Sunday, February 7, 2021

Gorb the Ogre 'Arif Corporal

Gutterunch Gorb


“Pappy” Gutterunch Gorb, an obese ogre with an immense, overhanging belly inscribed with Abyssal runes."

Level 3 Ogre T-Man rented by his splugorth owner Desslyth the Younger to Rama-Set's army. 

Ogre has worked as an infiltrator in merctown posing as a gang member in mephisto's horsemen prior to the invasion.

IQ 14 ME 10 MA 10 PS 25 PP 17 PE 20 PB 9 SPD 17 PPE 132

Aberrant alignment (lawful evil)

Natural Ogre 35hp/110sdc 9ft tall 700lbs

Magic Tattoos 100MDC/300SDC (tatoos provide magic armor when you have more than 7 tatoos...)

Giant Armored Jacket 25MDC/75SDC PR6

3rd Level Knights Armor Tattoo 60MDC/180 SDC 25ppe

melee strike +3/4 fists w/SN invis +6 club/ +7 club w/SN 

ranged strike +5s aimed /+2 bursts Wilks

parry +4/7 club +8 club w/S

dodge +4

+4 vs magic +3 vs poison/psi

Tman OCC Skills: Ogre, Gobbley, Boxing Acrobatics Gambling 30 Prowl 27 WP Blunt WP Archery WP blunt WP Knife

OCC Related Skills Wilderness survival, H Hunting, Track and Trap animals, HTH Expert
Pilot Hovercycle Weapons Systems Radio Basic Radio Scrambler Detect Ambush Sniper
Secondary Skills: Streetwise Athletics First Aid Climbing Lore Demon Leatherworking Skin and prepare hides, Land Nav

Magic Tatoos:
2 simple weapons (2d6SDC CrossBow, 2d8SDC Giant Club) 2ppe 30min
2 magic weapons  (2d8MDC/6d8SDC Giant Flaming Club, Flaming serpent arrows 2d6MD/6d6MD vs Dragons 6d6SDC/18D6) x3 range 30PPE for 4 arrows
2 animals Rhino, Crow
2 monsters Yll-Tree Climber 100ppe 15 min 460MDC 6 ATA PS 34 PP 28 PE 28
Furry Beetle 100PP

Knight Armor 25PPE 90min 60MDC
3 eyes super natural vision 20ppe 30min +1s/p nv see invis see aura

Heart Encircled by Chains (invulnerability from all but psi/magic, 75MDC/225 SDC 40ppe 30min
Skull Coiled with Thorns Death touch 40ppe 6 minutes +1s/p 1d6hp/3d6MD or 3d6hp/9d6SDC
Chain with broken Link, SN Strength +6


Set Army Comlink Radio

Ogre-sizedd Custom Hoverpod   75MDC/375SDC   100MPH max 150mile electric range

Hoverpod Vibro Harpoon+towline 3d6MD 100ft

1325 stolen black market credstick

orc skull, human skull, rat skull chained to belt

Tribal Leather clothing (25SDC), NG survival kit, tent, 1weeks food, canteen, airfilter, tinted goggles

10ft length of heavy chain, padlock


"Wild Ogres are captured and imported from a world known as the Palladium, but most ogre T-Men come from the Splugorth's slave kennels where ogres are bred and raised specifIcally as slave stock. The rare, wild females are kept for breeding (captive human females are frequently substituted). 70% of the ogres found within Splugorth dominated society are so-called domestic ogres raise in the slave kennels. One such ogre slave kennel is found in Atlantis. A horrible fate for these giant cousins to human beings. The Splugorth simply have no regard for human life. From their point of view, the domestic ogres are more controllable and docile than captives from the wilds."


Gorb leads a platoon Orcs in a Tank3 as a NCO corporal in the army of Rama-Set.

Tank3 is part of a 3 tank squad, reporting to Krull (who is tank1), Tank2 is currently scouting to the north lead by Corporal Slaughter, another orgre Tman.   Tank1 is currently assaulting the 3rdeye safe zone.  All 3 tanks are in radio contact with a signal from a pinpoint rift north the the collegiate school of magic, and are expected to checkin to base every hour.

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