Living in the ruins they get goods in and out of the region past CS and
Harvester zombie patrols. Most of their number remain to the south but
with the decimation of the Huntsville clan Guntersville has been moving
in to fill the void.
Smuggler from The Old Republic by ~Thimburd on deviantART
Guntersville Clan Smuggler
Basic Math Detect ambus +15 Detec Concealment +10 Palming +10 streetwise +16 radio basic +15 radio scramblers +10 cryptography +10 computer operations +15 wp smg wp knife HTH Basic
OCCRelSkills: Pilot Auto Pilot Motorcycle Pilot Tanks/APCs
Pick Locks, Prowl, Performance (bluff) +10
Normal/Vetern/Elite Skills: Computer Hacking/Law +10 Salvage +10/Pick Pockets,Pilot Military Jet Fighters
Secondary Skills G/N/V/E: 4
Gambling, Auto Mechanics, Computer Programming, Camouflage
Vet vs Magic +1 borg +1pe
Elite Vs Magic +1 borg +2pe
Green Cyberware:
Simsense Recorder Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
Functions as a Sensory Processor, except that the wearer cannot search for and replay the stored data. Instead, this information is stored in a standard code and recorded onto a digital tape, which can be used with a Simsense Player or put into mass-production and bought and sold for education or entertainment. A standard tape, at $20, lasts for 30 minutes. Note that a Sensory Processor, or Sensory Data Transmission, can make this system more or less redundant.
Subdermal Padding Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $4,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.5 kg. Power: None.
A layer of skin is removed and replaced with a layer of ultrafine monocrys mesh. 20MDC AR 18 It has the advantage of being cheaper than the other two cyberarmor varieties, and it looks entirely natural. It can also be combined with either Metal Plating or a Polymer Exoskeleton. A medical check is required to notice it; metal detectors can't sniff it
Normal Cyberware:
Concealed MOCybereye, Amp Hearing, Bionic Arm with microcomputer & concealed smg.
Adrenal Booster Cost: $20,000 per level (maximum 2 levels). Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per day; 10 to activate.
This is system monitors the body's regular use of adrenaline and can increase the "dose" somewhat. Whenever this system is switched on (usually in a stressful situation such as combat), add the system's level to effective Strength, Dexterity and Health scores for all purposes except: (1) As noted under Nerve Booster for Dexterity, and (2) an increase in effective Health does NOT give you more location hit points, although it applies to HT rolls and the total amount of damage you can take. The effects last for 2d6 minutes, and the booster (except for some black market versions) can't be used until an hour has passed since last use. When the effect passes, a HT roll (natural Health, adjusted downward by as many points as the adrenal booster's levels, and with a further 1 per time an illegally modified booster was used in the last hour) must be made; failing this will cause the cyborg to lose 2d6 Fatigue, and a critical failure will cause a heart attack!
+4PS&PE/lvl +1strike/parry/dodge/attack/lvl
+1init/lvl Roll vs non lethal poison 4/ rounds of activity.
After a fail roll vs non lethal roll vs Deadly cardiac arrest/rd of activity.
(De)Activation requires rolling under ME on d20.
Phys damage automagically releases pump.
Ingested Chemical Bypass Cost: $15,000 +$1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per day.
A microprocessor and chemical analyzer set to divert specific chemical compounds without allowing them to be digested or absored into the bloodstream. Rated by levels, each level allow one specific ingested chemical (drug, poison, trichinella spiralis, etc.) to be passed harmlessly through the body. Bypassed chemicals can be either sent to another cyber system (such as a chemical analyzer), or held in a synthetic receptacle beside this unit. This receptacle must be emptied periodically by a minor surgical procedure.
RigiPlast Bone x5 Cost: Hand/Foot: $5,000. Arm: $10,000. Leg: $10,000. Torso: $35,000. Skull: $10,000. Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Negligible (replaces bones). Power: None.
These are multilayered bone implants, solidified with a molecular catalyst prior to implantation. If the Torso location is implanted with RigiPlast Bone, cyberlimbs of ST up to 23 may be attached and used without damaging the skeletal structure. +30SDC/part so +150
concealed wrench hand wrench +5% auto mechanics
Vetran Cyberware:
Obviously battle wounded & Partial reconstruction, each arm has concealed x1 AP mini missle launcher.
Bionic Lungs 1hr ox supply, Modulating Voice synthesizer (fake a voice with computer operations),
The Kata Calculator
Recent developments from several research projects in close quarters martial arts simsense trials have allowed any imaging device and relevant martial arts software to give a martial artist an edge over his enemies. By highlighting weak points and calculating probabilities and attack patterns, the kata calculator will provide a +2 s/p with one weapon (This system is software that must be purchased separately for each type of weapon, and is only applicable when using the weapon in question. IE, a unarmed combat Kata Calculator would not provide the +2 bonus if the user was attacking with a katana.) You inspired me for an idea for a homebrew cyberware gizmo.
gives +2s/p with wp sword
Audio Damping Cost: $15,000 per level (*). Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per level. Power: 5 per minute. Lvl 10 so +10/prowl, offsets borg penalties.
