AMOK4 evil Kitani activates worm and breaks TOW JAMs cyberliver, he has 4hrs to live!!!
The group finally gains entrance to the college. Inside the great walls are a few buildings for rent the group is encouraged to move along to a place of residence while at the college, loitering is discouraged by willow wisps who will continually ask the persons business and direct them to one of the buildings.
parking lot (street lifestyle buying food from street vendor NERL /up gradable to squatter with wilderness survival skill check and payment of 5k credits to vendor to watch mech
Street Lifestyle - free parking but no food - social -20% - ambush -10% regen -25% - assets none
Squatter Lifestyle - cost 5000 to eat and bribe merl for a safer spot by his food stand -
social -10% - ambush -10% - regen -10% - assets none
The Catecomes , (tunnels under College have some bunks) Low Lifestyle - cost 20k - social +5% - ambush -5% - regen +5% - assets 1
Nowak's Inn (red brick rooms at bottom of college)
Middle Lifestyle - cost 80k - social +10% - ambush +5% - regen +10% - assets 2, daily maids cleanup, food service
physical and astral security protected by fire elementals who live in braziers at the doors 🔥
Includes learning spells levels 1-2 from Nowak's library which his innkeeper allows guests to read.
Coake's Consort (rooms at top of college)
High Lifestyle - cost 240k - social +15% - ambush +10% - regen +15% - assets 3
High grade matrix connection, personal buttler, cameras and sensors controlled by an AI. On site security detail includes physical and astral security.
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