Place: Temple of the Tree, On the border of North and South Dakota
PCs Drago,Null, Sparticus, MAGE
NPCS Valen (mutters about 11), 200 rabble who were picked
Tiri Claw(bright) is lead by Brother Rockwell
5 Remain at Temple as guards.
20 Men went to Vosburg and were never heard from again
Ohtar Claw (warrior) is lead by the pale-skinned Brother Gerome
20 Women and Children Remain at home guarded by TiriClaw & Tinechor guards
4 Live Cousins Visit Fergus Falls, Andria. Find all inhabitants dead from Blackdeath or …gone. Very few bodies. They managed to steal 2 Trucks and a shotgun, 20buckshot shells. They came under fire at the hive edge and one truck was disabled. The cousins really want to go get it but fear the Xiticix. One is dead in the truck.
Tinechor Claw (sheild) is lead by Sister Agatha
talks about how good it was that we checked on Andria, Fergus Falls, and Vosberg, make sure they dina get carried off as well…” pop150(ts1p123,ts5 p54) on patrol of trade roads vs bandits,
“and I suppose we should let tha mayor know about the incursion to his lands…he might give us a reward or something” (she cackles doubtfuly) New Wilmar is the capital of the Wildwoods Barony.pop 50k (ts5p99)
She has 5 scouts with her and Valen as a guard. 10 scouts went to New Wilmar. 10 guard the Temple.
The New Wilmar scouts have yet to have checked in but last they reported the ruins of Ortonville were overun with some sort of nightmarish demons. Since all radio contact has been lost, but they were last headed South past Ortonvills ruins towards New Wilmar.
When they do make it out of New Wilmar, only 5 scouts remain but they have horses.
They report that Baroness Carol Marshall, ruler of New Wilmar has accepted their delegation with open arms.
Valen wont come out of his chambers again, a young girl Sister Gwen is writing this letter she gives the group:
“My Dearest Baroness Carol Marshal,
It is with great pleasure that I come to know of you and that you were spared the wrath of Styphon. As you well know the plague is coming, the rumors are true. Should you wish to discus matters of great philosophical as well as pragmatic relevance to your very survival, I suggest you send a envoy to my temple to discuss them. We can be found 50miles west of the Fargo Hive at these coordinate 100x.300s
Yours In honor and Truth, Kymnarkmar’s Blessings Upon Thee and all thy subjects , Valen “
Valen will want this delivered to New Wilmar personally.
The group heads out in the Direction of Ortonvil/New Wilmar, passing a catus person on the road. He says hes going towards the temple of Dragonwright he has heard of.
They find a weird seal outside of town with some
Null finds an abandoned wagon with 2 9mms and 2 10rd clips.
7am load damaged wartroll from Sparticus into Behemoth explorer
745 leave for ortonvill.
10 pass through the abandoned ruins of Ortonville. Noone seems alive.
Drago takes 1 Cask of Wine and 1 Cask of Grain he finds in an abaoned wagon into the Behemoth.
Finaly they arive in New Wilmar.
The baroness a middle aged attractive woman in a format suit stands at her balcony surrounded by security and talks with the group. p99ts5
Barroness of New Wilmar, Carol Marshald meets with the Emmesaries of Dragonwright, Drago Mage and Null.
She says the following:
“My city is heavily bombed.
It seems the Jagged Fang bandits demanded tribute for crossing west on trade routes.
Failing to pay it, the Fangs have bombed part of New Wilmar in retaliation.
Its almost like they knew right when to invade. When we are weak from the Plague.
The black death claimed my outposts up to 5 miles outside the city. she says fearfully. All those men…dead.
then they swept in, claiming lands not theirs, feasting upon our dead and looting our border outposts.
Orcs this brazen must have a leader of some sort. I need you to go in and find this hoards leader ,and slay it. Then they should get confused and flee.
If you do so I will pledge my kingdom’s support in your work and send men to holy place if you wish it.
My pesants think its just a Coalition plaugue, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep them from fleeing my holdings for safer work. I know it is something worse, if you know anything you must tell me… I will reward you greatly if your work can relieve this horrible plague.”
June 13th, 103PA goats liver
June 14th Emmisaries converge
Sparticus buys 100 SDC Bushman armor he has 1mil 230k left
Drago has 1 20000credstick, Jewlery credstick 1450 cs 1250 tolkeen creditchips
Blackmarket credit of 1.5mil
Null has 920k in a secret tolkeen bank account
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1 (50065 needs 50921 )
+125skills +100 beer +200 showin up +100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +200rp
(50790 needs 50921 )
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling (39325 needs 50000)
+200 skills, +100 equip +100 beer +200 showin up+100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +100 healing 2 8yr oilds with sores all over body +200rp
(40325 needs 50000)
Null the 4th Level Techno Wizard Emmisarie of whaaaaa?(10875 needs 18401)
+50 skills +100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar +100 getting hit on by squaw woman of indian tribe again on outskirts of tree. +100 beer +200 showin up +200 rp (11625 needs 18401)
Sparticus the Emissary of Truth 4th Level Zapper (9725 needs 16501)
+75skills +200 equip +200 showin up+100 meeting Baroness of New Wilmar
+100 eating +200 rp
( 10600needs 16501)
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