl 5 with Vet Bionics.

Toe Jam is in debt an undisclosed ammount to Bandito Arms from the extra bionics which is why he had to take the job of following around Bluey.
Bionics and Cybernetics:
Partial Bionic Reconstruction to strengthen body trunk.
RigiPlast Bones in Hands, Feet, Arms, Legs, Torso, Skull.

Simsense Recorder (dashcam for all 5 senses)
Multi optic Cybereye,  (nightvision/Ultraviolet/Thermal/infrared/targeting system)
Amp Hearing,
Left Bionic Arm with microcomputer & concealed smg.
Arm also contains a concealed  hand wrench +5% auto mechanics
Right Bionic Arm has a concealed Armor Piercing Mini Missile Launcher

Level 1 Adrenal Booster (must be activated manually to gain bonuses)
+4PS&PE/lvl +1strike/parry/dodge/attack/lvl
+1init/lvl  Roll vs non lethal poison 4/ rounds of activity.
After a fail roll vs non lethal roll vs Deadly cardiac arrest/rd of activity.
(De)Activation requires rolling under ME on d20.
Taking non armor damage activates pump involuntarily.

Bionic Lungs 1hr ox supply, Modulating Voice synthesizer (fake a voice with computer operations),

Kata Calculator Skillware (+2/strike/parry with a sword when activated with computer operation, takes 2 attacks to activate)

Level 10 Audio Damping on body to silence the bionics, +10%/prowl

Omni Link Nerve Web +1 Initiative

Each bionic hand has a pinky which can detach and be used as a bomb. (5d6MDC/15d6SDC)

Black Market Abilities:
Black Market Professional Courtesy and Connections
Black Market Line of Credit
Black market Business Enterprise #1 Spying on Bluey, paid monthly by Bo
Black Market Buisness Enterprise #2 Smuggling goods into and out of CS
4 chosen special abilities:
Informant: Confidential (CS Officer)
Steady Nerves +2 vs hf +2 vs insanity +1ma +5% disguise
2 slots go to Read People +1 perception +1 dodge rolld20 vs someone to assess, whoever rolls highest wins, winning shows through disguise/shape shifting/con artists/PB and MA effects. +10% streetwise

Traveling Clothes, cross and wood steaks, flashlight, 1 weeks rations, survival knife.
30000 black market credits

MDC Modified Bradley Tank p97 mercenaries w/ combat computer +1s
41mph max speed, 300mile range 180MDC mainbody 80MDC turret

Left Arm SMG 10mm 4d6SDC 3000ft 2x30rd clips of ramjet rounds PV9
Right Arm Mini Missle 1d4x10MDC/3d4x10SDC range 1 mile 3' blast radius PV9
Bradley Cannon 5d6MDC 20' flak radius 5000ft range 25 shells
Bradley TOW Missles x2 (used up)
Vibroknife 1d6MDC +5/3d6 +15 SDC

NPC Contacts:
Bo, Riki, Merl, Tin Duhk, CS officer

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