Krull fails his Coma Save and dies from Caldor's earlier sniper headshot.
Zamok dimensional teleports physically to the astral plane mirror of physical plane and tries to fly outside of the circle of protection in the direction he perceives psyscape "home to be". Before being attacked by a ghost and paralyzed Zamok has a vision of a strange alien creature guiding him to psyscape... "home to your kind"...
The creature in the vision:
As soon as Zamok leaves the circle of protection, Zamok sees the glimmer of 2 ghosts coming at the 3rd eye safe zone lines sent there by Krull and clearly under necromantic magic enchantment of some kind, with black tendrils of energy still linking the ghosts to krull's body, now dissipating slowly... One ghost attacks Zamok with paralysis psionic bio manipulation and the possessing entity is about to try to possesses Zamok before the PSI GOBLIN TICKLES strikes the ghost down from behind. Tickles is the only other character in the group who can see invisible ghosts and defend the hapless hatchling. The other ghosts flies into the 3rd eye building (haunting entity has taken up residence non violently).
Shane attacks with Krull's Mountaineer quad 50cal machine-guns, shooting 100 rds of ramjets at the 3rd Eye Safe zone. All in the cone are hit with 1d4 .50 ramjet rounds resulting in multiple casualties and wounding.
After killing Krull, Caldor is shot by Gorb and once by shane. Caldor has 0 sdc and 25hp after plate removal surgery and badly wounded, diving off the tower where he was sniping and taking cover in the garage.
Bleeding badly, caldor finally desperately tries sneaking with prowl into the trunk of a car being worked on by one of the 3rd eye safe zone members and using an irmss kit on himself.
Gorb the Ogre 'Arif Corporal sends his platoon Orcs in a Tank to attack the Safe Zone! While the orcs charge the zone in their tank, Gorb Snipes Caldor with Tattoo magic arrow nearly killing him. Gorb's orcs charge their vehicle through a gap in the 3rd eye zone wall, damaging the circle of protection, spraying Kitanni pulse fire everywhere and killing a few defenders before backing their vehicle out of the gap in the wall and withdrawing after realizing Krull is dead.
TOW JAM gets hypnotic suggestion seduced by a vampire who gets him to walk with her into the back of Krull's Mountaineer. TOW Jam gets jealous of Shane and tries to wrench him out of the way of her and damages the quad 50 cal gun mount in the process.
Shane asks the Gorb over radio to send a Orc with pilot Truck over to the Mountaineer and an orc1 runs over and starts to drive the Mountaineer Truck away with TOW Jam inside.
Finally Tickles realizes TOW Jam is in danger of being kidnapped, and runs over. Zee uses super TK to fling Shane out of the truck and 100 meters into the air and away from thew group, and grabs TOW JAM. The female vampire seducer runs out of the Mountaineer after seeing what Tickles did to Shane. The orc1 then drives off the Truck leaving everyone else behind.
MELEE COMBAT ENDS after 45seconds, Zamok drags partially paralyzed self back inside the circle of protection. (failed save vs bio manipulation)
In between 115 and 116 the following things happen:
Tickles recruited by Trolls across the street https://3rdageofdragonwright.blogspot.com/2022/03/gore-jr-negotiates-with-tickles.html
Tow Jam SENDS data files on defense from his sensor data in the magic zone and virus data to MerctownDefenseforces@merctown.
Zamok and Randy exchange magic knowledge, randy offers 1 spell from levels 1- 3 if zamok stays and defends area for one day.
Caldor counts remaining plasma cartridges from inside the trunk of Car while healing from IRMSS kit "knitters". (how many bullet left?)
Jeff drives out the car from the garage into the courtyard of the Safe Zone after all the noise when they call for additional firepower, taking Caldor with him.
P 97 mercenaries, armored electric car, 140MDC/980SDC PV 7 fwd .50 cal 100 rd ramjetbox drum
3rd Eye Safe Zone Surviving NPCs in BOLD:
Doing Ritual to bring Water to the Magic Zone:
1 Valen +100xp
2 Sandra 6th Mind Bleeder +200xp
3 Gabe 4th Mystic +600xp
4 In Car with Caldor: Jeff 3rd Level Psi Tech +900xp
First Floor of 3rd Eye Base
Guards swap, so magic psi squad goes inside lower level to rest with the bodies:
5 Lisa 5th Level Linewalker +500XP
maintains Circle of Protection around Safe Zone, Alarm Wards, ley line observation ball
6 Wounded tended to by Renna in RED
7 Mary 4th Level Psi Ghost +600 +1000 near death takes Jennys stuff, - .50 gunshot 1x by shane,, comatose and has lost alot of blood, saved by Rena from imediate death, if next medical skill to remove bullet fails, will have to make one more coma save or die.
