Saturday, November 29, 2008
Maviss vs Emissaries
Starting Locations:
Drago HTH range with Maviss , Mage, Ronin stand in street, 3 agatha girls, one naked bleeding woman under a cloak (halforc victim), 5 horses,+troops start taking shelter in abandoned building on side of road.
Mavis swats at drago, Goes hand to hand with Ronin for a few attacks.
+3 living agatha scouts on horseback w/bows 1 halfnaked refugee woman…(all frozen solid), 12 Coyle Dbee 27th troops lead by Delmer hiding in a half blown up and currently on fire tower with a barely legibal number “9″ painted on the side. Dick & Rick hide while PCS + vs Mavissss +6 hover vehicles. Mage disables some flyers as does ronin. Drago beats on Mavis a bit before retreating again to the tree to beg blessings from Valen. Valen gives him a diamond to consume which blesses Drago with invulnerability. Feeling ready, Drago attacks Mavvis again.
After the ice…
Everyones weapons and gear are frozen solid. We’ll roll later to see if any thing can be salvaged assuming the locals dont call in an airstrike on Maviss…
All the agatha scouts are dead, lava is covering the area and everything is sinking. The screams of Dick can be heard from a nearby burning building. Rick has swept him away there from the cold attack, barely saving him from freezing solid.
Ronin and MAge help deflect a second attack while DRago preforms some dastardly dragonesque plotting. Teleporting to a *spoiler* he knows in atlantis he negotiated a deal whereby he traded many of his worldly posessions for a scroll supposedly powerful enough to defeat an angry ancient fire dragon. Returning to battle with the scroll drago finds the fiend immune to his supposed magic attack… for Mavis saved vs petrification with a 16
Melee1)drago &friens vs mavis &hoverpods
Spart & Elf vs orc platoon dieciséis 3 corner her in chitin armor with claws holding them at bay, while another starts to take aim with a blaster right as you rush in…
Sparticus wastes the orcs in her store, and rescues the elf babe. In return and to surive the impending orc hoard she dusts off her late husbands naruni heavy plasma machinegun and 2 belts of rounds. Sparticus rages on in his crash fueled power and easily heafts the huge weapon up..daging her into the street. She enchants him with magic chiten armor and he guns down a large number of orcs.
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling
(41300 needs 50000)
+8550 heroics and bday favor xp
(49850 needs 50000)
Ronin the 6th Level Cyberknight bearer of the three
(31250 needs 35521)
daring vs orc hoard, protecting the three and facing mavis after loosing his guns +1250
(32500 needs 35521)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth and amateur florist 4th Level Zapper
(12650 needs 16501)
+1775 orc and elf babage+400fees
(14825 needs 16501)
(51740 )
doing stuff
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sir Kathmandu
Drago Adventured with him in the distant past and hasn’t seen him in many years.
5th Level Human Mind-melter
4ATA +3ini +7s +9p +9d +6roll
+1 vs magic, psi save 10 +1 vs tox +1 vs drugs +4 vs pos _4 vs HF +5%vs coma
IQ15 ME15 MA18 PS20 PP23 PE17 PB10 SPD10
44HP 67SDC 175ISP
Speaks American, Euro, Dragonese
Basic Math, land nav pilot motorccle pilot hover
lit eng
lit dragon
hth expert
prowl wp
lore demon
radio basic first aide
comp op
copm programming
pilot robot/PA
bio regen, deaden pain, healing touch, astral projection, empathy, mind block, object read, presence sense, see aura, sense magic, sixth sense, speed reading, telepathy, total recall,
alter aura, impervious to fire & poison, mind block, summon inner strength
biomanipulation, empathic transmission, mentally posses others mind wipe telekinesis super telekinetic force field telemechanics, Telemechanic Mental Operation, Mask ISP & Psionics
4 Vibroknives, TW Flaming Sword, Gemencrusted magic scimitar 2d4×10+25sdc +2parry
Kittani Plasma rifle, KE4 Special
Traveling Fancy Wardrobe, Sleeping Back, Back Pack, Utility Belt, Canteen, Sunglasses, Air Filter, 2 weeks freeze dried food, 6 smoke grenades, 4 plasman grenades, case of 6AP MMs, arm computer, tw ley line transmition in armband, 3500cr 4 armor of Ithan scrolls, TX500 MIN-+10 Kittani Serpent Powerarmor, Falcon 300 Jetpack, TX11 Laser sniper rifle boxed up, TX5 pump pistol, 5 pump rounds,
Has a TK SMG and a Vibrosword stashed in Freetown
TW Jumpsuit 35MDC
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bender the Gromek Wilderness Scout
Bender is pissed.� He goes on a patrol outside the town of Tolkeen and meets a young psi-warrior.� Together with a orc mercenary they get into a battle with some tolkeen police.� Bender guns down two of them in a fenzy� before more capture him.� Somehow released.. bender wanders the wasteland looking…for that lone female gromek that will never come.
Ka D'lahll was originally a member of a large marauding gromek tribe
in the old palladium world. When a group of powerful warriors of light
caught wind his tribe's evil business, they were asked to destroy it by the
local ruler. Knowing that the gromek's war-like nature would only increase
as their tribe grew, the forces of light quickly organized an army and
attacked the gromek tribe. During the battle two of the tribes greatest
shamans also entered into a pitched battle with the opposing army's mages.
The magical energies that were released in the battle, combined with the
energy of scores of people dying at once was enough to cause a dimensional
distortion that warped a small amount of both armies to rifts earth.
Ka D'lahll was actually lucky to have been one of the few caught in
the magical conflagration. The rest of his tribe was killed in the battle,
and their heads adorned the local ruler's castle for quite some time. But
Ka D'lahll now found himself in a strange and alien world. He and his fellow
gromek warriors had quickly been able to finish the other transported humans,
but the denizens of the new world proved much more difficult.
Originally there were 11 surviving gromek who made it to Rifts earth.
Their first encounter was with a rhino-buffalo they tried to kill and eat.
It ate 3 of the gromeks, and the rest fled in terror of "the beast that
spears do not harm". At first thinking it had been enchanted, they again
were suprised when they attempted to plunder a simple cottage they found in
the wilderness. As soon as they set it's thatched roof alight, out came it's
inhabitant, as planed. A scrawny human, dressed in some form of armor and
carrying a strange object. Rushing the man, 4 of the warriors died
immediately, atomized by his laser pistol. 2 more of the gromeks managed to
flee, but Ka D'lahll was stuck, the man has his "magic wand" trained on him.
Ka D'lahll's next few years of life were spent in slavery to the man,
working with him in the wilderness. Ka D'lahll at first saw many venues of
escape (the man thought Ka D'lahll had only rudimentary intelligence).
