Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mephisto's Horsemen

Merctown Mephisto's Horsemen
This gang is rumored to work for Atlantis

Green Ogre T- Men Regular Human T-Men Veteran Elves T-Archers Elite Sunaj
IQ 10 12 9
MA 7 10 12
ME 12 14 18
PS 22 16/22 16/22
PP 17 17 22
PE 20 15 15
PB 8 10 22
Spd 15 20 30

100MDC/300SDC tatoos

Giant Armored Jacket 25MDC/75SDC PR6

Knights Armor 20MDC/60 SDC 25ppe
120MDC/360SDC tatoos

Patchwork Body Armor 100SDC PR7

Knights Armor Tat

Invulnerability Tattoo
75MDC/225 SDC

700sdc tats

elves 1/2stat tats


Invuln Tat

PPE/ISP104 132 270
# Actions
5 6 6 Bow + 1 other
Strike  +1/2 fists w/SNvis
+2/3 club w/SNvis
+3/4 sniper xbow w/SNvis

+3/4 fists w/SN invis

+6 sword/
+7 sword w/SN

+5s aimed /+2 bursts Wilks

+9 HTH
+10 SNvision
+14 bow
+15 SNV+bow

+5 railgun+SNV
+6 railgun weapon systems lock+SNV

Parry +4/5 club
+6 club w/SNvis
+4/7 sword
+8 sword w/S
+11 SN vision

Dodge +4 +4 +10
+12 flying tat


Vs. Magic/
+5/3 +2/0+2/0
Combat Actions Crossbow

Giant Flaming Club

Flaming serpent arrows 2d6MD/6d6MD vs Dragons 6d6SDC/18D6) x3 range

Hoverpod Vibro Harpoon+towline 3d6MD 100ft
Wilks Laser Pistol 1d6MD

Shortbow Tat

Flaming Sword 10ppe

Death touch +1s/p 1d6hp/3d6MD

Hoverpod Pulse Ion
6d6MD 2000ft

Hoverpod 4x AP Minimissiles 1mi
KO/Stun 17-
Hypnotic Gaze

Bow Weapon Piercing a heart (anti-PPE) 20ppe
save vs magic 14 or loose ppe=dmg

Lightning Arrows 9d6MD/27D6SDC  /2
30ppe 4x arrows

Energy Disruption Arrows

Hoverpod Railgun 1d4x10MD

1st 3th 9th 12th

Green Ogre OCC Skills: Ogre, Gobbley, Boxing Acrobatics Gambling 30 Prowl 27 WP Blunt WP Archery WP Polearm WP Knife
OCC Related Skills Wilderness survival, H100ppe 15 min 460MDC 6 ATA PS 34 PP 28 PE 28 Hunting, Track and Trap animals, HTH Expert
Pilot Hovercycle Weapons Systems Radio Basic Radio Scrambler Detect Ambush Sniper
Secondary Skills: Streetwise Athletics First Aid Climbing Lore Demon Leatherworking Skin and prepare hides, Land Nav

2 simple weapons (2d6SDC CrossBow, 2d8SDC Giant Club) 2ppe 30min
2 magic weapons  (2d8MDC/6d8SDC Giant Flaming Club, Flaming serpent arrows 2d6MD/6d6MD vs Dragons 6d6SDC/18D6) x3 range 30PPE for 4 arrows
2 animals Rhino, Crow
2 monsters Yll-Tree Climber

Furry Beetle 100PPE
Knight Armor 25PPE 30min 20MDC
3 eyes super natural vision 20ppe 10min +1s/p nv see invis see aura

Regular Human OCC Skills:  Cook, Fish, Gardening, Boxing, Acrobatics, Euro, Gobbley, Wilderness Survival, Boat Building, WP Sword, Fencing,
OCC Related Skills Wilderness survival, Hunting, Track and Trap animals, HTH Expert
Pilot Hovercycle Weapons Systems Radio Basic Radio Scrambler Detect Ambush Sniper
Secondary Skills: Streetwise Athletics First Aid Climbing Lore Demon WP Epistol, Skin and prepare hides, Land Nav

2 Simple Weapons (1d6SDC Shortbow, 1d8 SDC Longsword)
2 Magic Weapons (Flaming Sword  , Flaming serpent arrows 2d6MD/6d6MD vs Dragons 6d6SDC/18D6vs dragons) x3 range 30PPE for 4 arrows)
2 animals Dog, Horse
2 monsters
3 eyes super natural vision 20ppe 10min +1s/p nv see invis see aura

Heart Encircled by Chains (invulnerability from all but psi/magic, 75MDC/225 SDC 40ppe 30min
Skull Coiled with Thorns Death touch 40ppe 6 minutes +1s/p 1d6hp/3d6MD or 3d6hp/9d6SDC
Chain with broken Link, SN Strength +6

Veteran Elves OCC Skills: Firstaide radio basic elf, american, intelligence, tracking, wilderness survival, body building, boxing, climbing, swimming, WP archery, Blunt, Knife, Sword, Energy Pistol, Heavy Energy  HTH Assassin
5 OCC related: Hovercycle Weapons Systems Radio Scrambler +5 Disguise +10 Pick Pockets +2
3  @level4 pick locks demolitions
3  @level8
Secondary Skills: Streetwise, Athletics, Lore Demon, Lore Magic, Running

1/2 strength Tattoos due to being elf
2 Simple Weapons (2d6SDC Longbow, 1d8 SDC Longsword)
2 Magic weapon Flaming Sword 10ppe , Flaming serpent arrows 2d6MD/6d6MD vs Dragons 6d6SDC/18D6vs dragons) x3 range 30PPE for 4 arrows)
2 animals
2 monsters Yll-Tree Climber 1/2 physical stats 100ppe 30 min 230MDC 6 ATA PS 34 PP 28 PE 28

Heart Encircled by Chains (invulnerability from all but psi/magic, 75MDC/225 SDC 40ppe 30min
3 eyes super natural vision 20ppe 10min +1s/p nv see invis see aura
Skull Coiled with Thorns Death touch

6 of choice
Beautiful Dancer (Hypnotic Gaze). It's only 15 PPE
Weapon Piercing a heart (anti-PPE)
eye of mystic knowledge (magic)
Energy Disruption Arrows
Lightning Arrows 9d6MD/27D6SDC 30ppe 4x arrows
Eye of Knowledge languages

+7 from level 9
Rose and thorny stem Heal spell 30ppe
Heart with large wings  fly 20ppe 130mph +2 dodge
Heart peirced by wooden steak
Skull with Bat wings animate dead
Shark Tatoo
Eye with Tears Empathic Transmission 1/melee 15ppe
Chain around skull +3 vs psionics 25ppe 9min

Elf HTH +3 init
strike +4pp +2hth +3skills +1 sn vision
parry +4pp +3hth +3 skills +1 snvision
dodge +4pp +3hth +3skills +2 heart with large wings 20ppe

Ogre Custom Hoverpod   75MDC/375SDC   100MPH max
Normal K2 Kitani Hoverpod 100MDC/500SDC 200MPH max
Vet K3 Kitani Hoverpod    200MDC/1000SDC   300MPH max

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