Former merctown shopkeeper Baki has installed himself as king of eastern Merctown Magiczone as an allie of the Rama Set invading colonists.
Baki Yoweri 12th Level Minotaur Necromancer
IQ 13 MA 12 ME 18 PS 33 PP 24 PE 33 PB 18 SPD 40
100HP/1000SDC / 250ppe
Heavy Fury Beetle Plate Armor 200MDC/400SDC
strike 7/12 polearm
parry 11/15 polearm/17 polearm ss
dodge 11/17ss
Necro Abilities
AC and Control Dead (29) 10ppe 420ft 60min
Ad pair limbs 10ppe/each +1att, +1s/p each pair
Draw PPE from sacrifice or nearby death if ready for it
HF8 +6vs HF Impervious to vampire transformation,
6 necro spells
command ghouls, divining tombs and graves, consume power and knowledge transfer life force
death strike
6 invocations (cost double except for armor bizaar which counts as necromancy)
Cloud of Smoke
Sense Magic
Invisibility Simple
Magic Net 60ft 2 melees PLE 7 Snares 1-6 human sized targets
Armor Bizzare Self 4 melees PLE 15 +15 MDC PLE, Horror Factor of 9
180MDC/540SDc x2 on ley line
Also knows Vet spells
lvl6 mask of deceit
lvl 7 Dispell Magic Barriers 20(40 for him)
lvl8 World bazaar 40 12melees
Knowns Elite spells
lvl9 Desiccate the Supernatural 50ft Instant 50 3D6x10 MDC to supernatural beings
lvl10 Command Vampires
lvl 11 create mummy
lvl12 wall of the weird 180ppe
Federation of Magic Training grants these Spells:
Lvl4 Deflect 10ppe costs him 20, grants 12 parries +5pp+4 = +9 to parry with deflect
Superhuman Speed Touch 10 costs him 20, 12minutes Speed to 44, +2 Parry, + 6 Dodge
K500 Railgun 6d6MDC PV9 3 clips
Vibro Polearm 6d6MDC +18/18d6+
Personal Minions:
2 DGhouls
8 Mummy
29 animated dead
2d6 wild vampires created from merctown locals , some under magic control
COURT OF BAKI (they meet and address public from tower of bone next to the shop)
Baki's Merctown Fanclub
1d6x10 Necromancer Loyalists from Mecrown with 10-20animated undead each,
supporter minions 1d6 murder wraiths, 1d6 vampires, 1d6 entities
Phareo-Rama Set Advisors present at Baki's court at any given time:
Thuul the
Tauton on Pillar of bone with Baki, and Entourage loitering in shop
Petitioners trying to get Baki to give them land and privateering rights in his new kingdom:
1d6 set vampires under direct control through magic by Thuul w/ stolen vehicles
3 Shifters working for figoro controlling 1 chained Alu Demon Hound
Figoro had hired Greenskins as security to guard his representatives at the court, most of the greenskins were blown up by the 3rd Eye missile strike called in by the party after making a deal with 3rd eye to pay credits for missile strikes by radioing 3rd Eye the coordinates.
The remaining security for the shifters is 3 Greenskin Orc vampires, 7 animated dead orcs
BAKI Tactics
attack0 ritual casting of wall of weird with cabal in tower, then he fights
attack 1 animate 20 dead orcs in parking lot (9 left)
attack 2 world bazaar -40
attack 5 cloud of smoke -2
attack 3 Invis simple 6
attack 6 armor bazaar 15
attack 7 superhuman speed 10
attack 4 deflect -20
dessicate sn 50 ppe 3d6x10MD / 9d6x10SDC x2 on leyline 50ft
magic net
death strike
392000 black market credstick
Ramaset Comlink
Federation of Magic Privateering License signed by Denali
Baki's Book of Peerage - lists conspirators who worked with baki to take over and pay taxes to him, some he has granted lands/titles to. One famous name from town in this book is Figoro. Fig has sent a party of reps in the court but doesn't openly support him and only works through intermediaries. This is evidence of that and could be used to get fig in trouble or extort something from him. Figorro's men are supposed to be the local competition to the major black market families for doing wetwork using his highly trained and rumored supernatural hitmenS
10mil value
Syndicate's Tomb of Doom (each spell has 1 working scroll in the book written in Gobbllely)
Post subject:Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:21 am
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I was hoping someone would post a few "home-brewed" ideas (yes, I know the first threaded message is for NEW spells), but I'll just post some of them here, and absorb feed-back.
