Kathmandu comes from the misterious land known as “Russia”. He masterfuly hides his accent and was last seen in a vision Drago had.
Drago Adventured with him in the distant past and hasn’t seen him in many years.
5th Level Human Mind-melter
4ATA +3ini +7s +9p +9d +6roll
+1 vs magic, psi save 10 +1 vs tox +1 vs drugs +4 vs pos _4 vs HF +5%vs coma
IQ15 ME15 MA18 PS20 PP23 PE17 PB10 SPD10
44HP 67SDC 175ISP
Speaks American, Euro, Dragonese
Basic Math, land nav pilot motorccle pilot hover
lit eng
lit dragon
hth expert
prowl wp
lore demon
radio basic first aide
comp op
copm programming
pilot robot/PA
bio regen, deaden pain, healing touch, astral projection, empathy, mind block, object read, presence sense, see aura, sense magic, sixth sense, speed reading, telepathy, total recall,
alter aura, impervious to fire & poison, mind block, summon inner strength
biomanipulation, empathic transmission, mentally posses others mind wipe telekinesis super telekinetic force field telemechanics, Telemechanic Mental Operation, Mask ISP & Psionics
4 Vibroknives, TW Flaming Sword, Gemencrusted magic scimitar 2d4×10+25sdc +2parry
Kittani Plasma rifle, KE4 Special
Traveling Fancy Wardrobe, Sleeping Back, Back Pack, Utility Belt, Canteen, Sunglasses, Air Filter, 2 weeks freeze dried food, 6 smoke grenades, 4 plasman grenades, case of 6AP MMs, arm computer, tw ley line transmition in armband, 3500cr 4 armor of Ithan scrolls, TX500 MIN-+10 Kittani Serpent Powerarmor, Falcon 300 Jetpack, TX11 Laser sniper rifle boxed up, TX5 pump pistol, 5 pump rounds,
Has a TK SMG and a Vibrosword stashed in Freetown
TW Jumpsuit 35MDC
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