However, he soon realized this human was his way of learning about how to
live in this new world. So he stayed with the man for 2 years, until
finally one night he rose out of his captivity and killed the man in his
sleep. Taking all of his possessions, Ka D'lall went out looking for new
experiences in this world, as well as a way back to his old.
He has come to like his existence in Rifts earth, and is no longer
sure if he would return home had he the chance. Ka D'lahll took the name
"Bender" as something the humans could call him easily. He now works as a
guide in the wilderness, and also hunts demons and monsters that invade his
home territory. Because of this the local human population doesn't object to
having a 9ft tall monstrous d-bee living near them. Ka D'lahll has been
saving money made from working as a guide an selling d-bee hides and pelts.
He originally was working to pay a Mage to warp him home, and knows that at
his current rate it will take some time to save up enough money.
Ka D'lahll or "Bender" to non-gromek
Gromek Wilderness Scout
aberrant alignment
Hit Points: 39 S.D.C.: 89
4th level 7500xp
IQ:10 Age:39
ME:14 Sex: Male
MA:8 Weight:700lbs
PS:25 Height:9ft
PP:11 (currently 10 due to major injury to his heel)
PE:21 Land of Origin: Palladium world northern wilderness
SPD:14 / 36 flying
Natural Abilities:
Natural AR:10
Horror Factor:14
Hawk-Like vision
Fire does 1/2 dam.
Hand to Hand Combat Skill: Expert
# of attacks: 6melee/5shooting Crush/Squeeze 1d4
+10 to damage Pin/Incapacitate 18-20
+3 to strike Body block 1d4+knock down
+5 to parry Foot Claw: 2d6+2
+5 to dodge, +7 in flight Hand Claw: 1d6+2
+5 to roll Bite: 1d4+2
Knock Out on 20
+3vs poisons and magic, +12% Vs coma/death
WP Sword +2 to strike and parry
WP Blunt
WP Archery/Target
Language: Gromek 98%
Literate Gromek 98%
ultimate rifts remake
Language: English 75%
Dragonese 75%
Spanish 75%
General Athletics
Cooking 55%
Climbing 75%
Fishing 70%
Horsemanship 76%
Identify Plants 65%
Land Navigation 72%
Pilot Hovercycle
Prowl 62%
Radio Basic 65%
Track Animals 55%
Wilderness Survival 75%
WP Knife
WP Energy Pistol
WP Energy Rifle
WP Auto Pistol
Kick Boxing double leap claw 3d8 + 4d6+4 2ata 3d8+2d6+2 1ata
Boat Building 60%
6other skills:
Pilot Automobile 76%
x2 Holistic Medicine 60%
Pick Locks+5
AutoMechanics +at second
sec skills ---
Carpentry 65%
Lore: Demons 60%
Optics Systems
at 3rd Running
Utility Knife, Vibro Saber, NG-Super, unstrung Long bow and Hi-Explosive arrows
1 Plasma Grenade
NG-P8 Light Particle Beam Rifle 1600ft, 10/20 shots, 6d6MD
Standard Wilderness Scout Equipment, NV Goggles, Telescopic gun sight,
3 short and 2 empty 1 full long e-clips.
heavily damaged Full Fury Beetle Plate Armor (Giant)
MDC:30 / 90sdc , 55lbs, -25% to prowl
He has an idol of a lion worth 90,000 cr in gold
STR 3 +1gromek +2hth
P 8 +2gromek+3hth+2box+1ath
D 8/10flying +2gromek +3hth+2box+1ath
Monday, May 12, 2008
On the outskirts of New Wilmar…
Goats liver bar, New Wilmar, bustling city of some 20,000
Along the road towards Downtown New Wilmar, June 14th
Emmisaries prepare to depart the bustling trade road into New Wilmar.
Looking west along the well pre-served pre-rifts Highway, they see steam after stream of ragged refugees coming into town. About a halfmile behind them stretches a shanty town of about 1000 unskilled dbees and refugees trying to gain access to one of the archologies. At this point there is a retaining wall of about 30′ tall built around the inner region around the three archologies. Here the military and wealthier citizens of New Wilmar live (aproximately 5000 live in the small expensive neighbor hood inside the inner most walls around the arcologies).
As soon as the group leaves the bar they are met by a pair of Seraphim and a man with a glowing mantel around his head.
When they see the group, the two beings eerily intone at one in perfect unison:
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory”
Death. this he has seen.
Break the spike
They will die, unless you break the spike
Behind the Goats Liver Bar is a shanty town leading up to the three towers, the fabled 3 arcologies of New Wilmar, wonders of the pre-rifts time. They are leftover constructions of some forgotten NASA experiment to test Terra-forming and longterm sealed environmental living. Left relatively undisturbed they were found and converted into a biological and nuclear-fallout proofed living arrangement by the original founders of New Wilmar.
Plymoth Archeology towers at least 100 feat into the air and houses approximately 10000 people. Alpha and Beta archologies are half as large, built later and house another 10000 between them.
Population 9846
60% Wealthy Humans
40% more intelligent or skilled d-bee
Oldest and most prestigious,
Holds finest public known pre-rifts museum in North America.
Finally after waiting an eternity at the Goats livre, up strides Dick Lomat, and his brother Rick a Blazing Iron juggernaut. They are diplomats from New Wilmar sent to see the temple of Dragonwright to the west and determine if an alliance with it is worthwhile for the baroness. They want proof of a cure to the black death.
Encounter 1) Military Checkpoint at leftmost 278 aka Main Street Security Post 27.
PCs roll up after hearing gunshots down the street.They hear a scream from a barn to the left and notice that the side door has been kicked off its hinges.inside Uno platoon is having its way with one of the inhabitants. A man lies unconcious and bloodied. Next to him orcs do their deed horrible things to a young girl. some of the orcs stand around watching.
pcs slaughter uno platoon, man dies despite Ronin’s healing efforts.
encounter 2) actualy seeing the checkpoint, as they leave the barn they notice the flashes of laser fire coming from a rather stout looking tower a bit upp the hill from the barn.
The 27th defensive troops are 25 dbs with light energy weapons and body armor. They are led by Delmer a third level line walker.
Drago flys to tower which is burning after being bombed by two P-38s.
He caps it with a icewall cork and screams at the orcs. unsure what to do, this buys ronin time to plod up to the some 300 orc force and anihilate their leaders with a 10 minimissle volley. Orcs flee and some are pursuded and beaten by Sparticus for the sheer hell of it because he is still under the effects of Crash he injected earlier.
After defeating the orcs in the nearby area, they hear an explosion and see smoke pooring out a hole in the top of Plymoth Archology!
While battle is going on a robery of the museum takes place, the PCs see an adult dragon tailed by 5 kitanni hover vehicles, 4 of which are holding a 20ft long column wraped in tarps.
