Null is the Rifts descendent of Dick Cheney.
Null has a Masters Degree in Techno Wizardry from the Tolkeen Techno-Wizard Institute of Engineering. After failing to earn his PhD he tired of academia and decided to go adventuring. He first met Drago and the others at TCDL meeting to discuss the Edict of Planetary Distress.
Valen and his followers call Null by the title holy transporter” in Dragonese (”aina’transporte”).
Valen’s followers have adopted him as one of their saints (as is Drago) for taking their people across the wasteland in his robot vehicle.
4th Level Human Technowizard
IQ20+6% ME 14 MA 14 PS 13 PP 20 PE 14 PB 10 SPD 31
HP 30 SDC 45
HTH Expert 4 Attacks or 2 by Magic +5 to strike +7parry/dodge
WP Knife +2s/+2p +2throw, WP Erifle +2s, WP Heavy Energy +2s
PPE 129 +2d6/lvl ISP 35 +1d4+1/lvl
OCC Skills
TW Device Construction 82% +2 assistants total TW Construction skill /10
Languages: Techno-Can, Dragonese, English, Literacy English
Techno Wizard Base Piloting Skill 84%+2/lvl
Pilot Robots & PA, PICK ONE MORE PILOT SKILL, Sensory Equipment
Radio Basic, Computer Op, Programing, Repair
Mechanical Engineer & Robot Mechanics
Math Basic & Advanced, Land Nav
WP Knife, WP ERifle
5 OCC Skills
x2 HTH Expert
Electrical Engineer,
& Robot Electronics
Computer Hacking
3rd Level OCC Skills:
AI, Robot Combat Basic
Secondary Skills:
Athletics, Running, WP Heavy Energy Art Lore Magic/ 4th History: Prerifts
Techno Wizard Starting Spells
Armor of Ithan, Blinding Flash, Breath W/o Air, Call Lightning, Cloak of Darkness, Deflect, Electric Arc, Energy Bolt, Energy Field, Fire Ball, Fire Bolt, Fuel Flame, Fly, Force Bonds, Globe of Daylight, Ignite Fire, Impervious to Energy, Impervious to Fire, Magic Net, Magic shield, See Invisible, Sense Magic, Shadow Meld, Super Human Strength, Telekinesis
Additional Spells:
Teleport: Lesser, Magic Pigeon, recently learned Superhuman Speed from “rocco” the guy with huge hands for 80k.
Behemoth Explorer Robot vehicle, Wingboard
TW Magic Net gun, TW Fireburst Rifle, 2 Vibroknives, 3 plasma grenades
Platemail 200SDC TW 5th level Armor of Ithan, SuperHuman STrength & Speed
Techno Wizard Device Schematics:
Magic Net Gun
Armor Of Ithan for Behemoth Robot Vehicle
Rez’s Electric Car Conversion
Rez’s Automated Defense Orb
920,000cr in secret family account
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pilgramidge to clense the Temple of the Tree
Drago and Sparticus sit outside the Mercer Mansion, while MAGE has locked himself inside with the Nymph he is now utterly smitten with.
MAGE renews his human feelings, long since kept dormant by the inhuman effects of being bonded to an Eye of Eylor, and after hearing strange noises from within the Mansion, Drago and Sparticus decide to speek to Valen as an excuse to vacate the area of noise.
Valen and his followers grow ever the more agitated, muttering about how Kymnarkmar must deliver them from this muddy earth to the Temple of the Tree which is rightfuly theirs to claim. Suddenly, the earth shakes, and a distant hallo of light can be seen to approach… The followers fall to their knees enraptured, at the approach of…
Null in his Behemoth Explorer Robot!
Must of Valens followers have never seen such a robot before and are gazing up at it in wonder from their kneeling positions, while Valen begins murmoring frantic prayers to Kymnarkmar.
Drago sees this as the opportunity they were hoping for, to deliver the pilgrims back to their Temple of the Tree, in the safety of Null’s robot. They load the Villagers into the Behemoth’s cargo hold, while angry commuters honk at the blockage of the ENTIRE road by the enourmous robot vehicle. Sparticus silences the most annoying horns with his powers while drago sternly tells motorists to “DRIVE AROUND”. They do this somewhat, leaving deep ruts dug into the Mercer estate front lawn. (see Mercer estate post for current property damage list to the estate since MAGE moved in!)
Valen grumbles that his followers should have as many weapons and armor suits as possible before the dangerous voyage. In the hold a view of the followers becomes clear. They sit uneasily in the cargo hold, as the Adventurers watch them interact with Valen. A poor bunch, they currently still only have rags and sticks.
Currently his forces are divided into 3 groups of 25 each. Valen calls them his “Kmnarkmar’s claws”
Tiri Claw(bright) is lead by Brother Rockwell the overweight former Ortonville Inn owner. It consists mainly of desperate patrons of Rockwell’s inn who lost everything when it burned.
Ohtar Claw (warrior) is lead by the pale-skinned Brother Gerome . It seems to consist of 5 of his male cousins and 19 other trashy relatives of Gerome, a twisted inbred bush of a family tree for sure. Gerome often is heard being yelled at by one more more females of the clan. While he is around near constant screams of “WE NEED MORE FORMULA” or “SUSYQ’s OUT OF DIAPERS, AGAIN” come from the many baby laden females of the clan. Gerome mutters something apologetic to the woman and after running his hand through his rapidly thinning hair, wanders off in search of a means to meet her demands.
Tinechor Claw (sheild) is lead by Sister Agatha. A tough old woman and trapper.
The claw symbols are a star, a fist and a shield. They will attempt to charcoal these onto their uniforms. Currently have sticks, crude clubs, and sharpened hardened wood spears.
The leaders are all very obviously learning to be 1st Level priests from Valen. They constantly follow him around while their followers nervously regard each other. Valen preaches at them about the qualities of following Kymnarkmar’s wisdom to true enlightenment. Gerome keeps asking about luck, Rockwell asks when they are settling down, and Agatha mentions that the woman and children will not be able to travel far or quickly and that they should plan for this.
The rest of the unlisted followers are 1-2nd level Vagabond OCC turned Dragonwright Disciples.
Since they have no food for the followers, Drago had planned on going hunting with the guide Bender who Drago paid 500 credits to lead them. 20 miles outside of town they stop and go hunting. Sparticus is too noisy and Bender laughs at him (no prowl skill) and tells him to get back.
