Saturday, January 23, 2016

#77 Storm of Set

The group negotiates with the elders of GAW .. Bo, Merl, Riki, and Tin Duhk stay with Blueys 3rd Armored Company, they want to pick up arms shipment on way back through merctown towards huntsville

2a Bo wants Bluey to complete the deal with The Buyer about fixing his jet, bo was already paid (?) in trade goods  by sparticus byt he also wants promise of safe passage guarding by the heros for his GAW troops back to guntersville via boat.  In exchange GAW will get the jet onto one of the GAW barges for transport back to guntersville where they can fix it.

Bo comes to Bluey and offers to upload "shiros map of north america (see above pics)"
and link with the combat computers of the GAW forces.

2b Merl wants to settle some Debts in Merctown and pick up some tradegoods to smuggle south to huntsville and take back some fineries to his beloved betty lou.

2c Riki acts like Bo's bodyguard.

2d Tin Duhk wants to go with Merl to Merctown to buy a new body

The group thinks things are wrapped up, but demons attack.  First howls and wolves, then a jinn summoned by a succubus with a lamp.  The jinn lays waste to the armies of GAW while the characters try to dodge the blasts of air.

All GAW forces are called by the group to flee to the west away from the jinn, which they do while suffering horrible casualties as the tornado rips through the lightly armored gaw ranks.  Drago manages to slow down the jinn by casting ice wall on top of him while the rest of the GAW forces flee.  The succubus seeing true danger flees using prowl and invisibility when the dragon grows near.

Caldor's tanks suffer 50 casualties, 2 tanks survive
Hermans recon squad looses 40% but gains 10% scavenger survivors who want to come back to guntersville
Blueys 3rd armored takes 75% casualties
Dragos 9th infantry patrol takes 63% casualties

The wounded soldiers and damaged equipment finally makes it back to the river where they are evaculated to guntersville...

Bo pays bluey for safly delivering the 4 elders back to guntersvill (+4mil?)

Herman realizes nox was killed by werewolves and became a werewolf.  Herman ties him up, hands him over to gaw.

Drago flies around scouting and tries to trade a star ruby worth 1000gp in a deal with herman, but herman angrily rejects the dragons offer.

Bo aranges a boat captained by Bahab, 3 barges with a tugboat leader.
Bahab works for bo and has been contracted to take Bluey and goods up to merctown.  Bahab says hes in as the pilot for 7% of blueys take.

Any other deals are pure profit, so some buy coal (caldor), others make some deals.

total trade investments:
bluey 3mil investment with bo's gaw goods to be sold in merctown

caldor 1.5mil coal deal with niomi the coal merchant

herman makes an undisclosed deal with billy gunter the transport 100lbs of something to merc town

herman has a date with niomi the pb8 coal merchant who calls him hermy
date is at the "rat house" inn, 7pm

Drago buys a dragon sized Multi optic eye headset from Tin Duhks contacts.
-5x book price for mo headband

Guntersville is trying to sell an icbm for 10million including launcher

Rogue continues to resist the control undead magic drago has placed upon her.  she steals a 400credit black market credstick from someone (her first money).
Rogue drinks moonshine to herman which has no effect on either of them.
Vrick narunl of Guntersville drinks some moonshine as well to some effect.
Herman makes lists of things hes seen to give to cyberknights if he sees any.
Herman tries to sell his eyes of eylor unsuccessfully, arguing with the dragon over price.
Rogue gets clothes and a pack from guntersville merchants.

at the end of session 77 one day has passed, and the group settles into a long awaited rnr session in the somewhat civilized region of guntersville.  average tech level is 1950s.  the characters will be in guntersville a few weeks sorting out supplies and travel deals, so everyone has to buy a lifestyle or go hunting for food and sleep in the steet.

guntersville lifestyles:
street 0+cost of food
squatter .8*5000=4000cr  - live in underwater ruins with other squatters
low .8*20000=16000cr - boarding house room
middle .8*80000=64000cr - rent a makeshift cabin with garage
high .8*=192000cr - floors 1-5 of guntersville fortress, the prerifts skyscraper home of the gunters
luxary .8*1000000=800000cr - floors 5-8 of guntersville fortress

Anyone who fills out the character sheet spreadsheet for stats gets 100xp bonus, this should help speed up the game i hope... (having the stats all in one place).

Drago 128005 +500+150+50+100+100+100+100+100 +500 showing up +150 skills+50 defeat jinn+100 guntersville deals +100 argue with herman +100 flies to scout +100 gives bluey 5mil for datafile +100 remembers lt chromium the squad drago helped original  commander's name


Caldor 88226+750+50+50+100+100+100+750 showin up+50 skills +50 defeat jinn+100 guntersville deals +100 chat rp +100 rp about space

Herman52981 +750 showin up+200 skills+50 defeat jinn+100 guntersville deals +100 shrewd eyelor deals +100 makes a date with niomi +100 makes deal with billy gunter +100 remembers dirk diggler the recon commander's name +200 herman plays poker with bahab, merl, riki, ron, spends 500gp?