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1 (50790 needs 50921 ) +100 showing up +100 skills +100 good idea negotiating payoff to stay and fight (300k upfront writ of credit +700 promised after war), +100 rescued girl in barn, +100 grabbing legless soldier and rp , +50 barn orcs +200 planes +200 tower orcs(51740 MAGE is now 8th Level!)
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling(40325 needs 50000)
75 skills, 100 good idea scaring tower orcs, +200 planes +200 tower orcs +50 showing up crazy late +100 good idea caping tower with ice,+100good idea teleporting in and stalling orcs +100 daring first attack against adult dragon +50 rp
(41300 needs 50000)
Ronin the 6th Level Cyberknight bearer of the three
( 30225 needs 35521)
+100 showin up +200 planes +200 tower orcs +
+100 greyfox msg +50 letter +100 receives the three +100 healing +100 action that saved lives (blowing up orcs before they could attack)
+75 skills
(31250 needs 35521)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth and amateur florist 4th Level Zapper
( 10600needs 16501)
+400 showing up with beer +100 idea pulling ceiling down +200 barn orcs +100 daring running into ruined barn +50 futile idea of hotwiring broken truck which burned him +100 injecting crash +100 daring running around on crash with half of foot mangled from .50 strafing run +300 planes +300 tower orcs, +100 good idea seeking cover in flower shop +100 skills +100 getting read by ron +100 mule rp
(12650 needs 16501)
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Emmisaries convene at the Temple of the Tree
PCs Drago,Null, Sparticus, MAGE
NPCS Valen (mutters about 11), 200 rabble who were picked
Tiri Claw(bright) is lead by Brother Rockwell
5 Remain at Temple as guards.
20 Men went to Vosburg and were never heard from again
Ohtar Claw (warrior) is lead by the pale-skinned Brother Gerome
20 Women and Children Remain at home guarded by TiriClaw & Tinechor guards
4 Live Cousins Visit Fergus Falls, Andria. Find all inhabitants dead from Blackdeath or …gone. Very few bodies. They managed to steal 2 Trucks and a shotgun, 20buckshot shells. They came under fire at the hive edge and one truck was disabled. The cousins really want to go get it but fear the Xiticix. One is dead in the truck.
Tinechor Claw (sheild) is lead by Sister Agatha
talks about how good it was that we checked on Andria, Fergus Falls, and Vosberg, make sure they dina get carried off as well…” pop150(ts1p123,ts5 p54) on patrol of trade roads vs bandits,
“and I suppose we should let tha mayor know about the incursion to his lands…he might give us a reward or something” (she cackles doubtfuly) New Wilmar is the capital of the Wildwoods Barony.pop 50k (ts5p99)
She has 5 scouts with her and Valen as a guard. 10 scouts went to New Wilmar. 10 guard the Temple.
The New Wilmar scouts have yet to have checked in but last they reported the ruins of Ortonville were overun with some sort of nightmarish demons. Since all radio contact has been lost, but they were last headed South past Ortonvills ruins towards New Wilmar.
When they do make it out of New Wilmar, only 5 scouts remain but they have horses.
They report that Baroness Carol Marshall, ruler of New Wilmar has accepted their delegation with open arms.
Valen wont come out of his chambers again, a young girl Sister Gwen is writing this letter she gives the group:
“My Dearest Baroness Carol Marshal,
It is with great pleasure that I come to know of you and that you were spared the wrath of Styphon. As you well know the plague is coming, the rumors are true. Should you wish to discus matters of great philosophical as well as pragmatic relevance to your very survival, I suggest you send a envoy to my temple to discuss them. We can be found 50miles west of the Fargo Hive at these coordinate 100x.300s
Yours In honor and Truth, Kymnarkmar’s Blessings Upon Thee and all thy subjects , Valen “
Valen will want this delivered to New Wilmar personally.
The group heads out in the Direction of Ortonvil/New Wilmar, passing a catus person on the road. He says hes going towards the temple of Dragonwright he has heard of.
They find a weird seal outside of town with some
Null finds an abandoned wagon with 2 9mms and 2 10rd clips.
7am load damaged wartroll from Sparticus into Behemoth explorer
745 leave for ortonvill.
10 pass through the abandoned ruins of Ortonville. Noone seems alive.
Drago takes 1 Cask of Wine and 1 Cask of Grain he finds in an abaoned wagon into the Behemoth.
Finaly they arive in New Wilmar.
The baroness a middle aged attractive woman in a format suit stands at her balcony surrounded by security and talks with the group. p99ts5
Barroness of New Wilmar, Carol Marshald meets with the Emmesaries of Dragonwright, Drago Mage and Null.
She says the following:
“My city is heavily bombed.
It seems the Jagged Fang bandits demanded tribute for crossing west on trade routes.
Failing to pay it, the Fangs have bombed part of New Wilmar in retaliation.
Its almost like they knew right when to invade. When we are weak from the Plague.
The black death claimed my outposts up to 5 miles outside the city. she says fearfully. All those men…dead.
then they swept in, claiming lands not theirs, feasting upon our dead and looting our border outposts.
Orcs this brazen must have a leader of some sort. I need you to go in and find this hoards leader ,and slay it. Then they should get confused and flee.
If you do so I will pledge my kingdom’s support in your work and send men to holy place if you wish it.
My pesants think its just a Coalition plaugue, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep them from fleeing my holdings for safer work. I know it is something worse, if you know anything you must tell me… I will reward you greatly if your work can relieve this horrible plague.”
June 13th, 103PA goats liver
June 14th Emmisaries converge
Sparticus buys 100 SDC Bushman armor he has 1mil 230k left
Drago has 1 20000credstick, Jewlery credstick 1450 cs 1250 tolkeen creditchips
Blackmarket credit of 1.5mil
Null has 920k in a secret tolkeen bank account
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1 (50065 needs 50921 )
+125skills +100 beer +200 showin up +100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +200rp
(50790 needs 50921 )
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling (39325 needs 50000)
+200 skills, +100 equip +100 beer +200 showin up+100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +100 healing 2 8yr oilds with sores all over body +200rp
(40325 needs 50000)
Null the 4th Level Techno Wizard Emmisarie of whaaaaa?(10875 needs 18401)
+50 skills +100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +100 getting hit on by squaw woman of indian tribe again on outskirts of tree. +100 beer +200 showin up +200 rp (11625 needs 18401)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth 4th Level Zapper (9725 needs 16501)
+75skills +200 equip +200 showin up+100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar
+100 eating +200 rp
( 10600needs 16501)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Drago meets up with MAGE in tolkeen
MAGE mystic portals to the hotel garage while Drago teleports outside the room looking for himoutside.
MAGE gets the mountaineer and starts driving to the front of the hotel. Suddenly his vehicle is hit by 4 explosive mini missles from an unknown holographicaly cloaked opponent ontop of the garage.