They hunt a bit and after killing a deer find 2 Demonic owls who attack them! Bender is turned against Drago with Psionics and emptys his particle beam rifle into Drago’s back before clumsily trying to strike him with a sword. Drago gets Luck cursed by the fiends before Null is able to net one. The netted one starts Bio-manipulation Agonying drago, who engages the other Demon while writhing in pain. Drago holds one off while everyone else eventually succumbs to Bio-manipulation, dropping what weapons they have from numb arms.
Finally drago beats the one in front of him down enough with the Indian Fetish Spear until it flees. But not before it rips Drago’s beloved Gem from his chest. Uncloaked and unable to remain transformed forever now, Drago thinks retreat is a tempting option. They decide to grab what weapons they dropped with Drago’s tail (since all had paralyzed arms!), and then they flee back to the Behemoth Robot-vehicle. It plods to Treetown without any problems.
Arriving at Treetown finds the temple in further disarray.
Where the Tree was blasted with the suitcase, is a scorched area clear of vegetation, but everywhere else it seems that the forest has overgrown everything in sight! Sparticus uses his electricity scanning powers to detect the mines and then explodes them with telekinesis. One damages a side of the church. There are still numerous mines inside the church which Sparticus can detect but not disarm safely. Valen uses his stone magic and creates a simple barracks for his followers next to the church ruins.
Drago sees a Yema in the ruins of the church, it casts a spell of strange swirling lights over the area. The Yema Mesmurizes most of the followers and Drago and Null manage to fight it off while Sparticus stands in awe of the pretty lights (failed save). Drago and null beat on it to no avail for awhile before Drago torches it with his firebreath. After it stops moving they hear a sonic boom in the distance…
Entering the church hits Drago with another Mine. Sparticus doesn’t think he should explode the mines he defiantly still sense in the church interior living quarters (Ronan’s church quarters is mined). So he leaves them for later…
Updated church description:
Steep black roof blown off at about 50′ up, it ends 30′ early in a jagged charred hole. The entire inside of the main hall of worship is covered in leaves and rainwater puddles. The ornately carved pillars have been damaged, and painted on pillar is “d-bees suck”. Of the four dragons out front, not much but rubble remains. The entire front entrance has collapsed. furnished dining halls intact in back (Narthex mined, ruined), quarters for the four priests of Dragonwright (intact in basement, mined), Fine Rooms north of parlor 1-3 destroyed (Ronan’s #4 in basement mined, 5-6 intact in basement), as well as meditation room(empty Sacristy) - and rooms for specific ceremonies (bapistry, sanctuary) full of destroyed remnants of candles)
The Temple of the Tree, parlor, transept, tower are all destroyed.
The church is haunted by haunting entities who have taken on the form of the slain Larnac children (killed when the Coalition raided Treetown while the adventurers were gone).
The ghosts especially accuse the living of not saving them and letting them die. (empathic transmission save against horror!)
The followers will begin cleaning up the outside of the church first, leaving Valen to weep inside about the destruction. Soon a small shanty town is put up around the burnt remnants of the old Larnac huts. It looks very pathetic in its current state.
The 75 original Ortonvillagers Valen recruited live in the 2 Barracks buildings he creates with stone magic.
The 10 additional followers Valen recruited while in Tolkeen live outside in a shanty town near the burnt Larnac huts.
Drago arms the followers with the case of C-14’s he teleported back to the Tree earlier. He also gives Agatha a vibro-sword.
45 seconds later the blackness is upon the camp. Drago is caught outside trying to rescue followers. Valen manages to get all 75 of the Ortonvillagers inside, and Drago saves 4 of the Tolkeenite followers, but 6 perish in the blackness… Sparticus is also caught outside and lapses into a coma (-10hp). Drago is only able to raise him from 10 hours later with the aide of many “Light healing” incantations. Sparticus is not quite the same after the near-death encounter…
It seems buildings created by Valen are somehow blessed and resist the black energy which drains life from all it touches.
Drago notices nothing but plants and lower lifeforms seems to live in the path of the blackness.
Drago goes into the forest and collects a vast pile of carcasses which he packs into a ditch lined with ice created with walls of ice. While gathering he sees a dead indian brave outside their camp.
The people are fed for now from vast stores of chilled meat, but the adventurers worry about just how wide the destruction was.. Drago teleports back to Tolkeen to warn King Creed but is coldly handled by his bureaucracy and after failing to gain a direct audience, Drago files a “apololypse 2-B” form with the receptionist and teleports back to the Temple of the Tree.
Shortly after the blackness recedes, a small swarm of Xiticix warriors descend on the camp. Drago and Sparticus blow them up with grenades and recoilless rockets.
Current missing/inactive party Status and Location:
MAGE: holed up in Mercer estate with Nymph. Will not come out or talk to any one.
Ronan: Gone on mysterious Cyber-knight buisness.
Dameon: Visiting “some stripclub” in south Tolkeen (gambling and whoring away pay)
Active party PCs and NPCs & XP:
Sparticus the Ex-con 3rd Level Zapper (5501 needs 8251) +75 skills, +50 clever but futile idea of neurostriking demon owls, 600 xp crital plan which saves lives (disabling 3 mines with TK/sense electricity),+100 daring engagement of Demon Owls after witnessing their abilities +100 aiding in driving off demon owl, +350 heroics against black death +50 zapping Yema +100 killing Xiticix (6926 needs 8251) Sparticus now has the insanity “Can not tell the truth” due to his near-death experience. (rolled randomly!)
Null the recent 3rd Level Techno-wizard College Graduate(8875) +175 skills, +100 heroic action driving followers to Temple of the Tree,+500 plan which saved lives of large group (Transporting them did this, ooc) +50 netting demon owl +50 playing in character (fleeing after arms are paralyzed),+50 stomping yema (9800, needs 18401) Null is now a 4th Level Technowizard, with 1 Level of real life experience! His resume is looking better.
Drago the 6th Level Great Horned Dragon Hatchling (30846 needs 50000) +125 skills, +25 clever idea digging followers latrines, +50 good judgment notifying King Creed of impending crisis, +100 playing in character rp, +500xp plan to shove all villagers into barracks against impending black energy wave saving their lives, +25 destroying yema +100 killing Xiticix +500 bed heroics +100 arming Kymnarkmar Claw Leaders with C-14s and Vibrosword(32371 needs 50000) Drago is currently Luck-cursed by the lingering dark magic of the Demon Owl. He is also still cursed with Hypochondria.
