Dameon is a character in Third age of Dragonwright Rifts.
5th Level Bandit: Highwayman, currently infected with gonorrhea, and afflicted with a malicious voice of his subconscious that will tell him to kill or do evil things in stressful circumstances (side effect of psi implant)
Dameon was rescued by Ronin, Drago, and Mage along with Sparticus from a CS prison camp holding most of the population of Ortonville. He had been sentenced to 20 years for armed robbery.
Aberrant 40years old 160lbs 5′9″
30HP 81 SDC 27ISP
IQ 15 ME 9 MA 19 PS 17 PP 13 PE 12 PB 14 SPD 19
HTH Assassin 6 Attacks +2s +3w/eye / +4p / +5d / +9 roll
Leap 8ft up/9ft across
+6 Damage
+9ini +2vs HF
American, Gobblely, Radio Basic 75% Camoflage 60 % Detect Ambush 65% Find contraband 56% pilot Hovercycle 82%
Trick Riding Land Nav 67% Streetwise 46% Trap Construction 56 Trap Detection 46Demolitions 87% Horsemanship Cowboy, Boxing, Concealment 41% Pilot Motorcycle76%, Gymnastics, Climb 55%, Gambling 55%
Secondary Skills: Weapons Systems, Prowl, Athletics, Literacy American, Basic Math
WP Epistol, Revolver, Knife
Recently purchased Cybernetics with his share of the bounty from rescuing Pure Spring: MO Eye +1s, Amp Hearing, Crude Psi Sensitive Implant in back of head provides 6th Sense, Intuitive Combat, Mind Block, See Invisible and Sense Magic
Coalition Deadboy armor +
NGEx10 Gladdius with NF50A heavy field generator 540SDC PS20 Takes eclips, +1ini, +1ata
Vibro bowie Knife, BB6 w/ 40 bullets, Neural Mace, 4 grenades, 4frag, NG45LP, NGP7, JA-8, Light Fusion Block, Erin Tarn Diary, C-12, Plasma Grenade
8 longclips (3 empty) 8 short eclips
36BB6 rds
36 silver bb6 rounds
Hovercycle with mini-missile launcher.
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