Rifts needs more cybernetics ala:
These are converted from the web for use in my rifts games. I love cybernetics!
Miscellaneous Systems
"This is simply any system which can't easily be fitted under any other category, including weaponry and cyberarmor. "
Cellular Link Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 10 hours.
"This is a built-in cellular phone. It only allows audio communication, but can call anywhere in the Works only on local city state cellular networks. The user will hear the caller's voice in his head, and can answer by subvocalizing--speaking aloud is not required. The user should keep his phone number secret; nuisance phone calls in one's head are no fun. . ." -5% to any mental activity, or -10% "
if the "nuisance" is a deliberate attack such as a whistle broadcast. "
ECM Coding Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
"This system scrambles/unscrambles input/output according to a preprogrammed algorithm, making transmission interception useless (unless the third party can crack the code). Another ECM Coding System, with the same algorithm, must be used to unscramble the resulting datastream. ECM Coding is typically used with a Radio Transmission/Reception system, or a specialized version of that system. It can also be implanted at the same time as the other system, at no operation cost." Allows use of Radio:Scrambler
External Readout Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
"This is a small LCD located somewhere on the outside of the wearer's body. The battery may easily be changed from outside. It is used as a simple output system for data from almost any other cybersystem. "
Light Generator Cost: $5,000 + $500 per level (maximum 10). Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 g. Power: 1 per 10 hours per level.
"This is a sort of implanted lantern. Each level gives a 50m range of illumination. Seven types are available, differing only in the width of the arc of illumination: 360, 180, 90, 45, 10, or 1 degree, or variable (which costs $10,000 basic price). "
Metal Plating Cost: $10,000 + $1,000 per point of MDC. Operation Cost: $4,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: See below. Power: None.
This is an exoskeleton made of metal composite armor. It isn't powered; it only provides built-in protection. The high initial cost is because replacing a person's skin without killing him is a bit tricky. This system never looks natural, and is clearly visible to everyone. The cyborg has an obviously artificial exterior, either metallic or rigid ceramic/plastic, often in designer colors and trimmed in chrome or even gold or other precious metals. This mod also increases weight: Each point of body-wide MDC weighs 0.5 kg, of which half is on the torso, and 0.1 kg on each limb and the head.
Poison Reservoir Cost: $1,000. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: None.
This is a reservoir of poison (or other chemicals--hallucinogens are a perennial favorite) which is compatible with claws, etc. A poison reservoir in a clawless hand comes with little "scratchers" under the fingernails, which do no damage but allow the poison to be administered. The poison reservoir may also be constructed so as to coat ammunition of weapons located in that arm, and so on; but only one major function can be performed by any one reservoir. A poison reservoir holds 50 doses of poison and can be refilled. It can be split into two parts, allowing the cyborg to choose between the liquids. A poison and its antidote is a very common combo. A packet of 50 doses of synthetic cobra venom costs $5,000; the standard packet has 45 doses of venom and 5 doses of antidote. Halve the price if the reservoir is built into an artificial hand. In that case, the reservoir may also employ contact poisons (which would not be very safe with a real hand).
Polymer Exoskeleton Cost: $30,000 + $15,000 per point of MDC. Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 3 weeks. Mass: See below. Power: None.
This is a more advanced version of Metal Plating. It doesn't work any better, but it looks (and even feels) realistic. The person is "dissolved" in a semi-porous clear polymer solution which binds to his skin cells and gives a strong ability to absorb any kind of shock. The polymer is treated with a benign virus which infects the cyborg's skin, causing the skin cells to produce the polymer as needed from ordinary organic components. Torso only costs $15,000 + $7,500 per point of MDC; limbs and head are $3,000 + $1,500 per point of MDC each. It weighs just as much as the Metal Plating system.
Remote Datalink Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $3,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 6 minutes.
"This is an experimental version of a DNI system, a broad-band high-frequency computer link--a very specialized Radio Transceiver. It lets the user connect to any suitable neural or data interface without a physical plug or link, provided that interface is attached to a transceiver on the same frequency ($5,000, 0.5 kg). Range is about 1.5 to 2 km for reliable data transference; relay stations can, of course, be used. However, this system is vulnerable to both outside listeners and jamming, so it does have its drawbacks."
Retractable Toolhand Cost: $10,000 + tool cost. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: (Mass of tool - 0.5 kg). Power: As for tool.
"Requires at least a normal cyberhand, provided size and shape of tool allows it. Designed to hold such tools as power drills, laser cutters/welders, sheet metal punches, etc., the Retractable Toolhand is fairly popular with hardcore professionals due to its ability to store tools discreetly. All tool functions are controlled by specific neuromotor commands. " +1d4% to a skill hand is designed to assist
Stinger Cost: $2,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This is a small hypodermic needle located in the mouth, usually behind the tongue or in a hollow incisor. They are favored by assassins and special agents. A successful bite attack (see p.B111) in close combat (or a kiss. . .) is required to use it. Instead of doing stupid damage, the hypo injects one dose of any drug or poison; the victim may feel a slight sting (roll vs. IQ to even notice it--of course, if delivered through a bite attack, he'll have to be unconscious not to notice the bite, but in this case the sting itself will certainly not be felt). A maximum of two may be installed in a normal human. Unlike most implants, stingers cannot be detected without a full medical examination. Warning: When using this to attack in close combat, a critical miss on Brawling skill will mean you've stung yourself!
Subdermal Padding Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $4,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.5 kg. Power: None.
A layer of skin is removed and replaced with a layer of ultrafine monocrys mesh. 20MDC AR 18 It has the advantage of being cheaper than the other two cyberarmor varieties, and it looks entirely natural. It can also be combined with either Metal Plating or a Polymer Exoskeleton. A medical check is required to notice it; metal detectors can't sniff it.