Bluey 44425  +750 showin up +150 skills+50 defeat jinn+100 guntersville deals +100 makes deal with bo +200 buys prosek grade cs high command encrypted datafile for 45mil, hears unseen hand black market group has a mole in the cs , +100 gets some money +5mil from drago +100 email updates +100 logged in first

Rogue 32375 +1000 showin up +100 aquiring credstick +100 resiting control +50 defeat jinn+100 guntersville deals

Friday, January 22, 2016

Phoenix Empire Death Squad Air Jinn

Genie final. by vlda on DeviantArt air

Phoenix Empire Death Squad Jinn

Trained to serve the Phoenix Empire in one of the Demon Legions.

Green Air Jinn Regular Water Jinn Veteran Fire Jinn Elite Earth Jinn
IQ 10 12 13 14
MA 14 16 20 22
ME 10 16 20 22
PS 34 36 38 42
PP 16 17 18 20
PE 14 16 20 24
PB 4 6 10 12
Spd 40/140flying 60/160flying 100/200 flying 120/220 flying



PPE/ISP 100/40 220/50 570/60 710/70
# Actions
6 6 8 9
Strike  4/5 rod 5/6axe 8/11stave 10/15sword
Parry 4/5 rod 6/7axe 9/12 stave 10/15sword
Dodge 4/5 flying 6/7 flying 7/11 flying 8/14 flying/teleport  dodge
Initiative 4 4 4 4
Vs. Magic/
6/6/6 vs 12 7/7/7
Combat Actions Punch 3d6MD+12

K-30 Ion Pulse Rifle

Corrupt Rod punch+6d6MD

Blinding Flash

Crush 3d6+12 Wing Attack: Basic 6d6+24

K-4 Laser Pulse Rifle         Corrupt Executioner's Blade
punch+5d6MD save vs 14 death strike or take double damage

Punch 5d6MD+22

Wing Attack: Advanced Punch+70%KD
 Pin/incapacitate on nat 17+

Wing Gliding Sweep attack power punch to 15ft area +d4x10meter KD

Corrupt Serpent Slayer  Stave Punch+4d6MD double to dragons + stops teleporting K-500 Rail Gun
Crit 18+
Punch 6d6MD +30
Corrupt Millenium Slayer
Remote Controlled Phoenix Sand Crawler
` 1st 3th 8th 12th
Green Air Jinn Spells:
Defense: thunder clap +1s/p/d +5 init

Invis Wall 60ft 10ft/lvl 50/lvl

Phantom Footman 20ppe Phantom 30ppe

Air Jinn Offensive magic:

Wind Rush 120ft 10ppe
Northern Lights 60ft range 30ft area 12ppe
Electrical Field 200ft 10ft/lvl 35ppe 4d6+10md 2min/lvl
Wind Blast +6 s 2d4x10+30md 40ppe 1000ft+400/lvl
Tornado 60ppe 600ft range 100ft area 4d6x10md for 1d6melees
then hurled out for 2d6x10md

Natural Abilities:  
Magic: All spells of one elemental magic type.8th level at night 4th at day

Major Psionics: All sensitive and Physical 5th lvl

   Alter Aura (Self) (2)
   Death Trance (1)
   Ectoplasm (6, 12)
   Impervious to Cold (2)
   Impervious to Fire (4) 
   Impervious to Poison/Toxin (4)
   Levitation (2 (up to 2 lbs), 6 (up to 20lbs), 6+1 for every 10lbs over 20lbs)
   Mind Block (4)
   Nightvision (4)
   Resist Fatigue (4)
   Resist Hunger (2)
   Resist Thirst (6)
   Summon Inner Strength (4)
   Telekinesis (3, 8, 8+1 for every 10lbs over 20lbs)
   Astral Projection (8)
   Clairvoyance (4)
   Empathy (4)
   Mind Block (4)
   Object Read (Psychometry) (6)
   Presence Sense (4)
   See Aura (6)
   See the Invisible (4)
   Sense Evil (2)
   Sense Magic (3)
   Sixth Sense (2)
   Speed Reading (2)
   Telepathy (4)
   Total Recall (2)
 Intuitive Combat
Psychic Invisibility
Read Dimensional Portal

RCC Skills: 
HTH Demon(same as ultimate edition hth dragon minus bite/tail attacks)
Basic Math lit dragonese euro egyption streetwise intel track humans wilderness survival land nav lore demon faeries radio basic comp op basic elec locksmith pick locks pick pockets palming concealment wp sword wp energy rifle

RCC Related Skills (3wps)
WP Blunt WP Axe WP Heavy Energy

Green1d4x10000 in egyption gold coins of the ramaset 2 eclip

Normal 1d4x100000 in coins 3 eclips

Vet 2d4x100000 in coins 4 eclips 1 ppeclip deed to small house in Rama, Africa
Elite4d4x100000 in coins5 eclips 2 ppeclips deed to villa in Rama, Africa