Microspeakers scattered about the body create an audio diffraction pattern which helps to eliminate just about all sounds in the immediate vicinity of the cyborg. This gives +1% to Prowl skill for each level of the advantage when the "opposing party" is depending on hearing rather than sight for detection--this benefit is halved if the cyborg moves at all.
Omni Link Nerve Web Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $1000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: None.
This is an experimental successor to the standard Nerve Link. It is pseudo living: One injection is made at the base of the neck, and the Omni Link Nerve Web grows on its own, clinging to the subject's original nervous system. The subject must be kept under close medical surveillance during the weeks the operation takes to complete but there is usually no danger, nor any need of further treatment. At the end of the recovery time, the Nerve Web has effectively replaced the natural nervous system (which, although it is not destroyed by the operation, will no longer be used; the Nerve Web takes over all its natural functions and do them better.) The Omni Link Nerve Web can be used to relay signals from any cyber system to any other, between cyber systems and the CNS, and even to boost regular nerve signals. In fact, this system not only eliminates the need for normal Nerve Links, but also adds +1 to the cyborg's DX for all purposes, permanently.
+1to int
Elite Cyberwear:
Humanoid disguised as non borg: w/10MDC covering
Polymer Exoskeleton Cost: $30,000 + $15,000 per point of MDC. Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 3 weeks. Mass: See below. Power: None.
This is a more advanced version of Metal Plating. It doesn't work any better, but it looks (and even feels) realistic. The person is "dissolved" in a semi-porous clear polymer solution which binds to his skin cells and gives a strong ability to absorb any kind of shock. The polymer is treated with a benign virus which infects the cyborg's skin, causing the skin cells to produce the polymer as needed from ordinary organic components. Torso only costs $15,000 + $7,500 per point of MDC; limbs and head are $3,000 + $1,500 per point of MDC each. It weighs just as much as the Metal Plating system.
(can remotely control vehicles)
Remote Datalink Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $3,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 6 minutes.
"This is an experimental version of a DNI system, a broad-band high-frequency computer link--a very specialized Radio Transceiver. It lets the user connect to any suitable neural or data interface without a physical plug or link, provided that interface is attached to a transceiver on the same frequency ($5,000, 0.5 kg). Range is about 1.5 to 2 km for reliable data transference; relay stations can, of course, be used. However, this system is vulnerable to both outside listeners and jamming, so it does have its drawbacks."
Silver Tongue Cost: $6,500. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
This is a cybernetically monitored and modified sound chamber in the larynx, programmed to create a soothing carrier wave whenever the cyborg is speaking, singing, humming or whistling. This gives a +5% to social skills reaction modifier, just like the Voice advantage, and is cumulative with that advantage.
Sonic Amplifiers Cost: $5,000 (*). Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 5 per hour.
This is a built-in, high-volume sound system. The user is insulated from any deleterious effects (if he wants to be). Anyone with Audio Damping or Sound Edit-Out, or anyone deaf, will not be affected either. Volume capacity may be increased; each doubling of price (and point cost) increases maximum decibel capacity by 10. There are several possible applications:
Voice: You can project your voice like a megaphone. Your enemies can hear your taunts, loud and clear. Your friends will more likely hear your distant cries for help. A sudden shout, when unexpected, may distract foes. Works like HF 8.
White Noise: The sound system generates random, multi-frequency noise. All Hearing rolls within 10 m are at -3; from 11-20 m, at -1.
Music: You can stride into combat (or daily life) with your own soundtrack (volume is adjustable from very loud to deafening--or, for wimps, down to low). When suddenly turned on, this can Mentally Stun other people like a shout.
Traveling Clothes, cross and wood steaks, flashlight, 1 weeks rations, survival knife.
WP SMG MP23A w/ ramjets
WP Knife w/ 1d4 vibro knives
Guntersville Clan Computer & Radio Transmitter, Bible
Normal have d6x1000 cr
Vet have d6x10000cr
Elite have d6x100000cr
Green Vehicle:Wastelander Motorcycle w/ light fwd machinegun
Normal Vehicle: Truck or Dunebuggy 90MDC w/ 50MDC Ramprow, Combat Computer +1s, typically has 1 green gunner using a .50cal machinegun on back w/ 400 ramjetsbelt x2 400 wood belt x1
Vet Vehicle: MDC Modified Bradley Tank p97 mercenaries w/ combat computer +1s
MDC modified Bradley 180MDC
2 other normals as crew gunner/comms inside +d6green infantry
Elite Vehicle: Fighter jet
Green Strike Bonuses: 0
Normal Strike[4]+1mo eye +1 adrenal booster +2pp
Vet Strike [7]+1mo +1 adrenal booster +1hth+4pp
Elite Stike [8]+1mo +1 adrenal booster +2hth+4pp
Green Parry Bonus: 0
Normal parry[6]+1amp hearing +2hth +1 adrenal booster +2pp
Vet parry [8]+1 amp hearing +2hth+1adrenal booster+4pp
Elite Parry [9]+1 amp hearing +3hth+1adrenal booster+4pp
Green Dodge Bonus:0
Normal: [7] +2hth+2amp +1 adrenal booster+2pp
Vet: [9] +2hth+2amp +1 adrenal booster+4pp
Elite: [10]+3hth+2amp +1 adrenal booster+4pp