Subdermal Pouch Cost: Varies. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Technically, this system is legal, since it doesn't have to be used to conceal contraband, but most police officers or custom inspectors wouldn't be very happy to discover even an empty one. This is a hollowed-out, sealed cavity within the wearer's living flesh, which is almost impossible to find (Holdout-20) even with a full-body search. The appropriate scanner can spot any contents, though. Any object small enough to fit inside is also Holdout-20. A doctor specifici-ally searching for a subdermal pouch starts at Physician (or Surgeon) -6, and may roll again at +1 for each ten minutes (no better than -1, though). In an arm or leg, these cost $160 per 100 cubic centimeters of storage, maximum 1,500 ccm. There's more room in the torso, so a pouch in the stomach would cost only $100 per 100 ccm. A pouch in the head would cost $100 ecu per 30 ccm, max 120 ccm. It takes a minimum of 3-5 seconds to remove or store an item in a subdermal pouch--longer if it is under clothing!
Talons Cost: $8,000. Operation Cost: $1,600. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.2 kg for both hands. Power: None.
Also known as "Large Claws". Works like Razornails, except that these claws are 15 to 20 cm long, and protrudee from the knuckles rather than the fingertips. They change the wearer's damage to thrust/impaling or swing/cutting. Non-retractable talons can be purchased for only $6,000; armorplast versions can be had for $12,000 (nonretractable armorplast for $10,000--though this is a rather nonsensical option, as whether scanners detect them is not very important when they're in plain sight....)
1d4sdc/talon +5% to climb
Vibrotalons cost 2x as much and do 1d4MD
Neurological Systems
The devices described below are designed to interface directly with the wearer's neurological systems. These units are the cutting edge of technology the ultimate links between human beings and machines.
Adrenal Booster Cost: $20,000 per level (maximum 2 levels). Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per day; 10 to activate.
This is system monitors the body's regular use of adrenaline and can increase the "dose" somewhat. Whenever this system is switched on (usually in a stressful situation such as combat), add the system's level to effective Strength, Dexterity and Health scores for all purposes except: (1) As noted under Nerve Booster for Dexterity, and (2) an increase in effective Health does NOT give you more location hit points, although it applies to HT rolls and the total amount of damage you can take. The effects last for 2d6 minutes, and the booster (except for some black market versions) can't be used until an hour has passed since last use. When the effect passes, a HT roll (natural Health, adjusted downward by as many points as the adrenal booster's levels, and with a further 1 per time an illegally modified booster was used in the last hour) must be made; failing this will cause the cyborg to lose 2d6 Fatigue, and a critical failure will cause a heart attack!
+4PS&PE/lvl +1strike/parry/dodge/attack/lvl
+1init/lvl Roll vs non lethal poison 4/ rounds of activity.
After a fail roll vs non lethal roll vs Deadly
cardiac arrest/rd of activity.
(De)Activation requires rolling under ME on d20.
Phys damage automagically
releases pump.
Boosted Reflexes Cost: $15,000/$40,000/$90,0000. Operation Cost: $4,000 + $1,000/lvl. Recovery: 1 week + 1 week/modification. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This system "hot wires" the cyborg's reflexes beyond their normal capabilities. This modification does not include the Combat Reflexes aspect of no surprise. Boosted Reflexes can be combined with Combat Reflexes, Nerve Booster, and Adrenal Booster, but not Wired Reflexes. Once level 1 has been purchased the cyborg can return for an upgrade at a later date.
+1PP/lvl +1 init/lvl
Computer Implant Cost: $8,000 + Computer Cost. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Mass of computer. Power: 1 per month.
Although it is not yet very common, a computer may be implanted within, and linked to, the brain. The effect would be much like an external DNI linkup, except that the computer would, of course, always be available. It would also only be able to run programs which were in the computer at the time of implantation, unless a DNI jack is purchased to allow external loading or a Chip Slot could be used to load data to and from storage cards. Such a computer implant can be very useful for cyborgs with a large amount of electronic implants, as it can be used to control and reprogram them at will. Remember that most TL 8 computers have nonvolatile RAM and thus need no power to retain memory. Also, the actual mass of the system will be much smaller than the mass of a normal computer of the same complexity, as no keyboard, monitor, casing, etc. is required.
Gyro Balance Rig Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per week.
A miniature electronic pseudo gyroscope in the inner ears (which need not be artificial) gives the cyborg near perfect balance.
+10% to acrobatics & gymnatics sub skills. +5% to prowl
+5% on any Piloting rolls of air or space vehicles.
Nerve Booster Cost: $10,000 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year
+1%/level to reflex skills like physical skills and piloting skills.
Omni Link Nerve Web Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $1000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: None.
This is an experimental successor to the standard Nerve Link. It is pseudo living: One injection is made at the base of the neck, and the Omni Link Nerve Web grows on its own, clinging to the subject's original nervous system. The subject must be kept under close medical surveillance during the weeks the operation takes to complete but there is usually no danger, nor any need of further treatment. At the end of the recovery time, the Nerve Web has effectively replaced the natural nervous system (which, although it is not destroyed by the operation, will no longer be used; the Nerve Web takes over all its natural functions and do them better.) The Omni Link Nerve Web can be used to relay signals from any cyber system to any other, between cyber systems and the CNS, and even to boost regular nerve signals.
In fact, this system not only eliminates the need for normal Nerve Links, but also adds +1 to the cyborg's DX for all purposes, permanently.
+1d4 to int
Physiological Systems
These affect the internal functioning of the body, as oposed to altering sensory input or producing different output abilities.
A Note on Muscular/Skeletar systems
These devices are synthetic muscle or bone replacements which offer special advantages to their wearer. These rules treat such implants by Body Location. Except for very unusual circumstances, such implantations are mostly done to the arms and/or legs.
A Note on Digestive Systems
These systems are means of altering the wearer's metabolism or processing his ingested energy sources. All are implanted within the digestive tract, and are constantly functioning (although they may be equipped with triggers).
Air Storage Cost: $1,000 per level (max 5). Operation Cost: $300. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per level. Power: None.
Also called an "AirBag", this system is simply an inflatable plastic "organ" somewhere near the lungs, which allows the character's body to hold more air than normally possible. Each level allows the holding of one "breath" of air. It is controlled by specified tightening and relaxing of muscles, which takes about a week of regular practice to learn--after which time it can be considered an "acquired reflex". 1min/lvl
Arterial Chemical Bypass Cost: $10,000 +$1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per day.