Before he can react MAGE’s vehicle is again hit with four minimissles.
Drago tries to get to MAGE and magic nets the shooter.
The net slides off the leg of some sort of robot, MAGE mystic portals out of the ruins of his moutaineer back into the garage.
Drago battles the robot with energy fields to block its missle attack. After some fighting Drago gets hit with autocannon, plasma and pulse weapon fire and takes some damage, hiting the Robot with a wall of ice and carpeting it to the ground.
MAGE sees the valet who brought his vehicle to him standing next to a guy in a suit. The guy draws and fires on MAGE who returns fire with his Triax rail gun cutting down the Valet and the Man with a hail of railgun pellets.
MAGE then sneaks back to Drago who is battling the carpeted Robot.
The robot uses heavy jet thrusters to take off trailing chunks of ice and cobblestones carpeted to it. MAGE slows it down with negate mechanics to a thruster but it still escapes out of range.
MAGE flees to the bar “Goats Liver” while drago teleports to the tolkeen mall to spend some of the 200k MAGE gave him.
Drago spends 5k and registers his application fee with the Tolkeen School of magic, then looks into scrolls at the mall…
June 11th, 103PA
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling (38425 needs 50000) +250 rp +100 daring fight against Robot, +100 defeating robot (it fled), +500 actively pursuing magic at the College of Tolkeen +50 good idea buying scrolls (protection circle simple, for 175k+swirling lights scroll in trade +100showin up (39325 needs 50000)
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1
(49590 needs 50921 )
250 rp 50 mystic portals to flee bomber room service, 25 killing minor menace, toll man, 50 killing medium menace, man in suit with pistols, 50 surviving robot attack on mountaineer (its totaled ) +100 showin up
(50065 needs 50921 )
Friday, March 14, 2008
Drago's Tolkeen College of Magic Student Application
2) Race
Great Horned Dragon
3) Magical proficiency level:116
4) Age 14 years old
5) Chosen Program of Study and Tuition:
[X] accelerare privatus scholaris 5,000,000 credits, time optional
6) Are you a tolkeen Citizen yes [X] no[] (unofficially)
7) The Tolkeen College of Magic is a public university. That said our great College was built for the benefit of the people of Tolkeen. If admitted how will you use this knowledge to help the Kingdom of Tolkeen?
I will use this knowledge as I have used my knowledge over the last several months… fighting the Coalition States, The Vampire Intelligence, and Xitixics that have threatened our small corner of the world. Only two moons ago I helped save Pure Spring, friend of Johnny Cardinal, from the diabolic subterfuge of Ixyotl. A few weeks earlier I stopped the wanderings of a 300+ deep vampire caravan led by “Esteban” - single handedly. I also have intimate knowledge of a pending unheralded doom which may soon render Tolkien and potentially Earth in dark shadow indefinitely…among other distinct lurking evils that threaten our space.
Dragons are creatures of magic known to travel the Megaverse in search of knowledge, power, and wealth. If admitted to the Tolkien College of Magic I, Drago alleged heir to a throne, will swear not only to fight the evils which threaten to annihilate Tolkien, but also to stimulate lucrative commerce, exchange of ideas, and prosperity for all. Also see #11
8) Current and former addresses for the last 5 years.
North America near or in Tolkien. Tolkien since unofficially joining Ronin and Mage about six months ago. Mercer Estate.
9) List 3 References who are Tolkeen Citizens, names and contact info and how you know them.
Pure Sprin & Johnny Cardinal
10) Scholaris is the first type of degree offered by the College.
Students who prove themselves are invited into our Magister program. If allowed the choice to research any one magical spell for your final project, which one would you choose and why?
Temporal. I have anniahalted an evil adult dragon, Neaderthal, to save a helpless village and ressurected a fallen cybernight from battle, but there is no other nonlegendary magic more powerful than Temporal Magic. With this knowledge I can save nations and create mass long lived elation in the dark shadows of evil.
11) Please list other notable achievements, associations and knowledge.
- Honorary Cyber Night via the Frankenton Nights of The Holy Guard
- Overcome Balrog 1 month ago and young Xitixic queen about 2 months ago
- Caught the Vampire intelligence funneling humans to their doom by the thousands only a couple days ago in a near-by town.
- Single handedly quelled a rifting swarm of Xitixic within a day of Tolkien at the age of 9.
- Saved thousands of innocent human lives every few years.
- Moderate knowledge of one quiet revolutionary group.
- Possibly condierable knowledge on a son of Styphonal.
- Have a powerful well motivated circle of friends and a growing contingent of followers.
- I am friend and caretaker to Valen, only known remaining priest of Kymnarkmar on Earth. He has fortold and I have experienced a wave of death that has killed miles of wild life without exception like at the rate of a brisk wind.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
What is the Third Age of Dragonwright Rifts? FAQ was my original All Original Rifts homepage from 1997 onward. Then shutdown and i moved to my isp host: then got shutdown
Later I created as linux server. This ran my wordpress blog and the first 3rd age webpage
Currently I use because blogger is just too good to ignore anymore.
Q. Is any of this up to date?
A. No.
Q. What is the Third Age of Dragonwright Rifts?
A. A semi-monthly rifts game.
Current group is called the "Emissaries"
unofficialy lead by MAGE, a 7th Level Line Walker BioBorg
who tries to focus the insane wanderings of Drago, 6th lvl Dragon Hatchling, and Dameon 5th level Highwayman Bandit and Sparticus, CS Excon 4th level Zapper and Powerarmor pilot.� Drago is friends with Null (4th level Technowizard) who often moves the whole group around in his giant robot bohemoth explorer. After the last adventure Drago and Ronin, 6th Level Cyberknight had a confrontation. The cyberknight may or may not be in the next session as ronin and Drago may fight to the death next time they meet...
So all those are played by REAL people, some or all may show when we game.
Q. But what about the 2nd and 1st ages?
A.� This is a pun.� Since I've had 3 versions of my rifts page over the last 10 years, I figured the 3rd edition should tie into my game somehow.� And it does, for the 1st age and 2nd age are plot devices in my game, as the players unlock the history of Rifts earth.
Q. What are the Seals?
A. Valen claims the Seals are 13 protective marks put in the skin of Rifts earth by Kymnarkmar in the 1st age. Worshiped as holy places and often magical hotspots in their own right, the Seals fell into disrepair in the second age with most of Kymnarkmar's followers falling to Styphon's faction of Dragonwright cultists.� Valen refers to this as the "fallen age of Dragonwright".� During the second age the church was corrupted by Styphon and failed to respect all 4 Dragon gods equally as Valen believes it originally did on Palladium, rumored birthplace of Kymnarkmar.