Valen & Torgo Valen is the leader of the following forces, Torgo acts as his warlord.
Brother Rockwell armed with Cudgel, C-14, 12grenades 1 long eclip, rags
Brother Gerome armed with walking stick, C-14, rags
Sister Agatha armed with knife, steaks, mallet, C-14, Vibrosword
69 other orton villagers Dragonwright followers
6 Recent convert Tolkeen Dragonwright followers
(7 followers have died this adventure, 4 from black death 3 from Xiticix)
MAGE renews his human feelings, long since kept dormant by the inhuman effects of being bonded to an Eye of Eylor, and after hearing strange noises from within the Mansion, Drago and Sparticus decide to speek to Valen as an excuse to vacate the area of noise.
Valen and his followers grow ever the more agitated, muttering about how Kymnarkmar must deliver them from this muddy earth to the Temple of the Tree which is rightfuly theirs to claim. Suddenly, the earth shakes, and a distant hallo of light can be seen to approach… The followers fall to their knees enraptured, at the approach of…
Null in his Behemoth Explorer Robot!
Must of Valens followers have never seen such a robot before and are gazing up at it in wonder from their kneeling positions, while Valen begins murmoring frantic prayers to Kymnarkmar.
Drago sees this as the opportunity they were hoping for, to deliver the pilgrims back to their Temple of the Tree, in the safety of Null’s robot. They load the Villagers into the Behemoth’s cargo hold, while angry commuters honk at the blockage of the ENTIRE road by the enourmous robot vehicle. Sparticus silences the most annoying horns with his powers while drago sternly tells motorists to “DRIVE AROUND”. They do this somewhat, leaving deep ruts dug into the Mercer estate front lawn. (see Mercer estate post for current property damage list to the estate since MAGE moved in!)
Valen grumbles that his followers should have as many weapons and armor suits as possible before the dangerous voyage. In the hold a view of the followers becomes clear. They sit uneasily in the cargo hold, as the Adventurers watch them interact with Valen. A poor bunch, they currently still only have rags and sticks.
Currently his forces are divided into 3 groups of 25 each. Valen calls them his “Kmnarkmar’s claws”
Tiri Claw(bright) is lead by Brother Rockwell the overweight former Ortonville Inn owner. It consists mainly of desperate patrons of Rockwell’s inn who lost everything when it burned.
Ohtar Claw (warrior) is lead by the pale-skinned Brother Gerome . It seems to consist of 5 of his male cousins and 19 other trashy relatives of Gerome, a twisted inbred bush of a family tree for sure. Gerome often is heard being yelled at by one more more females of the clan. While he is around near constant screams of “WE NEED MORE FORMULA” or “SUSYQ’s OUT OF DIAPERS, AGAIN” come from the many baby laden females of the clan. Gerome mutters something apologetic to the woman and after running his hand through his rapidly thinning hair, wanders off in search of a means to meet her demands.
Tinechor Claw (sheild) is lead by Sister Agatha. A tough old woman and trapper.
The claw symbols are a star, a fist and a shield. They will attempt to charcoal these onto their uniforms. Currently have sticks, crude clubs, and sharpened hardened wood spears.
The leaders are all very obviously learning to be 1st Level priests from Valen. They constantly follow him around while their followers nervously regard each other. Valen preaches at them about the qualities of following Kymnarkmar’s wisdom to true enlightenment. Gerome keeps asking about luck, Rockwell asks when they are settling down, and Agatha mentions that the woman and children will not be able to travel far or quickly and that they should plan for this.
The rest of the unlisted followers are 1-2nd level Vagabond OCC turned Dragonwright Disciples.
Since they have no food for the followers, Drago had planned on going hunting with the guide Bender who Drago paid 500 credits to lead them. 20 miles outside of town they stop and go hunting. Sparticus is too noisy and Bender laughs at him (no prowl skill) and tells him to get back.
They hunt a bit and after killing a deer find 2 Demonic owls who attack them! Bender is turned against Drago with Psionics and emptys his particle beam rifle into Drago’s back before clumsily trying to strike him with a sword. Drago gets Luck cursed by the fiends before Null is able to net one. The netted one starts Bio-manipulation Agonying drago, who engages the other Demon while writhing in pain. Drago holds one off while everyone else eventually succumbs to Bio-manipulation, dropping what weapons they have from numb arms.
Finally drago beats the one in front of him down enough with the Indian Fetish Spear until it flees. But not before it rips Drago’s beloved Gem from his chest. Uncloaked and unable to remain transformed forever now, Drago thinks retreat is a tempting option. They decide to grab what weapons they dropped with Drago’s tail (since all had paralyzed arms!), and then they flee back to the Behemoth Robot-vehicle. It plods to Treetown without any problems.
Arriving at Treetown finds the temple in further disarray.
Where the Tree was blasted with the suitcase, is a scorched area clear of vegetation, but everywhere else it seems that the forest has overgrown everything in sight! Sparticus uses his electricity scanning powers to detect the mines and then explodes them with telekinesis. One damages a side of the church. There are still numerous mines inside the church which Sparticus can detect but not disarm safely. Valen uses his stone magic and creates a simple barracks for his followers next to the church ruins.
Drago sees a Yema in the ruins of the church, it casts a spell of strange swirling lights over the area. The Yema Mesmurizes most of the followers and Drago and Null manage to fight it off while Sparticus stands in awe of the pretty lights (failed save). Drago and null beat on it to no avail for awhile before Drago torches it with his firebreath. After it stops moving they hear a sonic boom in the distance…
Entering the church hits Drago with another Mine. Sparticus doesn’t think he should explode the mines he defiantly still sense in the church interior living quarters (Ronan’s church quarters is mined). So he leaves them for later…
Updated church description:
Steep black roof blown off at about 50′ up, it ends 30′ early in a jagged charred hole. The entire inside of the main hall of worship is covered in leaves and rainwater puddles. The ornately carved pillars have been damaged, and painted on pillar is “d-bees suck”. Of the four dragons out front, not much but rubble remains. The entire front entrance has collapsed. furnished dining halls intact in back (Narthex mined, ruined), quarters for the four priests of Dragonwright (intact in basement, mined), Fine Rooms north of parlor 1-3 destroyed (Ronan’s #4 in basement mined, 5-6 intact in basement), as well as meditation room(empty Sacristy) - and rooms for specific ceremonies (bapistry, sanctuary) full of destroyed remnants of candles)
The Temple of the Tree, parlor, transept, tower are all destroyed.
