Come one come all, to another 3rd Age of Dragonright Rifts game!
New players choose to be either a local drawn to the rebels cause or a Corn Heights Patrol Officer sent to quell the rebels.
Another Cornpocalypse is upon us. From across the land of the Corn Farmers Alliance, farmers hear of the up rising against The Buyers. Some are scared and run to their homes, others cheer that someone, anyone has dared to stand up to the unna…med buyers.
Some say that the battle will end quickly and the buyers will return and punish any who sided with the invaders. Others say the time has come to take a stand against what they suspected was a shady operation. Most level heads preferred to wait it out until proof of wrong doing was found but some hot heads may choose to seek out these rebels against The Corn Company and aide them in their battle against the foul perveyers of THE DARK HARVEST.
One old man says after smelling the winds
“That dun smell like a Cornpocalypse be on the wind..”
And hes right, all across the Corn Farmers Alliance lands, children have start to come sick with Corn Fever. The corn seems to droop sadly from the corn plants and farmers say some of their crops are just refusing to grow.
Heaths Lair is under a demolished highway overpass. Its door is a smoldering ruin. Outside looks like a battle took place and smoke still rises from spots.
Surrounded by the wreckage of smoking Corn Heights security vehicles, the characters nervously await the results of Heubots medical surgery inside the bombed out front entry level of Healer heaths clinic turned war-zone.
Total lost limbs inspected by Hugh bot:
Drago the wizard dragon in a human body lost 1 arm (caped) 1 leg attached to stump (bionic PS18 PP18) -33%PPE -1hth attack, -1 parry (missing arm)
Sparticus the psionic zapper lost 1 foot (replaced with expertly carved peg foot refused bionics) -3%ISP -1 dodge -25%spd
Thull the human Wilderness scout corn farmer had 1 partial body conversion to El Kid Cyberslinger 2000 borg body. Thull has most of his left arm (no hand), his head, his junk, and not much else but his torso remains after the missile blast.
Roaming out in corn fields surrounding the area are also Caldor the lizardman Bounty hunter and a Juicer named Gunk along with a Dogpack named Bluey and a Bohemoth robot vehicle piloted by Cut Throa.
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