A finely crafted scroll with a strange electrical button on one end of the roller. It reads the following in a fluid hand penned Dragonese:
Dear Drago, we at the Tolkeen College of Magic would like to thank you for your interest in our organization. If admitted you will be one of the Privledged few to attend the most illustrious school of Magic in North America. Please complete the following application to the best of your abilities and speak "MAGICUS AVIS" while pressing the side of the scroll to submit your application. You will be contacted in two to four weeks regarding the College's decision on your application. There is an application fee of 500 credits for citizens or 5000 credits for non-citizens. Please send payment to:
Accounts Receivable
College of Magic, Tolkeen
1) Name
2) Race
3) Magical proficiency level (# of spells per level x level pts, so knowing 1 1st and 2 3rd level spells would be a total Magical Aptitude Level of 7, please refer to Buffyverse for details)
4) Age
5) Chosen Program of Study and Tuition:
[] militis scholaris, 5000 credit fee +5 years military service
[] privatus scholaris 50000 credit fee for Citizens, 500,000 outsiders
[] accelerare privatus scholaris 5,000,000 credits, time optional
6) Are you a tolkeen Citizen yes [] no[]
7) The Tolkeen College of Magic is a public university. That said our great College was built for the benefit of the people of Tolkeen. If admitted how will you use this knowledge to help the Kingdom of Tolkeen?
8) Current and former addresses for the last 5 years.
9) List 3 References who are Tolkeen Citizens, names and contact info and how you know them.
10) Scholaris is the first type of degree offered by the College.
Students who proove themselves are invited into our Magister program. If allowed the choice to research any one magical spell for your final project, which one would you choose and why?
11) Please list other notable achievements, associations and knowledge.
NOTE: MAGE has a degree in Militis Scholaris from the College of Magic (and is currently listed under his former name in the Schools honorary Wall of students who died in the war effort against the Coalition.
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