Thursday, March 17, 2022

115 Death of Krull


Krull fails his Coma Save and dies from Caldor's earlier sniper headshot.

Zamok dimensional teleports physically to the astral plane mirror of physical plane and tries to fly outside of the circle of protection in the direction he perceives psyscape "home to be".  Before being attacked by a ghost and paralyzed Zamok has a vision of a strange alien creature guiding him to psyscape... "home to your kind"...

The creature in the vision:

As soon as Zamok leaves the circle of protection, Zamok sees the glimmer of 2 ghosts coming at the 3rd eye safe zone lines sent there by Krull and clearly under necromantic magic enchantment of some kind, with black tendrils of energy still linking the ghosts to krull's body, now dissipating slowly...  One ghost attacks Zamok with paralysis psionic bio manipulation and the possessing entity is about to try to possesses Zamok before the PSI  GOBLIN TICKLES strikes the ghost down from behind.  Tickles is the only other character in the group who can see invisible ghosts and defend the hapless hatchling.  The other ghosts flies into the 3rd eye building (haunting entity has taken up residence non violently).

Shane attacks with Krull's Mountaineer quad 50cal machine-guns, shooting 100 rds of ramjets at the 3rd Eye Safe zone.  All in the cone are hit with 1d4 .50 ramjet rounds resulting in multiple casualties and wounding.

After killing Krull, Caldor is shot by Gorb and once by shane.  Caldor has 0 sdc and 25hp after plate removal surgery and badly wounded, diving off the tower where he was sniping and taking cover in the garage.

Bleeding badly, caldor finally desperately tries sneaking with prowl into the trunk of a car being worked on by one of the 3rd eye safe zone members and using an irmss kit on himself.

Gorb the Ogre 'Arif Corporal sends his platoon Orcs in a Tank to attack the Safe Zone!  While the orcs charge the zone in their tank, Gorb Snipes Caldor with Tattoo magic arrow nearly killing him.  Gorb's orcs charge their vehicle through a gap in the 3rd eye zone wall, damaging the circle of protection, spraying Kitanni pulse fire everywhere and killing a few defenders before backing their vehicle out of the gap in the wall and withdrawing after realizing Krull is dead.

TOW JAM gets hypnotic suggestion seduced by a vampire who gets him to walk with her into the back of Krull's Mountaineer.  TOW Jam gets jealous of Shane and tries to wrench him out of the way of her and damages the quad 50 cal gun mount in the process.

Shane asks the Gorb over radio to send a Orc with pilot Truck over to the Mountaineer and an orc1 runs over and starts to drive the Mountaineer Truck away with TOW Jam inside.

Finally Tickles realizes TOW Jam is in danger of being kidnapped, and runs over.  Zee uses super TK to fling Shane out of the truck and 100 meters into the air and away from thew group, and grabs TOW JAM.  The female vampire seducer runs out of the Mountaineer after seeing what Tickles did to Shane.  The orc1 then drives off the Truck leaving everyone else behind.  

MELEE COMBAT ENDS after 45seconds, Zamok drags partially paralyzed self back inside the circle of protection.  (failed save vs bio manipulation)

In between 115 and 116 the following things happen: 


Tickles recruited by Trolls across the street


Tow Jam SENDS  data files on defense from his sensor data in the magic zone and virus data to MerctownDefenseforces@merctown. 



Zamok and Randy exchange magic knowledge, randy offers 1 spell  from levels 1- 3 if zamok stays and defends area for one day.


Caldor counts remaining plasma cartridges from inside the trunk of Car while healing from IRMSS kit "knitters". (how many bullet left?)

Jeff drives out the car from the garage into the courtyard of the Safe Zone after all the noise when they call for additional firepower, taking Caldor with him.

P 97 mercenaries, armored electric car, 140MDC/980SDC PV 7 fwd .50 cal 100 rd  ramjetbox drum

3rd Eye Safe Zone Surviving NPCs in BOLD:

Doing Ritual to bring Water to the Magic Zone:

1 Valen +100xp

2 Sandra 6th Mind Bleeder +200xp

3 Gabe 4th Mystic +600xp

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Randy Randal Super Spy Mage

Randy Randal 6th Level Super Spy Mage.  Rifts Contact and Apprentice to Zamok.  

Before the invasion Randy worked as an investigator for the Men In Black faction of the 3rd Eye Safe zone in Merctown.

