Sunday, February 7, 2016

Kilran Dakath the Horune Hero

Kilran Dakath, aka the "Horune Hero"

9h Level Horune Pirate and hired by one of the Splugorth in the magic zone to track and return stolen property the player characters stole from a Drago-petrified splugorth slaver barge a few adventurers ago. (5 eyes of eylor).

IQ 14 MA 14 ME 14 PS 25 PP 21PE s2 PB 4 SPD 30 xp 53025
80MDC naturally/80hp 160sdc converted PV7

Psionics:106 ISP Hydrokinesis, object read, mind block, resist fatigue hunger

out of power armor:
7 attacks / melee
+6 str melee
+9 to strike with knives
+10 parry / +14 to parry with knives
+9 to dodge
+3 initiative
+7 vs magic

inside kittani warfish via power armor elite flying changed to swimming + the kattani armor bonuses add up to:

war fish bonuses: +1ini +2 strike with all systems,  +4 dodge +3 auto dodge +2 roll
power armor combat elite flying bonuses:
+4 attacks +2 init +2 long range +2 hth strike +3 parry +2 ground dodge +5 swimming dpdge +2 disarm +3 pull punch +4 roll

totals in warfish:
10 attacks / melee
+10 strike melee / +11 in water
+13 to strike with vibrofin knives / +14 in water
+13 parry +17 fin blade parry / +14/18 in water
+15 dodge +19 swimming dodge
+3 autodoge / +7 swimming auto dodge

PS 30 1875 SDC PV 8
punch 3d4md +15, 9d4md+45sdc
vibroblade slash 3d4md punch dmg+3d6md vibroblade 9d4+9d6+45sdc
power slash/punch does x2 dmg for 2 attacks

vibroimpale at 30mph 3d6md 9d6sdc  (on attack per round as it swims by)
vibroimpale at 60mph 6d6md 18d6sdc
vibroimpale at 90mph 9d6md 21d6sdc

rcc abilities:
 +1s/p/d in melee underwater
Swim, hold breath 3/6/9/12min, NV 500ft

100 splugorth gold coins worth 1000cr each
Deed to medium lifestyle apartment aboard Horune Dreamship 7, stationed in gulf of mexico

Current mission  assigned by Captain Hurkt your immediate suprivisor and captain of Dreamship 7 your home base ship.
Hurkt gave you a wanted poster showing drago and diagrams of eyes of eylor along with coordinates in the magic zone to deliver the eyes to and a 10 million reward for EACH one.  You were given a platoon of 11 solidiers to accomplish this mission, 3 normals OF2 with jetskiis and 7 green soldiers OF1.

Traveling clothes
Horune dress uniform
Horune "Commander rank" dress uniform decorative cap to signify being in command of an advanced power armor and leading a squad of pirates.
(current rank in Horune Navy OF-4 goes up to OF-10)

Kittani Warfish
Plasma Canon
1d6x10 1000ft
12 minitorpedos
x2 finblades
2d6md+15/6d6SDC  +45
Harpoon Gun w/ 10
TW Harpoons (work like tw grenades)

basic math
pilot boats
navigation, salvage, survival
WP Knife
WP Harpoon Gun
WP Torpedo
WP Trident
WP Epistol
WP Blunt
WP Erifle

4 Pirate OCC Skills
Pilot Power Armor
Boxing Armor Bot Combat Elite: Swimming Powerarmor
Pick Pockets
Weapons Systems

Normal Skills: Streetwise
Vet Skills: Demon Lore
Secondary Skills
Normal: Literacy Dragonese, Pilot Hover
Vet: Computer Operation, WP QuickDraw, Dance, Lore

this was originally an npc monster but a new player graciously decided to play him out!  using stunning tactics Kilran was able to hide his forces under the enemies own boats while his other men made off with 5 barrels of fuel.

Will kilran become a recurring villain trying to track down petey's killer and return the stolen property?

kilran also has a copy of the following police report:

"Victim was one Petey the Splugorth Slaver.  Cause of Death, petrification and subsequent removal of the head.  Head had claw marks from small humanoid sided hands, but great strength must have been used due to the massive damage.  Psychic investigation revealed death was caused by a supernatural creature of unknown origin.

Witnesses were a few slaves in one of the barns nearby , but they remain uncooperative.  We were unable to recover footage from Petey's observation orbs, the orbs have yet to be found.

Desslyth the Younger filed a missing slave report with us for two Ogre guards, one barn full of HawkrDuhks and Lady Naya, champion of the Nostrous Gladiator Pit.  Nostrous Necropd Was unable to locate any of the slaves, subsequent investigation of the border towers showed evidence the slaves were smuggled out of town by a ATV pulling a trailer.  Two humans were piloting the smuggling ATV along with a Kreeghor in power armor.

Nostrous Necropd scouts were able to confirm tracks of a heavily laden ATV and lightly laden trailer heading south out of Nostrous towards Golden Age Weaponsmiths territory.

Desslyth the Younger demands retribution or payment from the authorities in Dunscon  for his losses.   He filled a missing property report for the following slaves:
Naya - 10 million
Duhks - 100k each x4 - 400k
Ogre TMen - 400k each x2 - 800 k
Eye of eylor - 40mil each  x5 - 200million
Petey & Bardge - 10mil
Total Losses 222 million