Death Mist-A rolling fog forms behind the caster. Anyone not protected by environmental armor (assuming they have to breath) must make a save vs magic or be affected. Those affected are weakened (speed reduced by 30% and -4 to P.S., P.E., and P.P.). The mist is obscuring (-5 strike, parry, or dodge), and is a frightening sight to behold (HF 13). The deep grey mist looks to have wisps of skulls moving about the interior.
lvl 5
Chaos Skull-The caster summons into his dominant hand, a greenish flaming skull. The skull can be thrown to damage a creature. Depending on the amount of P.P.E. spent, depends on the power of the skull. 10 p.p.e. = 3D6+3 damage to 5ft radius (flies 100ft), 25 p.p.e.= 5D6+4 damage to 10ft radius (flies 400ft), 40 p.p.e =1D4x10+10 to 20ft radius (flies 1000ft). Every 3rd level of experience the caster can create one additional skull. Each can be at a different level of power, and can be launched all at once. Additional skulls float within 4ft of the cast waiting to be used. Will hold for a maximum of 1 hour per level of experience.
Walking Throne-This spell summons forth a huge throne composed of bone and dead flesh. The creation has four massive legs that speed along at a spd of 35. The throne can carry a maximum of 500 pounds per level. Has a M.D.C of 40 + 15 per level. Lasts for 4 hours per level.
lvl 4
Flesh Wrap-This gruesome spell allows an undead, or animated dead to hide as a mortal creature. Lvl1 5ppe 1d4 hr/lvl unless undead is bathed in blood which grants another 1d4hrs
Vampire fangs-the caster grows a pair of fangs (much like those of a vampire). Anyone bitten must save vs poison, or be put under the Necromancer’s control. Can control up to 2 people/creatures (not supernatural or creatures of magic) per level of experience for 1 hour per level.
Water to Acid-can turn a up to 10 gallons per level of experience into a very corrosive acid. Acid does 4D6 S.D.C. per splash, or at the cost of an addition 15 p.p.e. can be made to cause M.D. (3D6+3).
Rend Spirit-the spell caster’s arms glow with a ghastly yellow aura. Once cast, this spell allows the caster to slam his arm into and through the target. Once penetrated, the caster causes unspeakable pain to shoot throughout the victim, stunning him and incapacitating the opponent. Must have the spell ghost hand first. (the advantage of this spell over the agony spell is that all living creatures are -4 to save)
Ghost Hand-Allow the caster to move his arm through a solid object to grab whatever is on the inside. The object penetrated cannot be magical.
Mage Reaper-Summons a large green energy-sycthe that swings once at an opposing spell caster. If a successful hit is made, the targeted caster loses 4d6+10 p.p.e. (+1D6 per level of experience).
Repel Living-A field of yellowish-green energy bursts forth from the caster, forcing all living creatures (who fail their save) back at a speed of 40 beyond the radius of the spell.
Soul rip-a powerful spell that works like the rune ability to suck souls. The mage plunges his ghostly hand into the victim, attempting to tear the victims spirit away (can be used for various applications).
Bury-This ability allows the caster to instantly send the victim 1D4 (+1 foot per level up to neck level) into the ground. The spell only works on natural terrain (nothing man made like brick or concrete). The terrain must not be solid (like rock).
Fling bone-With a flick of his wrist, the Necromancer summons a dagger-like bone. It can be thrown with deadly accuracy and can even be empowered with poison. Taking one action to throw does 1D6+1 S.D.C., taking two actions does 2D4+4 M.D.C. This spell can be cast twice to summon one bone in each hand, but can only be used if the Necromancer has paired weapons. Range for a level 1 throw is 250ft, range on level 2 throw is 500 (goes up 100 per level).
Undeath-A potent talent that imparts the living with undead attributes. (like regeneration and limited invulnerability. The necromancer often gives such abilities to others in a false promise of power)
Death Battery-this spell allows the caster to construct a P.P.E. battery from the corpse of a fallen foe. The head of the slain victim serves as a vessel to hold the mystic energies (P.P.E). The floating skull accompanies the mage for as long as the duration of the spell. (a gruesome low-powered version of the energy sphere spell)
Template Skeleton-A very useful and rare skill that infuses skeletons with greater combat ability. Speed: gives the skeleton 2x att. per melee, plus 80 to speed, and +2 strike-parry-dodge…Defense: gives the skeleton x3 S.D.C.(which converts to M.D.C.), +1 parry, etc.
