Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cereal the Mutant Rat Pecos Raider


Mutant Rat Pecos Raider Lvl3 

Squad Leader Corporal Weapons Specialist

Attributes: PS 18 Big for a Rat

IQ 14 ME 9 MA 7 PS 18 PP 18 PE 12 PB 6 Spd 26 Hp 25 SDC 75


Climb 85 Swim 75 Prowl 66 ID Scents 50 Track by Scent 46 

Leap 6ft up 10 ft across, when running 8ft up, 13ft across, double jointed, abidextrous

Recos Raider OCC Skills Speaks Spanish and English 98

Cook 55 Fish 60 Swim 70 Athletics, Horsemanship Exotic 48, Pilot Hovercraft 60, Land Navigation 56

WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle Wp Sword WP Heavy Energy 

Boxing, streetwise 38 Fencing

Secondary skills

Radio Basic 55 Literacy Spanish 60, Computer Operation 50, Speak Kreghor 60 Art 35


Modified Heavy Deadboy Armor 80MD/160SDC, Vibrosword 2d6MD Human Boot

C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle

1 empty long eclip 1 full eclip c18 laser pistol encrusted in rhino buffalo feces, 1 short eclip


used to ride on the back of razors bike

Currently is inside the ng-v7 mobile hunter gun sharing a computer console with kai and gina

Art rivalry and Athletics rivaly with  Razor started at level 3


HTH Basic +3 init   +4 roll with impact

5 Attacks per melee,  +3 ini +2 strike +5 sword strike +7 parry  +8 sword parry +8 dodge


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