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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Drago the Dragon Hatchling / John in Human form
Name: Drago but also known as John, Sara, or “The Chosen One”.
Species: Great Horned Hatchling Dragon Psionic: Major Mage: Major
Experience: 80,00Lvl: 8 Age: 16 years Birth Order: Unknown
Hit Points: 375 S.D.C.: 1125 P.P.E.: 163 I.S.P.: 133
Penetration Rating: 8 Spell Strength: 14
Origin: Dragon Cave in Maryland North America. Rumored to be Styphonal’s bastard son. Still carries original egg fragment .
Alignment: Most Cyber Knights do not meddle in the muddy waters of Necromancy but this “Honorary Knight” routinely duals with death to save an ailing friend or occasional passing Samaritan.
Appearance: Perpetual shape-shifter with a penchant for anonymity, stealth, surprise, and seducing foes to bend or forfeit their will (supernatural beauty). From the ages of three to thirteen Drago took full advantage of an enchanted emerald embedded in his chest which allowed for sustained metamorphosis. This was torn out when a pair of Demon Owl’s tortured then curiously spared his and Null Cheney’s life. At the age of fifteen, his conciseness was transferred into the body of a fifteen year old human boy within a D&D dimensional prison. This young teen boy vessel for Drago remained even when he returned to rifts earth via the Ohio Seal (three time warped years later).
I.Q: 22 (+8%)
M.E.: 23 (+4 vs. psychic attack)
MA.: 24 (80% trust & intimidate)
P.S.: 30 (+15)(+10 Dragon)
P.P. 22 (+4 parry, dodge, & strike)
P.E. 20 (+3 vs/ poison & magic)(+10% vs. coma & death)
P.B. 20 (50% charm & impress)
Spd: 44 (run 30 mph)(70mph flying)
Psionic Abilities:
Mentaly Posses Others (30), Touch, 5 min per lvl
Telekinesis : +4 to parry (8), 1d6 every 20lbs hurled (*)
Restore PPE (4): 2 ISP = 1 PPE
Ectoplasmic Disguise (12): self, 10 min per lvl, 74% @ lvl 8 fpr specific person, +3 per level,
Sense Evil (2)
Sixth Sense (2)
Sense Magic (3)
Mask P.P.E. (4)
Mask I.S.P (7)
Total Recall (2)
Mind Block (4)
Telepathy (4)
Object Read: (6)
See Aura (6)
Astral Projection (8)
Rd Dim Portal (?)
Other Abilities:
See Invisible
Fly 70mph
Fire 1/2 Damage
Cold 1/2 Damage
Nightvision 90ft
Carry 1500lbs
Lift 3000lbs
Teleport 42% @ lvl . +2 per lvl
W.P. Quick Draw: +2 to initiative to when drawing
Metamorphosis takes 2 melee actions, lasts 2hrs per day
Regenerates: 3d4 x 10 per 5min or 3d4 x 2 per minute (3 x touching tree)
Familiar Link: 1st Familiar was an owl from D&D who died 8/19/105pa. cannot bond again for 6 months, +3 spot in dark, empathic link.
