Caldor and the rest of the ship get hit by an EMP storm as they travel west towards the northern bay of Atlantis. Caldor is knocked over and disabled, squishes 2 humans on his way to nearly falling off the boat. Mugabee picks him up and saves him from the waves.
Drago gets a garbled message from Mike and teleports to where he last saw him, by the hole near the Kreegorian spaceship.
There he sees a crew of dbee dogmen taking apart Caldors ship. The witch, army of Thunder, and gypsies are all there being tortured or holding their hands up.
the WITCH is there as well, sacraficing humans and adding them to a huge ball of energy over her head.
Also is a giant robot. Drago tries to petrify the witch but she safes (roles 16)
the bot does a x4 medium range missle attack against drago, doing 1400xp.
Drago tries to tp and fails, Dodges some more missles and then manages to teleport back to the tree before the magics of Agony the witch were forming can get to him.
Abandoned by their draconic friend, the rest of the team sits sadly on the now disabled boat. To the south lies the bay and a tributary that leads back to Caldors ship.
Caldor starts towing the ship ashore.
Sparticus viciously electrocutes a disabled 13 ABM Brain. while doing it the brain desperately mentally possesses Mugabe who goes toe to toe with Sparticus for a few rounds unable to get through his force fields. Finaly the brain sucumbs and mugabe is returned to controling his own body.
13 and 2 goblins were nearly killed when the EMP pulse overloaded the gear 13 was working on.
Caldor detects strange fishlike creatures tailing the boat…
One of them warns of great evil nearby in a strange chirping language that caldor identifies as “Dolphin speak”
Then a huge malestrom starts up… a whirlpool.
Caldor gets a sensor reading on something floating in the center…
He unloads all 12 of his minimissles on it. caldor is out of missles but the malestorm stops.
The boat is nearly drug back out to sea by this before it ends.
Caldor sees the glimmer of gold…
Caldor goes bravely diving into the area where the malestrom happend nets the following loot which he drags ashore methodicaly. Caldor is pooped out by the end of this even with his robotic assist as some of these items are very heavy.
1 Sunken CS Ship with broken cargo hold spraying out gold ingots printed with CS serials
Drago - Learns Water Seal
One-Eye gets x2 eclips, 1 dragonfire rifle 1 CA-4 Shark Armor
Each squad leaders gets a cp-40 x2 eclips and ca-4 shark armor
The two clans get the other cp-40s and the mines…
Sparticus later gets angry and starts killing them…one of them has a limpet mine and sparticus detonates it…killing 1d4×10 humans and KO’ing himself
100,000 20 ingots weighs 10lbs
50000 in splugorth creditchips
Standing on shore with pile of loot which is yet to be divided and is being held by the skelebots.
sparticus used his powers to control these and gave them to Caldor
Caldor’s 2 working Skelebots “213″ and “159″
PS 30
600SDC Main body
Inti-20 Variable LAser Rifle +2 eclips 24 shots 2d6+6/1d4×10+10 pulse
Sparticus’s other pile of 480 additional ingots worth 2,400,000, 240lbs
213 has the Illapa-5 Rocket Riffle and 2 Bandolleers with 200 rds of ammo
1 60rd drum mag built in that can be reloaded manualy
4d6×5 per shot, x3burst does 3d4×50 10 rd burst does 2d4×10MD 2400ft
1 Inti-20 x2 eclips
Caldor’s 2.5million goldweighs 250lbs
WP Sword, Blunt, Auto Rifle, Energy Pistol, Energy Rifle, Paired Weapons
Pilot Auto, Hover, Jetpack, Raio Basic, Intelligence, Land Nav, Climb, English, Spanish, Euro, Dragonese, Gobblely, Technocan, Basic Math, Identification for 2000 enemy targets
2 broken skelebots “211″ and “210″
1 STrange canister with CS markings
2 Heavy Limpet Mines, 2 Light Limpet Mines
12 Rifle Grenades
1 Sea Samas strangely twitching…
One Safe
1 Shard of a strange material. On it are draconic runes
Soffocated (dead) but intact VS-320 Cyborg body
seemingly has integrated railgun in hand
1 Shipping Crate full of Pre-Rifts Magazines. Estimated worth 1mil+
Sunken Horun skimmer cargobay, Caldor drags this up and finds this loot (unclaimed):
x3 inchi suits of incan make, 90sdc
One pristine Atahualpa Combat Suit
Taken loot:
Mugabee 497 ingots
+1 ABM Mechanoid Brain Brain, 7 helpings left gives:
All medical skills but holistic 95
All science and piloting skills 98
comp op and programming 98
comp hacking 68%
pilot hover, pilot robot vehicle and botcombat basic and spaceship 90%
WP Epistol, rifle, knife
Neeku 1 ingot inti-20 and inchi suit x2 eclips 90sdc +50sdc/25hp
Infected with Black Claw on right arm, claw has 100sdc, Claw does 3d6+39sdc
wp knife +claws
Beeku 1 ingot inti-20 and inchi suit x2 eclips 90sdc +40sdc/25hp
1/2 the bonuses of Neeku
Deeku and Feeku are in comas and dying…
Remaining 70 humans pledge to Mugabee for protection.
Riko 2nd Lvl City Rat Wears Inchi Suit
[Riko Leads Cellblock F Squad, 17 humans w/ clubs]
Cy Is 3rd Level Pygmy Shaman of the Junglists wearing Inchi Suit
[Cy leads 30 dark skinned tribal humans sharpened sticks and clubs]
Steve Wears Inchi Suit, leads the Ambulatories
[Steve cares for 22 elderly slaves with walking sticks, 5 of which are near death]
made up of ingots
each ingot is worth ~5000 credits and weighs about 1/2 a pound
Also noticed below but ignored:
1) Giant Whale Skeleton
2) Strange robotic Claws rising up to hold the sunken ship…they seem to lead underneath the silt to something bigger…
3) Small 2.5ton minitank stuck face first into the mud about 5′ viewable
4) something that looks like a crane is also poking up
5)parts from cs ship (missle launcher, reactor)
6)Inecton Land Rover upsidedown
Drago the 7th Level Dragon Hatchling (63600 needs 80000)
+250 showin up +100 daring +100 idea use petrify against witch +100 talking with cultists
+250 rp +325 skills +100 mike +250 beer run
gets +400gp coins
has a rune chain glowing around his back leg that cant be removed through force (the giant bot put it on when he charged into the area)
(65075 needs 80000)
Sparticus the Murderous 6th Level Energy Master (31000 needs 34701)
+250 gardening +250 showing up +100 killing 13 +100 putting out fire +100 sensing lots of electrical stuff under the bay waters
+400 gp gold coins +150 ogres +200 rp +150 skills +2301 killing 92 innocent humans before the limpet goes off +100 fighting mugabe
Sparticus is now 7th Level!
(34725 needs needs 49801)
Caldor 5th Level Kreeghor Bounty Hunter in missile-less Powerarmor
(19726 needs 24880)
+250 showin up +600 skills +200 killing malestrom maker +500 finding treasure +150 ogres +100 translating dolphins +100 getting skelebots online +50 killing 2 defensless humans +100 rp
(21776 needs 24880)
Mugabee The 4th Level Necromancer Spidertaur (9200 needs 17921)
He now has 93PPE
+250 beer +250 showing up +100 chair +150 ogres +100 eating 13s brain
+225 skills +100 fighting sparticus +100 preserving heads +100 equiping and paying goblins
+200 rp +100 csamas
(10875 needs 17921)
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