Friday, August 30, 2024

Mananana the Nymph


Mana is a Nymph who protected the region around the Red Dragon's lair in the Magic Zone of Ohio.

After her tribe of faeries was captured or slain by the Dragon she went into hiding.

Starlight is a pixie who was once one of Mana's followers and now is in a cage at the Dragon's lair.

Mana desperately wants to free starlight but she doesn't have enough power until she meets a strange group of adventurers...

Against her better judgement she decides to ask them for help.

IQ12 ME13 MA 7 PS 6 PE PE 13  PP 17 +1s/p/d PB 21 SPD  15 70 flying 80 sdc 30 hp

rcc Abilities: HF10 Speak all languages

Glowing, Ethereal, NV 90ft see invis turn invis, sense water, leylines 90%  knows all languages

Invulnerable to all but magic, disappear into living plants, pass through organic material

+2 on all saves +1 vs magic +1 vs poison +8 vs hf

HTH Faerie 6ATA / 3 magic +2 s/p/d +3 dodge flying +3 init +2 roll 

Total HTH 6 ATA +3s/p/d +4 dodge while flying climb 90

Basic Math, id plants and fruits, botany, biology 60  holistic medicine , astronomy, land nav, wildernes survival, preserve food, cook 80 track animals 90 farie lore, demon lore 60 sing n dance 60 prowl 80

Equipment: Robes

Friday, May 17, 2024

129 Rat Pack Assembles

NG-V7 Mobile Hunter Gun Top Gunner's Workstation

Inside the Mech:
Caldor  pilots seat TOWJAM gunner seat
Gina copilot seat
Kai and his squad Sgt Fleaval Pvt Tony get in an argument after Fleaval spraypaints the interior of the Mech with Pecos Raider grafiti.  
PVT Tony becomes intoxicated on paint fumes.
Caldor kicks both of these rats out of the mech.  Fleaval falls and breaks his neck.  Being low on food the rest of the rats, Caldor and TOWJAM eat Fleval except Gina who refuses to turn cannibal.

Distant roaring is heard and rhino buffalo tracks are found nearby.

Eventually the Dragon finds the Mecha.  Being a hot head the dragon foolishly attacks the main gun!  Caldor keeps blasting while  KAi recklessly hangs out the mecha hatch emptying his light laser rifle on the beast!  Bowza returns fire destroying Kais equipment and armor and nearly killing Kai.

Distracted chasing Zamok around, Bowza ignores the Mecha!
Caldor gets some lucky shots in and manages the kill the beast before it can retreat!

Rats start trying to decide how to carve Dragon up and eat it.
Someone takes the dragons claws (who has them?)

After the battle a strange peace happens, with caldor training Rats on his mecha and them taking well to their new life as crewmates despite earlier fights between TOW and Cereal the rat.

NG-V7 Layout "The People's Robot" According to Caldor

10ft long range radio antenna extends from roof
           |1ANTENNA - radio basic, radio scrambler
           | ______
           |3GUNR  _14MAINGUN______|
 --------         ----------
|4PILOT l    5COPLT|__________
|6PASS1  a  7PASS2 |15MISSLES|
|8PASS3  d  9PASS4 |---------------
|10NUKEd 11CRGO | 
 \-------     r      ----- /---- 13DICK GUN

3 Combat Computer Consoles at POSITION 3GUNNER, 4 PILOT, 5 COPILOT
Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the heads-up display (H.U.D.). tied to the targeting computer.  All Console access is using copies of caldors and TOW login codes to unlock terminals for now, admin access is in Nerbat's name so new accounts cannot be created.
Combat computer displays interface to use Targeting Computer integrated with sensors: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets, 30 mile range (48 km).

The rest of the systems require Console access:
Integrated Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of +1 to strike when using long-range weapons

15ARM MINIMISSILES  loaded with 12 plasma

Require Console access to use weapons.

Radar: Simple radar can identify and track up to 72 targets simultaneously at a range of 40 miles 

Radio Communication with 2 radios:
Wideband directional long range radio communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km). using POSITION1 retractable Antenna for use with other long range radios

Directional short range radios using antenna built into mainbody,  5-10 miles for use with hand held comlinks, pc radios built into the motorcycles, short range remote control

G Built-in Loudspeaker: 80 decibels.

H External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.4 m) away.

I Spotlights: 2 Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).

14. Fully Environmental: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (500 foot/152 m maximum depth unless stated otherwise). Includes the following features:
Computer controlled life support system.
Internal cooling and heating/temperature control.
Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration and a humidifier/dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting too stale to breathe.
Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Twelve hour oxygen supply. 
Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade (752 F). Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
Radiation shielded.
Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted windows and viewports.

