The invite:
Come one come all to another 3rd Age of Dragonwright Rifts gaming session.
It doesn’t matter if you dont know how to play just stop by and have a drink and hang out and watch, i can write you in to one of the characters listed below or let you choose your own path. Pretty much anything goes in rifts, you can play whatever concept you want.
The players Current location
Logan OH ruins.
Current Characters:
Caldor alien bounty hunter cursed to a lizardman body
Sparticus, energy master psionic hero cursed to a pegfooted human monk body, suffered limb loss from corn fever.
MAylyn, dragon hatchling cursed to a pegfooted human body.
Thull Durgis, human corn farmer sent by Corn Row to watch the outsiders and uncover secrets of the unnamed CORN BUYERS. Noone knows what they do with all that corn…
Players of New Characters start as:
Residents of Corn Heights, either temp workers/mercenaries or corn farmer locals. Humans only, the area of Corn Heights hates non-humans. The practicing of magic and obvious psionics is considered taboo. Technology level in the region is roughly 19th century except for the corn buyers facilities in the center of town which are very high tech.
Common classes to the region of Corn Heights:
Mercenary Headhunter with Combat Robot working in the Corn Heights Security patrols, CHS private rank. Sent to investigate the other players.
Vagabond Wanderer working as a day laborer loading corn , knows the seedier side of Corn Heights. Follows the group after hearing rumors of their earlier exploits, hope to follow them to score some loot and better yourself.
Air/Water Warlock spell caster child of farmers nearby. You used powers for farming in secret until ordered by village elders of nearby settlement to find outsiders to convince to investigate the unnamed buyers for suspected treachery.
Mutant Dogpack: There is currently a mutant dog following the group and he could be a player character if someone wants to play a tenacious and ingeinous runaway from evil technologicaly advanced humans who mutate and enslave animals as shock troops. He walks up right and has uposable thumbs but otherwise looks like. a dog. Currently in posession of something that doesn’t belong to him…
(one player picks the Dogpack to play)
Drago, Sparticus, Thull and Heath are inside the base at first.
Bluey and Caldor are outside but Caldor doesn’t see Bluey.
More police cars show up and a juicer jumps out (played by another player) and starts trying to kill Caldor with his power halbred. After trying to strike him a few times and failing he sees the rest of the team coming out of Heaths lair to investigate and flees, leaving them to clean up the remaining Zombie coppers. Bluey shot at the juicer but his 3006 bounced off his hardened armor.
Caldor Drago Sparticus Thull Blue and Heath hang out inside Heaths house while he fixes up a wounded kid. The kid dies and the mom runs off sobbing. Before they can quiz Heath more ANOTHER woman runs up saying her husband has been turned into something else. In return for her horse she beggs them to go bring her husband back.
By this point Drago realizes as a Dragon he can return Nxla Zombies to normal with a ritual. They go off to the mans house to find the strangely effected husband to bring to Heath.
Thull runs off in front of them with a bionic foot problem and gets to Heaths first.
Drago Caldor and Sparticus Prowl up to Heaths from the south seeing a Robot out front.
From the north comes Null an old friend of Dragos in a huge behemoth. Null and the Robot exchange missles for awhile before the robot is destroyed by Sparticus and Heather Heaths robot Hue.
Before Hue could activate via DEadmans switch the front Heaths place is taken out by a Short Range missle, nearly killing Thull who has 90% of his body mangled and burned.
Once the area is secure Hue introduces himself and gets to work patching up Thull with a spare “The Kid” Bionic body Heath hadn’t used yet.
Drago doesn’t forget the man they brought back and tries to save him.
He drinks a case of Psicola instincualy skimming its power and using it to open a portal and force Nxla out of the man returning his soul. They fight a few guardians before closing the portal. Drago is exhausted and addicted to psicola.
Sparticus is annoyed at being cut off from his body so he uses Heaths radio to call his Army. Timmy Flynn comes on the mic and says they will be sending three people.