A microprocessor and chemical analyzer implanted at the entryways to the heart, this unit is set to divert specific chemical compounds, forcing them out of the bloodstream. Rated by level, each level allows one specific chemical (drug, poison, venom, etc.) to be diverted. Bypassed chemicals are either sent to another Cyber System or to a synthetic receptacle next to this unit. The receptacle must be emptied periodically by a minor surgical procedure. +1 vs poisons/level
Artificial Gills Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 40 per hour.
These artificial gills allow the user to extract oxygen from water, whether fresh or salient. The expensive version allows the user to breathe either air or water (it takes about 3 seconds to expel liquid from the lungs and resume air breathing, during which time the user is at -5 to PS and PP). When breathing normal air, the system is switched off.
BioClaws Cost: $5,000 for both hands, all fingers. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This mod is similar to BioFangs: Grafted bio-engineered small claws replace the fingernails. This material is alive and grows, so it must be filed or clipped regularly--this also means that damaged BioClaws will, eventually, heal. They grant an extra +2 damage to any unarmed attack with the appropriate hand. They can also be added to the feet for the same price. When climbing, a cyborg with claws on both hands will be at +5% (or +10%
if both hands and both feet have claws, and climbing barefoot/gloveless).
BioFangs Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This mod consists of bio-engineered fangs or tusks implanted into the mouth. They allow a Bite attack, like an animal's, for cutting damage. This mod never looks "natural". 1d4sdc
Biostatus Monitor. Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per day.
Allows constant monitoring of bodily functions and vital signs. A large variety of Biostatus Monitors exist, each with its own area of expertise. Some examples include monitors for pulse, respiration, brain waves, blood sugar, temperature, cholesterol, calories, menstrual cycle, blood routing, foreign substances, interferon, blood cell count and so on. Each criterium must be purchased separately, but they can be combined into one implant. A Biostatus Monitor requires some kind of output system, such as an Internal or External Readout, or even an implant computer. +10% to medical skills used on someone with a biostatus monitor
Blood Loss Healer Cost: $6,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
This system is mounted adjacent to any major blood vessel in the body, and has a built-in Biostatus Monitor attuned to sense blood pressure levels, and an artificial gland which stores a quantity of the Hypercoagulin drug. When the wearer suffers a wound that causes bleeding, the Monitor senses the flux in blood pressure, and triggers the gland to open and dispense one dose of its drug into the bloodstream. From that point on, follow the regular rules governing the effects of Hypercoagulin. When implanted, this system may alternatively be made to dispense more than one dose at a shot, risking detrimental effects as normal. The gland can hold ten doses of the drug, refilling requires a minor surgical procedure.
Cheap Artificial Gills Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: None.
These artificial gills allow the user to extract oxygen from water, whether fresh or salinated. This version requires no power, but makes it impossible to breathe air.
Contraceptive Cost: $1,250. Operation Cost: $100. Recovery: 1 day. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This is a 100% effective contraceptive device. The male version is implanted in the "sperm tubes", the female in the fallopian tubes (this will prevent ovulation from then on). For twice the price, these systems may be adapted to switching on/off, and you can turn your infertility on and off as you please.
DenseBone Cost: Hand/Foot: $6,000. Arm: $12,000. Leg: $12,000. Torso: $42,000. Skull: $12,000 Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Variable. Power: None.
This is yet another variety of synthetic bone, similar to RigiPlast except that it is denser. The torso replacement adds 2 DR to the vital organs; the skull replacements gives a skull DR of 4. A Saving Throw of 12 is granted against breaking, and even shattering can be prevented with a roll against a score of 8. Also, when this mod is implanted in a limb (arm+hand, or leg+foot), unarmed attacks with that limb gain a +1 damage bonus (as long as they're Crushing attacks; this does not apply to the Cut or Impale attacks done with large claws etc.). +10SDC/bone replaced. Unfortunately, these bones are rather heavy: A hand or foot weighs 0.5 kg extra, an arm (or skull) 1 kg extra, a leg 1.5 kg extra, and the torso mod increases weight by 2 kg. This affects both body weight and encumbrance. The torso replacement also allows cyberlimbs to have +2 ps more than normal.
Double NeoMuscle Costs: Hand/Foot: $22,500. Arm: $45,000. Leg: $60,000. Torso: $150,000. Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
All limb costs for one arm/leg; hand/foot must be added separately. An advanced form of synthesized organic fiber, this durable substance is used to replace or supplement normal muscles in various body locations. It is highly resistant to pulling or tearing, and increases muscular efficiency by a considerable amount. Any location with NeoMuscle is given +20SDC (like Toughness advantage, and cumulative with that advantage), and effective PS should be increased by 2 when only Double NeoMuscle-equipped body parts are directly involved in the operation. If the torso is grafted with Double NeoMuscle, consider PS to be increased by two more points for all locations. That is, if the entire body is grafted with Double NeoMuscle, PS is effectively increased by 4 points. This enhancement will make you look like you've been pumping iron for a while. Double NeoMuscle requires no regular training to stay "fit"; you can be as lazy as you like and keep all your strength.
FlexBone Cost: Hand/Foot: $6,250. Arm: $12,500. Leg: $12,500. Torso: $45,000. Skull: $12,500. Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This variety of synthetic bone is similar to RigiPlast, but is more flexible and somewhat more effective against powerful attacks. When a bone would ordinarily break, a saving throw of 12 is allowed; even when it would ordinarily shatter, a saving throw of 10 is granted. The Torso mod allows artificial limbs of ST up to 25. No power or unnatural appearance. +25SDC/bone
Ingested Chemical Bypass Cost: $15,000 +$1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per day.
A microprocessor and chemical analyzer set to divert specific chemical compounds without allowing them to be digested or absored into the bloodstream. Rated by levels, each level allow one specific ingested chemical (drug, poison, trichinella spiralis, etc.) to be passed harmlessly through the body. Bypassed chemicals can be either sent to another cyber system (such as a chemical analyzer), or held in a synthetic receptacle beside this unit. This receptacle must be emptied periodically by a minor surgical procedure.
Ingestion Storage Cost: $1,500 per level. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per level. Power: 1 per level per day.
