Plasma is a Psi Goblin. He was brought to earth by Dunscon and followed his warlord One eye. After doing various menial jobs for Dunscon his warlord grew tired of it. When they were ordered to guard a female named Denali, one eye did not object but instead plotted revenge. Following a female was too much to take and One eye later took a treasonous mission from the Corporation of Corn harvesters, a shadowy organization harvesting semi sentient corn dbees for their magic ppe energies. Plasma saw his fellow goblins disable and restrain Denali before she miraculously drug herself onto one of their seige engines and capapulted off onto the horizon.
The corporation cannot afford to have its affairs meddled with by the Federation of Magic and Plasma has been working with others in league with the corporation to keep things quiet and scout their boarders looking for incursions. This is when he met the other players.
3rd Level now 8th Level Psi Goblin
Was once a The Federation of Magic's 3rd Battalion Private serving under General One Eye.
Is now a Captain in Dunscon's Army of Psi Goblins who work for the Federation of Magic.
IQ 10
ME 17
MA 3
PS 20
PP 22
PE 18
PB 7
SPD 25
4.5 ft tall 100lbs
89 92 years old
Body MDC: 18 + 35 +8d6 = 93, in SDC rules 93HP 186SDC PV 6
General's Platemail 200SDC+50SDCSheild PV7, AI 240SDC
RCC Powers: Horror Factor of 11 double jointed, nightvision 1000ft
swim 55% climg 80%, bioregen 2d6MD/hr
82 105 ISP
150 PPE
Goblin Warrior school trained by Mercenaries in the City of Brass
Gobbley, Faerie 98% American70 98
escape artist60 90
interrogation60 90
intelligence50 70
streetwise38 58
land nav54 74
wilderness survival55 85
WP Paired, targeting, sword, blunt, energy pistol, heavy energy
Disguise35 65
Pick locks40 70
Pick pockets35 65
Computer Operation50 80
Computer Programming40 70
Literacy American60 90
Radio Basic55 85
Computer Hacking25 55
Safe cracking 48
Prowl35 65
Magic Powers usable 3 times daily:
Shadow Meld, Armor of Ithan, Fools Gold, Repel Animals, Energy Bolt, Force Bonds,
Frostblade 4d6MD/12d6SDC
Psionic Powers:
Detect Psionics, Death Trance, See Invis, Sense Magic & Evil,
Mindblock, ectoplasm,
TK Leap & Punch
Combat Stats:
HTH Expert 6 Attacks
Strike:+6/+8 sword +8/11 sword +3 strike guns / +5 strike aimed shot takes 2 ata
Parry:+5/+7 sword +8/11 sword
Dodge:+5 +6
+2 vs Magic/Poison
+2 disarm +2 roll +3 pull punch
Crit on 18-19-20
Claw Strike 6d6+15SDC
Karate Kick 6d6+15SDC
Power Claw Strike 9d6+30SDC
IceSword 3d4x10 +15 SDC
BodyFlip/Throw 3d6+15SDC victim looses initiative and 1 attack
Captains Dress Armor w/ Breastplate & Armored Boots 50 SDC AR 14
Pychic Camera
CS Ace11 Cyberdeck Computer (in black)
TK modified fully auto Assault Rifle 20ppe recharge, 2d4MD/3d6 at leylines, Fire single shots or bursts 1500ft 30 shots
Plasma was sent to broker a peace between Drago and Desslyth during the battle for Merctown and leads a platoon with cannon pulled by 2 goblins.
Dunscon's Cannon, 100lbs, shoots black bombs, has 10 bombs
1d4x100 each to 30' area
3 normal gunner goblins
5 green infantry guard goblins
The corporation cannot afford to have its affairs meddled with by the Federation of Magic and Plasma has been working with others in league with the corporation to keep things quiet and scout their boarders looking for incursions. This is when he met the other players.
Was once a The Federation of Magic's 3rd Battalion Private serving under General One Eye.
Is now a Captain in Dunscon's Army of Psi Goblins who work for the Federation of Magic.
IQ 10
ME 17
MA 3
PS 20
PP 22
PE 18
PB 7
SPD 25
4.5 ft tall 100lbs
Body MDC: 18 + 35 +8d6 = 93, in SDC rules 93HP 186SDC PV 6
General's Platemail 200SDC+50SDCSheild PV7, AI 240SDC
RCC Powers: Horror Factor of 11 double jointed, nightvision 1000ft
swim 55% climg 80%, bioregen 2d6MD/hr
150 PPE
Goblin Warrior school trained by Mercenaries in the City of Brass
Gobbley, Faerie 98% American
escape artist
land nav
wilderness survival
WP Paired, targeting, sword, blunt, energy pistol, heavy energy
Pick locks
Pick pockets
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Literacy American
Radio Basic
Computer Hacking
Safe cracking 48
Magic Powers usable 3 times daily:
Shadow Meld, Armor of Ithan, Fools Gold, Repel Animals, Energy Bolt, Force Bonds,
Frostblade 4d6MD/12d6SDC
Psionic Powers:
Detect Psionics, Death Trance, See Invis, Sense Magic & Evil,
Mindblock, ectoplasm,
TK Leap & Punch
Combat Stats:
HTH Expert 6 Attacks
+2 vs Magic/Poison
+2 disarm +2 roll +3 pull punch
Crit on 18-19-20
Claw Strike 6d6+15SDC
Karate Kick 6d6+15SDC
Power Claw Strike 9d6+30SDC
IceSword 3d4x10 +15 SDC
Pychic Camera
CS Ace11 Cyberdeck Computer (in black)
TK modified fully auto Assault Rifle 20ppe recharge, 2d4MD/3d6 at leylines, Fire single shots or bursts 1500ft 30 shots
Plasma was sent to broker a peace between Drago and Desslyth during the battle for Merctown and leads a platoon with cannon pulled by 2 goblins.
Dunscon's Cannon, 100lbs, shoots black bombs, has 10 bombs
1d4x100 each to 30' area
3 normal gunner goblins
5 green infantry guard goblins