Players Defeat Horune Pirates as they are loading the rest of Sparticus’s human slaves onto the boat with Mulan and the dogs.
the engines on the boat are still toasted
Mugabee eats the brains of a dead pirate and learns how to pilot one of their scooters. He uses it to tow the boat 180miles west at 30mph.
There are two helpings of pirate brains left.
after 6hrs they get to the sphinx’s cave.
Players go back with sphynx to his lair and return his sarcofugus
they dont like what they get, defeat MARA, a conservator with an axe of withering, and 6 cultist warriors.
drago ice walls the culsts, sparticus poison arrows Mara. The Conservator chops up Sparticus and Tries to chop up Caldor before it gets killed by sparticus hanging off its back with swords in it electric auraing it to death.
Inside drago flame breaths the whole area hoping to catch the disapered mara in the blast. he does and senses her evil aura disapate. The sphinx comes two and gives everyone magic sphinxs. they are tough to open, caldors still wont open. Drago and Mugabe found scrolls in theirs, Sparticus found a weird metal rod in his
Clesuis’s Rod (x2 electric aura powers and possibly more)
Sparticus gets pissed and starts trying to dig out the sphinx. Mugabe and Drago get in an argument about scroll distribution, Mugabe runs off. HE is attacked by 2 corrupt chosen when he hits the treeline of the beach.
Caldor blows the crap out of them while mugabe slashes them to death.
Currently aboard Mara’s Dream:
Mugabe, DRago, Sparticus, Caldor, 2 dogs, ~280cultists, 4 goblins, and one 13 mechanoid ABM brain are aboard.
13 is dissecting the drones and ripping off parts from them.
The ship has one 10′ hole blown in it above the waterline from a torpedo strike.
Drago the Fish Fighting 7th Level Great Horned Dragon Hatchling (61475 needs 80000)
+250 showin up +100 daring against fish powerarmor +175 skills +100 killing drones +100 defeating 4 scooter pirates +150 killing cultists with wall +100 flamebreath into room cooking mara +100 area effect spell to catch mara good idea +100 detect magic to find 4 magic duhks the 4 he hinks might be beltrov, +100 rp with duhks +100 rp with mugabe about followers ppe base +100 good idea using duhks as ppe base +350 giving gm mineatures +100 try to jury rig engine with 13s help and create stone (pretty fail you can now burn wood and make the ship go 15mph) +100 2 corrupt scouts +100 13 negotiation, 13 takes a sonic rifle since drago wont pay him the 20k more combat pay he requested
(63600 needs 80000)
Sparticus the Killer of the Defenseless 6th Level Energy Master (28600 needs 34701)
+250 showin up +150 skills +100 sheild boat +100 daring against conservator +100 disable torpedos +500 potentialy saving half of boat from death by drowning by stoping the torpedos +250 golden sphinx +200 rp shooting mugabe with electric blast realizing his powers are amped by the rod in his sphinx +100 hitting mara with poison arrows (she collapses as she goes shadow meld) +150 witnessing cultists squished +200 electrocutes conservator that almost cut through sparticus’s armor suit +100 rp with 13 +100 rp with slaves +50 taking 6000 splugorth credit chips +50 taking sonic rifle
(31000 needs 34701)
Caldor the Grav-Gunner (18001
+250 showin up +250 golden sphinx +225 skills +100 defeat 2 corrupt scouts +100 good idea giving orc plasma grenade +100 gunning down drones +100 scooter pirate death +100 witness fish powerarmor +100 conservator +150 witness cultists deaths +250 rp
(19726 )
Mugabe the Brain Eating Spidertaur 3rd Level Necromancer (6100 needs 8961)
+250 showin up +100 using entity as bridge to get remaining slaves aboard, +100 eat horune dolphin drone brains +100 steal tw energy harpoon +100 eat horune pirate brains +275 skills +100 giving morc knife +25 killing morc the orc +200 killing drones +150 fighting pirate powerarmor +200 defeat water scooter pirates +100 shadow melding +100 shrink head of corrupt scout+250 golden sphinx +150 witness cultists squished +200 witness conservator killed +100 good idea to create army of minions for ppe base, but so far mugabe only has killed one new orc minion for telling drago it was sent down into the hold to get the conservator stinger mugabe tested on a duhk. he killed it but was driven out of the duhk compartments in the lower decks of the ship by angry duhks who pekced him for 200sdc +100 surviing duhk attack +100 good idea giving orc task of fetching stinger+100 defeat 2 corrupt scouts+50 taking 6000 splugorth credit chips +50 steal harpoon gun and 8 explosive bolts +200 collect 2 corrupt heads, one conservator body
(9200 Mugabe is now 4th Level!)
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