The church is haunted by haunting entities who have taken on the form of the slain Larnac children (killed when the Coalition raided Treetown while the adventurers were gone).
The ghosts especially accuse the living of not saving them and letting them die. (empathic transmission save against horror!)
The followers will begin cleaning up the outside of the church first, leaving Valen to weep inside about the destruction. Soon a small shanty town is put up around the burnt remnants of the old Larnac huts. It looks very pathetic in its current state.
The 75 original Ortonvillagers Valen recruited live in the 2 Barracks buildings he creates with stone magic.
The 10 additional followers Valen recruited while in Tolkeen live outside in a shanty town near the burnt Larnac huts.
Drago arms the followers with the case of C-14’s he teleported back to the Tree earlier. He also gives Agatha a vibro-sword.
45 seconds later the blackness is upon the camp. Drago is caught outside trying to rescue followers. Valen manages to get all 75 of the Ortonvillagers inside, and Drago saves 4 of the Tolkeenite followers, but 6 perish in the blackness… Sparticus is also caught outside and lapses into a coma (-10hp). Drago is only able to raise him from 10 hours later with the aide of many “Light healing” incantations. Sparticus is not quite the same after the near-death encounter…
It seems buildings created by Valen are somehow blessed and resist the black energy which drains life from all it touches.
Drago notices nothing but plants and lower lifeforms seems to live in the path of the blackness.
Drago goes into the forest and collects a vast pile of carcasses which he packs into a ditch lined with ice created with walls of ice. While gathering he sees a dead indian brave outside their camp.
The people are fed for now from vast stores of chilled meat, but the adventurers worry about just how wide the destruction was.. Drago teleports back to Tolkeen to warn King Creed but is coldly handled by his bureaucracy and after failing to gain a direct audience, Drago files a “apololypse 2-B” form with the receptionist and teleports back to the Temple of the Tree.
Shortly after the blackness recedes, a small swarm of Xiticix warriors descend on the camp. Drago and Sparticus blow them up with grenades and recoilless rockets.
Current missing/inactive party Status and Location:
MAGE: holed up in Mercer estate with Nymph. Will not come out or talk to any one.
Ronan: Gone on mysterious Cyber-knight buisness.
Dameon: Visiting “some stripclub” in south Tolkeen (gambling and whoring away pay)
Active party PCs and NPCs & XP:
Sparticus the Ex-con 3rd Level Zapper (5501 needs 8251) +75 skills, +50 clever but futile idea of neurostriking demon owls, 600 xp crital plan which saves lives (disabling 3 mines with TK/sense electricity),+100 daring engagement of Demon Owls after witnessing their abilities +100 aiding in driving off demon owl, +350 heroics against black death +50 zapping Yema +100 killing Xiticix (6926 needs 8251) Sparticus now has the insanity “Can not tell the truth” due to his near-death experience. (rolled randomly!)
Null the recent 3rd Level Techno-wizard College Graduate(8875) +175 skills, +100 heroic action driving followers to Temple of the Tree,+500 plan which saved lives of large group (Transporting them did this, ooc) +50 netting demon owl +50 playing in character (fleeing after arms are paralyzed),+50 stomping yema (9800, needs 18401) Null is now a 4th Level Technowizard, with 1 Level of real life experience! His resume is looking better.
Drago the 6th Level Great Horned Dragon Hatchling (30846 needs 50000) +125 skills, +25 clever idea digging followers latrines, +50 good judgment notifying King Creed of impending crisis, +100 playing in character rp, +500xp plan to shove all villagers into barracks against impending black energy wave saving their lives, +25 destroying yema +100 killing Xiticix +500 bed heroics +100 arming Kymnarkmar Claw Leaders with C-14s and Vibrosword(32371 needs 50000) Drago is currently Luck-cursed by the lingering dark magic of the Demon Owl. He is also still cursed with Hypochondria.
Valen & Torgo Valen is the leader of the following forces, Torgo acts as his warlord.
Brother Rockwell armed with Cudgel, C-14, 12grenades 1 long eclip, rags
Brother Gerome armed with walking stick, C-14, rags
Sister Agatha armed with knife, steaks, mallet, C-14, Vibrosword
69 other orton villagers Dragonwright followers
6 Recent convert Tolkeen Dragonwright followers
(7 followers have died this adventure, 4 from black death 3 from Xiticix)
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
TCDL Checklist
Farmer Bob guards the entrance to TCDL Central
After talking to Farmer bob(the cover for TCDL central is a farmhouse) Drago and Sparticus get this checklist. Pure Spring has wandered off in search of contacts for the TCDL as part of one of the tasks discussed at the meeting discussing the edict of planetary distress. She hasn’t made contact in over 24hours and one of the TCDL’s acting leaders wants her back. He offers 5million.
“We need someone to visit contacts the following cities in search of a missing TCDL operative, Pure Spring” (ts5p57) Says farmer bob. Go get ‘er boys! Tico’s got quite a lead on ye’
Chimera (Mizereen) Wallace Cromwell, Mayor
Hogswaller near Iowa
After hiring the guide, Bender, Drago and Sparticus decide to first visit Borderline. Corrupt magic weilding cops demand a payoff for letting Sparticus go wearing his powerarmor. Sparticus responds by blowing up most of the cops soldiers. Drago and Sparticus manage to kill the Cops and destroy the Cops Magic Constructs. One of the cops mystic portals off the back of a Construct before they can kill him as well. Stealing the robots sword, Sparticus and Drago retreat back to Tolkeen. Sparticus’s Robot suffered a primary combat computer failiure in the battle (-1ata and other negatives). Bender gets paid 3500 credits and is seen hanging around in the front yard of MAGE’s estate…
Valen looks increasingly nervous and keeps murmuring about how the sacred pilgrimage to the Temple of the Tree must begin soon and this his followers will need some miracle to safely carry them across the wasteland. Drago finds 2 trucks that could take them but they cost 55000 credits each. (Fat Vic the seller wont negotiate lower, these are good quality armored trucks, but used).
Before they went after the checklist, Drago got a job offer from Kid to “talk” to one Dan the Savage, rumored to be holed up in the Crocked Sister, a bar in Hilcrest. Drago, Mage, Sparticus and Dameon have a botched hit on Dan where Mage finds a demon locust hiding on the bars top, they retreat back trying to keep knowledge of their illicit task from Ronan. Of course Ronan finds out, and trys beating them back to the bar. They have a pitched battle where Dan turns out to be a horrifically scarred Psistalker with a crew of 10 more riding Skycycles covered in skulls. Dan is upstairs guarded by an Angrar Mark II. Ronan defeats the Mark II and chases Dan down and protects him from Drago’s murderous wrath.