8 Randy 6th Level SuperSpy Mage +200xp +500 near death shot and bandaged, concious and desperately trying to trade magic with Zamok to save his safe zone...
9 Tom 6th Level Military Specialist +200xp, (MiB guards upstairs area of office, opens window and sets up sniper spot in window on 2nd floor covering front area of 3rd eye shop)
Dead/not vamped/corpses still inside 3rd Eye zone circle of protection, argument ensues about weather to burn or bury the bodies (Rays team wants to burn):
Psisquad fatalities:
Craig (shot .50 by shane ) , things inherited by Renna
Jenny (shot to death by Orcs 1-3 while dazed from being shot by Shane), things inherited by Mary
Tech squad fatailities:
Norton, (shot by shane .50), things inherited by Rob
Jesse (injured by shanes .50, shot by orcs 1-3 pulse fire), things inherited by Ray
Johnny Zaks (shot by orc' tanker and Krull's .50 cal), things inherited by Tom
Repairing Tank outside 3rd Eye
10 Ray - MiB 6th level Detective Commando OCC
Chipwell Vampire Combat Power Armor Mark II 130MDC/650SDC p70 mercops
VAI-V water cannon 100ft 1d6x10 md to vamp 60blasts, cross spotlight, silver claws 3d6 . steak shooter payload 2 2d6SDc 100ft
11 Rob - MiB 6th lvl detective Juicer OCC is now operating the tank
12 Roger MIB the 5th lvl Pilot RPA in "requisitioned" Merctown Defender's Samson Powerarmor
Jean marc slept through the whole encounter and is still sleeping outside in a tent which has been covered in blood due to the gun fight and death of Jenny.
Vamps following Shane after shane was flung WEST by Zee super tk 100meters.
Shane leads the vamps in Set worshiping in hobovan to the WEST of safe zone,
Vamps in Van
V1 Driving Shane vet Wild Vamp,
nominally under control of Phoenix Empire, likely now gone wild without Krulls strategic control
V2 Dswatt, Green Wild Vamp, sits shotgun, gains 2nd level as vamp
V3 Homie, Green Wild Vamp sits rear window1, gains 2nd level as vamp
V4 vet wild vamp TOWJAmes Girlfriend aka Vamp Seducer3 on map, sits rearwindow2
Vamps on on Highwayman Motorcycle1
V5 Greg Rogue Scientist Green Wild Vamp vamped by vampire seducer2
V6 Gregs Girlfriend, Normal Vamp Seducer2
Vamps on highwayman motorcycle2
V7 Marty Mind Bleeder Green Wild Vamp vamped by vampire 5
V8 TOMATOHEAD Normal Wild Vamp, Previously known as Vampire5, sire to Marty
Orcs under Phoenix Empire Ogre Corporal Gorb rally in heavy vehicles to the EAST of 3rd eye safe zone,
All green 1st level orcs gain 2nd level after surviving 115, still have green gear from loot https://3rdageofdragonwright.blogspot.com/2015/05/phoenix-empire-monster-slave-troops.html + what they loot:
ORC1 named Snaglak from the Map steals Krull's Corpse and Mountaineer ATV
Snaglak Drives Krull's Mountaineer ATV
Snaglak steals the following Krull loot for himself: Keys to Krull's truck, see invisible amulet.
Bandoleer of 10 Frag Grenades 6d6SDC 20ft radius
AK47 with no stock 4d6SDC 900ft 30rd clip 4 ramjet clips 2 clip silver
10000 black market credits, sleeping bag, sunglasses, air filter, infrared distancing goggles, 2 hand shovels, 1 hand ax,
ORC2 named KUBUB
Kubub now holds Krull's NG-E4 6d6MD 20 shots/long elip 10/short 1600ft range 4 long clips gunning from on the turret where the disabled gun on the Orc tank still sits.. Orc3 now is the driver of the Orc Tank.
ORC3 name Ogrumbu driving inside the original Orc Tank M48A3 and
ORC4 named Boghat hanging on back of tank shooting from cover.
Boghat and Snaglak gamble and Boghat wins the following Krull items:
UZI 600ft 30 rd clip 2d6SDC 2 clip silver 4 clip 9mm Ramjet, leather gloves, 2 sets clothes, large satchel, 50 large sacks w/ziplock, wilks laser scaple, wilks laser torch
names from https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/orc_names.php
Corporal GORB the 3rd Level TOgre GETS TRIBUTE, gains 1000xp.
