pcs return to find Valen gone, many Laramacs dead, and the church in ruins.
Ronin enters the church ruins where he steps on a landmine left for him. His SAMAS is destroyed. Ronin decides he must return home to visit his parents who live to the west. With now-squire Dorgo in tow, he heads off into the wastes.
That night Ronin dreams of a great disaster befalling the world containing 7 evils. Drago too has a dream, he seems to remember 4 great evils threatening the world.
MAGE and Drago find some surviving Laramac children huddling beneath the concealing branches of Drago’s now 30 foot tall tree.
As soon as they are approached, the oldest says “m.m.my names M.m.Morgo. B.b.bad men came, took the nice man Valen away. K.k.killed..m.most of us… we hid..
T.th.they t.t.took m.m.mEEK and my daddy T.Teek alive… k.killed Deek, Reek, AND cousin Beek! *sobs*
Heavy APC tracks can be seen leading east…
Morgo manages to plug back in the badly bent antenna on top of the damaged church.
You hear him yelling into a badly dented microphone attached to a field radio he pulls off one of the peices of wreckage you can only assume used to be some of the Larnacs motorcycles.
He plays the group a spotty radio transmission from res in orionvill 100miles to the east
“coalition raid on ortonville leaves many refugees dead, coalition seen to be rounding up people and carting them off somewhere out east. stop by my place here and I’ll tell you more, look for the redflagged building”
Drago and MAGE head into the smoking ruins of Ortonville, of the five permanent buildings in the village, they find one with a red flag. Entering they find Rez, who explains that strangely dressed mercenaries have destroyed most of Ortonville, and captured most of its population, carting them off to god knows what fate. Peek and a few other villagers are hiding out with Rez in his basement bunker. Peek offers to go help destroy whoever burned Ortonville but is told to stay put and guard the remaining Ortonville survivors with Rez.
Trailing the APC tracks east, they pass by an enormous crater at the location where the old Fargo hive used to be. There they notice a strange dark energy emerging from a hole in the bottom of the smooth crater, and see a few black Xiticix flying about.
40 miles east of Treetown, is a Convoy of 2 CS APCs one of which is being used to pull large cattle cars. The cars cart of fthe majority of the town of Ortonville. They were last seen heading due east out of whats left of Ortonville (not much).
In 1st APC:
2 lvl 5 headhunters, 4 CS Grunts
In 2nd APC: Leila and Valen, kratz RPA elite SAM sits in top turret.
2 Lvl5 headhunter gunners
On Cargo Bays on roof are 2 platoons of Skelebots.
1 Enforcer Walk next to the 1st APC
1 Tank stuck in the mud at the river crossing.
Also present is a platoon of infantry in strange Skeleton motif armor, and a Dogpack lead by a Psistalker.
After a brief skirmish involving Drago holding off the Dogpacks and slaying the Psistalker after being drained of magic, MAGE was able to sneak in and rescue Valen. Hustling him back to the edge of the closest western LeyLine, they rest and recharge their mystical energies. Valen cannot speak and keeps gesturing wildly towards the cybernetic colar around his neck.
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