Drago fights with an Angrar Assault robot for a moment before rescuing Sparticus’s very blown up body from the scene. They flee, alive.
Ronin delivers Dan to a group of Metzla’s he found out about from one of Kid’s friends. They have captured Kid in retribution for the previous failed hit. In return for Dan they free Kid. Kid is pissed and leaves.
XP From previous attempt at roughing up one “Savage Dan” for the Kid in order to make him happy enough to release funds (considered a failure, Kid has disappeared)
Drago the Hatchling (6th Level 30196)+125skills, 50bribe, 100rp about villagers,+25 worship of Kymnarkmar with acolytes, 50 explosives idea, 150 rescuing rescue of Sparticus, 50 challenging Ronan, +50 killing 2 psi-stalkers, +50 Defeating borderline police mage seargent and Earth Thunder Automaton (the leader fled his slain patrol via Mystic Portal and survives yet!) (30846 needs 50000) Drago is currently cursed with hypochondria after Object Reading the dead Demon Locust’s stinger and experiencing a millenia of evil acts in the blink of an eye.
MAGE the Line Walker (7th Level 43540)+125skills +100 clever idea about mine detection, +100 quick thinking idea to save Dan’s captured food-Nymph, covered in cuts and barely alive, +100 playin in character, eating Nymphs “thank-you” tarts, failing save and falling madly in love with her, +25 clever but futile idea about something unimportant,+200 fixing GM’s glasses� +50 killing Demon Locust (44240 needs 50921) MAGE has been Cursed with a Phobia of water and a Luck Curse by the Demon Locust. He has also been cursed by faerie tarts to fall in love with the Nymph he saved.
Ronin the Cyberknight (6th Level 26078)+175 skills, +25 booze idea, +25 rp +100 avoiding un-needed violence and +100 endangering own life to save Dans, +100 killing 2 psi-stalkers and removing all weapon systems from one Angrar Mark II with his psi-sword +50 redeeming Dan for Kid.+50 rp vs Drago +50 quick thinking to escape Carpet of adhesion by cutting hole in the 2nd story of the Mercer estate and droping to the 1st (26753 needs 35521)
Sparticus the Zapper (3rd Level 4826)+75 skills +100 clever idea sensing weapons, +100 diagnosis of wartroll damage as “Combat Computer Related”. +300 killing 4 corrupt Borderline Police Officers with Wartroll Missle Launcher +75 disabling one Earth Thunder Automaton +25 futile idea about removing chip (5501 needs 8251) Sparticus is closest to leveling.
Dameon the Bandit (5th Level, 17376) +225 skills (the only streetwise character), +50 recon idea +25 futile idea about removing chip +50 clever idea detonating Drago’s explosive harness +50 blow away tetonic entity (17776 needs 24,501)
After talking to Farmer bob(the cover for TCDL central is a farmhouse) Drago and Sparticus get this checklist. Pure Spring has wandered off in search of contacts for the TCDL as part of one of the tasks discussed at the meeting discussing the edict of planetary distress. She hasn’t made contact in over 24hours and one of the TCDL’s acting leaders wants her back. He offers 5million.
“We need someone to visit contacts the following cities in search of a missing TCDL operative, Pure Spring” (ts5p57) Says farmer bob. Go get ‘er boys! Tico’s got quite a lead on ye’
Chimera (Mizereen) Wallace Cromwell, Mayor
Hogswaller near Iowa
After hiring the guide, Bender, Drago and Sparticus decide to first visit Borderline. Corrupt magic weilding cops demand a payoff for letting Sparticus go wearing his powerarmor. Sparticus responds by blowing up most of the cops soldiers. Drago and Sparticus manage to kill the Cops and destroy the Cops Magic Constructs. One of the cops mystic portals off the back of a Construct before they can kill him as well. Stealing the robots sword, Sparticus and Drago retreat back to Tolkeen. Sparticus’s Robot suffered a primary combat computer failiure in the battle (-1ata and other negatives). Bender gets paid 3500 credits and is seen hanging around in the front yard of MAGE’s estate…
Valen looks increasingly nervous and keeps murmuring about how the sacred pilgrimage to the Temple of the Tree must begin soon and this his followers will need some miracle to safely carry them across the wasteland. Drago finds 2 trucks that could take them but they cost 55000 credits each. (Fat Vic the seller wont negotiate lower, these are good quality armored trucks, but used).
Before they went after the checklist, Drago got a job offer from Kid to “talk” to one Dan the Savage, rumored to be holed up in the Crocked Sister, a bar in Hilcrest. Drago, Mage, Sparticus and Dameon have a botched hit on Dan where Mage finds a demon locust hiding on the bars top, they retreat back trying to keep knowledge of their illicit task from Ronan. Of course Ronan finds out, and trys beating them back to the bar. They have a pitched battle where Dan turns out to be a horrifically scarred Psistalker with a crew of 10 more riding Skycycles covered in skulls. Dan is upstairs guarded by an Angrar Mark II. Ronan defeats the Mark II and chases Dan down and protects him from Drago’s murderous wrath.
Drago fights with an Angrar Assault robot for a moment before rescuing Sparticus’s very blown up body from the scene. They flee, alive.
Ronin delivers Dan to a group of Metzla’s he found out about from one of Kid’s friends. They have captured Kid in retribution for the previous failed hit. In return for Dan they free Kid. Kid is pissed and leaves.
XP From previous attempt at roughing up one “Savage Dan” for the Kid in order to make him happy enough to release funds (considered a failure, Kid has disappeared)
Drago the Hatchling (6th Level 30196)+125skills, 50bribe, 100rp about villagers,+25 worship of Kymnarkmar with acolytes, 50 explosives idea, 150 rescuing rescue of Sparticus, 50 challenging Ronan, +50 killing 2 psi-stalkers, +50 Defeating borderline police mage seargent and Earth Thunder Automaton (the leader fled his slain patrol via Mystic Portal and survives yet!) (30846 needs 50000) Drago is currently cursed with hypochondria after Object Reading the dead Demon Locust’s stinger and experiencing a millenia of evil acts in the blink of an eye.
