Monday, September 11, 2006

The Seige on Tolkeen campaign session two wrapup

Ronan the cybernight received a emergency call from the refugee camps to the east and left the party (sorry Lee you wernt around this weekend hehe).
This leaves us with Drago the hatchling, Kash the elf mystic and MAGE the bioborg linewalker.
Drago was cursed in session one by stonegiants, in order to finish their mission intime Kash communed with a nature spirit and in return Drago was cured at least somewhat, seemly linked now to a new sapling which has grown at the most peculiar of places.
The tree had grown to 12 feet tall, directly along what was once a nexus, now only a leyline. The second leyline pointed directly into the heavily radiated coalition base the PCs just destroyed, arising suspicion that somehow the CS is trying to unlock the secrets of the leylines and learn if there is a way to weaken them.
A sudden leyline storm poped Drago, Kash and the captured scientists into the CS burbs, there they ran on an adventure GMd by J, finaly they stablized and poped back to the tree.
Once back their return seemily caused a strange floating phenomena, as everyone rose 10ft in the air and started blowing away from the area of the tree. This saved all the NPCs lives as shortly afterwards 2 medium range missles slamed into drago as he hungon to his tree for dear life.
After a short firefight with some CS troops on Skycycles who mysteriously apeared, everyone retreated with Rez to Orionville.
There Rez hoped to locate a radio transmiter strong enough to send word back to the league of the captured scientists and strange experients going on with leylines out west.
Kash dropped Peek off at one of the few permanent buildings in town, and manged to find a tip from a strange woman on a transmiter.
She lead the party into a trap (he failed his roll), taking them outside of town to strange hill where her and two other vampired attacked. Once destroyed they found a shack at the top of the hill with a gibbering insane man inside watching static on the TV he had.
Returning to town Kash tried his hand at streetwise and managed to find a guy with a laptop who when bribed gave up the name “Space Time Kid”, supposedly this “kid” would have the needed transmitter.
The kid was easy enough to find behind his broken down Mountaineer, he indeed had the transmitter but his price was a task. Kid does a lot of electronics work in Orionville with the locals and while he doesnt much care for them they do make him rich it seems, and when he kept hearing compliants of disapearances latley he finally got annoyed enough to start thinking about checking out the creepy hill outside of town that stands over a cave known to be a haven for evil in the area.
So the price for the transmitter is “go in that damnable cave and bring me the head of whatever beastie is eating up my customers!”.
The PCS go back to the hill, and underneath they find the cave. After fighting some more vampires they encounter a Archfiend. There is a pitched battle but finaly the beast is slain along with its evil shifter master.
Returning proof of their deed to Kid, the Pcs are able to send a message to the league back in Tolkeen.
A few minutes later Rez gets the following message from someone online at the league:
Incoming encoded radio message from dialectric, TCDL cypher activated and the line is secure:
yer CS eggheads gotta be worth at least 20k to the Tolkeen authorities for intel reasons. With the war on I say bring him in and turn the bastard over, the rest of the league agrees. Get him back here asap, your gonna have tails left and right as this guy seems to be one hot potatoe.
So, the PCs rush off to tolkeen in a hover truck to be delivered to a friend of Kid’s, Big Richie.
While Rez is gone dropping him off and collecting the reward, Drago gets a psychic message from his long lost friend Kathmandu.
“you mus return to the root of your power, it is in danger!”
Teleporting back to the tree, he sees the Atlantean with forced bionic conversion lies greviously wounded. After the tree appeared a indian TP along with 2 braves and unknown inhabitants had appeared.
When he returns on of the braves ushers drago into the TP, where he learns the elders were trying to remove the implants when one exploded. Now they can do nothing but continue a life healing chant to keep the man alive.
And thats pretty much where we stopped!
So many unanswered questions eh?
What dark secrets will the Tolkeen authorities uncover from the interogation of the CS scientist?
Who is the strange atlanean and why does he mutter about incarnations and prophecies of great power whenever Drago walks by?
Why can’t MAGE pick a name that doesn’t remind me of a Dog named Dog?
Find out the answer to these and more questions in the next session!

7 Responses to “The Seige on Tolkeen campaign session two wrapup”

  1. Drago Says: 
    In male feline humanoind form, Drago quickly turns to Kash to ask, “Can you try to summon the great spirit that gave me the magic sappling?”
  2. zim Says: 
    Drago ONLY says that? If he makes a Lore Magic role he knows mystics can only open themselves to ANY receiving supernatural beings in the area, it is not a power that just lets you reach out and touch the being of choice, rather the beings out there choose YOU.
    Kash and MAGE are waiting at a Tolkeen fast food joint with a neglected looking sign hanging crookedly outside which reads \\\”Franks furters\\\”.
    Across the street lies big Richies auto garage, where he is seen to be putting the final touches on the paintjob of the hover caddy he wants the PCs to deliver to the Space Time Kid on their way back west.
    You notice a small boy with a crude bionic but seeminly new and well maintained pincher arm staring at the cat-man as it seeminly pops into existence. After hiding behind a pile of refuse watching Drago and Kash banter on about the finer points of demon-delving, the boy creeps up and says to the group
    \\\”Spare somethin? I am hungry!\\\” He then rubs his stomach patheticaly with his good hand and makes clicking and whirling begging motions with his artificial one.
  3. Drago Says: 
    (apparently there was some miscommunication. after talking to nate, this is what happened: Drago and Kash sped back to the magic tree where they found the tee-pee right next to the tree. inside the tee-pee the indians were tending to one of the dying prisoners. Drago and Kash tried helping the prisoner with light healing magic and other means. when all else failed, Drago asked Kash to keep watch of the magic tree while he teleports back to Mage and the others.)
    “Mage, we have a dying prisoner with the indians on the ley line. The indians tried to remove his cybernetics. They claim that one exploded while others remain inside him. He is near death. Kash nor I could do anything to help him. Without immediate intervention he will surely die.
    The tree has also been damaged as the area appears to have been bombarded by the callous Coalition. Kash remains with our poor tree next to the tee-pee. Any ideas?….Prrr”
  4. zim Says: 
    Rez, having returned while Drago was flying to the tree frowns at the bad news.
    He clears his throat, nervously adjusting his leather gloves. He takes a ragged breath and opens his mouth slowly, waiting a moment before finaly saying in a quiet voice:
    \”He will probably die unless given care by a cyberdoc skilled enough to disengage the bionic anti-removal countermeasures. From the look of those indians they dont know a nerve scan transducter from a toadstool, and if they keep digging around on him one of the still active devices could blow them all to next week… You guys know any cyber docs willing to travel through all that wasteland?\”
    Rez looks very worried.
    Drago while paying attention to Rez you feel a sharp pinch on your leg.