Q. What are all these places I keep hearing about?
The Emmissaries currently have 3 homebases:
1) Temple of tree, north dakota (Dragos home)
2) Mercer Family Estate, Tolkeen (MAGE's family estate & Rumored Faerie Mound)
3) Tolkeen Civil Defense Central (headquarters outside tolkeen, Ronin, MAGE are longtime members and have fine quarters, Dameon and Sparticus have guest passes for the public barracks for un-initiated members and conscripts.
Q.� Why do I keep seeing SDC totals?
A.� We use a conversion system to bring MDC and SDC into balance.
Q where are the seals?
a players know about seal 11 in fargo ND, and seal 7 in atlantis, possibly another unknown seal is in ohio
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tolkeen College of Magic Student Application
Dear Drago, we at the Tolkeen College of Magic would like to thank you for your interest in our organization. If admitted you will be one of the Privledged few to attend the most illustrious school of Magic in North America. Please complete the following application to the best of your abilities and speak "MAGICUS AVIS" while pressing the side of the scroll to submit your application. You will be contacted in two to four weeks regarding the College's decision on your application. There is an application fee of 500 credits for citizens or 5000 credits for non-citizens. Please send payment to:
Accounts Receivable
College of Magic, Tolkeen
1) Name
2) Race
3) Magical proficiency level (# of spells per level x level pts, so knowing 1 1st and 2 3rd level spells would be a total Magical Aptitude Level of 7, please refer to Buffyverse for details)
4) Age
5) Chosen Program of Study and Tuition:
[] militis scholaris, 5000 credit fee +5 years military service
[] privatus scholaris 50000 credit fee for Citizens, 500,000 outsiders
[] accelerare privatus scholaris 5,000,000 credits, time optional
6) Are you a tolkeen Citizen yes [] no[]
7) The Tolkeen College of Magic is a public university. That said our great College was built for the benefit of the people of Tolkeen. If admitted how will you use this knowledge to help the Kingdom of Tolkeen?
8) Current and former addresses for the last 5 years.
9) List 3 References who are Tolkeen Citizens, names and contact info and how you know them.
10) Scholaris is the first type of degree offered by the College.
Students who proove themselves are invited into our Magister program. If allowed the choice to research any one magical spell for your final project, which one would you choose and why?
11) Please list other notable achievements, associations and knowledge.
NOTE: MAGE has a degree in Militis Scholaris from the College of Magic (and is currently listed under his former name in the Schools honorary Wall of students who died in the war effort against the Coalition.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fargo Hive Xiticix Warrior
Fargo Hive Xiticix Warrior crit on 18-20
500lbs of killing machine. Head weighs 50lbs w/mandibles, 35w/o. Mandibles can be fasioned in to a sort of scimitar that does 1d8 and is a suprisingly durable weapon. Sold for 25cr apeice intact for weapon making. Also note coalition has a 25cr bounty on intact heads.
Fargo Hive Xiticix Super-Warrior
crit on 18-20
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Ronon Tang’ziraragowi
Ronon once removed Drago’s entire arm with a dual psi-sword strike in a fight over a chest of loot.
Ronon’s character sheet is HERE
XP Notes:
Ronin the 6th Level Cyberknight defeater of Drago (27425 needs 35521) +400bonecruncher&vamps +50 defeating SAMSON +175 skills +100 rp +100 rp loot for Torgo and Dorgo getting shares (hah! Dorgo want pay! Buy suit! this annoys everyone as Dorgo was supposed to guard the equipment while it was vandalized and he was inside gambling with Sundance) +100 defeating Drago, +500pvp +200 intervening to save Sundance’s life from Sparticus’s murderous rage, +100 puting doc in torture chair +75 second best goal to hunt space Time Kid, +100 rp faerie Dance with Brownies outside Hogswaller, +100 pursuing Lord Ultim at all costs (daring), +500 gets Pure Spring, +100 showing up +100 clever idea sending back TCDL messages, learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50 (earned 2800, 30225 needs 35521)
Kittani energy lance
Hesca mainbody heavily damaged AI intact
Armadilloshell armor
3 bottles of conaque
destroyed electric jetpack from cold
medalion with 3eyes and triangle
3 laptops 1NG 2 Coalition possibly cold damaged
gold fox 50000cr
Ring with 1carat ruby
Circlet with Gems 4 4carat gems
Pendant with 1 3carat gem
2 coalition IDs for grunts
2 abolisher keycards
1 - CS credstick with 90
1 - CS credstick with 300
1 - 7mil500thousand credstick
1 - 5mil750thousand blackmarket credstick
1 - 10mil tolkeen credstick
1 - 90000 tolkeen credstick
4000cr blackmarket
scroll of power weapon
moss agate 1carat
obsidian 1carat
scroll of chameleon
banded agate 1carat
gold and yellow topaz 1carat
20000 in gold
SCroll of mend the broken and magic warrior
ivory statue 5carat
book describing white aura ritual
Romanesqu idol
silverplated longsword with 1carat saphire
2 silver chalices with gems 500creach + 2 agates
2 NG202supers thats broken by ice 4 5000rd clips and a drum of ammo (?WTF)
NG Samson Powerarmor
Beermug from watering hole in madtown
1 Badly damaged SAMAS w/ 60SDC back at tree
SAMSON down to 836 out of 1200SDC, damaged antenna rewired with parts of destroyed tw boat
3 plasma grenades
standard suit of knight body armor with 160 SDC back at tree
light suit of knight body armor with 90 SDC back at tree
black covert op clothes
gas mask goggles 2 knives
6 wooden steaks
xiticix warrior sword at tree
silver cross
first aide kit
Psisword 9d6MD x3SDC
TK Force fields 25ISP 25xlvlMDCx3SDC aka 450SDC
Monday, January 28, 2008
Drago meets Null at the Mercer Estate
The estate is in terrible condition. It is surrounded by chainlink fence and bears battle scars from energy weapons fire. There is a large sign outside that reads “QUARANTINED”.
Drago asks Valen what he thinks of Ronin trying to kill him. Valen is very disturbed and says “You cannot die for it is fortold by Kymnarkmar himself that the spawn of Styphanthal’s blood shall play a role in the last battles” Valen also tells Drago he got his packet of entrance paperwork into the Tolkeen School of Magic, but it was destroyed in the firefight with the Police. Drago teleports to the school and gets another packet which he is told will open in 24hours…
Valen says “…the police attacked the estate and drove us inside. We now squat in the estate which is somehow protected by a TW Sanctuary spell. Half of my followers were slain in the battle, we only survived with the protection of the MAGE’s Nymph Nymphette and her faerie friends.” The faerie mound behind the house is over 10ft tall at the moment with a huge weeping willow tree and pound beside it, all seems well there but no movement can be seen.