MAGE the Line Walker (7th Level 43540)+125skills +100 clever idea about mine detection, +100 quick thinking idea to save Dan’s captured food-Nymph, covered in cuts and barely alive, +100 playin in character, eating Nymphs “thank-you” tarts, failing save and falling madly in love with her, +25 clever but futile idea about something unimportant,+200 fixing GM’s glasses� +50 killing Demon Locust (44240 needs 50921) MAGE has been Cursed with a Phobia of water and a Luck Curse by the Demon Locust. He has also been cursed by faerie tarts to fall in love with the Nymph he saved.
Ronin the Cyberknight (6th Level 26078)+175 skills, +25 booze idea, +25 rp +100 avoiding un-needed violence and +100 endangering own life to save Dans, +100 killing 2 psi-stalkers and removing all weapon systems from one Angrar Mark II with his psi-sword +50 redeeming Dan for Kid.+50 rp vs Drago +50 quick thinking to escape Carpet of adhesion by cutting hole in the 2nd story of the Mercer estate and droping to the 1st (26753 needs 35521)
Sparticus the Zapper (3rd Level 4826)+75 skills +100 clever idea sensing weapons, +100 diagnosis of wartroll damage as “Combat Computer Related”. +300 killing 4 corrupt Borderline Police Officers with Wartroll Missle Launcher +75 disabling one Earth Thunder Automaton +25 futile idea about removing chip (5501 needs 8251) Sparticus is closest to leveling.
Dameon the Bandit (5th Level, 17376) +225 skills (the only streetwise character), +50 recon idea +25 futile idea about removing chip +50 clever idea detonating Drago’s explosive harness +50 blow away tetonic entity (17776 needs 24,501)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Tolkeen Civil Defense League News
*chirp chirp* goes your badges while in Tolkeen…
*msg enc async mode active leynet -ONLINE*
Topic: Tolkeen Civil Defense League News Edition
Greetings all and welcome to the 37th edition of TCDL News!
(what follows is a audio file read by an enthusiastic young-sounding male.)
BiblioTech here, and boy do we have some news for you tonight!
First-off, anyone knowing where Pure Spring is, please let us know down at central! she went off with the contacts list and hasnt been heard of in over 24hrs! Cardinal wont confirm dating her romantically one way or another, but he has put down a 5000000credit bounty on her safe return. *snickers* We have a stack contact lists here if anyone wants to go after that little minx. Talk to knickers for the numbers on this one, 4-1 odds that Tico the Hyperion Juicer finds her first! (*to astonished boos and some half hearted cheers*) hey hey now, I’ll bet any of you Tico finds her first! Don’t be a chicken, bet against him if you dare! (a small booky type dbee wearing a visor starts taking bets from a line of laughing TCDL members)
Next up, a fresh round of nukes came at Tolkeen central this afternoon, you might have noticed the flashes? Our trigflekters held em off though! *mad cackles* let em try those CS bastards!
Also strange reports of a glowing black light to the west after the blasts…since faded. Rumors abound about a rash of mysterious deaths in the Wildwoods barony, as of yet unsubstantiated. (Wildwoods is west of Tolkeen).
Tensions in Kings Tower tonight, as King Creed discusses the implication of recent Coalition aggression and announcement of its foul \”Crusade for Humanity\”. We got you all a copy of it too…
Coalition armies are seen digging in on the border of Wisconsin with increasing frequency, claiming to protect the areas there from \”skeleton raiders\” as \”an act of good faith, to allay the fears of those who call upon us for hope\” We sure could use some accurate numbers on just how many more they\’ve moved in…
We have intercepted this speech recently given by Emperor Prosek, listen to the horrors that await us… (read Call for Campaign for Humanity p9 cw9) And don\’t forget our famous Gal, Erin Tarn\’s recent volumn on this topic! she has mounds to say (looking for it at any common bookstore in Tolkeen or on TCDL’s online library finds a published diary of Erin Tarn p12 cw1)
Annnd lastly, Cardinal would still like to stress the importance of Tolkeen getting that shipment of NG arms in to protect the every citizen of our noble burg! Please contact him today, he has a Envoy ready to depart next week.
And Now a wooord from our sponsors!
“Congrats to Mal-Rock this week for winning the biggest monster steak BBQ competition for the 14th straight month! His capture and consumption of the elusive T-Rex gave some of the best ribs this side of MN, or so I\’ve been told.
Contact Tweeter to enter this weeks competition people! I\’m hopin someone brings in some sea-food next time… A 100,000 credit prize will be given out courtesy of the Ron D. Core to the winner.”
Ron D Core: Resident TCDL hardcore dj, Tolkeen Restaraunt Associations director and eating afficiano.
At the end of the adventurer Dorgo hands someone a check list. \”Dorgo write list, is good secretary\”. Some of the words are misspelled or backwards but it is legible.
Boss Todo List
Locate Pure Spring (for Cardinal TCDL leader offers 5mil and betting!)
NG contract for Cardinal to arm Tolkeen Militia fighters
Wisconsin troop count for Biblio-tech
Dig bad mines out of Tree-Town
Monster BBQ for ron
Buy Dorgo nice suit
*he grins waving his arms at the suggestion*Valen murmors… “yes, the devourer is moving in these words… I know it…take me back to my temple please…with what refugees will seek solace and convert to Dragonwright!”
After a somber pause, Valen goes on…
“…I will pray to Kymnarkmar for wisdom in these difficult times.”
Some of the refugees who have been following him around cheer.
“I do not know of those strange devices the Coalition has placed upon Kymnarkmars hallowed earth, but we must cleanse it of their evil as soon as possible.”
“Please Sir Ronan, use the fortunes of war in your possession to cleans the evil from our temples, and transport these faithful servants of Kymnarkmar on our most holiest of pilgramidges, the reclaimation of the Temple of the Tree!”
Valen offers to build them a home of their own in trade for fine gems he can use, and to bribe them to aide him. “I will create you the building of your dreams, if you Aide me”
*msg enc async mode active leynet -ONLINE*
Topic: Tolkeen Civil Defense League News Edition
Greetings all and welcome to the 37th edition of TCDL News!
(what follows is a audio file read by an enthusiastic young-sounding male.)
BiblioTech here, and boy do we have some news for you tonight!