Reinforced Environmental Pilot Compartment
NUCLEAR POWER CORE accessible by climbing ladder to bottom of robot, core can be sealed from pilots compartment or used to power external equipment with a electronics basic skill roll.

Optics: Full optical systems in 2SENSR position, including
the visible light spectrum, infrared, ultraviolet, and polariza-
tion, passive night vision (light amplification), thermo-imag-
ing, laser targeting, and telescopic. Telescopic optics function
like built-in binoculars with a range of about two miles (3.2
km). All the other optic systems have a range of about 1000-3000
feet (914 m) depending on skill rolls rolls


NG-V7 Robot Vehicle Crew 5/7 max

Caldor NG-V7 POSITION4 PILOT 107450xp
 +100 survival +500 save TOWJAM +425 skills +100 defeat Bowza +100 gcal +100 rp

 +250 survival +100 defeated by Cereal +125 skills +100 rp +100 save vs Coma +100 defeat Bowza +100 rp of issue with Cereal, forgiving him for earlier disrespect (or does he?) 

+2000 survival +275 skills +100 daring climbing out hatch +100 defeat Bowza POSITION 12 Mech lower hatch via climb skill , armor destroyed, +100 daring survival having armor destroyed by Bowza, weapon destroyed by fire breath +2 PB to rats due to burn  scars

+2000 survival  +275 skills +100 use robot radio +100 rp with cam +100 climbs on back of motorcycle +100 loots 1.4million black market credstick from bowza +100 defeat Bowza

+4000 survival +100 Defeat TOWJAM +300 skills +100 daring +100 rp rat  heiarchy +100 defeat Bowza +100 use robot computer +100 take bone +100 daring throw bone at towjam +100 takes single human boot +100 loots fleaval's c-18 laser pistol  +100 gcal +100 enteres mech POSITION5 COPILOT +100 uses the computer at POSITION5 with computer operation
+100 helps towjam +100 rp of forgiving previous issue to help towjam (or does he?)
Crew cargo compartment FULL contains Randy, and Nerbat's old stuff

Outside Mech
Cameron 52690 riding Jumbles the Robot Horse
+250 survival +500 save TOWJAM +100 skills +100 defeat Bowza +100 gcal , +50 stays OUTSIDE MECH +100 makes forcefields

Zamok 41375 has 3 rats riding him using horsemanship: exotic
+500 survival +125 skills +100 defeat Bowza +100 gcal +50 stays OUTSIDE MECH goes astral to escape dragon +300 xp to Zamok for teaching wp knife and leading claw clan of 3 beastriders rats sent by elders to watch over the crystal serpent

Razor holds machinegun on Bike4  4000
 +4000 survival +75 skills  +100 daring +100 leaves to take care of baby rat +100 defeat Bowza  +100 declines to eat Fleaval and finds food outside mech +100 uses radio at POSITION5 COPILOT until leaving mech +100 uses radio on bike4 after leaving mech

Dead NPCs
Fleaval, eaten by party when they were starving at the start of 129, gina abstained

Alive NPCs see Kais sheet for details
Sparkle Tail
Jumbles the AI Horse NPC Level 5 Being riden by Cameron and Sparkletail

Rat Wastelander Motorcycle Layout

Joey lvl1 Wastelander Motorcycle C-18 Laser Pistol
Crash lvl1 Ride with Joey C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle in love with burn WP SMG Knife

Plague lvl1 Pilot Wastelander Automechanics Basic Electronics Jury Rig (built and rides the custom Motorcycles painted in Pecos Raider colors used by the ratpack) C-18 Laser Pistol, Mechanics tools
Burn lvl1 Ride with Plague C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle in love with crash WP SMG Knife

Nikon lvl1 has psionic potential untrained, only student to actually learn, gambling expert Pilot Motorcycle C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle Works as driver for Cereal

Blade lvl1 Drives Scavenged Heavy Tricycle for Razor seats 3 C-18 Laser Pistol, PS 18
Magic Anti Vampire Sword 2d6MD/6d6 vs vampires  
also on bike4 are Gina and 
Private Tony lvl1 C-18 Laster Pistol Long Range Radio, MultiOptics Helmet kicked out of mech
pilot motorcycle wastelander motorcycle with Gina on back

3x rat beastriders cling to Zamok learned WP Knife beg for saddle or harness or rope

129.5 inbetween session updates for each PC:

CAM sparkletail your follower tells you her father at fort iron whiskers radioed and wishes the sherat return to act as representative for the tribe to a troop of psigoblins which have encamped outside and are demanding tribute in a blockade. rats are getting hungry.  federation scouts wont acknowledge anyone as faction representative who doesnt have magic/psi powers (snobbery)