Then Null drives up. Drago quickly explains, and to the happy prayers of Valen and his followers to Kymnarkmar for their luck, Drago loads the surviving 51 followers and refugees into the Behemoth. A few bums wont leave and drago bodily ejects them from the estate, blocking the exit with Create Wood.
They travel west to the Temple of the Tree…
On their way past the Fargo Hive crater, they notice two stubby structures being built at the bottom of the crater near the hole. Shortly after 6 warriors attack! null Fire four plasma minimissles dispaching three and then swats two while drago distracts and kills one with a spear. The Behemoth has taken 183 SDC points of damage. It has pock marks from Xiticix gunfire and one large pair of slash marks from a Xiticix’s swords.
They then make it to the Temple of the tree safely.
Drago gives the Bonecruncher’s Diamond, pendant (3c saphire) and Aquamarine circlet to Null.
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling
(36725 needs 50000) +100 skills +300 healing wounded Ortonvillagers +150 6 Xiticix
+100 remembering 11th seal +500 food(+1150xp (38425 needs 50000)
Null the 4th Level Techno-Wizard aina’transporte
+200 skills +100 Create AI idea +100 Useful TW item idea +150 6 Xiticix
(+550xp 10875 needs 18401)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Ticking off the Checklist
First they go to:
Borderline (map P114ts1 guarded by \”the circle\” warrior-mages, a Battle Magi squad who went AWOL and settled here led by Lord Ultim (p49tw3)). Very Evil and obviously un-eager to Help Ultims men guard the ruins of Borderline. Half of the town is slagged, There are bits of Skelebots sticking out of the lava plane surrounding the town. It seems the Coalition attempted an invasion 3 days earlier. Ronin asks Ultim’s guards to see Ultim. Ultim will not speak with Ronin who bangs on his tower angrily, before being removed by the other players after hearing the tower’s magical defenses powering up in response to Ronin’s battering. Drago heals wounded villager children and one tells him she saw Pure Spring headed west a few days ago.
So the adventurers head west to..
Chimera (Mizereen) pop54000 capital of barony, Ruled by Wallace Cromwell, Mayor p87 ts5 west of #10 on conflict map.
Upon entering town a TW UFO Drone approaches them and asks them to register their vehicles with the town authorities. A fee of 10credits per vehicle registered is digitally paid using BATLAK credits. They are informed of town ordinances on noise (keep it down), sanitation laws, and Speed Limits. Weapons and Armor are Legal but their use is strongly prohibited, with fines starting at 10,000 credits per infraction.
Identifying themselves as TCDL shows any TCDL badges glowing green in sync with the Drone and gets audience with Cromwell. Otherwise, the Drone advises the characters should ask the local Tourist Office for additional information.
If brought in as TCDL:
Very respectable. Cromwell personally invites them to his estate and welcomes their aide against the coalition. Cromwell oozes charm and welcomes them at Chimera anytime.
He asks for a campaign contribution for his next election. He wants 10k. Drago offers him 8k in Garnets and he admits Drago to his private study. Cromwell Then offers information that Pure Spring was riding west on a horse when last saw by his scouts.
\”Bad news my friend, it seems a Vampire infestation has come to the west, with the number of attack reports climbing daily. Your Pure Spring was seen to fight with the vampires before my Scouts intervened and prevented her being slain. They led her to the boarder of Iowa, which is Coalition disputed territory then departed. She went on alone, and one of my scouts was lucky enough to see her later with his eyepiece being intercepted by a group of men in a hover truck who seemed to peacefully lead her towards Hogwaller.\”
He mentions that a TCDL Operative named Pure Spring was through this town earlier this week. She said she was headed to Hogswaller next. Cromwell will offer to introduce the party to the Feral Dog-pack Lieutenant Harvy who is in his town\’s army who saw Pure Spring to the border of Mizereen. If so he will lead them towards encounter #1 then depart.
Tour guide drones says commertials for town armorer, gas station, restaurant\’s and Marina locations.
Shes not here though.
Hogswaller (TS1p115).
Conditions: Heavy Astral Mites, Clear Skies, Characters will hear gunshots in the distance as they approach town.
Encounter #1: Sundance Vs. Vampires
Yes Sundance p145 Mercenaries aka Sundance Kid of pre-rifts legends…
Regardless of how they try getting into town, they will see a skirmish between Sundance, 2 of his friends and 3 Vampires. Two of his friends are hypnotically being controlled and fed on while he tries to get their attention through gunfire.
1 Melee after the first shots are fired the situation is as follows:
Sundance outside a small clearing to the left of the road into Hogswaller. In the clearing sits a decrepit abandoned looking trailer home. Screams can be heard from within and numerous red eyes can be seen in the darkness…
Sundance\’s crew was robbing a stage coach which now lies on its side, the horses having broken loose and fled in terror. While commiting the robbery, they both were attacked by vampires.
Things of note:
Stage Coach: Has a heavy chest with 10,000cr in Silverno Silver coins. Inside is the corpse of a well to do looking man and his wife. No valuables, both will rise again unless beheaded and burned. Ronin doesn’t believe Sundance, and takes the chest for himself into MAGE’s mountaineer.
Trailer: Inside lurk more Vampires, along with Sundance\’s now dead boys.
Sundance stands on the carraige reloading revolvers. One vampire seems shot in the heart in the yard in front of the Vampire. Another one crawls to him slowly, multiple gunshot wounds to the leg and kneecap driping horribly. From whatever vantage point the characters see him from, they notice two vampires sneaking up BEHIND him!
Behind the Trailer is a truck with 2 Dghouls manning it.
During combat this truck fiees unnoticed.
This is the vampire armies forward scouts, While attempting to flee, they will report on the characters to the main army, and will call in an airstrike from the X500\’s medium missile launchers if needed! Troops will arrive within 1d4 minutes of them sending the distress call. After killing the vamps Sparticus realizes the Dghouls are stealing his powerarmor and they give chase in the Mountaineer. One of the Dghouls killed has an amulet with 3 Eyes in a Triad formation. The other Dghoul flees capture by turning intangible.
Sparticus was a victim of the vampires as well, lying in the trailer. The other pcs kill the vamps and rescue him and Sundance. After seeing Sundance, Sparticus wants to kill Sundance or mug him for his armor but Ronin wont let him. They finaly work out a deal where dorgo guards sundance in the ATV with Dameon. They gamble while Ronin and Drago go running around in the line of fire.
Finally getting into Hogswaller, Sundance will tell them he has seen their girl being taken to a house outside of town.. He knows the way…quietly. He will claim it was a shame his family was bushwacked, and attempt to right the carriage, locate the two fled horses (now one dead by MAGE’s railgun pellet to paste Ronin in gore as a joke)
, and drive it back to Hogwaller with two horses tethered behind.