This unit holds food--lots of it--and monitors its eventual travel into the regular digestive tract. Thus, the wearer can eat far more at once than his stomach actually has room for. Each level adds one-quarter "normal" food storage capacity. (A person with a level 4 unit could eat twice as much as a before implantation--and wouldn't have to eat again for twice as long.)
Inhaled Chemical Bypass Cost: $10,000 +$1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per day.
A microprocessor and chemical analyzer set to divert specific chemical compounds without allowing them to be taken into the lungs. Rated by level, each level allows one specific chemical (drug, poison, gaseous bioactive, etc.) to be exhaled harmlessly from the body--or stored in a receptacle.
Internal Biorepair System Cost: $10,000 per level (maximum 5). Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per level. Power: 1 per day per level.
This Internal Biorepair System can allow the cyborg's body to function after taking more damage than a normal human. These include cardiac stabilizers, blood reserve oxygenators, artificial coagulants, shielded neurons with fiber optic backup, and similar systems. Its function is more passive than active: It doesn't speed natural healing much (or any at all). The most useful effect of this mod is that it grants extra hit points to the cyborg. For each level, one extra hit point is gained (although the HT stat itself is unaffected, the cyborg now has a higher damage tolerance. He gets a split HT score.) This will not affect the amount of damage necessary to cripple a limb, though - it only moves the unconsciousness/death limits. The system only uses power when the cyborg is actually damaged--its sensors notice when wounds, impact trauma, etc. are suffered, and it deactivates when it is not needed.
Internal Oxygen Supply Cost: $7,000 per hour. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per hour. Power: None.
This is an internal supply of highly compressed oxygen, which can allow life underwater, or in any oxygen-poor environment. Unfortunately, these minimodules explode dramatically if punctured. Whenever impaling or bullet damage is taken to the vital organs, roll 3d6; on an 8 or less, the supply has been penetrated and explodes for 3d6 crushing damage per hour of air remaining. DR doesn't protect! These will recharge themselves from the cyborg's normal breathing; each six hours of rest recharges one hour of internal oxygen supply. No power is needed even for this operation, as mechanical energy from the cyborg's "breathing muscles" is used to compress the oxygen. The system is controlled by muscular pressure, and takes about a week to learn how to use.
NeoMuscle Costs: Hand/Foot: $7,500. Arm: $15,000. Leg: $20,000. Torso: $50,000. Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
All limb costs for one arm/leg; hand/foot must be added separately. An advanced form of synthesized organic fiber, this durable substance is used to replace or supplement normal muscles in various body locations. It is highly resistant to pulling or tearing, and increases muscular efficiency by a considerable amount. Any location with NeoMuscle is given+10SDC, and effective PS should be increased by 1 when only NeoMuscle-equipped body parts are directly involved in the operation. If the torso is grafted with NeoMuscle, consider PS to be increased by one further point for all locations. That is, if the entire body is grafted with NeoMuscle, PS is effectively increased by 2 points. This enhancement will make you look like you did before, although the muscles will bulge a bit more impressively when you flex. NeoMuscle requires no regular training to stay "fit"; you can be as lazy as you like and keep all your strength.
New Organs/Glands. Cost: approx. $5,000 to $50,000. Operation Cost: $500 to $2,500. Recovery: 1 to 4 weeks. Mass: Varies (rarely more than 1 kg). Power: 1+ per day.
The rise of transplant technology and artificial organs has brought another new form of biocontrol onto the scene--artificial organs and glands can now be created where none existed before. These systems generally serve to monitor or dispense some specific drug, hormone, or other bioactive chemical into the body. As an example, an artificial gland can be set to watch for bacterial infections, and release a powerful antibiotic if such an infection is detected. Most of these organs have beneficial medical uses (such as insulin glands for diabetics), although the same technology has allowed the creation of various underhanded devices. These systems, frequently used by powerful employees who wish their emplyees to remain forever loyal, include such niceties as Analog Dependency Glands (which release periodic doses of some undetected chemical into the wearer's body, creating a dependency he doesn't even know he has) and Virus Glands (these release tailored viruses which can only be combated with a tailored antibiotic supplied by the employer). Then, of course, there are some people who voluntarily get recreational drug implants.
Ovulation Control Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 day. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per week.
For females only; functions as a combination of Contraceptive and Proceptive systems. That is, ovulation can be switched on and off as desired.
Oxygen Extraction Cost: $5,000 per level (maximum level 5). Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 10 per level per hour.
This is a powerful extractor system placed in the lungs, which greatly enhances the body's ability to retrieve oxygen from the air. For physical endurance purposes, add the level to the cyborg's effective HT (this also includes holding one's breath). This can increase Move, but it will not grant any extra hit points or apply to death checks. Also, the system makes it possible to regain Fatigue twice as fast as normally.
Proceptive Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 day. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per week.
This system is for females only. An electrostimulator which prompts the body to produce ovum regardless of menstrual stage, this system grants a 90% chance of ovulation.
Retractable BioClaws Cost: $7,000 for both hands, all fingers. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This mod is similar to BioClaws but retractable. This material is alive and grows, so it must be filed or clipped regularly--this also means that damaged BioClaws will, eventually, heal. They grant an extra +2 damage to any unarmed attack with the appropriate hand. They can also be added to the feet for the same price. When climbing, a cyborg with claws on both hands will be at +1 (or +2 if both hands and both feet have claws, and climbing barefoot/gloveless). Retractable claws take 1 second to retract or deploy, unless the wearer has Fast-Draw (Claws) skill.
Retractable BioFangs Cost: $3,500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This mod consists of bio-engineered fangs or tusks implanted into the mouth. They allow a Bite attack, like an animal's, for cutting damage. Retractable BioFangs may be retracted at will. This mod never looks "natural" as long as the fangs are out, however when retracted a full bioscan must be made to detect it. Retractable fangs take 1 second to deploy or retract, unless the cyborg has Fast-Draw (Fangs) skill.
RigiPlast Bone Cost: Hand/Foot: $5,000. Arm: $10,000. Leg: $10,000. Torso: $35,000. Skull: $10,000. Operation Cost: Included above. Recovery: 1 month. Mass: Negligible (replaces bones). Power: None.