Whirling Haunt-A 3’ wide x 10’ (+5’ per level) greenish whirling mist composed of spirits is summoned before the cast. The strange manifestation moves at a spd of 15 mph (+1 mph per level) at victims. This creation slowly saps the life-force of those within it’s borders (reducing HP/S.D.C./M.D.C. by 4D6 per round)
Breathless-the caster inhales deeply stealing the breath of all creatures within a 10’ diameter (+5’ per level). Those inside environmental armor (or don’t need to breath) are immune to the effects of this spell.
Decompose-Rapidly decomposes organic materials.
Call Death serpent-Summons a towering decomposed snake-like monster to aid the caster. This necromantic creation is a corpse that is littered with pieces of dead flesh that cling lifelessly to it’s spinal frame. The head is a skinless skull of a massive viper with fangs that reach lengths up on 2 ½ ft. It towers 30ft + 10ft per level of experience. Has 100 M.D.C. plus 15 per level, and has a number of attacks that equal (3) plus 1 every (3) levels of experience. It can bite for 3D6+2 per level, and grapple an opponent in its mouth (P.S. equal to 26+1 every level supernatural, lifting capacity is triple strength!) It is +2 to strike with no dodge or parry ability. One additional creature can be summoned at levels 6 and 12.
Spit Acid-This grisly ability allows the caster to cough acid from his stomach and whirl it at his enemies. The spitting range is 35ft. +5ft per level. Damage is only 2D6, but it will burn for 1D6 melee rounds unless washed off (dealing an additional 1D6 per round). The acid can also be used in a more corrosive form by dripping it slowly out of the mouth (damage is 4D6+2 per level).
Detonating skeleton-Well, this causes one of the animated minions of the necromancer to begin glowing yellow-orange, and triples the speed of the skeleton. It will explode once it reaches it’s target. Dealing 3D4 (+1D4 per level) to a 5ft radius (+2ft per level). This is fragmentation/explosive damage, so those impervious to energy take full damage. Double the knock-down penalty. This spell can also be used as a trap, placing the remains of the skeleton upon the ground, until anything crosses them. Same damage, ½ radius of effect.
Reaper’s Cloak-A wispy cloak (color is the caster’s choosing) that sprouts from the neck area and quickly covers all but the head in a magical cloth. Grants the following abilities to the caster: Hover up to 30ft. high at a speed of 25, does not cast a shadow (plus 25% to prowl or base skill of 50%),
used up passages no longer have any magic:
Chains of Damnation-Precluding this spell is an unnerving whisper heard by all within 100ft of the caster. Shortly following that, grayish-brown rusted chains burst from the ground below the target and attempt to entangle him. (Roll to dodge 19 or higher) Should the target fail to dodge, then he must make another save vs. magic (or be blinded). If the target fails they will fall to their knees, completely restrained. (This spell can also be used to capture cyborgs, robots, small to medium sized vehicles, and other inanimates)
Ghost Form-The caster transforms into an ethereal creature now vulnerable to the same abilities as true spirits (or entities). The caster now has a flight speed of 100 +10 per level, and can move through any solid object (not magical barriers or protection circles). The caster will also be able to see other spirits and communicate with them.
Passage of Nis-this spell summons forth a page from the writings of the ancient Necromancer Nis Drinmoore. (gives the caster access to random shadow oriented spells) lvl14
Harness the Night (to be determined) lvl15 spell of legend may summon lesser old one!
Omegan Cha’s Horn (to be determined) lvl16 spell of legend
This etched Horn is a holy relicwhich details the rites of the Goddess Athena and speaks of how followers may gain her favor through battles with followers of her traditional enemies Mars, Pallas the Titan, and Hades.
Written in ancient greek on the horn:
"The way will be made clear to followers of the rites of athena, a crusade in the name of athena against one of her sworn enemey, mars, pallas, hades, to gain her favor"
"Ο τρόπος θα καταστεί σαφής στους οπαδούς των τελετών της αθηνάς, μια σταυροφορία στο όνομα της αθηνάς εναντίον ενός από τους ορκισμένους εχθρούς της, mars, pallas, hades, για να κερδίσει την εύνοιά της"