H2H Combat:
Hand-to-Hand: Dragon Attacks: 6 Damage Bonus: 55 Critical: 20
Strike: 6 Dodge: 8 (+3 ss) (+3 fly) Parry: 8(+2ss) Roll: 6
Initiative: 0(+2 draw) (+6 ss) Regenerate: 3d4 per minute
Disarm:+6 Entangle: +6 Pull: +7
Tail Slap
Advanced Wing Attack
Bite & Grip
Tail Sweep
Tail Parry
Wing Sweep
Grappling Hold
Wing Gliding Sweep Attack: req full melee round, full spd, does Pwr Punch Damage to 15ft area, knoecked 1d4 x 10 meters away, lose 3 melee actions & initiative,
Fire Breath: 2d6 x 5, 120ft range
Punch:4d6 x 3 +55
Claw: 5d6 x 3 +55
Kick: 5d6 x 3 +55
Claw Kick: 6d6 x 3 +55
Tail Whip: 4d6 x 3 +55
Bite: 2d6 x 3
Stomp: 2d6 x 10
Tail Sweep: optional 5d6, 1d2 ppl fall& lose two attacks and initiative
Saving Throws:
Lethal Poison: +3 Non-Lethal Poison: +3 Harmful Drug: +3
Insanity:+3 Psionics:+3 Magic Spell:+2
Dragonese……………. 98%
Orc........................ 98%
Gobly.................... 98%
Lore Magic:…………… 71% @ 8th, (+4)
Lore Faerie…………… 61% @ 8th,(+4)
Lore Robots/PA……… 80% @ 8th,(+3)
Lore D-Bee…………… 65% @ 8th,(+5)
Radio Basic…………… 85% @ 8th,(+5)
Track Animals……….. 60% @ 8th,(+5)
Demolitions………….. 84% @ 8th,(+3)
Astronomy............ 82% @ 8th, (+5)
Pilot Automobile..... 60% @ 1st, (+2)
Prowl..................... 60% @ 1st, (
Bluff: +4
Concentration: +10
Decipher Script: +12
Disable Device: +6
Gather Information: +6
Hide: +16
Knowledge Arcana: +10
Listen: +6
Move Silently: +16
Search: +6
Spellcraft: +14
Spot: +18
Use Magic Device: +6
learning from Blewy: Computer Operations
learning from Blewy: Weapons Systems
learning from Blewy: Read Sensory Equipment
WP Spear: +3 strike & parry, extra +2 thrown strike, 150ft range
Note: In new areas Dragon will look upon the stars to make a mental note of his location.
- Near Borderline Town
- Near Chimera
Magic Spells:
Detect Magic: D&D spell
Daze: D&D spell
Message: D&D spell
Mage Hand: D&D spell
Charm Person: D&D spell
Enlarge Person: D&D spell
Exorcism: 1000ppe
Invincible Armor: 30ppe,
Create Mummy:
Water Seal:
Globe of Day Light:
Blinding Flash: 1ppe
Heavy Breathing
Carpet of Adhesion
Orb of Cold
Multiple Image
Magic Net
Energy Field
Repel Animals
Wall Of Cold
Create Wood
Extinguish Fire
Accel Plant Growth
Strengthen Plants
Cloud Of SmokeLight Healing
Cure Minor Disorder/Curse
Commune with Spirits
Magic Sheild
Close Rift Learned in exchange for a dimensional teleport scroll. NEver tried (200ppe)
Reflection (weaver)
Electric Arc: 8ppe, 90ft per lvl, dodge -2, 2d6 x 3 ... learned from Weaver after Drago saved him from Thugs. Weaver wants a motorcycle and learned Create water in exchange for teaching electric arc.
Animate And Control Dead: learned from the Re-animator in Atlantis in return for gold fox worth 100k cr and a 6ft animatron magic sword that was from a defeated Borderline security golem.
PETRIFICATION cost 80ppe (40 for earth elemental) lasts 1 month per level for supernaturla, permanet for humans, standard saving throw + drago’s spell power (@7th level +@ spell strength).
Memorable Events:
Hatched into Slavery:
A small slaver group of two Splugorth Overlords and one Murvoma Metztla were led by a heavily armed Altara Woman in their cowardly hunt for the egg of a hatchling great horned dragon. After poking out of his birth shell Drago nearly subdued the slaver menace but was ultimately put to sleep. Seemingly moments later, Drago woke-up as part of a massive slaver carvan. Only an attack upon the caravan allowed Drago to appreciate the taste of freedom.
1st Adult Great Horned Dragon:
A small town defended by a modest clan of cybernights asked Drago and Katmandu to help shun the onslaught of three hatchling dragons and one adult Great Horned Dragon known as Neanderthal. After making quick work of the attacking hatchlings they were joined by an experienced cybernight with a rune dragon sword, as they sought out the layer of the great dragon. After a long dangerous treck the trio infiltrated Neaderthal’s cavernous layer to find an impressive mound or gold, jewels, and magic riches. Drago quickly grabbed a chest of scrolls when only seconds later the Adult Dragon seemingly teleported right before the adventures. Neanderthal was visibly drained and battered from a battle he just evaded. After a series of attacks, counter attacks, and defenses Neanderthal leveled the Knight with one final death blow while Drago read from one of Neaderthal’s own scrolls. As Drago spoke his last word of magic a throbbing pitch black orb zoomed from his hand to the body of the faltering Adult Dragon. Neanderthal’s eye dialated with fear as he miraculously disappeared just before the Annihilation struck (natural 20 to dodge w/no actions remaining). With one of the remaining scrolls Drago resurrected the cybernight back to life. They returned to town as heralded heroes and Honorary Cyberknights!