Sundance leads the group to a small house surrounded by a dense forest of evergreens.
He will wait outside the house and points out the nephew if anyone else doesn\’t see him.
Sundance says he needs a new crew and this group looks good enough. He\’ll stick with them until they get back to Tolkeen.
Encounter #2: Doc Summers Residence
(#5).Abandoned house with doctor\’s plaque out front. Pure spring was being in his basement when the Vampires invaded town. They tracked her scent of blood to his home, where now can be found the corpses of the Doc and his wife (they have risen as vamps and lair here). The house is trashed and shows obvious signs of a battle. Nephew hides out in shed watching players search house. He will attempt to talk to anyone human telling then to \”be wary, e.everyones dead in there…\” He wears huntsman armor, and carries a NGSUper, 10Grenades 2eclips, and a .357Magnum revolver with Silver Bullets (50) +5strike. At one point the players take him hostage while fleeing. (do they still have him?)
In the house is the following.
Searching it finds the following: 1st Floor Empty & Smashed Up, entry to 2nd Floor, Basement
2 Vamps in basement coffins. the door to the basement is filled with the remnants of a piano and various pieces of rubble, taking 1d6minutes to clear. Hidden in the rubble are the following:(roll once per minute one person can dig at a time).
1 Grenade Trap (5d6×3 10ftradius), 2 Poisoned spikes(save vs 16non leathal or lethargic for 1d6hours -3a/s/p/d), 3-4 1d6+1 Tomb Worms Dead Tomb Worms are worth 50credits a body to alchemists, 5-6 Nothing. (p167 convo)
The basement has 5 cases of medical supplies worth 10k credits each. There is a torture room at the bottom of the stairs, with 2 coffins. The girls torn clothing can be seen bloodstained in one corner, as well as a few strands of her hair but she is gone. Drago and Ronin enter the basement, loot the chests and kill the Doctor’s wife before putting the Doc in the torture chair. He turns to mist and tries flying, drago frys the mist to death with his fire Breath.
2nd Story has a keycard lock. Ronin hacks at it with his psiswords taking electrical defense system damage before breaking in. The room contains a study with the following art pieces:
art: solid gold idol of Romanesque god (10 lb.) (500cr)
art: large well-done wool tapestry (500cr)
art: black velvet mask with numerous citrines (80cr)
art: silver chalice with 2 lapis lazuli gems (150cr)
art: silver chalice with 3 lapis lazuli gems (160cr)
art: silver-plated steel longsword with jet jewel in hilt (600cr)
In a Vault behind the art: large well-done wool tapestry (600gp) lies the following:
art: 3 Carat sapphire pendant on gold chain
art: golden circlet with four 4 carat aquamarines
art: 1 Carat Ruby Quartz jeweled electrum ring (3,000gp)
The vault has a fusion block trap which ronin engages. There is a computer in the vault which has information on spying activities against Tolkeen.
After hearing this Ronin sends a TCDL message to Cardinal.
“We have located the trail of Pure Spring. We have discovered evidence for imformation regarding tolkeen. they were using coalition intero tactics. be on alert. -Sir Ronin”
Encounter #3: Entering Hogswaller…
This encounter takes place after visiting the Doctor\’s home. It goes on for 1d4 hours followed by Malory\’s concert. Possibly enough time to gain allies or fight with locals.
A small wretched mudstain of a town. The green center of town near the well is overrun with throngs of travelers and has a HUGE tent set up in the middle of town square. Around the tent is a small circus type setup of stands.
Since its arrival a week the town has grown to roughly 5x its original size. There are over 500 people outside the main event tent advertised to start TONIGHT! and quite a party atmosphere, like a mini woodstock. each hour after the 1d4 till her concert 1d4×100 more people show up. There is a very beautiful brunette woman\’s portrait outside the tent, along with the name \”Malory\’s Disco Inferno Show\”. Entry is 100 credits and the line goes forever to get in. Heavily armed, 2 SAMSON, Buncruncher +10 Carnie security with clubs. The tent has a protection circle around it in faint black sand and cannot be entered until the intelligence establishes its portal with earth. Once it does so, the circle is lowered.
Before you get to the tent there are throngs of people visiting 1 Fortune Teller, 10 Freak Booths, 6 crude rides, and a pair of Worm Riders entertain the crowd while they await Malory\’s performance.
The Nigh Arcade & Freakshow are in Hogswaller.
The moans of 2 banshees can be heard which have taken up to haunting the dark alleys between Malory\’s tent and the Hooters bar.
#2 Hogs haven bar probably looks the friendliest, outside are tons of bikes. Hog the owner will point the pcs to #4/#7 for rest, or bobs or the manheim /bobs for buyin stuff in town. Inside is a 20 man strong biker gang that goes by the name of \”hermanos de bikers\” aka the biker brothers. They all wear heavy leather sdc armor and have mostly melee clubs and automatic sdc weapons with a few having energy pistols. Led by Hermano Diablo, they claim to be in town to see Malorys Disco Inferno. When the battle breaks out, the Hermanos de Bikers all burst out into the street, most trying to fight to their bikes to flee! Diablo claims he saw Pure Spring get into Malroy\’s sold out show last week. Most of them die but their leader Hermano Diablo along with Sundance (who was fleeing but got caught up in their fight trying to steal a bike) fight their way out.
#4/#7 Miss Sally\’s & Worchefski\’s Boarding houses full of vamps who empty onto the streets, feeding and herding people towards the tent.
Encoutner #4: The Show
After some time of searching around town and having townies mess up the hydrolics of one wartroll, the arm joint of another, and remove MAGE’s mountaineer door…MAd Melody puts on her master show. A concert! By Pulling an estimated 900ppe from 500 willing partiers Malory opens a rift then she summons Ixyotl! Intel immediately begins sending out 4 tentacles and dragging back the first four people into its lair. Then he continues to greedily strip the area of humanoids.
As Bouncers admit hundreds of people into the tent the woman choosing admitees don’t choose them, the characters try fighting their way in. MAGE casts cloud of smoke, and charges the Tent, repelled. Carnie thugs descend on him and beat him mercilessly before he flys away. Drago and Dameon battle Bonecruncher and the Carnies before Ronin comes out of his trance and quickly strikes Bonecruncher from behind and then kills him. (how knightly :p) Drago loots Bonecruncher’s belongings while, Ronin charges into the tent with Dameon.
Ronin blocks the rift as the intelligence retracts its newest set of victims inside. The Demon bangs on the Telekinetic force field while Malory Call lightnings it.