These are multilayered bone implants, solidified with a molecular catalyst prior to implantation. If the Torso location is implanted with RigiPlast Bone, cyberlimbs of ST up to 23 may be attached and used without damaging the skeletal structure. +30SDC/part
Supermetabolism Cost: $17,500. Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 2 per hour.
This digestive assistant system grants its wearer double normal metabolic efficacy; basically allowing him to eat half as much or half as often. +1 parry
Tailored Metabolism Cost: $30,000. Operation Cost: $4,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per day.
This is a specialized variant of the Ingested Chemical Bypass. Only preprogrammed healthy basic nutrient are passed; unnecessary nutritional chemicals are bypassed (this includes anything the unit doesn't recognize, including poisons and drugs). With a computer implant, this system may be reprogrammed without using surgery. The wearer must "eat right" or eat often. +1 vs poison/disease
Ultrametabolism Cost: $35,000. Operation Cost: $5,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 4 per hour.
This digestive assistant system allows its wearer to derive nutrients from almost any manner of source, even among the virtually nutritionally arid. The wearer may have to eat a good-sized amount, but this system could retrieve calories and protein from just about any organic matter. It can also perform as the Supermetabolism system described above.
Sensory Systems
360-degree Vision Cost: $250,000 (inclusive of operation). Recovery: 1 month. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
A built-in, concealed optic sensor array in the back, sides and top of head allows all-round vision. No artificial eyes required. Possession of Karate or Judo skill allows attack against targets behind the cyborg at no penalty, otherwise, treat "off-hand" and back hexes at -2 to hit. No penalties when defending against attacks from the side or rear. Much of the cost goes toward work on the nervous system, so artificial appearance will only have half its normal effects. That is, a "semi-natural" system costs $187,500, while an obviously artificial system costs $100,000--and you have four extra eyes in your head (one on each side and two in the back), all of which are obviously cyberware. Prepare for hefty reaction penalties when dealing with anyone but a cyberphile.
Acute Hearing Cost: $15,000 per level, for both ears. Operation Cost: $1,000 for a pair. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This requires both ears to be artificial. Each level (maximum is 5) gives +1 to Hearing checks, just like the Acute Hearing advantage. The price assumes both ears to be modified; modifying only one ear gives no benefits. half bonuses of amp hearing from mainbook)
Acute Vision. Cost: Varies (see below). Operation Cost: $2,000; $1,400 for one eye. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This must be bought for both eyes, which must be artificial, or no bonuses will be received. These bonuses apply to Vision rolls just like the Acute Vision advantage. Each level adds 1000ft to range of vision (hawk -like)
Bonus | Cost |
+1 | $20,000 |
+2 | $50,000 |
+3 | $130,000 |
+4 | $230,000 |
+5 | $330,000 |
Alternate Spectral Range Cost: $2,000 per eye per set. Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Enables visual perception of non-visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. Any number of "sets" (of which there are 10) may be added. These "sets" are Short Waves, Standard Radio Waves, VHF, UHF, SHF (Radar), UV, X-Rays, Gamma Radiation, IR and Microwaves. Each "set" is assigned one color (chosen by the cyborg or cyberdoc before implanting, or reprogrammable at will if a Visual Processor is installed), and radiation in each "set" will be perceived as light of that specific color, brightness depending on intensity. Price modifiers for unnatural appearance do not apply. No power required.
Artificial Ear Cost: $10,000 for one ear. Operation Cost: $700; $1,000 for a pair. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Note that this modification is internal; the outer ear is a cheap cosmetic prosthesis (which can be replaced, if damaged, for about $1,000). The artificial ear senses sound, which it translates to nerve signals and relays to the auditory nerve. Many other Hearing modifications require artificial ears, and these can be installed along with the artificial ears at no extra cost.
Artificial Eye. Cost: $25,000 (*). Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This allows normal, 20/20 vision. Many Sight modifications require at least one artificial eye, and can be installed at the same time as the eye(s) at no additional operation cost. When using dissimilar eyes, a patch must be worn over one (or an artificial one can be turned off), or a -2 penalty is applied to Vision checks for conflicting signals.
Audio Processor Cost: $10,000 + $1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
A small chip digitizes auditory signals, and stores one minute's worth per level. Can search, translate, replay and otherwise process stored sounds by mental command. Output can be routed through any audio output device, or a DNI link.
Audio Recorder Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
Records sound on miniature digital hi-fi tapes. It can take input from artificial ears, or from miniature microphones in natural ears--which costs $500 extra. Alternatively, an Audio Processor can be used as input device. One 60-minute tape costs about $20. Can also be played back through a Radio Reception unit or an Audio Processor, or a special playback rig ($2,000 extra). This system can be combined with a Video Recorder for $15,000, using the same tape for both picture and sound.
Bioradar Cost: $30,000 (*) + $2,000 per level. Operation Cost: $10,000. Recovery: 3 weeks. Mass: 0.2 kg. Power: 10 per minute per level.
This is an active radar system, which gives the cyborg a complete radar "picture" of his surroundings, allowing about the same detail at each range as normal vision. The cyborg will be aware of the shape of each object, and even its surface texture, but not color. A "first-level" system has a range of 2 m, doubled for each level added. Maximum level is 10, giving a range of just above 1 km. Unnatural appearance modifiers do apply a little, as this system requires very elaborate camouflage of the "antenna" system. A "semi-natural" system ($25,000 basic cost, $8,000 for operation) could be seen up close as a fine mesh of wires in the cyborg's skin (only around his head); an "obvious" one ($20,000 basic cost, $5,000 for operation) would look sort of like Metal Plating covering his head. There's a less complete version, which doesn't give the cyborg a full 3D radar picture but only relays data about the presence, location and shape of each object to any output device (including an implant computer); this reduces cost by $10,000. Both these Bioradar versions can be switched on and off, and may also be switched to passive mode. Note that Bioradar is blocked by any metal helmet. However, such a helmet can be adapted to serve as an antenna; it costs $1,000 to install an antenna plug in the cyborg's head and $500 to adapt a helmet.
