Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Randy Randal Super Spy Mage

Randy Randal 6th Level Super Spy Mage.  Rifts Contact and Apprentice to Zamok.  

Before the invasion Randy worked as an investigator for the Men In Black faction of the 3rd Eye Safe zone in Merctown.

IQ10 ME16 MA10 PS13 PP18 PE17 PB18 SPD10 HP40 SDC45  Unprincipled Alignment

OCC Skills

Radio Basic 80 Scramblers 65 crypto 60 math basic 90 literacy english , language Dragonese, Spanish

Intelligence 67 Pick Locks 65 Disguise 60 Forgery 55 Prowl 60 Computer Operation 70

WP Energy Pistol, WP Sword 

4OCC Related Skills Streetwise 46 Boxing HTH Martial Arts

 Isshin Ryu Karate

CHARACTER BONUSES Add +1 to P.S. Add +1 to P.E. Add +2 to P.P.

Escape Moves: Maintain Balance, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.

Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry.

Advanced Defense Moves: Combination Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry.

Hand Attacks: Draw Hand (New!), Ridge Hand (New!), Uppercut, Vertical Fist (This is similar to a conventional punch, except the fist is held vertically instead of the usual horizontal position. Properly executed, the punch is launched from the side keeping the fist vertical the entire time. The elbow is kept close to the side and the shoulder is mostly quiet. The punch is applied to the main body in a whip-crack motion. At the completion of the punch the hand and arm are left in a position ready to punch or block again immediately with no wind up. This method allows for much faster punching techniques and has two possible methods of use. The character can fire two quick punches in succession, counting as one melee attack, or the character can use this punch as a Combination Strike/Parry).

Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Roundhouse Kick, Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook.

Special Attacks: Combination Strike/Parry, Death Strike (New!), Elbow.

Languages: Japanese

Cultural(Select Three): Bonsai, Calligraphy, Cooking

Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Bo (Staff), W.P. Kama (Axe), W.P. Nunchaku (Chain), W.P. Sai (Forked), W.P. Tonfa (Blunt).

WP BLUNT Fortress Penetration Kata or Bassai Kata: A single minded attack on a single opponent, this Kata is designed to penetrate the defenses of any opponent. All Strike rolls receive a + 3 bonus plus the character s normal attribute and form bonuses. Otherwise, the character uses the usual # of Attacks per Melee Round and performs all other defensive moves at -3(that means -3parry, dodge and roll).


6 Attacks per melee

+1s/+3p/+3d from boxing/pp before HTH +2 s +2p +1 dodge +2 roll +2 dmg

+3s/+5p/+4d total, +6s/+8 parry wp sword/blunt +9s -3 p/d/roll with blunt kama

critical 19-20,  from behind automatically KO 19-20

OCC at 3 Computer Hacking 41 Weapons Systems 65 OCC at 6 WP Energy Rifle Sniper

Secondary Skills

Pilot Truck 60 Land Navigation 56 Computer Programming 55 First Aid 70

Randy Claims to be an ex Federation of Magic Agent trained in this Spell List:

1 See Aura, Globe of Daylight, See the Invisible

2 Mystic Alarm, Extinguish Fire, Turn Dead

3 Armor of Ithan 60MD / 180SDC , Invisibility: Simple, Telekinesis

Laura started training him after this:

4 Multiple Image (taught by Laura as payment during his work before invasion)

5 Supernatural Strength PS 30 +15damage/+45 Damage (taught by Laura after invasion)

6 Blue Mist (Taught by Laura as last resort if they are overrun)


Level: 6 

Range: 10x10x5ft (500 cubic feet) area per level, cast up to 90ft away (but can travel up to 300ft away from the caster). 

Duration: Two minutes per level. 

Casting Time: Two melee actions. 

Damage: 4d6 damage (or 2d6 in RiftsR). 

Saving Throw: None Cost: 15 

Blue Mist is an incantation that generates an enchanted, glowing, sky colored gas that can creep along surfaces, through cracks, and under doors at a Spd. of 22 (15 mph). An extra +10 will boost the mist's speed up to 44. The mist is completely harmless and heatless until the caster decides to change that. It takes one melee action to change the mist from harmless to harmful, or back again. 

When the mist is put into "damage mode," flammable objects have a 60% chance of catching fire. Anyone in the mist will take the listed damage each melee - the only way to avoid it is to escape the mist. Heat fumes and the mist itself obscure vision to cause a -3 to strike, parry, and dodge penalty. Anyone who is unprotected (wearing no armor, metal armor, or non-environmental armor) suffers double the penalties. Any creature vulnerable to flame takes an amazing triple normal damage (including vampires and most other necromantic creatures)! 

A powerful wind (like Wind Rush, elemental air magic, or storm magic) can dissipate the mist in two melees. The mist is heavy and will sink to the floor, but can still crawl up stairs and through air ducts (as long as the caster can see enough to direct it). The mist isn't intelligent, so it can't be put on guard duty or sent off to hunt and find things. Further, a Negate Magic or Dispel Magic Barrier spell will destroy the Blue Mist spell as normal (it gets the usual save throw). 

7 Lightblade d4x10MD (learned from Zamok)


Airfilter, Goggles, Patchwork Armor 70MD/140SDC PV6

NG-E4 Plasma Ejector E-Rifle 6d6MD 1600ft 20/long eclip 3 eclips clips

6 stakes, mallet,  wooden baseball bat, 1d6SDC works with kama, wooden cross, 3 set gold coins, 3058 black market credits.

Merctown Cellphone, Papers, Pens, stamping equipment, etcher, jewelers hammer, microscope, Wilks Personal Computer, Bedroll, water bottle.  Keys to Randy's Ride (the truck blocking the gates to the safe zone).

Randy's Ride p97 Mercs MDC Modified Large Electric TW powered Truck 

80MD/560SDC cab +tw energy field 50MD, 100MD/700SDC trailer PV7 +2x tw energy fields

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