5th level Zapper turned Energy Master with burster powers at 7th, soul sucked by nxla but left alive but empty of isp. now he is a psislayer dependant on ppe/isp to recharge is natural battery of isp, burnt out by nxla's foul curse.
8th Level Psi Slayer burnt out Energy-master 7th level Zapper/Burster
IQ 13
ME 23
MA 13
PS 21
PP 16
PE 19
PB 10
SPD 27
HTH Assassin lvl 8 reprogramming by nxla
Number of Attacks 9 (+7 hth assassin +1 boxing +1psi slayer)
INI +9 (+2 rcc +3 hth assassin +4 cs psi training+3 psi slayer)
DAM +6
Strike Rolls:
Melee Strike +5 (+1pp+1rcc +2 hth assassin +1 8th lvl hth assassin) +5
Sword Strike +8 (melee +5 +8th level wp sword +3)
Thrown Strike +6 (melee strike +1 hth assassin thrown weapons)
Erifles Bursts Strike +5 (+4 strike bursts +1 hth assassin) aimed strike +8
Unarmed Melee Parry +7 (+1 pp +3 skills +3 6th lvl hth assassin)
Sword Melee Parry +10(melee+7 +wp sword 8th lvl +3)
Sword Parry Energy Blasts +6 (+10 sword -8 for energy blasts +4 sense electricity) +6
Melee Dodge +7 (+1 pp +3 skills +3 6th lvl hth assassin)
Power Armor Combat: Basic Bonuses
PA Skill Number of Attacks 11
PA Skill Melee Strike +6 (+1 PA skill +5 melee strike)
PA Skill Sword Melee Strike +9 (+1 PA Skill +8 sword strike)
PA Skill Thrown Strike +7 (+1 pa skill +1hth assassin +5 melee)
PA Skill Parry +8(+1pa +7 melee)
PA Skill Sword Parry +11 (+1pa +10 sword melee)
PA Skill Sword Parry Energy Blasts +7 (+11 PA sword parry -8 energy blasts +4 sense elect)
PA Skill Dodge +8 (+1 pa skill +7 melee dodge)
Special Actions:
Pull punch /Roll +9
dual paired weapon melee attack at expense of auto parry
KO/ston on 17-20
leap kick 3d8SDC x2ata
backhand strike (free after successful parry gives up next auto parry for that hand)
regular karate kick 2d6 sdc
regular karate punch 2d4 sdc
SDC 120
HP 37
Original ISP: 206
Zapper Psionics:
Impervious to Electricity
Sense Elec 150ft 2min 2isp
Elec Aura 20+2/lvl +2d6md/melee recharge 5isp/2min converted to 60sdc + 6/lvl so 5th lvl 90SDC
Elec Absorption
Super Telekinisis 500ft 10isp/100lbs +3s/+4p
Telekinetic Force Field 30isp 25md/lvl aka 75sdc/lvl so 225sdc
Telekinetic Acceleration N 100ft 20isp 3d6+4md 9d6+12sdc
Telekinetic Karate Punch 6isp +3d6 +2d4 sdc punch +6d6sdc kick +4d6+3d8 leap kick
Brainscan 10isp
Nuero Touch
Nuero strike 25sdc
Telekinetic Push
Telekinetic Leap
Developed Psionic through fire training: Pyrokinesis
Psi-Slayer Psionics: (nxla's experiment on his soul backfired, ultimately bringing out more of his potential instead of diminishing it)
+4 healing
+4 sensitive
+4 physical
+4 mind bleeder
3rd lvl +2 minor +1 super/bleeder
2 psi slayer powers
Psi Body field
detect psionics
sense magic
sixth sense
intuitive combat
mask isp & psionics
mind block
PPE Vampire needs 50-120ppe/week
PPE Drain attack nearly kill/ko victim for all ppe/kill for x2
Coalition Taught RCC Skills:
Radio basic
pilot bots/PA
read sensors
basic elec
body building
weapon pro erifle
WP Sword
HTH Assassin
pilot robots & powerarmor
1st lvl 4 zapper rcc related skills + 1 military and 1 espionage
Robot Electronics
Electrical Engineering
Robot Combat Basic
MIL- Demo disposal
MIL- Forced March
ESP- Coalition Intelligence - 32%+4%
ESP- Detect Concealment - 25%+5%
Requisite Bonus skill from EE - Computer Opertion
Requisite Bonus skill from EE - Literacy
Requisite Bonus skill from EE - Math Advanced
Requisite Bonus skill from HTH Assassin - WP Paired
Self Taught RCC skills:
4th level skill Gymnastics Backflip 50+5
8th level skill ???
Unauthorized Self Taught Secondary Skills from bootleg'd Trideo recordings of pre-rifts university courses.
Prowl 30+5
Jet Aircraft Pilot
Mechanical Engineering
Robot Mechanics
Athletics learned at 3rd level
+1 6th level skill
TW Iceshard pistol 10shots 40isp to recharge
tw flamesword 20isp to activate
survival knife
damaged c14 1long eclip
c18laserpistol 1shot eclip
goldpendant worth 2000cr
2 gold coins worth 300each
1 large gold coins worth 600
1mil235300credits on a NG creditcard
2keys to the wartrolls
tinted goggles
redcellphone from tolkeen ran out of sub
extra set of clothes that are too big (mages old Robe)
combat boots and canteen
Sparticus survived Nxla
Under Nxla
Sparticus was mind controlled and had to get away from the party. He used an attack of Zombies as a diversion. Compelled to join the services of the “Company” Sparticus did as the Dark Harvester had asked and returned the Titan Robot Vehicle that the party previously stole. With this gesture the Dark Harvester led Sparticus away before anyone of his comrades could realize what was happening. After the turmoil everyone took a sigh of relief only to realize Sparticus was gone with the Titan Robot Vehicle.
After arriving at a destination unknown to Sparticus he relinquishes the Titan Robot Vehicle to a guard. Then he is led into a small room in which a man sits at a large desk in the center of the room and in each corner of the room stands a guard. Sparticus took the seat opposite the man across the desk. And the man explained that before him was a contract and expectations of the signee in exchange for credits equal to services rendered. Still under influential magic Sparticus signed. Then he was led upstairs into a room that contained a Large Crystal. At the moment he walked in a link was created between him and the crystal. He could immediately feel his psychic energy being drained from him as he passed out. While he was passed out he caught a glimpse of Nxla in his mind’s eye as Nxla further compelled him to do the “Company” bidding.
Now that Sparticus was completely at their command they could begin his training, Assassin Training. This is the second time an organization has taken Sparticus against his will to train and use him as a weapon. First the CS and now the Dark Harvesters. Sparticus was to hunt down and kill other psychics for he proved to be very powerful indeed. And Nxla fears psychics that’s why the strongest are sought out for recruitment to exterminate the others. However, he needed to be taught the basics of sensitive psionics if he was to learn to track and sense his prey. For the Dark Harvesters were teaching Sparticus of control and subtlety. So everyday he was taken to train rigorously and when he wasn’t training he was linked to the crystal as his power was transferred to Nxla. Sparticus learned much about the sensitive part of his abilities and how to access the mind further and in turn access the energy of the surrounding world to a new extent.
Sparticus excelled in his training and quickly exceeded any expectations. He was already a trained assassin; they just made him much better at it. He was quickly sent out on missions and decimated all of his targets. It seemed that with his new found stealth, patients and ability to stalk his prey until the most opportune moment made him a very efficient killer. Sparticus killed many high level psychics and quickly racked up 170million credits. Suffice to say many died by his hand. More than the Dark Harvesters could have hoped for, they were all amazed at his power. He astounded Nxla itself, for the plan is to use prisoner psychics as assassins as their power is drained out each night. Most psychics will eventually lose all their power and die. Sparticus was different for some reason no matter how much he was drained of his psychic energy it was still there.
Sparticus had adapted and learned to use his new found sensitive abilities to sense magic energy, a completely foreign concept to him all together. Without having any real knowledge of this new energy source, he knew instinctively to feed off this magic energy and use this magic energy to power his own inner strength. With his new found source of nutrition Sparticus no longer feels the need to eat conventional food anymore. One day as Sparticus is passed out being drained linked to the crystal the party arrives to rescue him and Esrith who has been linked to the same crystal every night after his missions. Sparticus awakes unaware of how long he was in the service of the “Company” all he know is that he has a credit stick for 170million for his services, heart drops as he realizes his quest for inner peace may have had a very violent detour. Now he is back with the party, slightly different but back none the less.
Spartacus Garth was born to a family in chi-town. Being born with psionic abilities baby Spartacus quickly attracted any nearby dog-packs and psi-stalkers to the house. The local authorities were busting down the door of the house just moments after the boy was born. The CS troops quickly took the baby without explanation and vacated the residence, in seconds it was over like nothing had happened. Spartacus Garth was taken to a Psi-Net facility for the routine screenings mandated by the Psychic Registration Program (PRP). After the screening researchers determined that Spartacus possessed one of the most dangerous and rare of the physical psychic abilities, he was a Zapper. It was clear he could not be allowed to return to his family. The CS troops were sent back to the house to exterminate the family, so as to prevent any questions about the child. Spartacus was kept at a Psi-Net facility were many test were run on him till he was old enough to be shipped out for the Psi-Battalion Program at the ripe age of 4. His youth was spent in a completely locked down facility devoted to the training of Psi-Battalion troops. He endured years of physical and mental training. Being a Zapper he instinctively has distaste for machinery and science and prefers his abilities. Other prominent Zapper qualities like being a thrill seeker, being a bit foolish, and being extremely impulsive, lead him to be reprimanded quite often. Being a constant nuisance to his trainers, the head of the psionic development training program took a general disliking for Spartacus. As a result he assigned him to an engineering program forcing him to spend all his time around machines. On top of that Spartacus was also assigned to Burster training, he would be the first. The CS had recently discovered that with proper training an individual with born natural psionic abilities could develop other abilities not natural to them. Since that discovery the Psi-Battalion have included such training in their facilities. Typically psionic trainees were trained in mind melter and mind bleeder abilities, whatever fulfilled the needs of the CS. Unfortunately, for Spartacus being a zapper and pissing of the guards all the time it made him the perfect candidate for Burster Training. Unlike the other training programs this one is more like torcer, enduring extremely high temperatures he was made to focus his raw psionic energy. Although unsuccessful in his burster training on the day of his 18 birthday Spartacus was assigned to active duty on the Psi-Battalion Gamma team (Magic Zone Operations). On his first mission out the sergeant ordered a raid on a small caravan just outside of St. Louis. When Spartacus found the barrel of his gun pointed at a young boy’s head he hesitated. The Sargent ordered him to pull the trigger. During the haze of shouting and gun fire, Spartacus flashed back on his childhood and hatred brewed in him. Then the sergeant blasted the boy between the eyes and blood splattered on Spartacus’s face. In a rage he zaps the sergeant and flees. Able to lose the rest of the squad in the ruckus he runs panicked. With his unique abilities and life time training in engineering made it no problem for him to disable the (PRP) tracking device in his neck. He needed to get as far away as possible as fast as possible. He knew that the Psi-Battalion would be after him, everyone knows the Psi-Battalion always hunts down their own. One way or another they never let their investments run wild. Lt. Carol Black was notorious for her work on the Psi-Programs, that’s how she made it to the high command and she would never let her division “mess up”. Spartacus decided to run to Free Quebec, but he needed money. He came across a small time crook named Damon. After a botched bank robbery they found themselves in a coalition prison. Before the guards could get a positive ID on him a group of strangers attacked the prison and provided an opportunity of escape.
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