Biosonar Cost: $20,000 + $1,000 per level (maximum 10). Operation Cost: $10,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 5 per minute per level.
This is similar to the Bioradar system, except that low-frequency sound waves are used instead. This system is particularly useful underwater, where ranges are tripled. It creates a full 3D "vision" of the cyborg's surroundings, but provides less detail on texture than does the Bioradar. A level 1 system has a range of 2 m, doubled for each extra level. Here, also, a less advanced version exists, which reduces basic cost to $10,000 and requires an output device to relay data to. Note that wearing a helmet will reduce range by one-half for an ordinary helmet, and a soundproof (or just airtight) helmet will "blind" the cyborg's sonar sense. However, external microphones and sonar gear can be added to a helmet for $1,000 per level, reproducing the sonar effect faithfully. No skull-plug is needed for this, and it is possible to have a helmet with a greater range than your implanted sonar. Remember that the helmet will need its own power supply.
Directional Scent Cost: $5,000; $10,000 for the variable version. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This modification requires an Olfactory Sensor, and works by limiting the input area to a cone-shaped sector in front of the cyborg, thus eliminating many disturbing background scents. Four types are available, differing only in the width of field available: 30, 10, or 1 degree, and variable.
Independent Focus Cost: $40,000, including operation. Recovery: 3 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Artificial eyes are not required. Very little artificial material is actually inserted; the operation involves a lot of restructuring of muscle and nerves, and allows each eye to focus independently of the other--like the eyes of a chameleon, for instance. It gives all the benefits of the Peripheral Vision advantage, and even allows aiming at two different targets at once. Using this in company or public will generally cause a -1 reaction penalty (as well as, often, intense curiosity)
Infravision Cost: $15,000 for both eyes. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Both eyes must be artificial. This modification allows perception of infrared light in detail, to make a "thermal image" of the surroundings. The temperature of an object determines its apparent color:
Color | Temp (C/F) |
White | 66 up/150 up |
Red | 55-65/130-149 |
Orange | 38-54/100-129 |
Yellow | 27-37/80-99 |
Green | 21-26/70-79 |
Blue | 10-20/50-69 |
Indigo | (-7)-9/20-49 |
Violet | (-8) down/19 down |
Moreover, this modification gives a +2 bonus to spot living creatures or other heat sources in a visual area scan, bonuses to Tracking a new trail (+3 for a trail up to 10 minutes old, +2 up to 20 minutes, +1 up to 30 minutes) and it reduces darkness penalties to -1 while fighting--assuming the opponents develop heat of some kind, like all humans and most machines do. Allows sight in absolute darkness provided there is a temperature difference between bodies of at least 5 degrees Celsius. A sudden flash of heat can cause blindness, unless Polarization is added.
Light Intensification Cost: $15,000 for both eyes. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Both eyes must be artificial. These eyes pick up and amplify any available light. They halve any penalty for darkness (round in the cyborg's favor) except for complete darkness. They burn out if hit by a laser, unless at least three levels of Polarization are also present.
Microscopic Vision Cost: $10,000 per level, for one eye. Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Requires artificial eye(s). Each level doubles magnification of small objects, out to a 30 cm range. (Examples: Level 1 = 2*, Level 2 = 4*, Level 3 = 8*, Level 7 = 128* etc.)
Olfactory Sensor Cost: $10,000 + $5,000 per level (maximum 5). Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 5 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
This is a very small device implanted along the olfactory nerve (often in the nostrils), and the basic system does nothing that an ordinary nose can't--it's just a prosthesis for people whose noses don't work. For each level of improvement, a +1 is granted to any Smell rolls (like the Acute Smell advantage--does not affect taste, though).
Optic Readout Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $1,400. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
At least one eye must be artificial. This creates a "computer screen" display across the cyborg's field of vision. Other cyberware can output messages to this display unit. This is made redundant by a Visual Processor.
Parabolic Hearing Cost: $5,000 per level. Add $5,000 for a variable arc. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per day.
Both ears must be artificial. Price assumes modification to both ears; modifying one ear gives no benefits. This system allows the cyborg to "zoom in" on a particular sound or area, and includes a filter to sort out background noise. Consult the following table:
Sound (dB) | Example | Range (m) |
10 | Leaves rustling | .25 |
20 | Quiet conversation | .5 |
30 | Normal conversation | 1 |
40 | Light traffic | 2 |
50 | Loud conversation | 4 |
60 | Noisy office | 8 |
70 | Normal traffic | 16 |
80 | "Quiet" rock band | 32 |
90 | Thunder, heavy traffic | 64 |
100 | Jet plane at takeoff | 128 |
110 | Very loud rock band | 256 |
120 | Metallica at 50 m | 512 |
This shows examples of sounds of each 10-decibel level. Moreover, it shows the distance (in meters) a listener must be from each sound to hear it as clearly as a normal conversation at 1 m. For each level of Parabolic Hearing, shift one line. That is, double the range at which a particular sound may be heard. For example, a cyborg with Parabolic Hearing +2 can hear a normal conversation as clearly at 4 m range as an unmodified person could at one meter. Four types of Parabolic Hearing are available, differing only in the width of field of input: 30, 10, or 1 degree, and variable (which costs $5,000 extra).
Polarization ("Shades") Cost: $1,000 per level of protection, for one eye. Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This is for artificial eyes only, and gives protection against glare and sudden bright light (each level negates one point of penalty for glare, and adds 1 to rolls to avoid being dazed or blinded by bright light). A maximum of 5 levels may be added to each eye.
Radio Reception Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per 20 hours.
Receives radio signals of whatever broadcast frequency (also digital radio), and relays signals directly onto the auditory nerve. No artificial ears required. Under some conditions, some sort of antenna arrangement might be desirable (or even necessary). This system can also be used to relay data to any sensory processor system or computer implant.
Radio Transmission Cost: $15,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 6 minutes.
Artificial ears are not required--the system can use small microphones inside the natural ears at an extra cost of $500. Can broadcast digital radio signals on any radio frequency (SRW, SW, VHF, UHF). Range is usually about 1 to 5 km, depending on weather and local terrain (in a city it would typically be less than 2 km). Connection to a more efficient antenna arrangement can boost range dramatically. This system can also be used to output data from any sensory processor system or computer implant.