RAZOR with bike radio and GINA  with mech radio roll radio basic to get msg to coordinate dragon meat food releif pickup with fort iron whiskers elders radio who are asking for help

ZAMOK has a clairvoyance vision of sparkletail at a cross roads between good cyberknights training and evil federation train as her magic and psionic potential grow he sees sparkletail aura can also learn magic which is why duncon wants her.  also  ZAMOK name your three rats they introduce themselves after your speach your rats tell you "sir sparkletail is indanger of being married off by the elders" we are the claw clan of three in your service *holds up knives zamok just trained them to use in a style like a claw*

GINA roll salvage skill to direct KAI in mech to computer operation skill roll scan for and remove items from dragons stomach Caldor roll pilot robots -10  computer operation to take scan data from kai and salvage loot successfully from dragons stomach.   failed attempts will destroy loot.

Gina realizes rats who caldor taught kreghor have  less penalty to relay coordinates inside mech and having a translator might be useful

Gina sees cereal who is in mech so cereal make a speak kreghor roll to translate coordinates better, the other new pc rat and the other rats who use swords all speak kregor.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Razor the Mutant Rat Pecos Raider

Razor Squad Leader Lvl3 Corporal Vehicle Specialist  

IQ 10 ME 9 MA 9 PS 14/18 arm PP 18 PE 14 PB 5 Spd 23 Hp 25 SDC 75


Climb 85 Swim 75 Prowl 66 ID Scents 50 Track by Scent 46 

Leap 6ft up 10 ft across, when running 8ft up, 13ft across, double jointed, ambidextrous

Recos Raider OCC Skills Speaks Spanish and English 98

Cook 55 Fish 60 Swim 70 Athletics, Horsemanship Exotic 48, Pilot Hovercraft 60, Land Navigation 56

WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle 

Combat Driving Bonuses:-

+2 to Dodge when driving.

+2 to Survive a crash/impact.

Only -2 penalty when firing weapon from moving vehicle.

Aimed or Called Shots possible from moving vehicle (at -2 to Strike).

0 penalty to talk, or engage in some other activity while driving.

Penalties reduced an additional 1 point per level of experience of the driver.

Pilot Motorcycle, Radio Basic, Literacy Spanish, Art 35

Wp Spear WP Heavy , An  Art and Athletics rivalry with Cereal started at level 3

Rides in back of tricycle Buggy using the gun mounted there.

Vibro Spear 1d8MDx3 .50cal machinegun 1000rds ramjet 1000 rds normal ammo in belts of 200

Chopshop installed Salvaged Coalition Bionic Right Arm PS 18 PP 18


HTH Basic +3 init   +4 roll with impact

5 Attacks per melee,  +3 ini +2 strike +3 strike spear +7 parry +8 parry spear  +8 dodge

War Trike 300SDC seats 2


Modified Heavy Deadboy Armor 80MD/160SDC, Vibrosword 2d6MD Human Boot

C-18 laser pistol 2 long clips, vibrospear made from vibroknife 1d8md

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cereal the Mutant Rat Pecos Raider


Mutant Rat Pecos Raider Lvl3 

Squad Leader Corporal Weapons Specialist

Attributes: PS 18 Big for a Rat

IQ 14 ME 9 MA 7 PS 18 PP 18 PE 12 PB 6 Spd 26 Hp 25 SDC 75


Climb 85 Swim 75 Prowl 66 ID Scents 50 Track by Scent 46 

Leap 6ft up 10 ft across, when running 8ft up, 13ft across, double jointed, abidextrous

Recos Raider OCC Skills Speaks Spanish and English 98

Cook 55 Fish 60 Swim 70 Athletics, Horsemanship Exotic 48, Pilot Hovercraft 60, Land Navigation 56

WP Energy Pistol, WP Energy Rifle Wp Sword WP Heavy Energy 

Boxing, streetwise 38 Fencing

Secondary skills

Radio Basic 55 Literacy Spanish 60, Computer Operation 50, Speak Kreghor 60 Art 35


Modified Heavy Deadboy Armor 80MD/160SDC, Vibrosword 2d6MD Human Boot

C-10 Light Assault Laser Rifle

1 empty long eclip 1 full eclip c18 laser pistol encrusted in rhino buffalo feces, 1 short eclip


used to ride on the back of razors bike

Currently is inside the ng-v7 mobile hunter gun sharing a computer console with kai and gina

Art rivalry and Athletics rivaly with  Razor started at level 3


HTH Basic +3 init   +4 roll with impact

5 Attacks per melee,  +3 ini +2 strike +5 sword strike +7 parry  +8 sword parry +8 dodge
