Inherited Knightship in the outpost established at one of Drago's FoM nexus points when plasma died.
IQ12 MA 3 ME 14 PS 14 PP 18 PE 18 PB 5 SPD 25
100hp/150 sdc PV5
6 Attacks/melee+6strike +9sword strike
+5parry +8 parry sword
+5 dodge
+2 vs magic/poison
When worm is in direct control of host gains Improved Intuitive Combat: one with the worm style
10isp 16 melee rounds,
requires relinquishing control of body(needs a host to use)
uses the worms martial arts training to its fullest
+1 attack +3 init +1 strike +1 parry +4 dodge +2 roll +2 disarm
Innate Goblin Magic 3x daily: Shadow Meld, Armor of Ithan, Fools
Gold, Repel Animals, Energy Bolt, Force Bonds, Frostblade 4d6MD/12d6SDC
Detect Psionics, Death Trance, See Invis, Sense Magic, Sense Evil,
Mind Block, Ectoplasm, Impervious to Fire, Summon Inner strength
RCCSkills: Swim 55% Climb 80%
Gobbley and Faerie Speak 98 American 70 Escape Artist 75 (adds +5 pick locks)
Interrogation 75 Intel 62 Streetwise 50 Land nav 66
Wildsurvival 70 WP Paired Weapons WP Targeting WP Sword WP Blunt
WP Heavy Energy WP Chain HTH Expert
RCCRelSkills: x1 more, Sniper,
Forgery Pick Pockets, Pick Locks Prowl Concealment, Literacy
American, Writing (reports), Carpentry
TW Arquebus +4single shot
2d6MD PV 7 500ft range 10 shots/20ppe
Captain's Breastplate 60SDCPV6
Easy to use Zee powers:
Zee Psisword 1d6x10MD/3d6x10SDC
Zee PSI Bodyarmor activates automatically when host is shot at. 90MDC/270SDC PV9Zee
Astral Golem "powerarmor" (its ecoplasm so you can wear it) or autonomous golem
30MDC/150SDC PS18 SPD 20 energy and projectile attacks do 1/2 damage +1d6MD to strikes
Astral Golem 8 mile range 50 isp to create 10 to control hf 10 PS 18 spd 20 attacks = creators
1d6MD -2 ini -1p/d impervious to mind control
Tickles uses the Normal Template for a Psigoblin stats upgraded to 4th level