Retinaprint Cost: $50,000 for one eye. Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This is an experimental system, and requires an artificial eye. Allows the eye to store up to 20 sets of retina prints, which can be simulated at will. These retina print sets could be reprogrammed via a computer implant. Note that both eyes would need to be equipped with this to fool most retina scanners--and that is a bit expensive.
Scent Edit-Out Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This allows the wearer to specify which particular scent(s) he wishes to concentrate upon, eliminating the nerve signals which carry any other scents. Thus, a +5 bonus is granted to any Smell rolls concerning these specific smells while other smells are completely hidden and cannot be detected. The system can store ten specific smells which can be selected; reprogramming is possible if linked to a Scent Processor or general computer implant with the correct software, or using an external computer via a DNI link.
Scent Processor Cost: $7,500 + $750 per level. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This is very similar to the Taste Processor, except that olfactory data (smells) are stored instead. Ten specific smells may be stored per level of this implant. Just like the other processors, this one can use Radio Reception/Transmission for I/O.
Sensory Data Reception Cost: $30,000. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 10 hours.
Allows wireless, real-time reception of all sensory input (all five senses) from other devices via broadband radio. Transmissions are encoded in a standard digital code; when uncoded and patched into someone else's CNS, that other person experiences full sensory playback of whatever the original person saw, heard, tasted, smelled and felt at the time of transmission or recording. Three types of rig is available: transmitters, receivers, and transceivers. The above cost is for a receiver; transceivers cost twice as much. Ranges are as for standard Radio or Video transmission/reception systems.
Sensory Data Transmission Cost: $30,000. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 6 minutes.
Allows wireless, real-time transmission of all sensory input (all five senses) to or from other devices via broadband radio. Transmissions are encoded in a standard digital code; when uncoded and patched into someone else's CNS, that other person experiences full sensory playback of whatever the original person saw, heard, tasted, smelled and felt at the time of transmission or recording. It is possible to transmit between two such systems, provided they broadcast on the same frequency--and that frequency is naturally adjustable. Three types of rig is available: transmitters, receivers, and transceivers. The above cost is for a transmitter; transceivers cost twice as much. Ranges are as for standard Radio or Video transmission/reception systems.
Sensory Processor Cost: $30,000 + $1,500 per level. Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This is a microprocessor which stores ALL sensory data in digitized form. Rated by level, each level allows one minute of stored sensory data. The Processor is capable of searching for, replaying and translating all stored data by mental command. In addition, if the wearer is equipped with a DNI jack or Sensory Data Transmission, this system can route output through these channels to be downloaded into another computer--or stored on digital tape, so it can perform as a Simsense Recorder (except an external tape deck, or possibly some other storage medium, is required).
Simsense Player Cost: $2,500. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
This playback system is is capable of translating ASP tapes/chips/data into sensory input, allowing the user to experience the sensations recorded on the tape--covering all 5 senses. The cost of the unit includes a tape deck and a specialized DNI connection to it, intended only for use with simsense tapes. That is, the tape deck is on the outside of the wearer's body--like an old-fashioned walkman, except the wire doesn't run to a set of headphones but into the wearer's skull. Tapes with other data than simsense recordings make no sense to this unit--and can be rather disturbing to run. This mode of prerecorded entertainment is rapidly becoming popular--it is expected that it will end up with a bigger slice of the market than all others together.
Simsense Recorder Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
Functions as a Sensory Processor, except that the wearer cannot search for and replay the stored data. Instead, this information is stored in a standard code and recorded onto a digital tape, which can be used with a Simsense Player or put into mass-production and bought and sold for education or entertainment. A standard tape, at $20, lasts for 30 minutes. Note that a Sensory Processor, or Sensory Data Transmission, can make this system more or less redundant.
Sound Edit-Out Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
Does not require any artificial ears. The system allows the cyborg to specify which types of sounds he wishes to concentrate on, eliminating "background noise" from the auditory nerve. Gives a +5 bonus to any Listen checks concerning these sounds, as well as securing the cyborg against being deafened or stunned by loud or sudden sounds as far as the nerves are concerned--but natural eardrums etc. may still be damaged. As other sounds are eliminated, this system can be switched on or off. With a computer implant, it may be reprogrammed at will.
Subsonics Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Requires both ears to be artificial. The cyborg can hear sounds with subsonic frequencies.
Tactile/Touch Modifications. Sensitouch Cost: $2,500 per level (maximum 5). Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 1 day. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Nerve ending enhancers placed in small skin grafts, Sensitouch pads are given a power level which is added as a bonus to any applicable tactile sense rolls, and to some tasks requiring high manual dexterity. This system covers a patch of skin about one square centimeter in area, and it is most commonly placed on the tip of a finger. Each one-cm-squared area covered is considered a separate system. Note that covering the average person's entire body with sensitouch pads of level 1 will cost approximately $50 million--only small areas can reasonably be augmented. A few rich sybarites have had their genitals so enhanced....
Tactile Edit-Out Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This allows the wearer to specify which particular tactile nerve signals he wishes to concentrate upon, and eliminates all others. Usually patched into the CNS directly at the base of the neck.
Tactile Processor Cost: $7,500 + $750 per level. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
Similar to the other sense processors available, this stores ten minutes of tactile impressions per level.
Taste Processor Cost: $7,500 + $750 per level. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This is a tiny microprosessor which can store gustatory data in digitized form, and can process input from the tongue or another input device. It can analyze, search for and replay any stored data. Each level allows 10 specific tastes to be stored. It can use Radio Reception/Transmission as an I/O device.
Taste Sensor Cost: $10,000 +$5,000 per level (maximum 5). Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 5 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
The basic version of this system is a quite simple chemical sensor placed in the mouth, which functions like a normal tongue for purposes of sensing taste--a "tongue replacement". For each level of improvement, a +1 bonus is granted to any Taste rolls, like the Acute Taste/Smell advantage--this does not affect Smell rolls, though.
