William Targturn 9th Level Shifter
Former Captain in the Immaterial hand of Merctown, turned traitor.
He now serves Baki the Traitor king of the east of merctown magic zone.
Targtun turned in exchange for lordship titles and land in the newly conquered regions of merctown Baki has invaded.
Targton was sent to kidnap the daughter of the immaterial hand operative currently with Tickles in the 3rd eye safe zone
IQ 19 ME 20 (+3vs psi)MA 10 PS 25 PP 11 PE 13 PB 9 SPD 14 PPE 195 ISP 35
+7 vs HF +2 vs magic +4 total vs psi , 4ATA +1lvl 4 +1lvl9 +1 tentacles = 7ATA
+2 strike HTA /+3 wp sword / +5 total
+3 parry HTA +1 athletics +1 amp hearing /+2 superhuman speed /+5 wp sword / +12 total
+3 dodge HTA +1 athletics +2 amp hearing /+6 from super human speed / +12 total
+1 Initiative HTA +3 amp hearing / +4 total
Alignment Diabolic (formerly scrupulous before failing battle of wills during demonic link)
Age 37 Sex Male Height 5'9" Weight 168lbs
Family Origin: Cardia, a small wilderness community in North america built out of a prerifts medical equipment warehouse facility:
Biowizardry implants gained from service to Baki:
2 Retractable Mini-tentacles, Increased Supernatural PS to 25, Left Eye Infrared Amplified Hearing Bat Ears
2 Antenna - heat detection 60ft, motion detection 1/2 blindness penalties
Mated pair of Tal Worms who are unhappy with him +1 vs psi +2 vs poison +2% vs coma +32ISP
Sixth Sense, Bioregn Self, Psychic Purification, Resist Fatigue, Empathy, Mindblock AD,
Summon Inner Strength 4ISP/10SDC +2 vs poison +10% vs coma
Demonic Link to Mephisto the Deceiver
OCC Skills:
Astronomy 90 Math Basic 98 Lore Demon 90 Lore Faerie 90 Gobbley Dragonese
Landnav 83 Wilderness survival 80
OCC Related:
HTH Martial Arts body flip/throw; does 1D6 damage, Critical Strike 18
Karate and any hand strike/punch, Karate-style kick (does 2D6 damage)
Leap Kick (3D8 damage, but counts as two melee attacks), and +2 to entangle.
W.P. Paired Weapons, Holds,+2 to disarm. Back flip
Prowl 72 Anthropology 70 Archaeology 70 Streetwise 53 Radio Basic 80
Pilot Hovercraft 85 Literacy English 55 Computer Operation 65 Art 45
Secondary Skills: WP Epistol Sword Erifle Pilot Auto 81 Athletics Climbing
Shifter Apprenticeship lvl1
Call lightning 9d6MD/27d6SDC ,18D6MD/54d6 on leyline, Compulsion
Calling, Constrain Being, Dimensional Portal, Energy Bolt, Energy Field, Exorcism, Repel Animals, reopen gateway, sense evil sense magic trance shadow meld, summon and control canines, summon and control rodents , sustain, timeslip, turn dead, tongues
Shifter Travels lvl 2-9
Control Enslave Entity, Close Rift, Forcebonds, Teleport Superior, Summon Sea Serpent, Protection Circle Superior, Distant Voice, Ley Line Transmission
Baki Apprenticeship, gained him Baki's spells 1-9 from https://3rdageofdragonwright.blogspot.com/2021/11/baki-yoweri-traitor-king-of-east.html
Desiccate the Supernatural 50ft Instant 50 3D6x10 MDC to supernatural beings
Magic Net, Telekinesis
Armor Bizarre Self 4 melees PLE 15 +15 MDC PLE, Horror Factor of 9
9x15=135MD/405SDC offleyline, 810SDC on leyline, 1215SDC on nexus
Dispell Magic Barriers 20, World bazaar 40 12melees 200ft
Cloud of Smoke, Sense Magic, Invisibility Simple 6 mask of deceit,
Lvl4 Deflect 10ppe costs him 20, grants 12 parries +5pp+4 = +9 to parry with deflect 9melees
Superhuman Speed Touch 10 costs him 20, 12minutes Speed to 44, +2 Parry, + 6 Dodge
Learned from Jet Girl Mystic Portal
Kittani Hoverjet piloted by fiend, crew 1 pilot, 1 copilot, 4 passengers MB 225MD/750SDC 60mph
K500 Railgun 6d6MD burst w 390rd belt 13 blasts range 4000ft +1st laser sight
Linewalker Armor with TW Super Speed and TW Armor of Ithan +50MD/+150SDC /+300 on leyline
Survival Knife, Hand Ax, 9mm Uzi, KEP Ion Pilstol 5d6MD 200ft 20/long 6 long clips
Ceremonial silver dagger, Vibro Sword 2d6md/6d6sd plasma sword 2d6md plasmablast 4d6 50ft
Knapsack, Backpack 3 small sacks, pocket mirror, silver cross, 4 garlic cloves, 6 stakes, mallet, salt in pouch, canteen, binoculars, tinted goggles, pocket laser distancer, PPD player recorder, 5 laser disks, pc3000 computer, hooded brown robe, sharpened iron rod, bandoleer, 25 HE grenades 4d6MD
tw airmask break without air 400 set gp
Has 1 fiend fro Dyval bound to his will, p 222 conversion book,
PS 22 PP 20 PE 20 PB 5 MDC 350/1050SDC PPE 240 NV 90ft, fire/cold 1/2 prowl 50
pilot hover, tankapc, Robots/powerarmor, motorcycle
4th Level Caster
Magic to Hide: Shadowmeld, chameleon, multiple image, mask of deceit, escape, cloud of smoke
Magic to Fight: Blinding Flash 4 melees 10ft, ThunderClap 30ft +1s/p/d +5int deafens others on fail
Fear 20ft hf16 5ppe, circle of flame 10ft radius 24melees 10ppe 6d6SDC
animate dead 400ft 20min 20ppe 5 corpses 50-150SDC each spd 7 1d6SDC 2ata
5ata +3ini +6s/p/d +8s/p sword
WP Sword, Heavy Energy, Equipment: Vibrosword
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