The party rests at the leyline some 20 miles away from the ruined fort. Ronan’s SAMAS has suffered a deep gash to its main body, and of the suits sensors are dead. MAGE and Kash both suffered mildly while Drago was reduced to hitpoints only, taking over 1000pts of SDC damage before retreating. Following them to the leyline, Grey Fox beseeches them when they finaly slow down long enough to talk. (assume Drago has told him that gold fox lies captive in the heart of the Xiticix lair, soon to be devoured).
“You display a fine warrior talent battling the devouring ones. While my son may have lost his way, seduced by the evils of the whitemans technology, I cannot stand idle while he is devoured. The tribe of the Sioux does not forget its own so easily. I am too weak to retreive him from their lair myself, and my tribes warriors are locked in a battle against the Vurduc Orc horde of Montana. I beg of you, please rest here and help me return to that wretched fortress and save my son. If you do so I will reward you in the following ways with some of the secrets of my people. I will attune one object each of you possesses to its owner, preventing anyone else from causing it to function. Doing this act of goodness will also bring forth good fortune to all of you, perhaps in the form of powerful fetishes blessed by the mighty Standing Mountain himself. My tribe has little in wealth but we are rich in magical knowledge and secrets. If you return my son Gold Fox alive I will teach you some of them. Surely you are noble champions to stand guard over such a magnificent tree spirit such as you have.”
Drago managed to count a rough estimate of surviving Xiticix as follows:
2) 8work 8war 1 dig5) 5 leapers
7)200 egs 2 nanys 20 nints 4 war
8) in another room 1 super warrior + 3 hunters
9)10 workers 2 diggers
11) 100egs 1nany 2 war
12) queen +2 sw +10 warriors +2 nannys +20 egs
Deep inside the ruins of Fort Dakota, former renegade indian stronghold…
In queens chamber lies Gold Fox, a young indian male with cybernetics. Also prisoner are three female pixies, one toadstool, and a tall darkskinned man with his face painted a muddy white. When no-one is looking the man thanks Drago privately and teaches him some dark secrets of Necromancy (create Mummy).
Gold fox sighs and looks at the goo that probably once was the rest of his friends, and looks down as his father Grey Fox admonishes him severly for being seduced by technology. The two mutter angrily at one another before Grey Fox breaks away and announces the following.
“My son will be returning to the tribe lands to heal from his ordeal. Please, do escourt us there. Once we have been rested I will impart upon you the gifts you have earned today. My tribe lands lie to the west in wandering plains.
Before they can depart, the
After a 100 mile western treck the arive at the headquarters of the Cheyenne/Sioux Coalition. A flag blows in the wind from a watch tower constructed from crude wood branches. The entire camp looks like it could be packed up and ready to move at a moments notice, with a ring of TPs around the watchtower.
The Sioux Flag
Dance to honor Strong Eagle
A group of indians wearing strange masks dance around puppets, who seem to dance under their own power for a time.
Afterwards he welcomes you to his TP where you see his son lying on a bed nearby, resting. Grey Fox takes the items the PC’s want bonded and casts Attune Object To User on them.
Then he takes the PCs to a sweath lodge where they sit and chat with the tribes elders.
They do a chanting ritual with this bit of Hiawatha:
For the earth he drew a straight line,
For the sky a bow above it;
White the space between for day-time,
Filled with little stars for night-time;
On the left a point for sunrise,
On the right a point for sunset,
On the top a point for noontide,
And for rain and cloudy weather
Waving lines descending from it.
While sitting in the tent gives drago and MAGE each knowledge of one spell.
“MAGE, your body is unnatural. I sense coruption of your spirit.. and it is not just from the mans technology you seem insistant in relying upon *disdainful look at MAGES tw cybernetics* We can help you remove the taint… if you only let us…”
He gives Ronan a Great Healing Fetish created from a Bears Skull attached to a Spear Weapon Fetish. “Here will be a good place to hang your noble banner one day, sir knight he says with a smile”. The cords tied to it can be used to enhance any weapons you have (4 supernatural Damage fetish’s hang in an arrary around the Skull, cords wrapped around rocks of strange red flecked with black). He also offers to gives you small piece of horn (sure footed fetish).
Then he hands out a bundle of 3 pieces of bark with Indian markings.
The first contains the symbol of Spider woman, Symbol of spider (climb) and
Symbol of fleeing monster (constrain being)
Symbol of a Tree (Animate Tree)
The second contains the symbol of He who gives life and
Symbol of Fox (metamorphisis animal) and
Symbol of Fish (swim as fish)
Symbol of Indian TP (sheltering force)
The third contains the three circles embedded within each other. (the symbol of She who walks the circle).
1st Circle:Protection Circle: Lesser
2nd Circle: Mystic Portal
3rd Circle: Little Force
As they leave a young maiden approaches them, handing the first Character a small wrapped package. She goes to kiss them on the lips and says “thank you for bringing my Gold Fox back to me”… Inside the wrapped package is a Statue of a Golden Fox worth at least 100000 credits for gold alone.
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