Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#69-70 Battle Against Nxla

NXLA survives the bombardment by the Guntersville smugglers flying a squadron of prerifts fighterjets with missles provided by Bluey through his CS contacts.

Game starts with NXLA at 245000SDC was 800ft long now only 550ft long
PS 60 PP 24 PPE 15000 ISP 1000 pe 26
+2 all saves /+8 vs magic
Nxla uses tentacles in combat:
+2 ini 10 ata
+9 strike
+5 parry with spines
Crush d6x10MD+135
strike 3d6x30SDC +135

Magic: book says all necromancy and spell magic 1-6.  GM rules use ALL lvl1-15 necromancy magic and related invocations as per the list in p186 +p199 rifts book of magic.
GM also rules nxla has NO psionics since he was so vulnerable to them, makes sense in exchange for his additional necromancy spells.

NXLA Powers:
1xday summons
300 dead w/ 100sdc each
20 vampires
6greater demons demon locusts

Nxlas spells, some he's used so far:
Lvl 4: Magic neg dodge vs 16 7ppe
Leyline transmission
Lvl 5: Grip of Death 13ppe forces 2 dodges vs 16 100ft range 10ft ()
Lvl 6 Fireball 6d4mdcx3sdc  90ft 10ppe dodge 18
Lvl 7: Life Drain 25ppe 30ft range lasts 2melees/lvl so 12melees p117 spellbook
-50%sdc/hp -1ata -10% skills
Curse Death wish 20ppe 6hrs
Death Bolt  320ft range 30ppe 6d6mdcx3sdc + penalties p193 spellbook
Lvl 8 World Bizzar 200ft range 180ft radius 40ppe hf 17 p126
Lvl 9 Dessicate the Supernatural 300ft range 50ppe 3d6x10mdc x3sdc -1 save
Curse of Wasting touch 80ppe
Lvl10 armor bane 100 ppe -10% to robots/pa/bodyarmor
Command Vampires 100ppe 
Summon Insect Swarm 80ppe 3day duration
Curse of Wasting 80ppe touch
Lvl 12 ensorel touch 400ppe
soultwist 170ppe 100ft 6d6mdc/hpx3 -6 save

Lvl 13 to hell and back 180ppe touch-10ft p198 spellbook
shadow wall 400ppe 600ft range 30ftlongx10ftthighx3ft thick/lvl so
180ft long 60ft high 18ft thick
Summon Maggot 320 ppe

shadow of doom 20ft 45ppe p195

Living NPCs after 1 minute of combat with NXLA:


Tin Duhks head is being held by bluey like a football.  Has info on esrith.

Supposedly Deceased NPCs:
Jeb Huntsville was killed by nxla's tentacle.

#69 XP

Drago the Dragon Hatchling 117980 +500 showin up +100 daring hand to hand with nxla +100 trying to petrify nxla +500 trying to dig in vain +Samuel “75 Cent” Sturm
Drago has been cursed and life drained:
-50% hp -50% sdc -2 parry -2 dodge -1 attack

Caldor the Kreegor Bounty hunter  77551 +500 showin up +100 daring hand to hand +25 running to snipe on top of building +200 skills +25 running after his force field generator was destroyed by a natural 20 tentacle strike +25 got armor baned

Caldor went into the combat -24 shots from his grav gun, hes fired it 17since battle started times Hes also used some(?) of his mini missles up.

Herman the Juicer 41556 +1k showin up +daring resisting against tentacles that nearly destroyed his rail gun +275 skills +100 drinks blackthorn potion +100 realizes juicer harness is low on stims, trades with merl if they are extracted safely from nxla's grasp merl will trade stims.

Bluey the Dogboy Linewalker 33700
 +1k showin up +400 quick thinking energy field that saved elders from one tentacle strike +400 saving tin duhks head +100 daring +100 rp with Z learning psi sword does 10x damage to nxla! +100 getting hover platform to tow behind bike for transporting tree +175 skills +100 flees with tin duhks head and hover platform

Drago +500 showin up +100 daring staying in melee with nxla +175 skills +25 gets magic pidgeon from denali, ignored +25 wears mystic power armor +25 dreams of getting old gear back from nxla +100 drago exorcises lida and returns her to human

stats at the end #70:
300 SDC
277 HP
120130 xp
drago has leveled to 9

Sparticus 83750 +500 showin up +175 skills +100 good idea gives max and tom twain enforcer to guard base +100 trades 1 eye of eyelore to Lt wilson cs psistalker for 100 unit crate load of medium range missles from psi stalkers +100 asks max to ask sylvia for more cs gear +_100 tells max he allows betty lou to create inn as lean too off side of base +300 loads 3 elders into jet +25 wearing mystic powerarmor

Caldor +500 showin up +50 running out of mini missles +125 skills
+25 runs after getting hit with a natural 20 power tentacle strike, burning out his naruni force field +50 fighting nxla with guns

Herman +1000 showin up +25 skills +25 running from tentacles +50 fighting nxla with rail cannon

Seth attacks as #71 starts...