Telescopic Vision Cost: $15,000 per level for one eye. Operation Cost: $1,400; $2,000 for a pair. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This system allows long-distance magnification. Each level doubles magnification, just as with Microscopic Vision, but the magnification is limited to what would be visible to normal eyes from 30 cm away. Eye must be artificial.
Thermal Edit-Out Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This allows the cyborg to ignore (actually, be totally oblivious to) the effects of temperature. There's some danger with this system, though, because the cyborg may start taking damage from extreme temperatures without even noticing. It can be set to deactivate automatically at any high or low temperature threshold if a Thermal Sense system is available.
Thermal Sensor Cost: $1,200. Operation Cost: $100. Recovery: 2 hours. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
This is little more than a highly accurate thermometer placed directly under the skin anywhere on the body. It measures the precise temperature of the surrounding air in both Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees (can also output temperature in Kelvin). This data can be continuously relayed to any other system, such as an Optic Readout.
Ultrasonics Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
Requires both ears to be artificial. The cyborg can hear sounds with ultrasonic frequencies.
Video Broadcast Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 6 minutes.
Allows the cyborg to transmit video signals, which requires artificial eyes OR a Visual Processor. This standard system has a range of maybe 1-5 km, depending on conditions.
Video Reception Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per 20 hours.
Allows the cyborg to receive video broadcast signals, and display these onto the optic nerve (Note: This does not include sound--though Audio Reception can provide that). No artificial eyes required. Can be combined with Video Broadcast (to be installed as one system).
Video Recorder Cost: $10,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 1 per 100 hours.
This system requires artificial eyes, or a Visual Processor. It allows recording of digital pictures, either stills or moving video. Standard storage medium is miniature hi-resolution digital video tapes, available almost anywhere for about $20 for a 60-minute tape (which corresponds to about 60,000 stills). Tapes are typically loaded through a small port concealed beneath a skin flap. The system can include an internal scanner for an additional $5,000 (allowing playback-in-the-head), or output can be routed through a Visual Processor or a Video Reception system. A combination Audio/Video recorder can also be installed, for $15,000. See Audio Recorder; the combination system requires only one tape for both sound and picture.
Visual Processor Cost: $15,000 + $1,000 per level. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per year.
Includes a small chip where digitized optic nerve signals can be stored--each level allows one minute's worth of data. This also allows overlaying of different images, playback, "split-screen" in the head, etc., as well as searching and translating data on mental command. It can also place a "computer screen" display across the cyborg's field of vision, just like the Optic Readout system. Output can be routed through a DNI or Video Broadcast, to be recorded and/or translated elsewhere. Does not require artificial eyes.
Somatic Systems
These systems are concerned with output as opposed to sensory input. Sensory systems gain information about the surroundings; somatic systems affect the surroundings instead.
A Note on Vocal/Voice Systems
Vocal systems are audio effect devices and processors which enhance or alter the human voice. Most of these systems are implanted in or near the larynx. They can be switched on or off at will.
Audio Damping Cost: $15,000 per level (*). Operation Cost: $2,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: 0.1 kg per level. Power: 5 per minute.
Microspeakers scattered about the body create an audio diffraction pattern which helps to eliminate just about all sounds in the immediate vicinity of the cyborg. This gives +1% to Prowl skill for each level of the advantage when the "opposing party" is depending on hearing rather than sight for detection--this benefit is halved if the cyborg moves at all.
Silver Tongue Cost: $6,500. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
This is a cybernetically monitored and modified sound chamber in the larynx, programmed to create a soothing carrier wave whenever the cyborg is speaking, singing, humming or whistling. This gives a +5% to social skills reaction modifier, just like the Voice advantage, and is cumulative with that advantage.
Sonic Amplifiers Cost: $5,000 (*). Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 2 weeks. Mass: 0.1 kg. Power: 5 per hour.
This is a built-in, high-volume sound system. The user is insulated from any deleterious effects (if he wants to be). Anyone with Audio Damping or Sound Edit-Out, or anyone deaf, will not be affected either. Volume capacity may be increased; each doubling of price (and point cost) increases maximum decibel capacity by 10. There are several possible applications:
Voice: You can project your voice like a megaphone. Your enemies can hear your taunts, loud and clear. Your friends will more likely hear your distant cries for help. A sudden shout, when unexpected, may distract foes. Works like HF 8.
White Noise: The sound system generates random, multi-frequency noise. All Hearing rolls within 10 m are at -3; from 11-20 m, at -1.
Music: You can stride into combat (or daily life) with your own soundtrack (volume is adjustable from very loud to deafening--or, for wimps, down to low). When suddenly turned on, this can Mentally Stun other people like a shout.
Subsonic Vocal Range Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This allows the cyborg to "tune" his normal voice down into the subsonic ranges. When used in combination with Subsonic audio perception, it allows covert speech. Range is about one block.
Subvocal Mike Cost: $500. Operation Cost: $200. Recovery: 2 days. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per week.
This is a small internal microphone which can pick up extremely low-volume speech (barely whispered in the back of your mouth, completely inaudible even to someone standing right next to you) and relay this to any Auditory device (such as a recorder or radio transmitter).
Ultrasonic Vocal Range Cost: $20,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: None.
This allows the cyborg to "tune" his normal voice up into the ultrasonic ranges. When used in combination with Ultrasonic audio perception, it allows covert speech. Range is about a kilometer. This has side effects: Dogs in the area will howl, and some children (as well as several animals apart from dogs) may be aware of a high-pitched sound.
Vocal Emulator Cost: $25,000. Operation Cost: $1,000. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per month.
This is a specialized microprocessor which stores voiceprints and acts in synch with the laryngeal muscles to duplicate these voices when the cyborg speaks, effectively mimicking other people. Input may be set in the unit when implanted, or may come from Auditory systems (or a computer implant). The device itself can store 10 voiceprints at a time.
Vocal Modulator Cost: $5,000. Operation Cost: $500. Recovery: 1 week. Mass: Negligible. Power: 1 per 10 days.
This allows the cyborg to create bizarre voice effects, such as may be done with synthesizers. The standard model allows 5 special effects, capacity may be expanded for $500 per effect. Popular effects include "Grumble", "Echobox", "Fuzztone", "Reverb", "Helium" and "Banshee" modes.