First-off, anyone knowing where Pure Spring is, please let us know down at central! she went off with the contacts list and hasnt been heard of in over 24hrs! Cardinal wont confirm dating her romantically one way or another, but he has put down a 5000000credit bounty on her safe return. *snickers* We have a stack contact lists here if anyone wants to go after that little minx. Talk to knickers for the numbers on this one, 4-1 odds that Tico the Hyperion Juicer finds her first! (*to astonished boos and some half hearted cheers*) hey hey now, I’ll bet any of you Tico finds her first! Don’t be a chicken, bet against him if you dare! (a small booky type dbee wearing a visor starts taking bets from a line of laughing TCDL members)
Next up, a fresh round of nukes came at Tolkeen central this afternoon, you might have noticed the flashes? Our trigflekters held em off though! *mad cackles* let em try those CS bastards!
Also strange reports of a glowing black light to the west after the blasts…since faded. Rumors abound about a rash of mysterious deaths in the Wildwoods barony, as of yet unsubstantiated. (Wildwoods is west of Tolkeen).
Tensions in Kings Tower tonight, as King Creed discusses the implication of recent Coalition aggression and announcement of its foul \”Crusade for Humanity\”. We got you all a copy of it too…
Coalition armies are seen digging in on the border of Wisconsin with increasing frequency, claiming to protect the areas there from \”skeleton raiders\” as \”an act of good faith, to allay the fears of those who call upon us for hope\” We sure could use some accurate numbers on just how many more they\’ve moved in…
We have intercepted this speech recently given by Emperor Prosek, listen to the horrors that await us… (read Call for Campaign for Humanity p9 cw9) And don\’t forget our famous Gal, Erin Tarn\’s recent volumn on this topic! she has mounds to say (looking for it at any common bookstore in Tolkeen or on TCDL’s online library finds a published diary of Erin Tarn p12 cw1)
Annnd lastly, Cardinal would still like to stress the importance of Tolkeen getting that shipment of NG arms in to protect the every citizen of our noble burg! Please contact him today, he has a Envoy ready to depart next week.
And Now a wooord from our sponsors!
“Congrats to Mal-Rock this week for winning the biggest monster steak BBQ competition for the 14th straight month! His capture and consumption of the elusive T-Rex gave some of the best ribs this side of MN, or so I\’ve been told.
Contact Tweeter to enter this weeks competition people! I\’m hopin someone brings in some sea-food next time… A 100,000 credit prize will be given out courtesy of the Ron D. Core to the winner.”
Ron D Core: Resident TCDL hardcore dj, Tolkeen Restaraunt Associations director and eating afficiano.
At the end of the adventurer Dorgo hands someone a check list. \”Dorgo write list, is good secretary\”. Some of the words are misspelled or backwards but it is legible.
Boss Todo List
Locate Pure Spring (for Cardinal TCDL leader offers 5mil and betting!)
NG contract for Cardinal to arm Tolkeen Militia fighters
Wisconsin troop count for Biblio-tech
Dig bad mines out of Tree-Town
Monster BBQ for ron
Buy Dorgo nice suit
*he grins waving his arms at the suggestion*Valen murmors… “yes, the devourer is moving in these words… I know it…take me back to my temple please…with what refugees will seek solace and convert to Dragonwright!”
After a somber pause, Valen goes on…
“…I will pray to Kymnarkmar for wisdom in these difficult times.”
Some of the refugees who have been following him around cheer.
“I do not know of those strange devices the Coalition has placed upon Kymnarkmars hallowed earth, but we must cleanse it of their evil as soon as possible.”
“Please Sir Ronan, use the fortunes of war in your possession to cleans the evil from our temples, and transport these faithful servants of Kymnarkmar on our most holiest of pilgramidges, the reclaimation of the Temple of the Tree!”
Valen offers to build them a home of their own in trade for fine gems he can use, and to bribe them to aide him. “I will create you the building of your dreams, if you Aide me”
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Mercer Estate
I’ll be using Claymont’s images, yea thanks. Replace Claymont with Mercer!
The entire house is made out of stone. It has a vaguely Romanesque feeling to it.
There is about 100ft of lawn in any direction before the next neighbors house. One side of the house faces the lake. This is the side MAGE Shanty town is currently built on.
Here are the maps of the estate. Fredric the Second had a room in Room #8 of the upstairs farthest away from his father in the master bedroom. The master bedroom door is warded in at least three different languages and radiates powerful magic.
One is in an unreadable language.
A big one in English says:
What does man love more than life
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What the poor have, the rich require,
and what contented men desire,
What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves
And all men carry to their graves?
A smaller one in Dragonese says:
Thin, I am quick,
Fat, I am slow,
Wind is my foe.
Next to the door is a Candlestick with a candle which never seems to burn down on a ledge.
Also on the ledge is a strange abacus like contraption built into the wall numbers on them in a pattern like this:
Below them is another row which could be manipulated, it is currently:
At the foot of the stairs next to room #4’s entrance lies a suit of ancient platemail armor on a stand, covered in dust. Iris room was Mercer the first’s old laboratory… The library mainly consists of technical documentation but there is a bookshelf with fiction and some pre-rifts novels.
The obvious house assets include:
1 Combat Programmed NG-W9 Light Labor Bot w/ batteries (chaufer/butler/gardener, recharging in garage)
2 magical constructs in shape of beautiful women, statues. (outside of dad’s door)
Art collection possibly worth something… Many strange artifacts litter the mansion.
Fully stocked bar, kitchen, laundry facilities.
TW Power-generator, pump, and Well in basement.
Most rooms have a computer console built into a wall somewhere discrete.
Parked in garage sits Mercer the first’s pride and joy, a Dodge Rocket (red with flames)
It appears there were once flesh and blood workers here but they seem to have vacated the area, it has an vacant in feel to it.
Inside the house on the guest quarters door is the following note in gobbley:
Property Damage list:
The grounds are in obvious disarray, with the shanty town trampling what unmaintained landscaping remained.
Wall in hallway scorched.
Hole cut in floor by psiswords from Room 3 of floor 2 to Floor one.� This ocured in an altercation between Drago and Ronin.
Lights in front floyer all burned out, as is the computer console.� This happend when Sparticus badly injured drew too strongly from the mansions aging wiring.
Large trail of tire tracks where cars drove around Behmoth in front lawn.
The entire house is made out of stone. It has a vaguely Romanesque feeling to it.
There is about 100ft of lawn in any direction before the next neighbors house. One side of the house faces the lake. This is the side MAGE Shanty town is currently built on.
Here are the maps of the estate. Fredric the Second had a room in Room #8 of the upstairs farthest away from his father in the master bedroom. The master bedroom door is warded in at least three different languages and radiates powerful magic.