Open Rift w/Xitixic Swarm:
Yes gentlemen, the rumors are true. With one melee action Drago, the Great Horned Dragon Hatchling, dismantled a rifting xitix swarm with a scroll of Summon and Control Storm. Katmandu was elated. After only 15 minutes the gaming session ended abruptly. (no xp was given)
Xitixic Hive & Queen:
Esteban’s Vampire Caravan
After a series of debilitating encounters and several days without some shuteye Drago decides to recharge his soul in the woods with Mage keeping watch. Little did they know that a Vampire Caravan about 300 deep would soon find them obstructing their path. Master Vampire Esetaban sat affront this parade of evil and stopped at the foot of Drago’s massive sleeping Black Dragon form. Mage told the belligerent Esteban that if he wanted the Dragon out of their way, perhaps he should move the Dragon himself. Esteban wasted no time in commanding his minions to do as Mage suggested. Luckily (sixth sense) Drago woke as the Vampries approached the sleeping giant. Drago stretched his wings, puffed his chest, and unleashed a massive roar of fire into the night air. Half the henchmen flad in terror while the rest struck with reckless abandon. Paying no mind to the steadfast immortals and onslaught of projectiles Drago focues his furry in a flying lunge towards the Master Vampire barking orders. Esteban tried to elude the cavernous mouth of the Black Dragon but failed miserably as Drago snapped the Vampire from his throne. A minion launched a missile at the Dragon, but Drago blew fire through Esetban onto the incoming missile both igniting the missile prematurely and temporarily rending Esteban unconscious. With his next thought Drago teleported away with the corpse and looted it for several gems and minor weapons. Esteban came to under the foot of the Dragon then turned to mist and disappeared in the breath of Drago’s fire. We can only assume that he returned to his caravan of hundreds naked, embraced, and furious.
2nd C.S. Military Base:
Balrog Encounter:
What seemed like an innocent attempt to teleport back to Atlantis found Drago opening his eyes to a massive black adult Balrog sporting a bone colored crown. Unable to move, cast, morph, or teleport Drago listened attentively as the Balrog instructed Drago to deliver a pug dog to his spoiled brat of a Balrog daughter. The daughter, wearing a pink crown, shoved Drago through a portal into what Drago learned was the Splynn Dimensional Market. After truncating his own hand, Drago handed it to a merchant necromancer in exchange for a Greater Undead Pug. His babysitter was so overjoyed with her new pet that she failed to notice Drago slip away with the blink of an eye.
Loot update 1.21.2011
400k Splugorthian Creditstick
602k in 400cr gold coins
1 black pearl
2 create water
2 calm storms
2 breath w/o air
1 rust
1 4th dimensional transformation
1 little force of light
1 circle of protection simple
4 paralysis lesser
2 frag grenades
2 plasma grenades
2 smoke grenades
20 vampire grenades (waterbaloons)
human cloak
attractive female outfit
common male outfit
4 medium anti vehicle mines
1 silver dagger
ring of speed (tw superhuman speed 10ppe +2parry/+6dodge
Current stats:
1155 sdc 375 hp 176 ppe 155 isp 5 ata +5s +7p +8d
teleport 40%
+3 poison +2 vs magic
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Marked Xiticix Super-warrior
The party battled an oddly colored black Xiticix outside the destroyed base, Black Sands. The Xiticix was pure black with red tinges, and seemed to have some sort of salamander style gill formation at the base of its neck. Its chest had a symbol grown into the plates that looked like this, in red.
Red also edges the warriors armor and gills. While inside the hive Drago discovered that the black warriors also have some ability to disrupt magic teleportation.
A most curious Xiticix, especialy considering the majority of them are grey, brown or greenish in color.
