Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thull Durgis Corn Farmer turned Borg
steampunk gunslinger by ~DarkMatteria on deviantART
Thull Durgis, Person of the corn
4th Level Full Conversion Cyborg ex Wilderness Scout
Thull has lost all 4 of his limbs and 80% of his skin other than his neck and head region was was mostly spared. He how has been rebuilt by Hughbot as a CSLNGR Mark I Frame (p 190 New west) Full Conversion Cyborg. Thull knows that harvesters piloting a Titan Combat Robot were responsible for the missile volley that took out the chop shop Thull was hiding out in, costing Thull much of his humanity.
Borg Body Stats:
PS 20 PP 22 SPD 132 90mph
Main Body 450SDC
Original Body Stats:
HP: 15 SDC: 78
IQ 15
ME 8
MA 11
PS 19
PP 16
PE 14
PB 11
SPD 12
Borg Combat Stats:
Hand to Hand: Expert
# of Attacks: 6
Initiative: +4 amp hearing+combat computer
Strike: +10 hth expert + targeting sight + borg pp/ +3 with bow +2 knife
Parry: +11 amp hearing + borg pp/+13 with knife or sheild
Dodge: +13 amp hearing + borg pp + combat computer
Character Skills:
Language: Candian 98 (native)
Language: Dragonese 80
Language: Euro 80
Cooking 65
Climbing 75
Fishing 70
Horsemanship General 72
Identify Fruits and Plants 60
Land Navigation 74
Pilot Motorcycle 86
Prowl 62
Radio Basic 70
Track & Trap Animals 60
Wilderness Survival 70
WP Knife +1 parry
WP Archery/Target +3 strike
WP Energy Rifle +2strike/+4 aimed
WP Sheild +2 parry
OCC Related:
Pick Pocket 50
General Repair & Maintenance 55
HTH Expert
Holistic Medicine 55
Carpentry 60 has successfully whittled 2 peg legs
Skin and Prepare Hides 45
Pilot Auto 66
Brewing 40
Auto Mechanics 40
WP Auto Pistol Learned at 4th Level
OCC Skills:
Cartography 55
Trail Blazing 40
Cross Country Pacing 50
Stock CSLNGR Mark I Frame
500 10mm rounds
500 ramjet 10mm rounds
6 smartlinked Ares Predator II Auto Pistols 15rd 10mm clips, 4d6SDC PV4 1200ft range
Narunui N-F50A Force Field MDC 160 / 320 SDC 2 eclips 6hr/clip
From the wilds of Alberta, riding on a rusty motorcycle he comes. Thull has since settled down in Corn Row area farming corn.
Thull had 5 brothers and 3 sisters to Wallace and Susan Durgis. Their names were Bob, Clarance, Thesman, Derek and Wallace Junior along with the beautiful Sue-Anne, Shirly and Selma. Thulls father is a raging drunk and his mother died after giving birth to Thull. Because of this they never got along and Thull always felt his father resented him. This caused Thull to have a rather disrespectful and angry attitude, he is Anarchist in nature and doesn’t expect anyone to be on his side, so why should he be on theirs. Thull does have unprincipled leanings mostly around strong mother like figures whom he only got exposed to as a child from his rather bitter aunt. She did teach him some things with hemlock and other poisonous plants that made his older brothers nervous enough to leave him alone…after Thull turned Wallace Juniors face into a giant rash.
Thull was trained by his clan and extended family to live off the land from a very early age. His family did not have much in the way of modern technology and many of their prized possessions had been handed down through the generations. Thull has only seen 2 energy weapons before coming to Kingsdale. When he was 15 his family was attacked by a tribe of Broadkill who killed everyone who resisted and enslaved the rest. Thull was driven out of his old home by them and dreams of revenge.
Thull is uneducated in the extreme, illiterate and very superstitious. That said his clan did have seers and shamans, so he does understand and respect these powers. He has a thick Canadian accent and often has grease and dirt under his fingernails, on his face and or on his clothing. He mostly jokes in analogies related to car or animal parts.
Thull is a rustic boy. His dream is to build a brewery, a garage, and have a decked out pickup truck.. He was the youngest of the brothers and because of this was beaten quite often by his older brothers. His oldest brother Clarance had a moonshine recipe that he shared with Thull the day before he was slain by the Broadkill. Because of this Thull is determined to build his own still and make a barrel in Clarance’s honor.
Thull’s other brother Bob taught him how to fix the family tractor and few working trucks. When Thull was old enough to ride he built himself a motorcycle out of broken parts from other vehicles. Due to the isolated nature of Thulls clan they were very good at Jury rigging things and often went searching ruins for salvagable machine parts.
The clan lived too far north to farm effectively so most of their food came from hunting and gathering. Thull learned holistic medicine, bow hunting, and trap track and skin animals from his Brother/Cousin Thesman. Thesman’s father is actualy Thulls Uncle Hank, who was a skilled tracker and taught the boys the woods around the Clan’s home.
Thull’s small clan had backwards customs including inbreeding , men have multiple wives if they can afford them, and bullets and energy clips are the most priceless of all possessions and to be used only in life or death situations. Otherwise ancient easily replaceable items are to be used if at all possible. Because of this Thull has an almost worshipful cargo cult style relationship to technology. He has no idea how it is made, nor does he know any of its proper upkeep. The Durgiss clan lived in complete isolation from the rest of civilization for many generations, its ancestors may have bought the few technological items but the current clan had no idea their true nature. They had many strange rituals and worshipful traditions related to technology. Thull’s motorcycle was actually partly built of wood, and his people had many vehicles stitched together from whatever natural and technological items could be used to survive better. He actually believes internal combustion is a form of magic where you “pray” to the firegods that live inside the moonshine he makes, to give the vehicle power. That is how the clan primarily powered its ragged fleet, using bio fuels made from distilled plant matter.
Because of this Thull adorns himself with any mechanical parts he can find, thinking they hold some magic power over the firegods.
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