One is in an unreadable language.
A big one in English says:
What does man love more than life
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What the poor have, the rich require,
and what contented men desire,
What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves
And all men carry to their graves?
A smaller one in Dragonese says:
Thin, I am quick,
Fat, I am slow,
Wind is my foe.
Next to the door is a Candlestick with a candle which never seems to burn down on a ledge.
Also on the ledge is a strange abacus like contraption built into the wall numbers on them in a pattern like this:
Below them is another row which could be manipulated, it is currently:
At the foot of the stairs next to room #4’s entrance lies a suit of ancient platemail armor on a stand, covered in dust. Iris room was Mercer the first’s old laboratory… The library mainly consists of technical documentation but there is a bookshelf with fiction and some pre-rifts novels.
The obvious house assets include:
1 Combat Programmed NG-W9 Light Labor Bot w/ batteries (chaufer/butler/gardener, recharging in garage)
2 magical constructs in shape of beautiful women, statues. (outside of dad’s door)
Art collection possibly worth something… Many strange artifacts litter the mansion.
Fully stocked bar, kitchen, laundry facilities.
TW Power-generator, pump, and Well in basement.
Most rooms have a computer console built into a wall somewhere discrete.
Parked in garage sits Mercer the first’s pride and joy, a Dodge Rocket (red with flames)
It appears there were once flesh and blood workers here but they seem to have vacated the area, it has an vacant in feel to it.
Inside the house on the guest quarters door is the following note in gobbley:
Property Damage list:
The grounds are in obvious disarray, with the shanty town trampling what unmaintained landscaping remained.
Wall in hallway scorched.
Hole cut in floor by psiswords from Room 3 of floor 2 to Floor one.� This ocured in an altercation between Drago and Ronin.
Lights in front floyer all burned out, as is the computer console.� This happend when Sparticus badly injured drew too strongly from the mansions aging wiring.
Large trail of tire tracks where cars drove around Behmoth in front lawn.
Dragos Atlantis Adventure
Constantly having an itchy tail for adventure, Drago teleports to Atlantis. While his companions enjoy some well deserved R&R after their raid against the Coalition, Drago hoped to get in some shopping.
His dreams quickly turned to nightmares as he is captured outside the Splynn Market by a
black Balrog with a white crown of bone. Drago has a Zombitron placedon him and is teleported to the Balrog’s hell dimension.
There the Balrog explains that Drago can have his freedom, if he only does the Balrog a favor. “You need to take my daughter shopping, she needs to buy a pug” is all the big Demon says before jumping through a portal and leaving Drago in the hell dimension, a cavernous black cave with a mystic portal in one corner and little else.
BOOM BOOM BOOM heres Drago, and he quickly sees a smaller female Balrog enter, also black with a white tiara of bone. She screeeches “DAaaaaaaady” (think the paris Hilton of Balrogs).
Seeing daddy has fled, she coos “OOOh a new pet, are YOUUU taking me to get my pug dog?” Drago tries to resist but the Zombitron lets her control him like a leash. She beats on him for awhile while “cuddling”.
He agrees and she teleports them both back to the Splynn market. Drago tries resisting a few times but finds it difficult (save vs magic ss12 every action of freewill). She almost leads hiim into getting hit by a flying boat as well (go +6 sixth sense dodge roll!)
Finaly he sees a sign with a dead dog, rising up, a dead human rising up and a dead…something rising up.
The dog looks promising, so he enters the Re-animators shop (of Splynn Dimensional Market stardom). The fellow wants a hefty sum to re-animate a pug corpse he just so happens to have on hand. Drago offers him his OWN dragon hand in return for the Pug. The Re-animator agrees, and while shaking pricks Drago with something. HE then leads drago to a chained up Tatooed Ogre who makes a flaming sword and removes one of Drago’s hands.
The pug is re-animated into a grotesque greater undead zombie-pug, and while the female Paris-Balrog squeals indelight, Drago manages to escape!
HE runs outside and is hit by a flying boat maned by D-ghouls. Impaled on a unicorn head on their boats bow, he pulls himself from its horn and falls to the earth…
Finaly free, he teleports back to Tolkeen, handless and bruised. Enough Atlantis for one day…
Drago XP (30096) +50 small act of self sacrafice to escape +50 avoiding unessicary violence against balrogs (30196)
His dreams quickly turned to nightmares as he is captured outside the Splynn Market by a
black Balrog with a white crown of bone. Drago has a Zombitron placedon him and is teleported to the Balrog’s hell dimension.
There the Balrog explains that Drago can have his freedom, if he only does the Balrog a favor. “You need to take my daughter shopping, she needs to buy a pug” is all the big Demon says before jumping through a portal and leaving Drago in the hell dimension, a cavernous black cave with a mystic portal in one corner and little else.
BOOM BOOM BOOM heres Drago, and he quickly sees a smaller female Balrog enter, also black with a white tiara of bone. She screeeches “DAaaaaaaady” (think the paris Hilton of Balrogs).
Seeing daddy has fled, she coos “OOOh a new pet, are YOUUU taking me to get my pug dog?” Drago tries to resist but the Zombitron lets her control him like a leash. She beats on him for awhile while “cuddling”.
He agrees and she teleports them both back to the Splynn market. Drago tries resisting a few times but finds it difficult (save vs magic ss12 every action of freewill). She almost leads hiim into getting hit by a flying boat as well (go +6 sixth sense dodge roll!)
Finaly he sees a sign with a dead dog, rising up, a dead human rising up and a dead…something rising up.
The dog looks promising, so he enters the Re-animators shop (of Splynn Dimensional Market stardom). The fellow wants a hefty sum to re-animate a pug corpse he just so happens to have on hand. Drago offers him his OWN dragon hand in return for the Pug. The Re-animator agrees, and while shaking pricks Drago with something. HE then leads drago to a chained up Tatooed Ogre who makes a flaming sword and removes one of Drago’s hands.
The pug is re-animated into a grotesque greater undead zombie-pug, and while the female Paris-Balrog squeals indelight, Drago manages to escape!
HE runs outside and is hit by a flying boat maned by D-ghouls. Impaled on a unicorn head on their boats bow, he pulls himself from its horn and falls to the earth…
Finaly free, he teleports back to Tolkeen, handless and bruised. Enough Atlantis for one day…
Drago XP (30096) +50 small act of self sacrafice to escape +50 avoiding unessicary violence against balrogs (30196)