Thursday, February 8, 2024

Bow'Zaa the Adult Fire Dragon

Bowza is an adult dragon which is unaffiliated with the federation of magic and has taken over one of their nexus's which belonged to Princess Shack.

3000 MDC/ 1000hp 2000 SDC PV8  HF 16 Level 10

IQ20 MA 18 ME 18 PS 35 +20 PP 20 PE 28 PB 24 SPD 80 160 flying

NV 100ft, regen 1d4x10MD/min impervious to fire, teleport self 88% dimension teleport


8ATA, 4 fire breath 6d6MD +5s/p/d pp 20 Bite/Claw 4d6MD +20 Powerpunch 1d4x10MD+20

+9 strike / +8 parry +10 ss parry +8 dodge +3 initiative +3 roll +3 all saves

+13 strike wp knife claws / +12 parry wp knife claws / +14 ss parry knife claws

Magic:  PPE 500 , All spells 1-6

TODO roll for additional magic training, dragon hand to hand

Psionics: ISP 118, all sensitive and physical

Advanced Math 98 Literate Dragonese, English, Technocan, Demongogian, Gobbely

Speaks Spanish, Euro, Japanses, Russian, Splugorthian, Trade Basic1

Demon monster lore, faerie lore, basic electronics, computer operation

3x skills selection: Astronomy and Navigation, wp knife (claws), excavation

Standard Buffs:

Armor Bizaar +150MD, Targeted Deflection, Superhuman Speed +2parry +6 dodge, 

If taking energy damage past AB, Impervious to Energy

Magic attacks: 

domination 4ft on anyone in melee, compulsion 60ft, weight of duty, timeslip

fireball d4x10

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