Snaglak gives the rest of magical Krull loot to Gorb in exchange for a promotion to Private FIRST class so he can lord his rank over all the other orcs to are Just Privates.
Bribes given to Gorb for promotion: https://3rdageofdragonwright.blogspot.com/2020/09/krull-brass-zgirls-necromancer-captain.html
protection from sickness amulet, , protection from undead amulet, necromantic talisman 50PPE
Scrolls : Heal Wounds , Teleport Superior , Eyes of Thoth , Climb , wall of stone, negate magic, summon fog
Valen calls Zee over... we are almost complete with the aqueduct friend, I will need your hydrokinesis to bring forth an underwater river to fill it...
Zee and Valen begin the ritual of completion to fill the aqueduct with water. The Duct now nearly connects the safe zone to the magic guild to the north west...
TICKLES QUEST2: Winning support of Federation of Magic members like the Gores Troll family immaterial hand gangsters.
TICKLES QUEST3: Fufilling the responsibilities of the Proclaimation of DUNSCUN to gather an army and cleanse Merctown of vampires.
Negotiate Mutual Assisstance Federation-Merctown Pact document and sign said document governing activities between the Federation of Magic forces under Tickles and Merctown Defense Forces under Corporal Jean Marc and the Trolls under Gore SR. Tickles knows using his writing and Zees memory a very formal document with lots of legalese is the only way to solve this problem.
TOW gets another desperate merctown encrypted message from tin duhk "I can't hold out much longer, the Pirate slaver squads have control of the docks and are going inland to the warrens more and more and bringing scores of people out to the boats. They havn't found my docks hideout yet. Can you come get me or not? This might be my last message."
TOW JaM gets these data files:
TOW JAM gets schematics sent to him Tin Duhks underwater lair, inside the sealed pilots compartment of one of the sunken GAW cargo ships in the harbor of merctown. The schematics show how to access the lair from underwater airlocks and get into the seeminly destroy'd ships interior which has smugglers living quarters.
Tinduhk shows you shipping manifests a "I'll give you the coordinates and keys to the booty once you get me out"...
1 sunken ship full of 1d4 shiping containers of Coal, worth 1d4x10million each.
1 Ship of shipping containers with M48A3 Tanks 3d6 wrecked worth 20k each, 3d4 functional worth 100k each, 200 galons, 288 miles, 5000 galons fuel Tank worth 10000cr, 100SDC, 2 mothballed GAW F14 worth 4 mil each. full of biofuel worth 100cr/galon, worth 500000cr.
1 Ship of Crude Oil (small leak) worth 1d6x10million.
TOW QUEST 2: Sending defense data from Tow james worm to merc town defense forces
Tow gets a PAYMENT PROCESSING message for sending the defense data!
TOW QUEST3: DRONE OFFERS SIGN UP form to Join Merctown Defense Forces as private under Corporal Jean Marc
CALDOR QUEST1: PRINCESS SPACESHIP short wave radio pings caldors cellphone. "the princess is in danger"
CALDOR QUEST2: DRONE OFFERS SIGN UP form to Join Merctown Defense Forces as private under Corporal Jean Marc
After the death of their uniter Krull, Will Gorb and Shane put asside their differences to renew the assualt on the 3rd Eye Safe Zone where the hero's are holed up?
Find out in 116.
115 XP
Caldor 96151 200 showing up +100 kill krull +100 daring dive off tower to cover +100 use irmss kit in trunk +100 rp prowling into trunk noone knows he's there 100 skills 100 starts withdrawl from juicer biwizimplant removal side effects no longer being masked by osiris plate
TOW 67990 300 showin up +100 seduced by vamp +50 daring leaving circle +100 transmit defense data +100 get tin tuhk quest +100 rp jealous vs shane +100 get into krull truck daring 150 skills 100 rp +910 survival bonus, towjam levels to 9
Tickles 15575 400 showing up +100 kill ghost +500 save ZAMOK from near mental posession and tpk +50 make golems +100 make music +100 read procliamation +100 troll rp +100 rp +500 save TOW Jam 150skills
Zee +200xp
Zamok 15175 500 showing up +100 rp yearing for answers about birth +100 psyscape rp +50 learn vision of alien creature that will guide him to psyscape +100 fight ghost +50 get paralyzed again +50 make golems +50 daring escape attempt +50 crawls back into safe zone 150 skills +500 survival bonus
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