Thursday, July 3, 2014

#66 From Huntsville to Nashville

Oil Refinery IV by mdomaradzki on deviantART

The group is camped out at Sparticus's oil refinery base, one of the few buildings left standing in Huntsville.

First a few maps of the rivers nearby.  Huntsville ruins are to the right of the red lawrence county marker.

There is a river on the south part of the huntsville ruins flowing east to west into the Mississippi.

The original Huntsville Goldenage Weaponsmith settlers lived in this area:
The Army of Thunder Huntsville base is located by the "Auto Skills Center"  on the above map.  Most of the other buildings in the map are rubble.

Gross rd, Rideout rd, Patton Rd, and Martin rd mark the original walls built by the settlers to keep out monsters.  The walls are built from scrap and destroyed vehicles and rubble.  Since the Coalition and Harvestor invasions there are a few holes in the wall..

Player updates:
Herman has been brewing, he gets one last set of rolls to see what he makes.

Caldor gets a bounty hunter update stating Lady Naya is wanted as a fuguative Slave by the Splugorth along with the following bounties at x2 the rate of losses reported to the Federation.   Lady Naya has a 20milion credit bounty for the murder of Petey.  She is being blamed by the Federation of Magic authority for all of the crimes and orchestrating the slave escape.  The bounty demands her return to Nostrous alive for the full bounty or her head for half of the bounty.
bounty shown here, there are also x2 reported loss bounties for the eyes of eyelor, the hawkr duhks and the ogres the players smuggled out of nostrous.

Caldors biowizard implant demands more blood..  He feeds it the Eye of Eyelor

Lady Naya:  Cyberknight council sends her a magic pidgeon along with instructions for Herman to patch video relay in to the cyberknight council once the city of Cincinnati is under surveillance.  Orders are to mark potential targets for an air-strike but not engage.
rules to mark a target:
1) program a target into the targeting computer
Computer Hacking +10 (@ Lv 3) claimed by herman is actually computer programming, this is a req for computer hacking so if you want hacking first you need programming.
2) confirm computer has target coordinates
3) transmit coordinates to cyberknight command
4) await the advance order, continue to reconnoiter further targets around the perimeter do not engage, its important not to get your squad caught in an air strike.

Drago:  Denali sends him a magic pidgeon summons.
"I know you had something to do with the last slave breakout.  Your lordship is in peril unless you come to the federation offices and hire my services as a lawyer to clear your name.  I am sure we can come to some..arrangement.  The splugorth you offended won't be so gentle so I suggest you settle.  If you wish to tender my services as your lawyer in this dispute I can have both the female cyberknight freed and negotiate down the cost of your damages settlement.  Some moneies will have to change hands if you wish your place in the federation to stay secure.  I hope you will see resaon.  Your human and kreeghor minions are accused of theft of splugorth property, murder of splugorth minion by magic, and destruction of splugorth property.   I suggest you make your decision quickly as the splugorth has other ideas in mind for his recompense. - Denali"

Use these stats +50sdc, they claim to have studied under "Mulan" at the academy in Atlantis. They construct a crude leanto next to the huntsville base but refuse to join the army of thunder. They tend to follow the dragons lead more than humans.

the tree:
drago sees some indians while teleporting to the tree he gets a psychic message from the tree "go back your friends are in danger"

Herman gets caldor to help the folsons at merls request building a rough shelter for them.  Merl, Betti Lou and Hughbot remain behind at the base.

After sorting out things at base the group decides to scout Cincinati, on their way they travel the prerifts highway finally coming to...


The group rolls up and see 2 demon locusts, a huge monolith with dimensional portal residue at the top, 6 cultists and a bunch of people being sacrificed.

 ready to be sacrificed, guarded by normal harvestors
Sparticus stays back in his enforcer and uses a few explosive mini missles and mostly uses his laser turret.
There is a huge battle, drago gets 8 day luck cursed by one Demon Locust and battles it in hand to hand.
Lady Naya keeps the second locust busy while Herman scores deadly hits with his mobil hunter rail cannons.
Naya gets befuddled by hidden harvestors who were trying to sacrifice people to bring forth more demons to witness the endof the world!  She fights on... helping to kill one demon locust, the other dimensionally teleports out when it sees its friend die to rail cannon fire..  The Harvestors flee under the cover of invis + cloak of darkness to hide thermal... 

The party helps 5 unwounded and 4 wounded girls.  Naya saves the 4 girls who where hanging from meat hooks at the sacrifice sites lives with paramedic.  They are from the CS state of Missouri and are lead by Jeanie Mcfarlan a proud looking young girl with auburn hair.

The group sets up camp as night falls over the Nashville ruins...

Drago the 8th level Great Horned Dragon Hatchling 113080

+1k showin up +100 teleports to dunscon giving denali another 1mil to represent him in his case aginst the sploogorth, they claim dragos minions caused him 222million in damages, denali claims she can reduce this by at least half especially if the eyes of eyelor are returned
 +100 daring+100 skills +100 astronomy+100 rp about sunaj assassins possibly tracking group for theft of eyes of eyelor
 +200 help defeat 2 demon locusts +50 fend off 6 harvestors

Sparticus the soul drained 9th Level Psi Slayer
80775 +1k showin up +100 rp about eating eye of eyelor and not wanting to give it back +100 rp offering to sell enforcer to merl for all of his secrets, 12mil
+200 help defeat 2 demon locusts +50 fend off 6 harvestors
+100 take enforcer north to cincinatti
+50 dedication to using dual laser turret only in enforcer against demon locusts

Caldor the 9th Level Kreeghor Bounty hunter
with biowizard juicer implant [partially soul drained]
71576 +1k showin up+250 skills +100 hammock +100 hut building frustration +100 hawkr duhk rp +50 sniper
+50 used plasma rifle on immune to fire demon locust (realistic rp)
+200 help defeat 2 demon locusts +50 fend off 6 harvestors +100 get bounty alert for theft of splugorth properly

Herman the 5th Level Juicer Scout  [partially soul drained]
32181 +2k showin up +350 skills +100 bribes caldor with booze to build huts with wilderness survival, caldor cant build more than leantoos though +100 robot irmskit help +100 bury bodies +100 feeds lady naya+100 trades merl hut building in exchange for contacting guntersville and sking for oil refiners to come up north to operate the refinery
+400 help defeat 2 demon locusts +100 fend off 6 harvestors
+200 rp about merls quests to build folsons injured a hut near oil refinery
35731 levels to 6

Lady Naya the 4th level Cybernight Quickflex Alien
15486 +2500 showin up +150 skills +100 daring vs demon locus +400 help defeat 2 demon locusts +100 daring continued to battle after armor was blown off with call lightning +100 fend off 6 harvestors +400 paramedic sacrifice victims +100 get mission data to do cincinati recon for airstrike +100 rp +500 tornado warning
19936 levels to 5

Jean Marc the 3rd Level Millennium Tree Druid
6025 needs 7401
+2k showin up to play, jean mark was crucified to altar built by Demon Locusts
8025 Jean Marc is now 4th level

Hughbot remains at Huntsville base and gets programming and upgrades from Merl using the gold Blue gave him earlier (2mil)...