Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tralgor the 6th Level Algor Water Warlock

Frost Giant by mscorley on DeviantArt

Tralgor the 6th Algor Frost Giant Water Warlock

Tralgor is a pc in the Atlantis Anti-slaver campaign, I sometimes use PCs in other campaigns NPCs in the 3rd age since they might show up one day as NPCs in the 3rd age Campaign.

Tralgor is from the palladium world who works with his companion giant, a mysterious airwarlock nimro to rescue slaves in Atlantis while searching for 2 more warlocks conduct a mysterious summoning ritual. Tralgor learned the ritual while on his homeworld from his warlock elders.  Tralgor is to wait until the time is right to perform the ritual, which supposedly summons "Captain Planet" who will some how aide the warlocks in an unknown way.

Tralgor currently works for the Liberated Underground cells freeing slaves.
He was once a former slave of the Atlantis dwelling Lizard Mage Apophis.

6th Level 15 ft tall 1000lbs
IQ 10 ME 10 MA 7 PS 22 PP 17 PE 19 PB 12 SPD 9
SDC 1905 HP 40
PPE 134 recovers 5/hr rest 10/hr meditation
Insanity: Reclusive from slavery

Abilities: NV 60ft in total darkness, +4 vs HF, Impervious to Cold, Frost Breath 4d6MD 30ft bonus attack
+3 vs magic  +2 vs poison +1 vs posession, Speak Elemental, Sense Elementals 120ft, Sense Nature of Water 100miles 68%, Swimming 65%

Summon Elementals 30% +10% on leyline +20% on nexus

5 Attacks +1 breath attack/melee
+2 strike +4 parry +4 dodge +3 roll Kick Attack 1d8 crit 19-20
RCC Skills:
Troll/giant 98 WP Blunt +2s/p

OCC Skills:
English 85
Dragonese 85
Literacy Dragonese 85
Lore Demon Monster 60
Lore Faerie 55
Land Nav 66
Wilderness Survival 65
Pilot Hovercraft 85
WP Targeting +3s
WP Revolver
HTH Basic

OCC Related Skills:
Math Basic
Math Advanced
Art 70
Chemistry Analytical 60
Biology 65
Chemistry 65
Forensics 70
Masonry 65

Level 3 OCC Related Skills:
Lore Magic 50
History 65

Secondary Skills
Pilot Sail Boat 85
Camouflage 45
Radio Basic 70

Water Warlock Magic:
1 Create Fog, Water to Wine, Walk the Waves
2 Liquids to Water, Fog of Fear, Water Seal
3 Sheet of Ice 60ft area 60ft range,
walking falling chance 32%/ standing 15%/ crawling or sitting 6%
penalties half speed -4s/p/d walking, no speed -1s/p/d standing, half speed sitting or crawling -5 s/p/d, ice coated items 50% chance of dropping, 60sdc
Freeze Water, Impervious to Ocean Depths
Shards of Ice 15 ppe 6 min 1d4md 180ft range, dodge vs 17
Water Wisps 30ppe 1d4 wisps 3 ata 32MDC 1d6MD punch +1 init +2strike/parry +6 dodge impervious to railguns and explosives carry 900lbs PS18 PP10 IQ 6, 90minutes
Hail 6d4 MD/melee 60ft area 300ft range 6minutes 20ppe
10ft Ball of Ice 30ppe 70mdc does 1d6md 1ton 120ft range of control
Snowstorm 12 minutes 40ppe 15F 1.5ft/melee snowfall -50% spd, 20ft visibility, 180ft area 300ft range, 10sdc/melee frost damage
Protection from  Lightning 15minutes 25ppe
Hurricane 120ft area 500ft range, lasts 24melees, PPE 50, 100-150mph winds, 30ft tall waves, 3d6x10MD/melee
Little Ice Monster 40PPE 180minutes, 350MDC 8ft tall ps 26 carry 1300lbs pp 17 iq 8 speed 20 +2 init +3s +4p/d bioregen 4d6md/melee? nv 600ft impervious to lasers
all first level water magic
4 attacks punch 3d6md power punch 6d6md
Part Waters  3000ftlong, 60ft wide, 30minutes, 50ppe

Wormtooth Club 2d6MD
Damaged Giant Patchwork Armor 35/100MDC
Giant Radio
Giant Robes
Giant Water Bottle
Giant Chemistry Kit
Giant Backpack
Giant Limurian Bioskin Dive suit

10000 credits
217000 credits worth of gold
Painting of Lord Protector Tmarkos

NPCs met: Hesparos (dead), Milly the Altaran (dead), Nicoletta, Markos, Xerces the Limurian, Aru Zark who killed our old cell, Captain Hular leader of the traitor Natyll who resold our freed slaves into chains,

last played 5/21/2016 1/11/2019
Tralgor has been rifted from Atlantis to some strange jungle where he fought a giant Blue bear with the help of an Avatar alien woman with a bow and a temporal raider.

From the dead bear Tralgor acquired Giant Bear Horn Hat
and Bear Gloves