Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gore Jr Negotiates with Tickles

Tickles gets a magic pidgeon proclaimation back from Dunscon after his earlier pleas for help.... 

He reads the proclaimation aloud for all to hear, and some trolls spying on him across the street hear it..

"By the King of the City of Brass, and Lord of the Federation of Magic

A Proclamation
Whereas a proclamation issued by me on Dec8 104PA, proclaimed the neutrality of the Federation of Magic in the war now unhappily existing between certain Zones; and

Whereas this state of war imposes on the Federation of Magic certain duties with respect to the proper observance, safeguarding, and enforcement of such neutrality, and the strengthening of the Zonal defense within the limits of the peacetime authorizations; and

Whereas measures required at this time call for the exercise of only a limited number of the powers granted in a national emergency:

Now, Therefore, I, Alistair Dunscon, Lord of the Federation of Magic, do proclaim that a Magic Zone emergency exists in connection with and to the extent necessary for the proper observance, safeguarding, and enforcing of the neutrality of the Federation of Magic and the strengthening of our Zonal defense within the limits of peacetime authorizations. Specific directions and authorizations will be given from time to time for carrying out these two purposes.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Diabilist's Rune of the Federation of Magic to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Brass this eight day of December, in the year of our father Nostrous Dunscon, 104PA, and of the Independence of the Federation of Magic.

While LEVY is in effect each Federation nexus is expected to provide one noble and retiune to fight per week until the emergency delcation is lifted.
Dragon Ape Federation Operatives dispatched to each Federation Held Nexus to draft forces for transport to merctown.

Be duly armed and mounted, and those who cannot reasonably
procure shall [at least] be adequately armed…so as to resist our said enemies, and do and carry
out what you think best for the proper defense of our Magic Zone.


(this is not a public declaration of war as tickles wanted but it does allow for a massing of forces to conduct a war even if on paper he refuses to say he is).


GORE JR is potentially motivated to follow Tickles... 

 Gore Jr was a Mob Enforcer for the Imaterial Hand in Merctown. After hearing Tickle's Procliamation from Dunscon, Gore motions Tickles to a nearby building top where he was spying on the 3rd Eye Safezone from a shadowmeld. Tickles flies over and discusses the announcement. Now he is self styled "Prince of Troll Paradize" following thge "King of Troll Paradize". Gore Jr Follows Gore SR. Gore SR is allied to the Federation of Magic and used his enslaved Djin to kill any invaders and created the Walled Junk Yard Safe Zone "Troll Paradize" in the south East of the Magic Zone, directly next to The TechnoWizard's old fallen Safezone, and the Domain of Baki to the north. The Gore family has been at war with the invaders after the rebellion of Baki in the East and invastion by Vampires and Phoenix Empire troops. The Gores refuse to ackknowledge Baki as King. For now the Gores continue to honor the agreements the Federation and the Merctown Magic Zone Guild Leadership and have not turned traitor, taking massive losses in personal, money and equipment before finally stabilizing the Troll Paradize Safezone. 

 Shifter training from Gore Sr: Shifter w/ Supernatural Link | 6th Level | 45MDC  Light Armor| 4APM 4MPM | 158PPE +1ini | +3p/d | +10vs HF | +3vs magic | +1vs psi | Magic Dagger 1d6+2MD | 9mm Uzi w/ 3 30rd. clips of enchanted bullets (1d6MD each) 600ft Magic (ss14): Sense PPE&Magic, Turn Dead, Trance, Chameleon, Concealment, Shadow Meld, Time Slip, Call Lightning, Constrain Being, S&C Canines, S. Less Being, Armor Bizarre, Mental Blast, Sustain, A & C Dead, Wind Rush, PC: Simple, C/E&S/C Entity, Aura of Death Domination, Manipulate Objects, Carpet of Adhesion Don't forget his many demonic and supernatural alies (heh) Gore Jr has female 3rd Level Shifter Troll apprentice with him named Gorette.

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