IQ10 ME16 MA10 PS13 PP18 PE17 PB18 SPD10 HP40 SDC45  Unprincipled Alignment

OCC Skills

Radio Basic 80 Scramblers 65 crypto 60 math basic 90 literacy english , language Dragonese, Spanish

Intelligence 67 Pick Locks 65 Disguise 60 Forgery 55 Prowl 60 Computer Operation 70

WP Energy Pistol, WP Sword 

4OCC Related Skills Streetwise 46 Boxing HTH Martial Arts

 Isshin Ryu Karate

CHARACTER BONUSES Add +1 to P.S. Add +1 to P.E. Add +2 to P.P.

Escape Moves: Maintain Balance, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.

Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry.

Advanced Defense Moves: Combination Parry/Attack, Power Block/Parry.

Hand Attacks: Draw Hand (New!), Ridge Hand (New!), Uppercut, Vertical Fist (This is similar to a conventional punch, except the fist is held vertically instead of the usual horizontal position. Properly executed, the punch is launched from the side keeping the fist vertical the entire time. The elbow is kept close to the side and the shoulder is mostly quiet. The punch is applied to the main body in a whip-crack motion. At the completion of the punch the hand and arm are left in a position ready to punch or block again immediately with no wind up. This method allows for much faster punching techniques and has two possible methods of use. The character can fire two quick punches in succession, counting as one melee attack, or the character can use this punch as a Combination Strike/Parry).

Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, Roundhouse Kick, Snap Kick, Tripping/Leg Hook.

Special Attacks: Combination Strike/Parry, Death Strike (New!), Elbow.

Languages: Japanese

Cultural(Select Three): Bonsai, Calligraphy, Cooking

Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Bo (Staff), W.P. Kama (Axe), W.P. Nunchaku (Chain), W.P. Sai (Forked), W.P. Tonfa (Blunt).

WP BLUNT Fortress Penetration Kata or Bassai Kata: A single minded attack on a single opponent, this Kata is designed to penetrate the defenses of any opponent. All Strike rolls receive a + 3 bonus plus the character s normal attribute and form bonuses. Otherwise, the character uses the usual # of Attacks per Melee Round and performs all other defensive moves at -3(that means -3parry, dodge and roll).


6 Attacks per melee

+1s/+3p/+3d from boxing/pp before HTH +2 s +2p +1 dodge +2 roll +2 dmg

+3s/+5p/+4d total, +6s/+8 parry wp sword/blunt +9s -3 p/d/roll with blunt kama

critical 19-20,  from behind automatically KO 19-20

OCC at 3 Computer Hacking 41 Weapons Systems 65 OCC at 6 WP Energy Rifle Sniper

Secondary Skills

Pilot Truck 60 Land Navigation 56 Computer Programming 55 First Aid 70

Randy Claims to be an ex Federation of Magic Agent trained in this Spell List:

1 See Aura, Globe of Daylight, See the Invisible

2 Mystic Alarm, Extinguish Fire, Turn Dead

3 Armor of Ithan 60MD / 180SDC , Invisibility: Simple, Telekinesis

Laura started training him after this:

4 Multiple Image (taught by Laura as payment during his work before invasion)

5 Supernatural Strength PS 30 +15damage/+45 Damage (taught by Laura after invasion)

6 Blue Mist (Taught by Laura as last resort if they are overrun)


Level: 6 

Range: 10x10x5ft (500 cubic feet) area per level, cast up to 90ft away (but can travel up to 300ft away from the caster). 

Duration: Two minutes per level. 

Casting Time: Two melee actions. 

Damage: 4d6 damage (or 2d6 in RiftsR). 

Saving Throw: None Cost: 15 

Blue Mist is an incantation that generates an enchanted, glowing, sky colored gas that can creep along surfaces, through cracks, and under doors at a Spd. of 22 (15 mph). An extra +10 will boost the mist's speed up to 44. The mist is completely harmless and heatless until the caster decides to change that. It takes one melee action to change the mist from harmless to harmful, or back again. 

When the mist is put into "damage mode," flammable objects have a 60% chance of catching fire. Anyone in the mist will take the listed damage each melee - the only way to avoid it is to escape the mist. Heat fumes and the mist itself obscure vision to cause a -3 to strike, parry, and dodge penalty. Anyone who is unprotected (wearing no armor, metal armor, or non-environmental armor) suffers double the penalties. Any creature vulnerable to flame takes an amazing triple normal damage (including vampires and most other necromantic creatures)! 

A powerful wind (like Wind Rush, elemental air magic, or storm magic) can dissipate the mist in two melees. The mist is heavy and will sink to the floor, but can still crawl up stairs and through air ducts (as long as the caster can see enough to direct it). The mist isn't intelligent, so it can't be put on guard duty or sent off to hunt and find things. Further, a Negate Magic or Dispel Magic Barrier spell will destroy the Blue Mist spell as normal (it gets the usual save throw). 

