Mage sends Drago a magic pigeon form Tolkeen. Drago teleports back to Tolkeen from the tree to visit MAGE. Room service knocks at MAGE’s ritzy Hotel room door. Drago suspects danger, MAGE wont let the room service in, DRAGO teleports outside the room and sees two men in suits talking to a girl MAGE was just entertaining prior to Dragos arrival.
MAGE mystic portals to the hotel garage while Drago teleports outside the room looking for himoutside.
MAGE gets the mountaineer and starts driving to the front of the hotel. Suddenly his vehicle is hit by 4 explosive mini missles from an unknown holographicaly cloaked opponent ontop of the garage.
Before he can react MAGE’s vehicle is again hit with four minimissles.
Drago tries to get to MAGE and magic nets the shooter.
The net slides off the leg of some sort of robot, MAGE mystic portals out of the ruins of his moutaineer back into the garage.
Drago battles the robot with energy fields to block its missle attack. After some fighting Drago gets hit with autocannon, plasma and pulse weapon fire and takes some damage, hiting the Robot with a wall of ice and carpeting it to the ground.
MAGE sees the valet who brought his vehicle to him standing next to a guy in a suit. The guy draws and fires on MAGE who returns fire with his Triax rail gun cutting down the Valet and the Man with a hail of railgun pellets.
MAGE then sneaks back to Drago who is battling the carpeted Robot.
The robot uses heavy jet thrusters to take off trailing chunks of ice and cobblestones carpeted to it. MAGE slows it down with negate mechanics to a thruster but it still escapes out of range.
MAGE flees to the bar “Goats Liver” while drago teleports to the tolkeen mall to spend some of the 200k MAGE gave him.
Drago spends 5k and registers his application fee with the Tolkeen School of magic, then looks into scrolls at the mall…
June 11th, 103PA
Drago the 6th Level Renegade Hatchling (38425 needs 50000) +250 rp +100 daring fight against Robot, +100 defeating robot (it fled), +500 actively pursuing magic at the College of Tolkeen +50 good idea buying scrolls (protection circle simple, for 175k+swirling lights scroll in trade +100showin up (39325 needs 50000)
MAGE The Eye of Eylor BioBorg 7th Level Ley Line Walker And Emissary 1
(49590 needs 50921 )
250 rp 50 mystic portals to flee bomber room service, 25 killing minor menace, toll man, 50 killing medium menace, man in suit with pistols, 50 surviving robot attack on mountaineer (its totaled ) +100 showin up
(50065 needs 50921 )
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