Red also edges the warriors armor and gills. While inside the hive Drago discovered that the black warriors also have some ability to disrupt magic teleportation.
A most curious Xiticix, especialy considering the majority of them are grey, brown or greenish in color.
Character Advancement
The following are characters involved in the Third Age of Dragonwright Rifts Campaign.
Ronan the Cyberknight, 5th Level started at 19853xp, ended with 21178xp. (+1325)
Drago the Great Horned Dragon Hatchling, 5th Level started with 24316xp, ended with 26116 xp (+1800xp)
Mage the Ley Line Walker, 7th Level started with 36495 ended with 37995 (+1500xp)
Kash the 3rd Level Elven Mystic started with 8100 ended with 9550 (+1100xp)
Kash is now 4th Level.
Ronan the Cyberknight, 5th Level started at 19853xp, ended with 21178xp. (+1325)
Drago the Great Horned Dragon Hatchling, 5th Level started with 24316xp, ended with 26116 xp (+1800xp)
Mage the Ley Line Walker, 7th Level started with 36495 ended with 37995 (+1500xp)
Kash the 3rd Level Elven Mystic started with 8100 ended with 9550 (+1100xp)
Kash is now 4th Level.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Valen Dae Ghuul
Valen Dae Ghuul is a 12th level True Atlantean Stone Master, 5th level Priest. He was rescued by Ronan, Kash, MAGE, and Drago from Coalition troops. The Coalition seemed to be using his knowledge of magic to determine what was effecting a strangely weak ley line, possibly trying to make a weapon capable of destroying the ley lines themselves with radiation or some other unknown method.
After being rescued he was brought back to the small tree.
The tree is located on a leyline at what was once a Nexus. At that exact point the leyline used to intersect with another leyline the Coalition seemingly shutdown with the experiments Valen was being forced to assist.
Valen’s followers are often seen tending the tree, it is surrounded by an ornate circle of finely masoned stones. The tree has some connection to Drago. It seemingly lifted a curse he was given by Stone Giants. The curse prevented his regenerative abilities, and desperate for an answer Drago convinced Kash the Mystic to open himself to the supernatural and beg the spirits for a cure.
Drago was told to protect this tree by the Nature spirits who lifted a withering curse. For some time he could only regenerate when touching the small sapling, which he protected vigorously against later Coalition incursions including a missile strike which nearly obliterated the tree and everything else in the area.
After being rid of the prisoner control implants and explosive charge by some mercenary cybersnatchers reluctantly hired by the adventurers, Valen begun ranting about the true power of Dragonwright, and started constructing a church and recruiting followers.
After being rid of the prisoner control implants and explosive charge by some mercenary cybersnatchers reluctantly hired by the adventurers, Valen begun ranting about the true power of Dragonwright, and started constructing a church and recruiting followers.
IQ17 ME25 MA19 PS18 PP10 PE22 PB17
350sdc mainbody, only his torso is somewhat human.
+2s +3p/d 6attacks
+2s +3p/d 6attacks
flip attack 1d6 +kd
196PPE normaly 93 currently due to crippling implants in his head. One of them was removed
WP Staff +4S/+4P
WP Targeting (sling) +4S
+2vs magic
TK 6000lbs of rock
Sense Elementals
Locate Secret Passages 83%
Currently has a cloak over his partially reconstructed cyborg body.
Carries a staff and a sachel.
Priest Powers:
Exorcism,Healing Touch, Remove Curse, Turn Dead, Prayers of Strength, Communion,Intervention, Miracles
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Plague of Xiticix
Encounter 1)
Xiticix trail smoking hoverplatform into tree clearing.
Immediately tailing the platform are 2 Regular Warriors w/ TK Rifles and 8 Green Warriors w/Maces and Spears coated in poison.
Watching from behind cover is a Hunter. Once the forces lead by the hunter are slain, it retreats for reinforcements.