7 Lightblade d4x10MD (learned from Zamok)


Airfilter, Goggles, Patchwork Armor 70MD/140SDC PV6

NG-E4 Plasma Ejector E-Rifle 6d6MD 1600ft 20/long eclip 3 eclips clips

6 stakes, mallet,  wooden baseball bat, 1d6SDC works with kama, wooden cross, 3 set gold coins, 3058 black market credits.

Merctown Cellphone, Papers, Pens, stamping equipment, etcher, jewelers hammer, microscope, Wilks Personal Computer, Bedroll, water bottle.  Keys to Randy's Ride (the truck blocking the gates to the safe zone).

Randy's Ride p97 Mercs MDC Modified Large Electric TW powered Truck 

80MD/560SDC cab +tw energy field 50MD, 100MD/700SDC trailer PV7 +2x tw energy fields

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gore Jr Negotiates with Tickles

Tickles gets a magic pidgeon proclaimation back from Dunscon after his earlier pleas for help.... 

He reads the proclaimation aloud for all to hear, and some trolls spying on him across the street hear it..

"By the King of the City of Brass, and Lord of the Federation of Magic

A Proclamation
Whereas a proclamation issued by me on Dec8 104PA, proclaimed the neutrality of the Federation of Magic in the war now unhappily existing between certain Zones; and

Whereas this state of war imposes on the Federation of Magic certain duties with respect to the proper observance, safeguarding, and enforcement of such neutrality, and the strengthening of the Zonal defense within the limits of the peacetime authorizations; and

Whereas measures required at this time call for the exercise of only a limited number of the powers granted in a national emergency:

Now, Therefore, I, Alistair Dunscon, Lord of the Federation of Magic, do proclaim that a Magic Zone emergency exists in connection with and to the extent necessary for the proper observance, safeguarding, and enforcing of the neutrality of the Federation of Magic and the strengthening of our Zonal defense within the limits of peacetime authorizations. Specific directions and authorizations will be given from time to time for carrying out these two purposes.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Diabilist's Rune of the Federation of Magic to be affixed.

DONE at the City of Brass this eight day of December, in the year of our father Nostrous Dunscon, 104PA, and of the Independence of the Federation of Magic.

While LEVY is in effect each Federation nexus is expected to provide one noble and retiune to fight per week until the emergency delcation is lifted.
Dragon Ape Federation Operatives dispatched to each Federation Held Nexus to draft forces for transport to merctown.

Be duly armed and mounted, and those who cannot reasonably
procure shall [at least] be adequately armed…so as to resist our said enemies, and do and carry
out what you think best for the proper defense of our Magic Zone.


(this is not a public declaration of war as tickles wanted but it does allow for a massing of forces to conduct a war even if on paper he refuses to say he is).


GORE JR is potentially motivated to follow Tickles... 

 Gore Jr was a Mob Enforcer for the Imaterial Hand in Merctown. After hearing Tickle's Procliamation from Dunscon, Gore motions Tickles to a nearby building top where he was spying on the 3rd Eye Safezone from a shadowmeld. Tickles flies over and discusses the announcement. Now he is self styled "Prince of Troll Paradize" following thge "King of Troll Paradize". Gore Jr Follows Gore SR. Gore SR is allied to the Federation of Magic and used his enslaved Djin to kill any invaders and created the Walled Junk Yard Safe Zone "Troll Paradize" in the south East of the Magic Zone, directly next to The TechnoWizard's old fallen Safezone, and the Domain of Baki to the north. The Gore family has been at war with the invaders after the rebellion of Baki in the East and invastion by Vampires and Phoenix Empire troops. The Gores refuse to ackknowledge Baki as King. For now the Gores continue to honor the agreements the Federation and the Merctown Magic Zone Guild Leadership and have not turned traitor, taking massive losses in personal, money and equipment before finally stabilizing the Troll Paradize Safezone. 