While this occurs Shes casts debilitating magics at resistors while being guarded by 2 NG
SAMSON Vets .Once mage blasts here with magic and down’s her Armor of Ithan, she shadow melds and is extracted by one of the Fleein’g SAMSONS. Charging while dodging magic nets from the 3 Vampire cultists and 3 Vamp Line Walkers watching over the entire thing from enclaves above the tent framework, Ronin beheads the other SAMSON, also damaging its body. While Dameon and MAGE and Drago keep the other Vamps busy Ronin leaps into the portal, puts up a forcefield between himself and the girl, cuts her cian and flees.
Bonecruncher p150 +10 carnies guard the entrance to the tent.
+10 troops in bushman w/l20s 3clips start rounding up people and taking them to the tent for consuption. Sparticus blows up a few with grenades before fleeing while the battle rages on.
On the other side is a horrid mass of tentacles around an eye. Hideous laughter can be heard emanating from it. A Sunaj stands next to it along with the girl Purespring attached to a chain.
Ixotyl sends in tentacles starts snatching people which it deposits into the waiting vampires on its side of the portal.
MAGE was the one who figured out how to remove the inteligence’s circle magic barrier. He was given a flash of knowledge from someone (Kymnarkmar) which burned him with runic symbols that he could not forget.
MAGE: Upon fighting the vamp intelligence MAGE gets this message in his head (noone else hears it) and saves vs DOMINATION spell ss13
Drago managed to teleport in and grab a small chest with 9 gems and scrolls in it.
XP for 1-18th-20th (note before the I made each player think up a goal for their character. who evers goal was worse was sure to encounter horrible things later… 1st prize 100xp 2ndprize 75xp 3rd prize 50xp)
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1
(45065 needs 50921) Skills +200, +2000birthday xp, +100 clever idea naming the group “The Emissaries”, +200 best goal (leadership to complete missions), +150rp, +100 clever idea researching spell “White Life” to counter “Black Death” magic. +25 killing minor menace (fleeing defenseless horse), +100 rp about loot, +100 mystic portaling ideas, +50 arm rp, +100 optics cloud+100 rp, +500 finding pure spring +100 showin up +400bonecruncher&vamps learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50 +100 negate mechanicsing the SAMSON railguns
+100 good idea building powerpack and forcefield into bodyarmor (49590 needs 50921 only1335 more)
Drago the 6th Level Handless Hatchling (34000 needs 50000)+150 skills, +200 teleporting attempts to survive, +100 daring theft of chest, +100 playing in character to keep chest vs Ronin +!00daring hit while trying to flee with chest, +50 hypchondriac idea, which was worse thus loosing Drago one hand to Bonecruncher and one arm to Ronin, at the end of the adventure. +150 argue rp, +25 killing Torgo with tree while cleaning, +300 healing 3 near death children at Borderline, +100 insight into pure spring’s wareabouts found from wounded villagers +100 good idea paying off Cromwell, +50 dorgo RP, +500 gets Pure Spring, +100 showing up,
+400bonecruncher&vamps learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50 +500pvp+200savin ronin from Ultims tower
(36725 needs 50000)
Ronin the 6th Level Cyberknight defeater of Drago (27425 needs 35521) +400bonecruncher&vamps +50 defeating SAMSON +175 skills +100 rp +100 rp loot for Torgo and Dorgo getting shares (hah! Dorgo want pay! Buy suit! this annoys everyone as Dorgo was supposed to guard the equipment while it was vandalized and he was inside gambling with Sundance) +100 defeating Drago, +500pvp +200 intervening to save Sundance’s life from Sparticus’s murderous rage, +100 puting doc in torture chair +75 second best goal to hunt space Time Kid, +100 rp faerie Dance with Brownies outside Hogswaller, +100 pursuing Lord Ultim at all costs (daring), +500 gets Pure Spring, +100 showing up +100 clever idea sending back TCDL messages, learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50 (earned 2800, 30225 needs 35521)
Dameon the 5th Level Highwayman with Knob (18426 needs 24501) +800 top d8 roll of first 3eD Rifts game of 2008!, +100 clever idea gambling with Dorgo and Sundance in back of Mountaineer, +100 theft of medicines, +375 skills, +50 3rd place find family rib recipe idea, +100 daring climbing in tent, +100 daring standing with Drago against Bonecruncher, +100 good idea “merchandising”, +400getting dm beer, learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50, +100 buying crude sensory psi-implant (good idea), +100 buying cybereye, (20851 needs 24501)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth 3rd Now 4th Level Zapper (7775 needs 8251) +400 killing humans in bodyarmor with l20s +300 gets Pure Spring, +100 showing up, +200skills,+100rp with kid, +50 use less sensors (?) learning of Cromwell and M +50, learning of Ultim +50 +400 excellent lying rp +100 jury rigging broken equipment +100 making deal with Sundance +100 daring against near railgunning, (9725 needs 16501)
Monday, January 21, 2008
Dameon the Bandit
5th Level Bandit: Highwayman, currently infected with gonorrhea, and afflicted with a malicious voice of his subconscious that will tell him to kill or do evil things in stressful circumstances (side effect of psi implant)
Dameon was rescued by Ronin, Drago, and Mage along with Sparticus from a CS prison camp holding most of the population of Ortonville. He had been sentenced to 20 years for armed robbery.
Aberrant 40years old 160lbs 5′9″
30HP 81 SDC 27ISP
IQ 15 ME 9 MA 19 PS 17 PP 13 PE 12 PB 14 SPD 19
HTH Assassin 6 Attacks +2s +3w/eye / +4p / +5d / +9 roll
Leap 8ft up/9ft across
+6 Damage
+9ini +2vs HF
American, Gobblely, Radio Basic 75% Camoflage 60 % Detect Ambush 65% Find contraband 56% pilot Hovercycle 82%
Trick Riding Land Nav 67% Streetwise 46% Trap Construction 56 Trap Detection 46Demolitions 87% Horsemanship Cowboy, Boxing, Concealment 41% Pilot Motorcycle76%, Gymnastics, Climb 55%, Gambling 55%
Secondary Skills: Weapons Systems, Prowl, Athletics, Literacy American, Basic Math
WP Epistol, Revolver, Knife
Recently purchased Cybernetics with his share of the bounty from rescuing Pure Spring: MO Eye +1s, Amp Hearing, Crude Psi Sensitive Implant in back of head provides 6th Sense, Intuitive Combat, Mind Block, See Invisible and Sense Magic
Coalition Deadboy armor +
NGEx10 Gladdius with NF50A heavy field generator 540SDC PS20 Takes eclips, +1ini, +1ata
Vibro bowie Knife, BB6 w/ 40 bullets, Neural Mace, 4 grenades, 4frag, NG45LP, NGP7, JA-8, Light Fusion Block, Erin Tarn Diary, C-12, Plasma Grenade
8 longclips (3 empty) 8 short eclips
36BB6 rds
36 silver bb6 rounds
Hovercycle with mini-missile launcher.