Dorgo catches his breath after the battle, and explains
“Something riled them bugs up bad. We wuz doin a supply run out to Black Sands, like we been doin the last few weeks.. Everything was going well, then we see the whole sky flash and hear the bigest booms ever… The indians didn’t like that one bit, they told us to pack up and leave… Their leader Gold Fox came out and was shoutin orders, I saw them preparing as if for a large battle… So I kicked ole Bertha (points to hover platform) into “Fast” and me and Deek tried makin it back here with what supplies we could. About half a klick outside the base we saw a black swarm descend upon it from the south, last I saw it looked like they were gettin overrun pretty bad. We made it about another 2 miles when a buncha the bugs spotted us. They tailed us and managed to shoot up Bertha pretty good or I woulda outrun em.”
A Larmac female comes out and begins wailing about her dearest (and very dead and half eaten) Deek… The whole tribe comes out of their huts and starts wailing…
Dorgo mutters something about “females” and tells the group
“We gotta tell Doma, maybe he kin get Master Dae Ghuul to tell us what to do!” Then he tries to get the party to go into the church.
Doma is fevrently praying at the altar when the PC’s approach with Dorgo in the lead. Dorgo gives him an akward bow but before he can say a thing Doma rises and faces the group.
“Greetings, faithful and champions, what buisness do you present the Church?” he intones.
After hearing of the attack, his face turns grim.
“Dae Ghuul has fortold these dark times. He says it is but another trial of the Dragongods to test our purity of spirit and dedication to the cause. I spoke with him yesterday evening when I brought him his meals, and he told me to give you this.”
*hands Dorgo a sealed scroll with the symbol of dragonwright in redwax*
“Over these last few months the indians of Dark Sands have been kind and provided us with much. They are ones who have lost the old ways of their people, and Gold Fox is not welcomed to the tents you see nearby here. His people rejected the old beliefs of the Sioux, and for it they are considered renegades by those who have chosen to camp here.
Dark times do not allow for such bickering, The True Church Of Dragonwright will send representatives to Gold Fox of Dark Sands. You will deliver him this scroll I have given you, and tell him of the Glory of the Dragon gods, more ancient than even these peoples way of worship, and more powerful. They will see the Light in this statement and follow you, or they will be destroyed by the plague of insects you have seen. This Dae Ghuul has fortold, and it will be so.”
PCs have time to prepare for travel, while doing so a coded message comes from their TCDL badges. When hooked up a small dish ontop of the church, the message can be received and after a Radio:Basic skill check read the following:
From: Wavewatcher
High level EMP and radio chatter to the far west of Tolkeen indicates a Nuclear Exchange of some sort. Possible incursion into Tolkeen territory emminent, request immediate damage assessment of coordinates 234.384 (Fargo) where EMP was detected the strongest. Creed decree of 100000 credit reward for information on Coalition forces operating and mission objectives in or around those coordinates. Advise extreme caution, additional nuclear strikes may be planned.
After the message is read, one of the Indian TP’s opens, and an elderly man named Grey Fox exits. He has a grey foxskin pelt cloak and carries a gnarled staff. Assisting him is a single indian Brave named Broken Fang. He has a tatoo of a jagged fang which goes across his face.
“If you must go to see those renegades, I am coming with you says Grey Fox. You know not their ways and will need someone to speak with their…*spits disdainfuly* leader.”
Dorgo and Keek also volunteer to go. They each have a Highwayman Motorcycle.
The trip is about 150miles to Dark Sands. Roll one random encounter.
About half way there they see smoke plumes, and find 3 destroyed atv vehicles. The signs of battle are everywhere but there are no bodies. The area is covered by a thick undergrowth, and the trees overhead are all at least 50′ tall conifers. Sniffing the air, the old man suddenly stiffens, then points up into a tree about 200′ away. There sits a lone warrior who doesnt seem to notice you…
If they attack it, upon dying it releases a chemical death scent that brings 4 more warriors.
Continuing on, once within 2 miles of Dark Sands the sounds of battle can be heard, including energy blasts, explosions and small arms fire.
About 500 xiticix are battling a walled in encampment of Indians. The wreckage of multiple robot vehicles is strewn in front of the southern wall. Here it seems the Xiticix are swarming, trying to hack and cut their way through the enclosed indians inside the fort.
The southern wall is heavily damaged and looks to almost have a hole broken directly through it. All of the guard towers are destroyed or deserted and as your watching a Xiticix Warrior manages to squeeze into one of the towers openings. It is clear the fort is about to fall.
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