Green Guns Strike Bonuses: +3 aimed
Normal Guns Strike Bonuses +4 aimed

Vet Guns Strike Bonuses 6 aimed
Elite Guns Strike Bonuses 8aimed

Green Strike Bonuses: +1pp +4 rcc
Normal Strike[4]+1pp +4 rcc
Vet Strike [7]+2pp+4 rcc +2 strike rcc hth
Elite Stike [8]+3pp+4 rcc +3 strike rcc hth

Green Parry Bonus: +1pp+3 rcc
Normal parry[6]+1pp +3 rcc +2 rcc hth
Vet parry [8]+2pp+3 rcc+4 rcc hth
Elite Parry [9]+3pp+3rcc+4 rcc hth

Green Dodge Bonus: +1pp  +3rcc
Normal: [7]  +3 rcc+1pp +2 rcc hth
Vet: [9] +2pp+3 rcc+2 rcc hth +3 to dodge in flight
Elite: [10]+3pp+3rcc+2 rcc hth +5 to dodge in flight

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Phoenix Empire Recon Squad Werewolf

Werewolf by sandara on DeviantArt

Phoenix Empire Recon Squad Werewolf

Trained to serve the Phoenix Empire in one of the Demon Legions. P135 Africa.

Green Regular Veteran Elite
IQ 6 8 10 12
MA 10 14 16 18
ME 10 14 16 18
PS 16 20 22 24
PP 16 20 22 24
PE 15 20 25 30
PB 10 14 16 18
Spd 15/50 35mph as wolf 20/50 25/50 30/50
45HP/100MDC 200 SDC patchwork armor 48HP/ 52hp/Custom Patchwork 150MDC 300SDC +

PPE 50 70 80 90
# Actions
6 6 6 6
Strike  4/5 with knife or claws 7/8 with knife or claws 8/11 with knife or claws 9/14 with knife or claws
Parry 3/4 with knife or claws 5/7 with knife or claws 9/12 with knife or claws 10/14 with knife or claws
Dodge 4 6 10 11
Initiative 1 2 4 5
Vs. Magic/
2/0/2 vs 12 5/3/2 vs 12 7/5/3 vs 12 10/8/4 vs 12
Combat Actions K-30 ion Pulse Rifle 3 eclips
+6 aimed +1 burst

TK Sniper Rifle 4d6MDC 3000 ft 5shots/32ppe
 +9 aimed single shots only

mated to stripped down
K-4  +7 aimed/+2 burst

Vibro Knife
TK Snipe +11s
K4 +9s/4s burst

TW Sawed  off Sapper

4d6MDC to nonliving and magic barriers

-3d6ppe -4d6ppe to magic creatures 12 shots 600ft 10ppe/shot

Yellow Fang 6d6MD Lesser Rune Dagger
+1s/p/all saves
` 1st 3th 8th 12th

Natural Abilities: Prowl 80% swim 50 track by smell 70 nv 300ft bio regen 4d6hp/hrMagic: Meta Animal Meta human summon and control canine repel animals tounges.
Psionics: Sixth Sense See Invis Mind Block

RCC Skills: Gobblely & Euro 98 land nav +15 track animals +20

Secondary Skills G/N/V/E: 7/7/15/19
Intelligence, Pick Pockets+5, Pilot Hover, HTH Assassin (Phoenix Empire Training), WP Knife (works with claw attacks)
WP Energy Rifle

Extra Vet Secondary Skills:
at 4 Interrogation Techniques, Escape Artist, Streetwise
at 8 Basic Math,Lore Magic, Gambling, Palming

All have conscription papers signed by Pharo Rama Set to go to north america and retreive "any symbols of osiris" and bring them back to Africa.
The papers are signed by "Yellow Fang Leader of the Savanah Werewolves" and RamaSet.

Green1d4x1000 in egyption gold coins of the ramaset 2 eclip

Normal 1d4x10000 in coins 3 eclips

Vet 2d4x10000 in coins 4 eclips 1 ppeclip deed to small house in Rama, Africa
 Elite4d4x10000 in coins5 eclips 2 ppeclips deed to villa in Rama, Africa

Green Guns Strike Bonuses: +3 aimed +1 rifle +2 sniper
Normal Guns Strike Bonuses +4 aimed +3 rifle +2 sniper

Vet Guns Strike Bonuses 6 aimed +3 rifle +2 sniper
Elite Guns Strike Bonuses 8aimed +3 rifle +2 sniper

Green Strike Bonuses: +1pp +2rcc +2hth
Normal Strike[4]+3pp+2rcc+2hth
Vet Strike [7]+4pp+2 rcc+2hth +1 with guns/thrown
Elite Stike [8]+5pp+2rc+2hth +2 with guns/thrown

Green Parry Bonus: +1pp +2rcc
Normal parry[6]+3pp+2rcc
Vet parry [8]+4pp+2 rcc +3hth
Elite Parry [9]+5pp+2rcc +3hth

Green Dodge Bonus: +1pp +3rcc
Normal: [7] +3pp+3rcc
Vet: [9] +4pp+3 rcc+3 hth
Elite: [10]+5pp+3rcc +3hth