Hawrk-Duhk People were indigineous to the island of Atlantis before the splugorth conquored it. They have been fighting them ever since mostly living in the Preserves of Atlantis. The splugorth could whipe them out but prefer to let their rather stupid Gargoyle minions figure out the problem themselves. Thus a guerilla war has erupted between these vaiant ducklike dbees and the Gargoyle kingdome to the east of their nesting grounds. 300lbs They have a mysterious benefactor who outfits their leaders with at least some modern tech. The army is lead by an Elite, Red Eye. (he has an MO Eye). Typicaly they conduct raids into Splugorth territory to free their own enslaved people.
p74 atlantis , Elite has an MO Cyber Eye Psi Powers sens evil magic pres mind block det psi increase heal, psi pur, resist fatigue RCC Warrior Skills: NV100ft See Invis, Track 40% climb 30% swim impervious to magic OCC Related: Hawrkin, Dragonese, WPBlunt, Basic Math, Land Nav, Wild Surv, Preserve Food Whitling&Scupting , Horsemanship Exotic, Radio Basic, General Repair&Maintenance +5, Streetwise +2/ Secondary Skills: WP Archery, Pilot Boat, Wp Trident, Literacy: Dragonese Strike Bonuses:+1rcc/ +1pp+1rcc/+2pp+1rcc/+3pp+1rcc Guns Strike: */*/+4wp/+6wp Parry Bonus +3rcc/ +1pp+3rcc/+2pp+3rcc/+3pp+3rcc Dodge Bonus: +3rcc/ +1pp+3rcc/+2pp+3rcc/+3pp+3rcc All carry ornate wooden rods and steaks (religious fetishs, and anti-vamp weapons)
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