Mike 4th Level Gypsie Scientist
Skinny Male ~30 years of age, dusty brown hair prematurely greying face marked with a poor complextion and a haggard look of someone who has been on the run for a long time.
While training Mike Drago learns he is a Gypsy Scientist for the Hesuth Clan, trained by his people to survive in North Americas eastern coast but captured by slavers. Recently escaped Mike is pleased to be the student of Drago and fawns over him as a beloved teacher.
Mike confides he is a potent psionic healer and highly trained Cyber Doctor. The surviving clan and Raul look to him for his perspective in most decisions because he can accurately predict death rates based on what kind of damage he expects and how easily he can repair it. He has above average intelligence and a curious nature. His language is strangely unaccented and he pears around with a sullen grimace of determination, awaiting the next battle not with a grin but a grimace, the look of someone a veteran to many battles who has seen the grisly effects of war one too many times and now wishes to avoid it. The few gypsies left call him the Saint aka, for he has saved the lives of many of them or their family or friends at some point. The euros call him une bénédiction, the blessed one for he saved many of them from death as well. It was Mike who used is knowledge of surgery to rebuild Keldors shattered legs. Mike says he did this because the alien surely must know the most of the ship and their chances of surival were greatly increased if it became operational. This later proove true as the ships security system cannon (1 left intact of 3) destroyed a hail of incoming meteors.
IQ 17 ME 11 MA 17 PS 15 PP 16 PE 11 PB 9 SPD 24
40HP 57SDC
ISP 47 physical psychic mind block alter aura telekinetic lift telekinetic leap psi diagnosis, psi surgery, intuitive combat.
Mike is currently Magically a tuned but untrained. Drago senses some potential to be developed here.
PPE 40, can cast cure light wounds and create wood thanks to drago
math basic +23_15 +38+45=82%
mathadvanced 82%
lit american 98%
american euro 98%
chemistry 68%
comp op 78%
comp prog 63%
comp hack 53%
radio basic 78%
intel 53%
Lore Demons 63%
Lore MAgic 63%
Pilot Robots and PA 78%
climbing 73%
wp erifle
wp blunt
hth basic
Military trained
Field Armorer 73%
Demolitions 87%
NBC Warfare 68%
Military Fortification 63%
electrical engineer 53
mechanical engineer 53
Medical Doctor 88% diag 78 fix
Cybernetic Doctor 68% diagnose, 88% install/fix (cannot install bionics only fix)
Secondary Skills
Jury Rig 63%
pilot hover 68%
radio scrambler aka electronic counter measures 48%
Gambling 48%
pilot motorcycle 75%
Clock Calendar Gyro Compass Molecular Analyzer Headjack Amp hearing
100sdc pv8 armor plates under labcoat
2d6MD/6d6 NGpulse laser rifle 30 shots 3 clips +4/+2 strike
Telekinetic Leapkick 6d6+6SDC does 2d6 to him 8isp jump 8ft up 12ft across
1 stun baton in boot +2s/p
Pilots a rebuilt moonshine burning captured K-GTV motorcycle
with internal salvaged forward facing canon
Cannon 100SDC
80lbs 1d6×10 2000ft standard rate of fire 40shot internal clip
7hrsx3rd=21hrs orb of cold
3×3rd=9hrs create wood
what will he learn next?
9hrx6thlvl=54hrs ice
6hrx6thlvl=36hrs create water
1d6daysX8th spell level for Moderate Spells
So teaching Invincible Armor will take ~24days depending on good skill rolls maybe less
this is a mega complicated spell…
will they choose to camp and prepare or will the wanderlust be too great of a lure?
+1p/d athletics +2p/d hth kick +1/p/d pp +1p/+2dod amp hearing
+1 roll
5 attacks
+1strike +3 strike w/baton
+5p/+6d +6p w/ baton
kick attack 1d8
w/ intuitive combat:
+9 ini
+2s/+4 strike w/ baton
+6p/+8parry with baton
+10 to dodge +3 roll
+10% to climb
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