 Shifter training from Gore Sr: Shifter w/ Supernatural Link | 6th Level | 45MDC  Light Armor| 4APM 4MPM | 158PPE +1ini | +3p/d | +10vs HF | +3vs magic | +1vs psi | Magic Dagger 1d6+2MD | 9mm Uzi w/ 3 30rd. clips of enchanted bullets (1d6MD each) 600ft Magic (ss14): Sense PPE&Magic, Turn Dead, Trance, Chameleon, Concealment, Shadow Meld, Time Slip, Call Lightning, Constrain Being, S&C Canines, S. Less Being, Armor Bizarre, Mental Blast, Sustain, A & C Dead, Wind Rush, PC: Simple, C/E&S/C Entity, Aura of Death Domination, Manipulate Objects, Carpet of Adhesion Don't forget his many demonic and supernatural alies (heh) Gore Jr has female 3rd Level Shifter Troll apprentice with him named Gorette.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

113 114 Krull Standoff

113 Caldor removes the Osiris chest plate and breaks the Osiris Priest Curse.

Calder talks to renna.  renna object reads his chest plate and asks if he wants it removed.  she finds and cuts psionic tendrils bonding caldors soul to the plate and keeping him alive after his chest agalmant was ripped out earlier.
Calder takes a ton of damage has 50hp.left.  Calder is on crutches and free of the osiris chest plate attachment and priest curse .  Calder keeps osiris chest plate which along with the two leg bones he stored in a sack.

Caldor 500 show up 200 rp switching class back to bounty hunter by breaking osiris priest curse. 50 fight enemies outside 100 sending homie and swat who fail and die

TOW 500 show up

114 Krull standoff

after caldor survive psi surgery, krull and orc tank  starts attacking Johnny tank

TOW hears call from tinduhk saying docks.fallen to Dreamship pirates who are slaving people taken from warrens. dunk wants extraction and evacuation and will pay for this service. all gaw ships in docks sunk.  all.gaw staff at docks but duhki3 dead or missing (enslaved/drown)


caldor shoot krull 94801
200 showin up 100 climb tower 50 sniper rp 100 +150 skills
96151 caldor is now 10th level bounty hunter

tow leave circle reckless   66840 
200 showin up +50 gets hypnotic seduced by vampire and starts wandering away from group with her 100 +100 skills +100 rp +50 realizes pinprick rift to NW is command center for virus, 50 realizes can see data virus and defenders has, can create a intelligence data file for defenders and transmit to them for xp/money

tickles gets promoted to 2nd lt and gets promised flying monkey troops 
400 showin up 100 
zamok rp +100 rp asking to save someone +50 zap vampire 3 +50 reckless charge +50 pilot drone
+100 report for denali +75 skills
15575 goblin levels to 5!

Zamok  400 showin up goes ASTRAL and tries to find a reason why he was reincarnated... starts flying mach1 to a place he thinks is called "psyscape" which he can feel is the right way to go home...
+100 makes astral golems +200 skills

NPC Status
Alive - resting in doors / busy to the rear
Jeff, Roger,Rob, Rena, Lisa, Jeff, Gabe, Valen, Sandra
Alive - resting in tents  - Jenny, Mary, Jean Marc

Caldor On 30ft tower
TowJAM wandering off outside circle with vamp seducer
Tickles floating 50ft  above in tw hoverpod with flying monkey

Alive - in combat /awaiting orders 

Greg - vamped by vampire seducer2
Marty - vamped by vampire  5
DSwat vamped by VAMP4
Homie vamped

Krull (dying from caldors sniper shot)
Johnny (dying from krulls ramjets which peirced his Johnny's tank)

Remaining Enemies  (there is a big gametable map :)πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
Dswat vamp
homie vamp
vamp seducer3, 1, 5, 2
entity 1
entity 2
Krull truck w/ comatose krull inside
werewolf sniper from earlier getting revenge
Ogre summons a Yll-Tree Climber

refugue booster boy bikers to west
refugee scooby squad in van to east

Combat occurs on a leyline. 3rd Age uses following effects:

"draw 10 P.P.E. once every melee round from a ley line"
"magic has x2 range, duration and damage"
"Psychics can draw 1d6+1 ISP per round from a ley line,"
"A mage can hold 3 times their base PPE maximum on a ley line or nexus, and can retain it for 1 minute per PE point once away from the ley line/nexus (Book of Magic, pg. 21)" requires magic lore role or take burn damage
"Psionics +50% Range and Duration near a Ley Line."

Radio chatter:  (roll to decode)
Shane to Krull

Shane to Ogre
"These vile humans have a circle of protection, you do something to disrupt the circle we vamps are unable to do so due to the  power the circle has over us!  Also I think Krull is dead, send an orc over to pilot his truck"

Orc1 to Ogre 
"I dont want to die"

magic pidgeon chatter
Valen to Collegiate Magus
"The aqueduct is almost complete.  Soon we will cleanse the magic zone of merctown of this vampire plague!"

The Drones keep trying to get users to enlist in the Merc Town Defense forces, promising big payouts if

 merctown survives in realestate and corporate discounts.

115 starts in the next melee of combat...  backstory: