*chirp chirp* goes your badges while in Tolkeen…
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Topic: Tolkeen Civil Defense League News Edition
Greetings all and welcome to the 37th edition of TCDL News!
(what follows is a audio file read by an enthusiastic young-sounding male.)
BiblioTech here, and boy do we have some news for you tonight!
First-off, anyone knowing where Pure Spring is, please let us know down at central! she went off with the contacts list and hasnt been heard of in over 24hrs! Cardinal wont confirm dating her romantically one way or another, but he has put down a 5000000credit bounty on her safe return. *snickers* We have a stack contact lists here if anyone wants to go after that little minx. Talk to knickers for the numbers on this one, 4-1 odds that Tico the Hyperion Juicer finds her first! (*to astonished boos and some half hearted cheers*) hey hey now, I’ll bet any of you Tico finds her first! Don’t be a chicken, bet against him if you dare! (a small booky type dbee wearing a visor starts taking bets from a line of laughing TCDL members)
Next up, a fresh round of nukes came at Tolkeen central this afternoon, you might have noticed the flashes? Our trigflekters held em off though! *mad cackles* let em try those CS bastards!
Also strange reports of a glowing black light to the west after the blasts…since faded. Rumors abound about a rash of mysterious deaths in the Wildwoods barony, as of yet unsubstantiated. (Wildwoods is west of Tolkeen).
Tensions in Kings Tower tonight, as King Creed discusses the implication of recent Coalition aggression and announcement of its foul \”Crusade for Humanity\”. We got you all a copy of it too…
Coalition armies are seen digging in on the border of Wisconsin with increasing frequency, claiming to protect the areas there from \”skeleton raiders\” as \”an act of good faith, to allay the fears of those who call upon us for hope\” We sure could use some accurate numbers on just how many more they\’ve moved in…
We have intercepted this speech recently given by Emperor Prosek, listen to the horrors that await us… (read Call for Campaign for Humanity p9 cw9) And don\’t forget our famous Gal, Erin Tarn\’s recent volumn on this topic! she has mounds to say (looking for it at any common bookstore in Tolkeen or on TCDL’s online library finds a published diary of Erin Tarn p12 cw1)
Annnd lastly, Cardinal would still like to stress the importance of Tolkeen getting that shipment of NG arms in to protect the every citizen of our noble burg! Please contact him today, he has a Envoy ready to depart next week.
And Now a wooord from our sponsors!
“Congrats to Mal-Rock this week for winning the biggest monster steak BBQ competition for the 14th straight month! His capture and consumption of the elusive T-Rex gave some of the best ribs this side of MN, or so I\’ve been told.
Contact Tweeter to enter this weeks competition people! I\’m hopin someone brings in some sea-food next time… A 100,000 credit prize will be given out courtesy of the Ron D. Core to the winner.”
Ron D Core: Resident TCDL hardcore dj, Tolkeen Restaraunt Associations director and eating afficiano.
At the end of the adventurer Dorgo hands someone a check list. \”Dorgo write list, is good secretary\”. Some of the words are misspelled or backwards but it is legible.
Boss Todo List
Locate Pure Spring (for Cardinal TCDL leader offers 5mil and betting!)
NG contract for Cardinal to arm Tolkeen Militia fighters
Wisconsin troop count for Biblio-tech
Dig bad mines out of Tree-Town
Monster BBQ for ron
Buy Dorgo nice suit
*he grins waving his arms at the suggestion*Valen murmors… “yes, the devourer is moving in these words… I know it…take me back to my temple please…with what refugees will seek solace and convert to Dragonwright!”
After a somber pause, Valen goes on…
“…I will pray to Kymnarkmar for wisdom in these difficult times.”
Some of the refugees who have been following him around cheer.
“I do not know of those strange devices the Coalition has placed upon Kymnarkmars hallowed earth, but we must cleanse it of their evil as soon as possible.”
“Please Sir Ronan, use the fortunes of war in your possession to cleans the evil from our temples, and transport these faithful servants of Kymnarkmar on our most holiest of pilgramidges, the reclaimation of the Temple of the Tree!”
Valen offers to build them a home of their own in trade for fine gems he can use, and to bribe them to aide him. “I will create you the building of your dreams, if you Aide me”
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