Awhile later they search for their supposed ride home and find a debris field guarded by a robot Xombies and a harvestor. They battle them and find out that Max survived, His Esrith was taken hostage for experimentation by the mayor of Corn Heights after he wasn’t able to be soul-sucked.
Max takes a bad injury from shrapnel in his side but is weakly piloting the stolen Corn Heights Titan Combat Robot for his General Sparticus.
Drago has his arm ripped off by another of Sparticus’s men who has been Xombified. They round up 5 zombies and fence them somewhere until they can figure out how to restore them.
All the while the corn fever is getting worse, the current theory is the corn is similar to a Millennial Tree and thus a power source for their dark magics.
Drago the 7th Level Dragon Hatchling in Sorceror/Rogue human body with bionic leg missing left arm.
(78755 needs 80k ) +100 rescue grudas husband +100 explorer bot +300 xombies +100 combat bot +300 harvestors +200 beer +500 saving grudas husband +100 getting addicted to Psicola +100 gaining new psi powers from psi cola abuse +350 skills +100 rp +100 learning he can exorcise the tormented souls of Nxla
(81105 needs 120k Drago is now 8th Level!)
Sparticus the 7th Level Zapper in Monk human body (43175 needs 49801 )
+100 recharging dogpack laser +100 rescue grudas husband +100 explorer bot +300 xombies +100 combat bot +300 harvestors +200 beer +100 leadership of max +100 opening bot hatch +100 sending message for extraction +100 guts taking on rail guns +100 learns of Esrith’s capture by THE COMPANY. +500 skills +100 modifying stolen COMPANY SECURITY BOT #3 with sensor system from WAR TROLL power armor
(45475 needs 49801)
Caldor the 6th Level Lizardman Bounty Hunter
(32851 needs 34880)
+200 showin up +200 pizza +125 skills +100 blui RP +100 ride horse +100 rescue grudas husband +100 vouches for Blui +500 harvestors
+100 explorer bot +1000 surviving juicer with power halbred while wearing leather armor (triple dodge FTW) xombies +500 +100 combat bot +500 driving 300 miles to game
(36476 needs 49881 LEVEL INCREASED TO
Cut Throa Null the 4th level Technowizard
from Tolkeen +500 bot combat
(12625 needs 18401)
Blui the 3rd Level Dogpack Turned 1st Level Ley Line Walker ( starts with 4475 dogpack +100xp Ley Line walker XPneeds 1k) +300 juicer +500 combat +200 showin up +100 skills +100 rp with caldor +100 giving back stuff +100 learning he could sniff cancer out +100 trusting Sparticus with weapon for recharge +440 bonus
(8215xp needs 10454 to hit 3rd level in leyline walker. Bluey is now a 2nd level Leyline walker)
Gunk the 3rd Level Juicer and Video Producer +250 fighting Caldor +200 showin up +100 fleeing area to avoid death and defaulting on contract to go on to make a very popular video of one Caldor “The Dbee that got away”.
Equiped Items: Gladiator Armor 122SDC (one bullet mark in back from Blui), Power Halbred, NG Super, NGE4
(7125 needs 8561)
Hue the Triax Dynabot Combat AI turned 2nd Level Cyberdoc xombies +500 +300 combat bot +500 punching harvestors in face until dead +200 playin over google voice (Get a cam damnit) +1000 save life of Thull (critical thinking) +100 learn of Master Heath’s death
(5100 needs 10001 using dragon xp chart) Hue has reached 3rd level and his Neural Intelligence allows him to learn 3 new secondary skills while interacting with others.
Thull the 1st Level Wilderness scout turned partial conversion Borg (300 needs 2100)
+200 showin up +500 xombies +300 harvestors +100 skills +1000 surviving partial bionic conversion
(2100 needs 4200 Thull is now a 2nd Level Borg)
NPCs recently heard from:
Max 5th Level Headhunter Sgt in Army of Thunder +500 xp surviving +100 taking control of combat bot
Jinx the unknown friend of Heath who hangs out downtown behind the dumpster
Timmy Flynn, Captain in the Army of Thunder, last heard alive in radio contact that heaths computer..somehow accomplished this over 700 miles of wilderness?
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