Starting Location:
Goats liver bar, New Wilmar, bustling city of some 20,000
Along the road towards Downtown New Wilmar, June 14th
Emmisaries prepare to depart the bustling trade road into New Wilmar.
Looking west along the well pre-served pre-rifts Highway, they see steam after stream of ragged refugees coming into town. About a halfmile behind them stretches a shanty town of about 1000 unskilled dbees and refugees trying to gain access to one of the archologies. At this point there is a retaining wall of about 30′ tall built around the inner region around the three archologies. Here the military and wealthier citizens of New Wilmar live (aproximately 5000 live in the small expensive neighbor hood inside the inner most walls around the arcologies).
As soon as the group leaves the bar they are met by a pair of Seraphim and a man with a glowing mantel around his head.
When they see the group, the two beings eerily intone at one in perfect unison:
“Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory”
Death. this he has seen.
Break the spike
They will die, unless you break the spike
Behind the Goats Liver Bar is a shanty town leading up to the three towers, the fabled 3 arcologies of New Wilmar, wonders of the pre-rifts time. They are leftover constructions of some forgotten NASA experiment to test Terra-forming and longterm sealed environmental living. Left relatively undisturbed they were found and converted into a biological and nuclear-fallout proofed living arrangement by the original founders of New Wilmar.
Plymoth Archeology towers at least 100 feat into the air and houses approximately 10000 people. Alpha and Beta archologies are half as large, built later and house another 10000 between them.
Population 9846
60% Wealthy Humans
40% more intelligent or skilled d-bee
Oldest and most prestigious,
Holds finest public known pre-rifts museum in North America.
Finally after waiting an eternity at the Goats livre, up strides Dick Lomat, and his brother Rick a Blazing Iron juggernaut. They are diplomats from New Wilmar sent to see the temple of Dragonwright to the west and determine if an alliance with it is worthwhile for the baroness. They want proof of a cure to the black death.
Encounter 1) Military Checkpoint at leftmost 278 aka Main Street Security Post 27.
PCs roll up after hearing gunshots down the street.They hear a scream from a barn to the left and notice that the side door has been kicked off its hinges.inside Uno platoon is having its way with one of the inhabitants. A man lies unconcious and bloodied. Next to him orcs do their deed horrible things to a young girl. some of the orcs stand around watching.
pcs slaughter uno platoon, man dies despite Ronin’s healing efforts.
encounter 2) actualy seeing the checkpoint, as they leave the barn they notice the flashes of laser fire coming from a rather stout looking tower a bit upp the hill from the barn.
The 27th defensive troops are 25 dbs with light energy weapons and body armor. They are led by Delmer a third level line walker.
Drago flys to tower which is burning after being bombed by two P-38s.
He caps it with a icewall cork and screams at the orcs. unsure what to do, this buys ronin time to plod up to the some 300 orc force and anihilate their leaders with a 10 minimissle volley. Orcs flee and some are pursuded and beaten by Sparticus for the sheer hell of it because he is still under the effects of Crash he injected earlier.
After defeating the orcs in the nearby area, they hear an explosion and see smoke pooring out a hole in the top of Plymoth Archology!
While battle is going on a robery of the museum takes place, the PCs see an adult dragon tailed by 5 kitanni hover vehicles, 4 of which are holding a 20ft long column wraped in tarps.
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1 (50790 needs 50921 ) +100 showing up +100 skills +100 good idea negotiating payoff to stay and fight (300k upfront writ of credit +700 promised after war), +100 rescued girl in barn, +100 grabbing legless soldier and rp , +50 barn orcs +200 planes +200 tower orcs(51740 MAGE is now 8th Level!)
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling(40325 needs 50000)
75 skills, 100 good idea scaring tower orcs, +200 planes +200 tower orcs +50 showing up crazy late +100 good idea caping tower with ice,+100good idea teleporting in and stalling orcs +100 daring first attack against adult dragon +50 rp
(41300 needs 50000)
Ronin the 6th Level Cyberknight bearer of the three
( 30225 needs 35521)
+100 showin up +200 planes +200 tower orcs +
+100 greyfox msg +50 letter +100 receives the three +100 healing +100 action that saved lives (blowing up orcs before they could attack)
+75 skills
(31250 needs 35521)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth and amateur florist 4th Level Zapper
( 10600needs 16501)
+400 showing up with beer +100 idea pulling ceiling down +200 barn orcs +100 daring running into ruined barn +50 futile idea of hotwiring broken truck which burned him +100 injecting crash +100 daring running around on crash with half of foot mangled from .50 strafing run +300 planes +300 tower orcs, +100 good idea seeking cover in flower shop +100 skills +100 getting read by ron +100 mule rp
(12650 needs 16501)
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